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*Our Community it.

Everything that you may making your friends enjoy

Tips: no longer require could be the Clean World.
Services Brochure valuable elsewhere.
Think, before you dispose. REMEMBER:
is about caring and
1. Don’t throw
cleaning our trash! 4. Don’t burn trash! The 3R’
envirobment. It is Don’t throw it into the street, Burning trash seems an
easy option. However,
composed of: How into the woods, into the rivers,
into the seas!  when you burn trash, it
can we keep our If you throw trash away, it returns many toxins to the >Reduce
doesn’t go away, ever.  environment.  Look to re-
surroundings clean Trash comes back, in so many cycle your trash… Don’t >Recycle
ways, and none of them good.
and How to recycle burn it!
different things. !. to use again,
2. Sort your trash! 5. Compost food
  especially in a
*Community In the Clean World we leftovers! different way or
hope to eliminate landfills Food leftovers should not
Services Brochure be thrown away, but
after reclaiming or
and view trash as a valuable
is used for us to source of new resources. composted. In the Clean reprocessing
World there is a compost
learn how to value next to every house for 2. to deminish in
3. Don’t throw every community.
different things that anything away. size,amount,extent,
can see in our 6. Co-operate with or number
everyday life, for others by suggesting 3. to reuse or make
example: planting When something is broken, alternatives! available for reuse
try to fix it! If you can’t, Be yourself but make sure
trees. then recycle it!  your friends can see your for bioligical
If you don’t need example. In the Clean activities throung
something, think of a new World everybody is
use for it or give it to
natural processes of
responsible. Be different by
somebody who might need biochemical
degration or

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