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Cooking & The Kitchen: A Women’s Role?

Cooking & The Kitchen: A Women’s

Today I want to talk about cooking, the kitchen, food and the “chores”
commonly associated with the female gender.

Since ancient times, the kitchen has been considered a sacred place where
food is cooked and family gathers. It is a shared space. It was a place where
yelling, cursing and trash were prohibited.

Today, many of us have forgotten about this concept. My grandparents used to

always keep their kitchen clean and fresh. It always smelled so good my entire
family still holds fond memories of our grandma’s cozy kitchen and the aromas
of cake and food that comes with it. People didn’t live in a constantly rushed
manner like we do now. They lived good, healthier, happier lives. Remember,
happiness and freedom are not reliant on money or wealth.

That being said I want to get back in the kitchen. So in order to achieve this
goal, or at least get started towards my goal, my first step was rediscovering
the history and soul of the kitchen. I have to rediscover the importance of
keeping it clean, the memories and nostalgia that comes with it. Cooking is an
important part of keeping your husband and family satisfied. Trust me, it
sounds ridiculous, but it’s a serious issue that modern society is facing. It is
very important for women to cook for their husbands and children. Food that
is made by woman carry huge power. Women’s cooking can increase her health,
help her husband’s wealth, and make her closer with her children.


Every time you cook, be sure to wash your hands first. You don’t want any
negative energy going into the food you are making. And remember to always
keep in mind that whatever you are doing in the kitchen, it is helping every
aspect of your family life.

If someone asks me why in the modern era, why relationships fall through
more-so than ever, the standard response would be priorities. While I agree
with that statement I also attribute this change to the fact that women have
forgotten their role in families. Now, I give you an alternative: If you want a
full life that is happy, free and interesting, try cooking for your family.

I. Look up the meaning of the following words in a dictionary:

- share:

- gather:


- yell:






- huge:

II. Do you agree with what is stated in the text? Why? Why not?


III. How have women and men´s roles changed through time? Explain briefly.


IV. As the text states: “If you want a full life that is happy, free and
interesting, try cooking for your family”. So if you were to prepare a special
dish that could delight your family, what would you prepare for them? Write
the ingredients and the preparation or instruction of that special dish:

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