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Estudiante: Freddy Chacaguasay

Tarea: Ingles.
Semester: 7mo FIA-A


Introduction This report gives the results of our recent
evaluation of the desert warer pilot
Projet objetive The aim of the project is to test a
food production system in a desert
coastal region, using only seawater, sun
and nutrients from the sea.
Tecnology The technology used in this greenhouse
project consists evaporators and a
condenser where the seawater, having
first been evaporated then condensed
providing fresh water for crops.
Hot surface seawater is used for the
evaporator and the cold deep sea water
in the pipes is used to condense
Criteria 1 simplicity - it had to mirror the
natural water cycle.
2 minimal power - use of outside
electricity sources had to be minimised.
3 seawater and sunshine the only
inputs - fresh wáter and nutrients had
to be extracted from seawater.
4 low-cost - it had to be possible to build
a greenhouse using local materials and
labour for under 35 euros persquare
Evaluation 1 The process imitated the water cycle,
using evaporation and condensation.
2 A generator was used for the fans and
pumps, but otherwise the greenhouse
powered itself, using energy from the
wind, sun and gravity.
3 All fresh water was extracted from
local seawater however soil nutrients
could not be extracted from seawater
and had to be imported to the eco-
4 The greenhouse met the target of being
built for less than 35 euros per square
Conclusion The pilot project proved to be a success
in all four criteria.

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