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101 Social Media Ideas for

Construction company Gurgaon


Social media has become a foundation in the way construction
businesses connect and communicate with existing and future
customers. Generating social media ideas for businesses in the
construction industry can be a challenge. Let’s face it…your work isn’t
always the most glamours. Don’t worry, we’ve compiled the most
comprehensive list of social media ideas for businesses in the
construction industry.

1. A Day In The Field:

People love to see what goes on during a construction project. Post a

picture of your crew tackling the task at hand.
2. Host An Internal Contest:

Contents are a great way to get people in your company and your
followers to engage with you digitally. Hensel Phelps enrolled their
Southeast District Interns in a Push Cart Race! We love the team spirit!
3. Show Progress

Don’t just show touched up images of a project once it’s complete,

show your followers the steps it takes to get there. Progress is fun to
watch and keeps viewers engaged in your company.
4. Family Photos:

Photos of your team with their families are some of the most engaged
posts that businesses share. Showing the people behind your brand
and their lives outside of work gives your current and past clients
insight into your business!

5. Shout Out To A Sub:

Show your subcontractors, manufacturers or vendors that you care
about them too! Anytime you show people in your digital marketing,
you help humanize your brand!

6. Share News From Another Source

Follows blogs like ConstructionDive, AEC-Business or ENR News and

set up a Google Alerts account to stay current on industry trends.
7. Share Party Pics

Take some photos at your next office party and share them with your
followers. It’s great for past, current and future clients to gain an
understanding into your company culture. It sure looks like Oltmans
has a great team that likes tacos on Cinco de Mayo!
8. Behind The Scenes Photo:

Post a picture of your office staff collaborating or even your new order
of construction supplies making it to your yard.
9. Give Industry Insight:
If you want your past, current and future clients to view you as the
expert in the industry, you better act like it. Consistently posting
industry insights with great graphics or imagery shows your followers
that you know your stuff.

10. Offer Detail Videos of A Trade:

Whether you’re a mechanical contractor, electrician, or general

contractor, posting a detailed insight into the tricks of the trade is
always a hit.
11. Share A Comical GIF:

When others laugh, you develop relationships. Blaming the

construction manager for a flue pipe penetrating the boss’s office is a
quick winner.
12. Show A Work/Life Balance:

From sunrise to sunset, contractors are known for working their tale
off. Showing a work/life balance helps to humanize your brand and
connect with people in their own struggle to find the balance.
13. Provide A Link To Your Most Popular Blog Post:

Blogs for contractors are important. Sharing them with your market is
even more important.

Motivational or funny quotes get tons of engagement.

15. Statistics:

Share statistics on the amount of construction underway in your

market or information on the rising cost of construction materials like
Turner has done recently on their LinkedIn profile.
16. Food

Food posts are the most shared posts on social media.Share photos of
your team lunches or when you have a special desert brought in to
celebrate a retirement. I know, you’re wondering how this helps your
business. Social media is all about showing the human side of your
business. Studies show it makes you more likable and trustworthy.
17. Link To Another News Article About Your Project:

Some of your projects get major press. Put links on your social media
to those projects to drive awareness and buzz about your company.
18. Post A Branded Image:

Your brand is your identity. Push your brand through social media
platforms by adding your logo to engaging images.
19. Infographics:

This is the hottest trend in 2017 for contractors on social media. An

infographic is a quick visual snapshot and provides customers with a
unique way to understand your message. The best infographics for
contractors tend to be those about employment trends. Check out an
example of an infographic we did on the Influence of Colors in

20. Commodity Photos:

This is best on Instagram or Facebook. Post a picture of your lumber

yard, sheet metal, or nail patterns on a new framing job.

21. Unrelated Photos:

Though you are always thinking like a contractor, your customers are
not. Post a picture of a family, a puppy, or a child doing something
humorous. These posts get a ton of shares and help to humanize your
22. Share A Company Value

Your company values help define how you interact with clients. The
more insight you can paint into the inter-workings of your company,
the better!
23. Link To A Controversial Website Or Blog Post:

Be careful and avoid party-based political posts or religion.

Contractors are best to find controversy with the labor market and lack
of training in public education.
24. Share A Trending Google Search:

This is one of the more simple but effective social media ideas for
contractors. Visit Google’s Top Charts on Construction to find out
what people are currently searching.
25. Get Into The Community

Share photos of your team in the communities in which your followers

live, doing the things they are also doing in their time away from work.
Anything to humanize your brand creates a deeper relationship with
past, current and future clients.

26. Share A Picture Of Your First Office and Staff

People love to see where you came from, especially if your company is
over 50 years old. Pictures from the 1960s and before have an
engagement rate and share ratio significantly higher than other types
of posts. We love this photo from PCL Construction, who is now one of
the world’s largest GCs.
27. Show That You Support Women In The Construction Industry

19 out of 20 professionals in the construction industry are men. Show

your followers that you value a diverse working environment and value
the women employees of your company.
28. Pick A Hashtag and Create A Recurring Post

Brasfield & Gorrie has done an awesome job with their hashtag
#buildingfamily. Keeping a recurring hashtag throughout your posts
keeps your followers engaged and shows them your commitment to
one aspect of your business.
29. Share Regular Updates On Projects People Care About

Are you doing a project at a local hot-spot or a high trafficked area?

Don’t just show before and after photos, keep your viewers updated
on the progress and show photos each step of the way.
30. Share A Favorite Book:

There are tons of books on construction and architecture. Share your

favorite and always tag the author or any companies that have
contributed to it.

31. Link To Company Documents or Publications

Social media is a great place to share your company documents and

publications that act as resources to past, current and future clients,
as well as employees and vendors. Remember, you can’t share links on
Instagram, so post the link in your profile while the post is live.
32. Get Your Employees To Guest Post:

Do an interview with your people in the field. Ask your staff to share
posts about how their experience (positive we hope) working at your

33. Share Random Tips:

Give customers the secrets to getting what they want out of a

contractor. Hint hint….they want a reliable, efficient, and honest
company to complete their job.

34. Show Projects From Your Angle

Chances are, most of your followers will never get to see your projects
from the vantage point that you do. Show your followers what it looks
like at the top (or bottom) of one of your job sites.

35. Be Historical:

The history of your company is important. Whether you started in a

pickup truck with $20 or you’re a Fortune 500-construction company
that came out the gate with millions in investments, show your
customers where you came from.
36. Be Real:

Post a picture of you and your dog or your family. Post a picture of a
mistake. Customers like to know their contractor is a real person with
real substance.
37. Post A Video Testimonial:

Ask a happy customer to put together a one-minute video about your

service. Simply use FaceTime or Skype to record the interview and
post in on social media.

38. Share A Trending Twitter Topic:

Simply hit the search icon on Twitter and see everything that is
trending at that moment. Put your spin on it as a contractor and use
the trending hashtag.

39. YouTube:
Use a construction related video or better yet, share a video of
something inspiring like a military family reunion.

40. Latest Company News:

Construction companies tend to change daily. Push the latest news to

your followers and keep them informed on all the happenings, from the
receptionists birthday to new ownership, its all worthy!

41. Weekly Round Up:

Post a list of the ‘must read’ articles for the week. As the top
contractor in your market, your relevance is crucial to the perception
others have of your business. Follow blogs on construction and stay
on top of trends.

42. Share Predictions:

Americans love their sports. Stay on top of the biggest sporting events
and share a prediction for the big game.

43. Recommend Local Businesses:

Shop Local isn’t just a trend, it’s a way of life for many Americans.
Show your love by recommending your favorite businesses in town.

44. Share “Top Secret” Renderings and Project Details

Sharing project details and renderings before, during and after a

project is completed gives your social media followers the inside
scoop on your business and projects. The feeling of inside knowledge
and information is enough to keep your followers engaged on your
social media sites.

45. Share Industry Research:

Set up a Google Alerts account for keywords like: Contractor Industry,

Construction Trends, or Construction Regulations and repurpose the
information throughout the week on your social media.
46. Interview An Employee Or Subcontractor:

Insight into the human aspect of your business is important to

humanize your brand to current and future clients.
47. Post Product Recall Notices:

The Consumer Product Safety Commission offers up to the moment

recall information on a variety of goods. Stay on top of it and post
about the latest equipment that is on the list.

48. Promote Another Business’s Specials or Features

Connect with other businesses on your social media and spread the
49. Top Fan:

Give a shout out to your top customer, whether it’s a business or

person, each month. If you did some construction work at a local
celebrity’s home, a popular restaurant or for a college football stadium
that fans love, let everyone know.

50. Share Pictures From Industry Events:

Do you attend all the AGC events or even your local Chamber of
Commerce gatherings? If so, post pictures from the event and tag
others you had the pleasure of spending time with.

51. Hold A Sale:

Residential Contractors: Rather than posting a special on mass-sites

like Groupon, why not offer 50% off through your social media to
attract more customers and shares?

52. Celebrate This Day In History:

Did you know June 17 is Apple Strudel Day? Just do a search for Today
in History and you will come up with a ton of great items.

53. Promote Awards Your Construction Company Has Received:

Winning awards is an awesome feat. Let others know you are a

credible contractor in the market.

54. Promote A Free Download:

To do this effectively, it takes time to develop information content that

your readers want and need. The best downloads are often “Do it
Yourself” cheat sheets or a “Beginners Guide To…” that save your
clients time and give them insights into a sector of their business. Get
your cheat sheet by inquiring with us.
55. Talk About Safety

Safety in every line of the construction industry is important. Showing

what your company does to keep your employees in the field safe is a
great way to provide insight into how your company is run.

56. Show A Before And After Photo

Show your viewers a completed renovation project by pairing the

photo with an original of the same building or location.
57. Celebrate All Holidays:

Show everyone that you’re a well-rounded contractor that respects all

cultures. From Hanukah to Independence Day, be sure to celebrate
them all by taking a few moments to put them on your social media
58. Support A Cause:

Giving back is important to all people and businesses. Encourage your

followers to support the causes you hold dear to your heart.
59. Post An Excerpt:

Reading the news on construction and blogs, you will find tons of
intriguing excerpts that are worth repackaging in your social media.

60. An Expert Quote:

Ask the owner of the most well established business for a quick insight
into his or her daily life. Better yet, seek out the top contractors or
clients you work with and ask them to be featured in your post.

61. Offer A Sneak Peek:

Give your followers a quick snapshot of what construction projects you

have on the horizon.

62. Show An Entire Project Team

Getting a project done, large or small, takes a team. Show your past,
current and future clients the entire team that is involved in getting a
project from start to completion.
63. Parter With A Local Company For An Event Benefiting A Good

Partnering with another company outside of the construction industry

for a good cause is a great way to give back to the community and
engage your employees outside of the office.
64. Promote An Event:

Whether its your local technical school hosting an open house to

attract newcomers to the industry or a ground breaking at a recent
project, promote it for weeks in advance.
65. Photo Collage:

There are many free and easy software’s out there to help you put
together a collage. Make one of your projects, your staff, or your
66. Take Your Branding To A Job Site

Take your branded coffee mug or notepad and snap a photo of it in the
job site.
67. Make A Construction Related Prediction:

Think the housing construction market is going to pick up? Make your
prediction and let the world know you’re an optimistic person.

68. Show The Beautiful Side Of Construction

Construction isn’t always dirty. Take a moment to show your social

media followers the beautiful side of your business, like a stunning
sunset behind one of your projects.
69. Be Opinionated (Carefully):

Share your opinion on the local bond measure or the lack of labor in
your local market. Always be mindful of others opinions and leave
yourself room to make your point.

70. Show Your Patriotic Side

Patriotic posts are a great way to show you love of America and let
people know that you care about more than just your bottom line.
Uniting your company under one flag is powerful on social media.
71. FAQ:

Is there a common question you hear from customers? Write it down

and answer it in your social media campaign.

72. Show What’s On The Horizon

Share ground-breaking photos for every new project. This keeps

people informed on what is going on in the marketplace and let’s past,
current and future clients know that you’re busy working in your field!
73. Go Live:

Utilize Facebook or Instagram live to promote an interview with

employees in your business, a job-site construction project inspection,
or a Q & A with a customer.

74. Share Funny Commercials:

The Super Bowl is historically known as the prime time commercial

viewing event. Capitalize on this event and share your favorite
commercials from the Super Bowl as a way to connect with your

75. Tell A Story:

The best construction stories don’t always happen on the job site. For
your social media, perhaps you want to share an anecdote from a
funny or motivational time in your life or growth of your construction
76. Humanize, Humanize, Humanize

When in doubt, post pictures of your people. In the digital age, face-
to-face meetings are often replaced with emails. Do anything you can
to show the humans behind your brand! Remember, people buy from
77. Share Breaking Company News

Sharing news about your company right as it comes out keeps your
social media sites relevant to your past, current and future clients.
Share information about awarded projects, new hires, community
involvement or any shift in the business as soon as it’s okay for word to
spread. Don’t wait until the news is “old news” to post on your social
78. About Us:

Most contractors have an “About Us” tab. Capitalize on this by

featuring one person a month within your company and share the link
back to your website.

79. Quora:

Quora has quickly become one of the hottest forums for questions and
answers on the web. Find some contractor related questions and
answer them on Quora and share the link/page on your social media

80. Use A Drone:

Use a drone to get a unique vantage point of your project. This photo
from Swinerton combines the human element that is so important in
social media with the vantage point of a drone. Awesome post!

81. Chart It:

One thing many established contractors do is chart their successes

and failures. Open up the curtain a bit for your social media audience
by sharing a chart on your social media with insight into your business.
Utilizing software and websites to help put a visual chart together is
highly recommended unless you have a marketing department that is
up to the task.

82. Post A Link To Old Newsletters:

Recycle your newsletters and gain new subscribers at the same time.
Don’t have a newsletter in your content marketing strategy? Contact
us now.

83. Use A Local Celebrity:

Invite a local celebrity to your next job site launch to generate more
buzz around the event.
84. Show Something Dirty

People love to see “behind the scenes” photos from your business,
not just the finished photos of projects once their complete. Post
photos of your team doing the dirty work behind getting a project
85. Did you know?:

Share a “Did You Know?” post on social media of famous contractors.

For instance, did you know George Clooney, Harrison Ford, and
Rodney King were all once construction workers?

86. Ask Fans To Help You Make A Business Decision

Customers relish feeling a sense of ownership and input into your

business, so give them an opportunity to help.

87. Share Your Successes

Trumpeting on social media about your successes – like awards – has

two benefits. It shows existing fans that they are investing in
something positive and inspirational, and it’s social proof that shows
potential fans that your brand it worth a look at.

88. Liven Up Construction Topics By Paring Them With Light-

Hearted Stuff
Not many people really WANT to read posts about the paving industry
on social media, but if your construction topic with something more
light-hearted, you make it something that people are much more likely
to pay attention to.

89. Publish A Cartoon Strip

Whether you’ve got an idea for an original cartoon yourself, or have

found something funny to share relating to the construction industry,
cartoon strips can be fun and eye-catching content.

90. Challenge Or Ask Your Fans To Take A Pledge

Everyone loves a challenge, or the chance to show that they are “in”
with a cause, so why not set a challenge to your fans that relates to
your company.
91: Create Custom Artwork, Graphics and Photos

Custom art and graphics are more labour intensive, but the results are

92: Share Something Cute

There’s nothing like making someone say “aww” that is going to tempt
them to hit the Share button. Whether it’s cute animals or humans,
experiment with how cuteness can work for your brand.

93: Create A Product or Service Diagram

Offering a new service or trying to expand a section of your business.

Diagrams are quick, easy and digestible snapshots for your fans.

94: Tell Your Fans To Come Back And Visit

The way social media news feeds are, chances are that most of your
fans will not see all of your posts. So, if you’re running a series or
sitting on some exciting news, actually reminding people to come back
and visit might just be what they need to come back.

95. Create An Explainer Image

If your service you offer can be explained in a few simple steps, than a
“step” explainer image can be a quick and fun way to break it down for
fans in a much clearer way than text alone.

96. Share User-Generated Content

Nothing pleases a fan more than to see their images re-shared on one
of your social feeds. Encourage fans to take photos at a job site and
highlight the best photos on your profile.

97. Ask Fans How They Are Feeling

Sometimes a simple “how are you?” is all you need to kick-start some
engagement on your pages.

98. Share A Gallery Of Images

Post a gallery of images that depict a launch of a new product/service,

your staff’s Christmas part or behind the scenes on a recent job site.
Fans are really interested to get a sense of your brand’s inner workings
or its culture of work.
99. Show Your Brand Giving Back

Showing that your brand reflects the ideals of your fans and has a
compassionate side it very endearing.
100. Show The Individuals Behind Your Brand

Nothing helps to bring the “social” side of social media out more than
showing the faces of the people behind your brand.

101: Be You:

The final social media idea for contractors is very simple. It revolves
around you and your business. Be real, transparent, and realistic in all
of your posts allowing customers to see a side of you they only get
when doing business with you.
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