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Student Guide

BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic

BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Overview 3
Content 4
Learning outcomes 5
Topic 1: Confirming organisational vision and mission 6
Topic 2: Analysing the internal and external environment 14
Topic 3: Writing a strategic plan 24
Topic 4: Implement the strategic plan 27
Review and assessment 31

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

The Student Guide should be used in conjunction with the recommended reading and any further
course notes or activities given by the trainer/assessor.

Topics Content

Topic 1: Confirming organisational vision and • Introduction

• What is strategic planning?

• The purpose of developing organisational


Topic 2: Analysing the internal and external • Delivering relevant information

• Political, economic, social, and
technological developments in a global

• Seeking advice

• Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

and allies

• Risks

• Co-operative ventures

• Consistency of internal and external


Topic 3: Writing a strategic plan • Writing the strategic plan

• Formulate strategic objectives

• Priorities, timeframes, roles and KPIs

• Feedback and approval

Topic 4: Implementing a strategic plan • Communication

• Briefing

• Monitor, evaluation and review

Unit review and assessment tasks

Recommended text
The following text is recommended for this unit:
Cole, K. Leadership & Management Theory and Practice. 7ed. Cengage Learning (2019):

• Chapter 2 The Internal Environment

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

The Student Guide includes:

• topics for the unit

• activities

• links to websites containing relevant information (if the links are broken, copy and paste into a
web browser).

The trainer/assessor will provide a simulated work environment therefore, the activities provided in
the Student Guide:

• reflect real life work tasks

• are performed to industry safety requirements as relevant

• use authentic workplace documentation

• require you to work with others as part of a team

• require you to plan and prioritise competing work tasks

• involve the use of standard, workplace equipment such as computers and software

• take into consideration workplace constraints such as time and budgets

• will either be self-directed or carried out as part of group or team work

• require you to read through the activity carefully and ask the trainer/assessor for guidance if

• will have time allocated for completing the activity, along with time for class discussion and
Some activities may require you to submit work to the trainer/assessor for feedback. Where this is
the case it will be indicated at the bottom of the activity.

Video clips
• If presented in class, take part in any class discussions, providing feedback and contributing to
debate and arguments.

• If directed to watch the video as part of self-study, or independently in class, take notes so
contributions to any future class discussions can be made.

The trainer/assessor will direct class roleplays.
When undertaking these activities ensure that you understand the purpose of the roleplay and take
part as if you are in a professional situation to provide your fellow classmates with a true-to-life
experience. Roleplays rely on your ability to act in a manner that imitates real-life situations and
can provide you with depth of understanding and practical skills.

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, you will be able to have the skills and knowledge required to establish the
strategic direction of the organisation, sustain competitive advantage and enhance
competitiveness. It covers analysis and interpretation of relevant markets, capability assessment of
the organisation and analysis of the organisation’s existing and potential competitors and allies. It
also covers implementation of the strategic plan and developing specific actions and initiatives that
will be undertaken by people working in various roles.
Outcomes include:

• Confirming organisational vision and mission

• Analysing the internal and external environment

• Writing a strategic plan

• Implementing a strategic plan

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Topic 1: Confirming organisational vision and mission

Strategic planning is used for a range of purposes including, for example:

• Setting priorities

• Focussing energy and resources

• Strengthening operations

• Ensuring that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals

• Establishing agreement around intended outcomes/results

• Assessing and adjusting the organisation's direction in response to a changing environment.

Strategic planning assists in making fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what
an organisation is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future.
Effective strategic planning articulates not only where an organisation is going and the required
actions needed to make progress, but also how it will know if it is successful i.e. which key
performance indicators will assess this.

What is strategic planning?

A strategic plan is a document used to communicate with the organisation, the organisations goals,
the actions needed to achieve those goals and all of the other critical elements developed during
the planning exercise.

Strategic Plan Process

Gather Fact SWOT Analysis Review Inputs

Strategic Matrix Define Strategies Review & Adjust

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Gather Inputs Strategic Matrix

• From all stakeholders • All Stakeholders

• Customer analysis • Define Strategies to address

SWOT combinations:
• Industry analysis
o Opportunities vs Strengths
• Environmental
o Opportunities vs
• Company performance
• Company strategy
o Threats vs Strengths
o Threats vs Weaknesses
SWOT Analysis
• External Analysis Define Strategies
o Opportunities
• Objectives
o Threats
• Key Strategies
• Internal Analysis
• Short and Long Term Goals
o Strengths
• Operational Plans
o Weaknesses

• Strategic Questions Final Reviews

• Strategic Issues • All Stakeholders

• Review Strategies
Review Inputs
• Review Goals
• All Stakeholders
• Review Plans
• Review Inputs
• Adjust as necessary
• Review SWOT Analysis

• Define 3-4 key statements


Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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Strategic Planning Cycle

How can we improve? Where do we want to go?


How did we do? How do we get there?

Measures &

How do we measure success?


Where do
we want to
How do we
measure Where are
what we are we now?

Strategic Planning
Process How will we
Who will do
achieve the

What are
What do we
the missing
need to do?


Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Activity: Research and discussion

Research Henry Mintzberg’s ten schools of thought. Provide a brief outline of each.
The trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion about the outcomes from the

Strategic Frameworks
These include looking at an organisation’s:

• Vision Statement

• Mission Statement

• Core values that an organisation may uphold

• Strategies to accomplish visions

• Goals; and

• Action Plans

Activity: Video

Video: How to write a good mission statement (03:51)
The trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion about the outcomes from the

Activity: Further reading and discussion

Visit the Brisbane City Council website and look at their vision and strategy:
and Westpac:
Different levels of organisational strategy:

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide
Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference.

Activity: Reading research and report

Work in pairs for this activity, dividing the work equally.

1. Review the following article which discusses what they believe are some pretty
bad mission statements:
Make a note of your discussions.
2. Research the mission statement for the following organisations (where
• Apple


• Google

• McDonalds

• Microsoft

• Coca-Cola

3. Then discuss the following responses from the following article.
Make a note of your discussions.
4. Research a good example for each of the following, using an organisation that is
relevant to your industry:
• Vision Statement

• Mission Statement

• Core values/beliefs

• Goals
5. Using one of the following, explain how you can ensure that an organisation’s
vision and mission statements are still current and supported?
• Employee engagement and commitment

• Communication filters through the organisation

• Different forms of communication is used

• Supported through leadership and management

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

• Employees are inspired and motivated.

Your report should be between 1–2 pages long and be written in clear and concise
Submit your report to your assessor trainer/assessor for feedback.

Activity: Further reading

The following link provides an overall view of stakeholders:
An example of stakeholders within an organisation:
Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference.

The purpose of developing organisational values

• Values represent the core priorities in an organisation’s culture and are very important in
strategic planning. They are to be taken into account in the company’s goals and objectives.

• A potential technique to develop values as part of the strategic planning process is to identify a
number of values and then to present them to stakeholders involved in the strategic planning
process to consider whether these values are important or to rank values in terms of their
importance. Key values can then be established.

• Another technique to develop values is to brainstorm these with the team from scratch and
then to refine them.

Activity: Group work

Divide into small groups. Ensure you divide the work equally.
Discuss each question and provide a clearly structured response to each.
1. Explain how clear organisational values, vision, mission and strategy flow down
to the business plan and operational plans. What happens when employees
don't understand, care about and/or support their organisational values, vision,
mission and strategy?
2. Select a not-for-profit organisation, a company or a public sector organisation.
Investigate and describe how it is organised and how it manages its day to day

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

operations to achieve its vision and mission. What particular challenges does it
face and what are its strategies for responding to those challenges?
3. Source an organisations strategic plan. How can you ensure that the
organisational vision and mission are still current and supported by
stakeholders? Outline the legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant
to the organisation’s strategic plan
4. Explain how a set of lasting values can drive an organisation forward; if
possible; give an example from your own experience.
5. Henry Mintzberg has said that everyone in the organisation needs to understand
and support their organisation’s strategy because, when they don't, they’ll put
something else in its place. Explain how that might happen and, if it does, what
you think the likelihood is that the replacement strategy will be well thought out
and in the best interests of the organisation.
Submit all work as professionally written documents within the timeframe allocated.
Your trainer/assessor will provide your group with feedback.

Activity: Presentations

Create a presentation that could be used to gain support for Strategic Planning.
Work in pairs and assume you work for a company that does not have a strategic
Develop a presentation to present to company stakeholders to gain support for a
proposed strategic planning process, ensuring you include information about what a
strategic plan process is and its benefits.
You can make assumptions.
Each presentation should last for at least 5 minutes and both the student and their
partner should speak during the presentation. Practice speaking clearly and
The presentation should be visually appealing with transitions, animations and
consistent styles and colours.
During the presentation you must demonstrate effective communication skills

• speaking clearly and concisely

• using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

• asking questions to identify required information

• responding to questions as required

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

• using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

If you are undertaking this activity with a team, each person in the group must
contribute equally to the design, development of the presentation and also each
member must take part in the delivery.
The trainer/assessor will observe you conducting the presentation, ask questions at
the end and provide feedback on the information presented and the presentation

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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Topic 2: Analysing the internal and external environment

Delivering relevant information

In order to determine information requirements, different strategies can be used to collect
information such as:

• Interviews

• Questionnaires

• Studying documents/records

• Observation
This can be done using both internal and external sources.

Internal sources of information

Internal sources of information that a business could use to find out about its market, competitors,
customer base, vision, values and capabilities could be from:

• Staff

• Existing strategic plans

• Internal reports

External sources of information

External sources of information that a business could use to find out about its market, competitors,
customer base, vision, values and capabilities, could be from:

• Australian Bureau of Statistics

• Austrade

• Other business’ annual reports

• Other business’ web sites.

Activity: Group work

• Research the type of external trends that may influence or affect how a
business will operate

• Look up the following types of internal trends and provide a brief summary of
o Organisational Culture
o Key result areas

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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o Core competencies
Take any notes to summarise what you have read.
Divide into small groups.

• Select an organisation of your choice.

• Research the type of external trends that may influence or affect how this
business will operate

• Determine the organisational culture and any other key internal trends that you
can identify for this organisation.

• As you research, note down the internal and external sources of information
(these can be links, emails, intranet information, ABS studies, etc).

• Structure your responses into a format that can be used to present the
information that you have collected. Type up into a professionally presented
document and submit to your trainer/assessor for feedback.

• Prepare a small presentation (this does not have to be formally presented).

Share the work equally and contribute to discussions.
Your trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion, whereby your group can
present their findings.

Activity: Research and discussion

Complete the following activity in pairs then come back as a group to discuss
answers to the following:

• What is the difference between data and information, provide a clear example

• Provide an example of quantitative data and qualitative data

• Name four primary data collection techniques and list at least three advantages
and three disadvantages of each.

• Provide some examples of secondary data collection techniques

• Read the information provided from this website about trend analysis.
Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference
The trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion about the outcomes from the

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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Political, economic, social, and technological developments in a

global context

PESTLE analysis
PESTLE analysis is a tool that a business can use to track the environment they are operating in,
which can also inform the strategic planning process and the organisation’s goals and objectives.
As with a SWOT analysis, each component of the PESTLE analysis should be researched and
understood and then strategies established and implemented to address the issues identified from
the PESTLE analysis.

Questions that could be asked as part of a PESTLE analysis include:

• What is the political situation of the country and how can it affect the industry?

• What are the prevalent economic factors?

• How much importance does culture has in the market and what are its determinants?

• What technological innovations are likely to pop up and affect the market structure?

• Is there any current legislation, regulations or codes of practice relevant to the company and
what are their impacts? Is there likely to be any change in legislation, regulations or codes of
practice for the company?

• What are the environmental issues/concerns for the company?

Activity: Further reading

PEST analysis: Identifying Big Picture Opportunities and Threats
Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference.

Activity: Report

• For Political, Economic, Social and Technological, provide at least five points
that address each factor.

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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• Describe how a PEST analysis can assist an organisation.

• Provide a list of steps that a business could follow to carry out a PEST analysis.

• Research a diagram, which illustrates the “five forces analysis”

Consider a workplace of your choice or the college you are studying. For each of the
five forces give a rating of high, medium or low. Explain briefly why you have given
the chosen rating.
Your report should be between 1–2 pages long and be written in clear and concise
Submit your report to your assessor trainer/assessor for feedback.

Activity: Report

Research an industry that has either slowed down or has been negatively impacted
in recent years by the economy. Has the same industry suffered in previous
economic downturns? Why would this occur and what trends are apparent?
Compare and contrast a company’s micro environment with a company’s macro
Your report should be between 1–2 pages long and be written in clear and concise
Submit your report to your assessor trainer/assessor for feedback.

Seeking advice
Advice can be from both internal and external sources, including management, staff, expert advice
from functional business areas; consultants, methodologies/frameworks, competitors, external
expert advice from consultants, government bodies, professional bodies, social media links such as

Porters Five forces:

Australian Bureau of Statistics:

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

SWOT analysis
Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

A SWOT analysis is designed to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a

• It involves questions such as:

o What are our strengths as a business?
o What are factors that put our business at a disadvantage?
o What opportunities exist for us?
o What threats are there for our business?

• It provides businesses with a clear view of the advantages they have over competitors and
their possible vulnerabilities.

• It is mainly used by businesses to create effective business plans/strategies and for

comparison with its competitors.

• A SWOT analysis is conducted by researching the industry to understand the market. Then
strengths, weaknesses opportunities are identified.

• Following this, strategies are established and implemented to address the issues identified
from the SWOT analysis.

Activity: Research and discussion

Work in pairs for this activity.

Consider a workplace of your choice or the college you are studying.
Conduct a mini SWOT analysis for the chosen organisation, identifying at least two
issues for each of the SWOT factors.
Reflect on how easy or hard it was to conduct the analysis.
Structure your responses and contribute your findings to a class discussion about the
outcomes from the research facilitated by your trainer/assessor.

There are risks that should be taken into account in developing and implementing strategic plans
such as:

• Economic slowdown or slow recovery

• Regulatory or legislative changes

• Increasing competition

• Damage to reputation or brand

• Failure to attract or retain top talent

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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• Failure to innovate or meet customer needs

• Business interruption

• Commodity price risk

• Cash flow or liquidity risk

• Political risk or uncertainties

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Risk management strategies

Risk management strategies that can be used when developing and implementing strategic plans:

• Budgetary control measures to ensure that business activities do not overrun budgets.

• Staff training and/or professional development to ensure that staff are appropriately trained for
business activities.

• Ongoing communication mechanisms to ensure all business activities are discussed.

Activity: Research and discussion

Work in pairs.
Consider a workplace of your choice or the college you are studying.
Conduct a value chain analysis using the following steps:

• Activity analysis break down

• Value Analysis

• Evaluate changes and plan for action

Structure your responses and contribute your findings to a class discussion about the
outcomes from the research facilitated by your trainer/assessor.

Co-operative ventures
Co-operative ventures allow a company the choice to organise themselves as a limited liability
company or as a non-legal person in which the partners are subject to unlimited liability. Partners
are then entirely liable for losses the joint venture may incur.
Issues to consider would be strategy and risk identification, cost-benefit analysis, and due

Activity: Further reading

Article: Joint ventures
Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference.

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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Activity: Research and discussion

Divide into pairs or small groups.

For each element listed in the following table, provide a list of issues that should be
covered in a due diligence review (the first has been provided as an example):

Legal Financial Technical Marketing

Business Audit reports Suppliers of Pricing strategy

documents equipment

The trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion about the outcomes from the

Activity: Research and discussion

In preparation for writing the strategic plan it is important to summarise the findings
from any research undertaken (such as customer feedback, PEST analysis, SWOT
analysis, value chain analysis, trends analysis and competitor analysis). Drafting a
list of the priority issues will provide a focus. This will also identify any gaps.
Using the priority matrix grid below, make a list of all the tasks that you need to
undertake in any given workday.

High Low


Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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Analyse the results. Is the weighting given balanced? Do you need to re-prioritise in
any areas?
The trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion about the outcomes from the

Consistency of internal and external analysis

Before going ahead with decisions about what should be included in a strategic plan, any
information requirements gathered, research, analysis of internal and external environment or
consultation with expert sources should be consistent with the perspectives of people who are
This would ensure that the research aligns with the organisational goals and objectives, culture,
values, standards and any legal compliance.
Leaders, managers and supervisors, expert consultants and internal experts would require
consultation, presentation and discussion on these matters before going ahead with writing the
strategic plan.

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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Topic 3: Writing a strategic plan

Writing the strategic plan

The following sites provide guidance on how to write a strategic plan, including formulation of
objectives and strategies, assigning priority, timeframes and roles and responsibilities and
determining performance indicators.
The following website provides a basic overview for writing a strategic plan:
Wikihow provides an easy step-by-step procedure for creating a strategic plan:
OnStrategy provides a short 4 min video explaining how to write a strategic plan.
View Apple’s SWOT analysis:
The following link provides a basic example of Google’s strategic planning process:
Planware has a sample strategic plan:

Activity: Research and report

All information researched, analysed and collated will need to be documented and
prepared for review and inclusion in the strategic plan. Writing a research report to
present findings should be structured to include all the relevant information.

• Research three sample research reports

• Identify the name of the organisation and provide a source link to the website if
this is being researched on the Internet.

• Summarise how each report is presented ie Title Page, Contents, Executive

Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations, etc.

• Are they all structured the same?

• Does the title tell you what the document is about?

• Does the introduction clearly state why the document was created?

• Does the body of the report present information in a clear, precise and logical

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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• Is the language used clear and precise?

• Overall how would you rate the presentation of each report

Spend some time researching different templates. Look at the headings and
subheadings for each section.
Create your own template from your findings that would cover everything required for
a strategic plan
Submit your report to your assessor trainer/assessor for feedback.

Formulate strategic objectives

Strategic objectives will be long-term organisational goals that support the mission and vision
statements of an organisation into specific plans.
Strategic objectives are a business need, defined in a quantifiable and measurable terms. They
need to be actionable, measurable so that the success for these can be evaluated and reviewed.

A quantifiable objective should reflect an amount of something such as:

Time: By 2021
Percentage: We will see a rise of 25% in production.
Money: And in increase in revenue.
Counts: With 8 more females in leadership positions.

Strategic objective can include:

• Financial objectives

• Customer centred objectives

• Internal or operational objectives

• HR objectives

• Technological objectives

Priorities, timeframes, roles and KPIs

Action plans can detail strategic objectives to show:

• Actions identified: Recruit more female staff

• Priorities assigned: Number 1

• Timeframes: 4 new staff recruited by December 2020.

• Responsibilities/Roles: HR

• Performance Indicators: By 2021 4 new female members of staff will be employed.

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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Developing an Action Plan:


Feedback and approval

Consultation and feedback for the strategic plan can be through:

• Meetings

• Workshops

• Presentations

• Social media platforms

• Intranet

• Newsletters

• Emails

Strategic planning should include:

• Communication

• Stakeholder involvement and engagement

• Gaining feedback

• Gaining support

Gaining support from leaders and managers will ensure that the strategic objectives and plans are
effective and successful.
Feedback received can be used to finalise the strategic plan and gain approval from managers.

Activity: Discussion

How can you encourage staff to be involved? What happens if the feedback is
negative? How much should engagement should stakeholders be given?
The trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion about the outcomes from the

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Topic 4: Implement the strategic plan

Communicating the strategic plan can include creating a communication plan to ensure clarity and
focus, engagement and participation for the implementation of the strategies.

Communication can include identification of:

• Roles and responsibilities

• Change management strategies

• Tools and techniques to support communication

• Background, history and competitive advantages of implementing the plan

• Engaging employees

• Identification and explanation of potential barriers.

• Consultation, feedback of the plan

• Reinforcement of the communication strategy.

Small Business chronicle has a step-by-step procedure for communicating strategic plans

Activity: Presentations

Work in small groups for this activity. You are to research and communicate a plan
for support and endorsement by employees.
Consider that you have to communicate the following to employees:
The organisation would like to promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace.
Identify how you could communicate this if it was part of the strategic objectives.
Create a small presentation that will be used to promote this objective, with an
overview of how it will be implemented.
You may make any assumptions.
Structure your response and present to the class.
During the presentation you must demonstrate effective communication skills

• speaking clearly and concisely

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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• using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

• asking questions to identify required information

• responding to questions as required

• using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

If you are undertaking this activity with a team, each person in the group must
contribute equally to the design, development of the presentation and also each
member must take part in the delivery.
The trainer/assessor will observe you conducting the presentation, ask questions at
the end and provide feedback on the information presented and the presentation

Briefing employees can avoid potential barriers, support engagement, empower employees and
manage any obstacles.
A process for briefing could include:
1. Invite employees to attend an informational company meeting.
2. Explain the reasons for the strategy and what is hoped to be achieved.
3. Provide specifics whenever possible.
4. Roll out the new strategy with excitement and promote effectively.
5. Explain any differences between the previous strategy and the new one.
6. Provide Q&As, allowing employees to to express their concerns and find answers together.
7. Schedule follow-up meetings.
8. Communicate and repeat the new strategy frequently

The Implementation Process

A strategic plan is of little use to an organization without a means of putting it into place.
Implementation is an essential part of the strategic planning process, and organisations that
develop strategic plans must expect to include a process for applying the plan. The specific
implementation process can vary from organisation to organisation, dependent largely on the
details of the actual strategic plan, but some basic steps can assist in the process and ensure that
implementation is successful and the strategic plan is effective.
Step 1
Evaluate the strategic plan. The first step in the implementation process is to step back and make
sure that you know what the strategic plan is. Review it carefully, and highlight any elements of the
plan that might be especially challenging. Recognize any parts of the plan that might be unrealistic
or excessive in cost, either of time or money. Highlight these, and be sure to keep them in mind as
you begin implementing the strategic plan. Keep back-up ideas in mind in case the original plan

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Step 2
Create a vision for implementing the strategic plan. This vision might be a series of goals to be
reached, step by step, or an outline of items that need to be completed. Be sure to let everyone
know what the end result should be and why it is important. Establish a clear image of what the
strategic plan is intended to accomplish.
Step 3

Select team members to help you implement the strategic plan. Make sure you have a team that
“has your back,” so to speak, and understands the purpose of the plan and the steps involved in
implementing it. Establish a team leader, if other than yourself, who can encourage the team and
field questions or address problems as they arise.
Step 4

Schedule meetings to discuss progress reports. Present the list of goals or objectives, and let the
strategic planning team know what has been accomplished. Whether the implementation is on
schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, assess the current schedule regularly to discuss
any changes that need to be made. Establish a rewards system that recognizes success
throughout the process of implementation.
Step 5

Involve the upper management where appropriate. Keep the organization’s executives informed on
what is happening, and provide progress reports on the implementation of the plan. Letting an
organization’s management know about the progress of implementation makes them a part of the
process, and, should problems arise, the management will be better able to address concerns or
potential changes.

Monitor, evaluation and review

Monitoring and evaluating the progress can ensure that the strategic objectives are being met.
This can include:

• Ensuring activities are meeting the agreed aims and objectives

• Checking that the activities are consistent with the organisational vision, mission and values

• Identification of key performance indicators and evaluation of progress.

• Encouraging improvement, compliance and progress

• Providing evidence of improvements and impacts

Evaluation and review is an ongoing process of learning, continuous improvement and

Monitoring a strategic plan can also include regular reviews to ensure that strategies are being
evaluated for their effectiveness and any changes to the business environment are monitored for
any impacts.

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
WEB: | TEL. 03 9670 8868 | EMAIL:
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Review should take into consideration:

• If the strategy has been successful or if it is evident that it is failing, and why.

• Any new opportunities that arise

• Changes to the organisation such as financial or human resources

• Changes to the external environment.

Evaluation can take the form of questions and steps to complete, similar to this example:

Activity: Research and discussion

Identify three ways that KPIs could be reinforced with incentives.

How easy is it to make changes to a plan? List a procedure/process to follow.

• Who would be responsible for evaluating the strategic plan?

• What type of methods could be used to improve the strategic plan process if it is
failing to be implemented successfully?
The trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion about the outcomes from the

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
WEB: | TEL. 03 9670 8868 | EMAIL:
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BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Student Guide

Review and assessment

The content of this unit has now been covered.

Review and completion

Allocate time for students to complete any outstanding activities, reading, role-plays, meetings,
presentations or further tasks that require observation or submission to the trainer/assessor.
The trainer/assessor should allow time to review any topics or activities undertaken by students to
consolidate their learning.

Discuss the assessment tasks

Take time to discuss each task in detail if required, and ensure that the students understand the
assessment procedures, submission instructions and deadlines.
Students should use these sessions to work on their assessment tasks, with support from the
trainer/assessor where relevant. Reasonable adjustment should be made where appropriate.

The trainer/assessor should provide as much support as is appropriate for students whilst they
undertake their assessment tasks. The trainer/assessor may have to timetable meetings or role-
play’s that require observation for assessment so it is important to ensure that this has been
considered into the lesson planning.

Provide some time at the end of the last session for housekeeping such as administrational duties,
student feedback and farewells.

Eastlink Consulting Pty Ltd ABN: 12 158 231 273, trading as Australian Institute of Language CRICOS: 03776E, RTO: 41424
ADD: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC3000
WEB: | TEL. 03 9670 8868 | EMAIL:
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