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Kwashiorkor: Protein Deficiency

Specifically, kwashiorkor is defined as a condition of deficiency or even absence of protein

intake. In fact, protein is needed by the body to repair and make new cells. This condition is
characterized by swelling under the skin (edema), due to too much fluid in body tissues.
Swelling can occur in any part of the body and generally starts in the legs.

Swelling is usually accompanied by the following conditions:

 Hair that is dry, sparse, and brittle, can even turn white or reddish yellow like corn hair.
 Rash or dermatitis.
 Easy to get angry.
 Fatigue and sleepiness.
 Growth and development disorders.
 Enlarged stomach.
 Infections that occur continuously, due to weak immunity.
 Cracked and brittle nails.
 Changed skin pigment.
 Decreased muscle mass.
 Diarrhea.
 Weight and height do not increase.

In more severe cases, people with kwashiorkor can also go into shock due to severe
dehydration. This condition requires immediate medical attention by a doctor at the hospital.


Marasmus: Lack of Energy and Protein Intake

If kwashiorkor is malnourished due to a lack of protein despite sufficient energy intake, then
marasmus is a lack of energy or calorie intake from all forms of macronutrients, including
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This condition is mostly found in children under 2 years of

Physical characteristics of people with marasmus:

 Lack of weight.
 Lose a lot of muscle mass and fat tissue.
 Stunted growth.
 Dry skin and brittle hair.
 Looks older than his age.
 Lack of energy and appears lackluster or lethargic.
 The face becomes round like an old man.
 Chronic diarrhea.

In addition, people with marasmus are prone to acute infections such as respiratory infections
and gastroenteritis, as well as chronic infections such as tuberculosis.


Kwashiorkor: Kekurangan Protein

Secara spesifik, kwashiorkor diartikan sebagai kondisi kekurangan atau bahkan tidak adanya
asupan protein. Padahal, protein dibutuhkan tubuh untuk memperbaiki dan membuat sel baru.
Kondisi ini ditandai dengan pembengkakan di bawah kulit (edema), akibat terlalu banyaknya
cairan di jaringan tubuh. Pembengkakan dapat terjadi di bagian tubuh mana pun dan umumnya
dimulai di kaki.

Pembengkakan biasanya disertai dengan kondisi berikut:

 Rambut yang kering, jarang, dan rapuh, bahkan bisa memutih atau kuning kemerahan
seperti rambut jagung.
 Ruam atau dermatitis.
 Mudah marah.
 Kelelahan dan kantuk.
 Gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan.
 Perut membesar.
 Infeksi yang terjadi terus menerus, akibat imunitas yang lemah.
 Kuku retak dan rapuh.
 Pigmen kulit berubah.
 Massa otot menurun.
 Diare.
 Berat dan tinggi badan tidak bertambah.

Dalam kasus yang lebih parah, penderita kwashiorkor juga bisa mengalami syok karena
dehidrasi parah. Kondisi ini membutuhkan perhatian medis segera oleh dokter di rumah sakit.

Marasmus: Kurangnya Asupan Energi dan Protein

Jika kwashiorkor mengalami malnutrisi karena kekurangan protein meskipun asupan energinya
cukup, maka marasmus adalah kekurangan energi atau asupan kalori dari segala bentuk
makronutrien, termasuk karbohidrat, lemak, dan protein. Kondisi ini banyak ditemukan pada
anak di bawah usia 2 tahun.

Ciri fisik penderita marasmus:

 Berat badan kurang.

 Kehilangan banyak massa otot dan jaringan lemak.
 Pertumbuhan terhambat.
 Kulit kering dan rambut rapuh.
 Terlihat lebih tua dari usianya.
 Kurang energi dan tampak lesu atau lesu.
 Wajah menjadi bulat seperti orang tua.
 Diare kronis.

Selain itu, penderita marasmus rentan terhadap infeksi akut seperti infeksi saluran pernafasan
dan gastroenteritis, serta infeksi kronis seperti tuberkulosis.

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