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Human flourishing 

is defined as an effort to achieve

self-actualization and fulfillment within the context
of a larger community of individuals, each with the
right to pursue his or her own such efforts.

Human flourishes and finds meaning in the world

that he builds.

 Aristotle taught that people acquire virtues

through practice and that a set of concrete
virtues could lead a person towards his
natural excellence and happiness.

Aristotle believed that human flourishing requires a

life with other people.

The Human Person flourishing in terms of science

and technology

Competition as a means of survival has become

Coordination is the new trend.

Eastern vs Western Conception regarding society

and human flourishing

Technology as a Way of Revealing


Principles of Human Flourishing

Dignity of human person- innate personal values or

rights which demands respect for all people,
regardless of race, social class, wealth, etc.

Common Good- sacrificing self-interest to provide

for the basic human needs of everyone makes the
whole community flourish.

Preferential Option for the Poor- when decisions


made by first considering the poor.

Subsidarity- when all those affected by a decision

are involved in making it.

 Principles of Human Flourishing

Universal Purpose of Goods- the Earth’s resources

serve every person’s needs, regardless of who
“owns” them.

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