Awakening - Heaven Is 5D, & The Sun Is The Gate

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3/7/2021 Awakening / Heaven is 5D, & the Sun is The Gate

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heaven is 5d, & the sun is the gate

26 AUG
As far fetched as this may seem, it was practice throughout ancient history time and time again.
The Mayan civilization which coherently dissappeared understood the basic properties of the transformation of

Upon cremation: your body returns to the same carbon state of the sun. Our soul is energy. According to the
theory of relativity  our spirit would incarnate through magnetic fields, and be attracted based on gravity. Heat
rises because it is attracted toward the sun. In essence, to fill yourself with light/fire, is to be magnetically
attracted to it based on the sunʼs gravity. You are shifting your body into a less dense or LIGHTer form. Mayan
civilization believed the sun to be a wormhole into another dimension. The 5th dimension to be more specific.
There are only two ways to leave this Earth and break the reincarnation cycle.
1. LIGHT yourself on fire. (carbon 12)
2. Fill yourself with carbon/LIGHT (melanin + sunlight + saved sex fluids)
Unfortunately most orthodox religions will enourage you to go toward the big bright light when you die.. 1/4
3/7/2021 Awakening / Heaven is 5D, & the Sun is The Gate
DONʼT! This is the BLACK SUN from german mythology, it is the center of earths gravity (grave). It is the
reincarnation process. The black space which you exist in during death is known as the 4th dimension. The 4th
dimension co-dependently exists within 3D  and itʼs space can only be manipulated by specific spiritual
individuals. During death, your consciousness sits in this void of time with the bright light in the middle. 28,378 Visits

You are to WAIT until you are CREMATED so your “Phenix may Rise from the Ashes”. Most people arenʼt willing
to becoming a christ being and fill themselves with the light from the sun during living life, so the method of
lighting yourself on fire will free you.
CHRISTED BEINGS (Morning Star Consciousness)

In order to achieve in-the-flesh immortality & morning star consciousness, you MUST: 
3/7/2021 Awakening / Heaven is 5D, & the Sun is The Gate

A being who's achieved christ-consciousness has awakened their kundalini sexual energy (link 2). The 28,378 Visits
serpents explained throughout theology, are not reptillian creatures, but representations of the kundalini
serpent energy. Winged serpents having raised there kundalini, and smaller serpents being
of animalistic desire. Also represented by Lucifer or Draco (also a star cluster known to suck
human consciousness) & is the equivalence of a living human messiah falling to sexual desire.
A Christed being is the only TRUE Alchemist, who has not only gained spiritual immortality through a kundalini
awakening, but has also turned the base metals of there own body (iron, copper, mercury, etc) into gold &
gained physical immortality. This is the only metal that doesnʼt rust by the compound of sulfur in the body.  A
kundalini awakening within itself is not enough, your flesh will be consumed by the eternal fire if your mind and
body have not the carbon or DNA to handle the vibrational electrical impulses of the spine & radiant light which
is to fill the pineal gland. You will however have gained spiritual immortality, and will continue to live as an
infinite being inside the sun, rather than reincarnating on Earth. Both processes must take place to become
both physically & spiritually immortal in the 3rd/4th/5th dimensional realm.
A Christ can choose to reincarnate into other worlds before finally making an ascension into the 5th dimension
for their own limitless spiritual growth. In theory, they are also immortal in the flesh, meaning if they choose,
they can stay here in 3rd dimension, and manipulate the 4th dimension as an alchemist, while freely returning
to the ʻsun planetʼ at will.
A calcified Pineal Gland will never be awakened. To decalcify the pineal and achieve perfect evolutionary health,
I suggest visiting this DOCUMENT

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the-crab4 said: I donʼt innerstand what u mean by saving sex fluid, does it mean, there will not be any
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3/7/2021 Awakening / Heaven is 5D, & the Sun is The Gate

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