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Student Name:__My Khanh Nguyen_______________ Subject: Analysing Business

Data (BUS1BAN)
Student ID:___20751837_________________ Workshop Day &

Test Your Knowledge- Study Session 1

These questioned are related to the contents available in videos / presentations / transcribed notes
of Study Session 1. You are required to ANSWER the followings in the space provided and SUBMIT
your answers to your workshop facilitator in face-to-face workshop - Study Session 1, as an evidence
of pre-workshop learning.

Video 1.1 (Introduction to Statistics)

1. Statistics is about getting information from data to (circle the most appropriate answer)
A. make informed decision.
B. calculate the mean of a data set.
C. impress others.
D. sell it to others.

2. Statistics is the science of (circle the most appropriate answer)

A. collecting data.
B. analysing data.
C. drawing conclusions from the data.
D. all of the above.

3. The ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) publishes data that it collects on different aspects
related to the Australian economy, people, health, environment & energy, regions and
industry. This is classified as (circle the most appropriate answer)
A. Primary data.
B. Secondary data.
C. Experimental data. D. Unpublished data.

4. The World Bank publishes data on a number of macroeconomic variables collected by other
organizations such as the central banks of member countries. This type of data is classified
A. Primary data.
B. Secondary data.
C. Experimental data. D. Unpublished data.
5. Data Types: When you measure the yield of different types of rice without any control
factors, you are conducting
A. an observational study.
B. an experimental study.
C. An observational and well as experimental study.
D. Neither observational nor experimental study.

6. The Australian and Competition and Consumer Commission receives complaints from
consumers who claim that the average weight of AB tuna cans weigh less than what is
advertised by the producer. The commission investigates by randomly selecting 100 tuna
cans produced by the company and used their average weight to get an estimate of the
average weight of all the cans being produced by the company. Answer the following.

What is the population of interest in this case? The cans that are produced by the
What is the sample in this case? 100 randomly selected tuna cans.
What is the statistic in this case? Inferential statistics.
What is our parameter of interest in this case? All of the can that produced by the

7. Suppose you work for The Australian and Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
The commission receives a complaint from a group of consumers who claim that the average
weight of tuna cans of a particular brand weighs less than what is advertised by the
producer. You are asked to investigate the claim. You selected a random sample of 100 cans
from the market and calculated its average weight. You found that the average weight of
tuna cans in your selected sample is less than what is advertised by the can producer and
concluded that the claim is true. This is an example of:
A. Descriptive statistics.
B. Inferential statistics.
C. A census.
D. A population parameter.
Video 1.2 (Types of Data)
8. Identify the type of data for each of the following

Price of a statistic textbook Numerical data
Average weight of students in BUS1BAN class Numerical data
Waiting time at a medical practice Numerical data
Quality of service provided at a medical practice Ordinal data
Marital status of respondents in a survey (Married, single, widowed or Nominal data
Marks scored by students in a statistic class Numerical data
Quality of a subject rated by students as Excellent, Good, Poor or very poor. Ordinal data

9. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. All calculations are permitted on numerical (quantitative) data.
B. All calculations are permitted on nominal (categorical) data.
C. The most important aspect of ordinal data is the order of the data values.
D. The only calculation permitted on categorical data is counting the number of observations or
calculating the proportion of observations that lie within each category

Video 1.3 (Introduction to Sampling)

10. Suppose your subject requires you to complete your pre-tutorial work before attending
tutorials. Your tutor is interested in assessing whether or not students have properly worked
through the pre-tutorial tasks. Due to time constraint, your tutor is unable to assess each and
every student. The class is comprised of 50% female and 50% male students. The tutor may use
one of the following strategies. Determine the type of sampling plan used in each of the
following scenarios.

The tutor decides to randomly select any four students by Simple random sampling
their student id numbers from a hat containing all id
numbers of students registered in the tutorial.

The tutor separates students into male and female and Stratified random sampling
randomly select two students from a hat that contains male
student ids only and two students from a hat that contains
female student ids only.

Noticing that the student work in five group of 4 members Cluster sampling
on separate tables, the tutor decides that it is more efficient
to number the tables from 1 to 5 and randomly select one
table from a hat that contains the numbers 1 to 5 and assess
all the four students on the table.

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