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(The following is a summary of Dei Verbum, of the Second Vatican Council. It retains the
original chapter and numbering according to the actual ordered sections of the document.)
1. The joys and the hopes and the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age are identical to
that of the followers of Christ. This community, the Church, because of this, is truly linked with
mankind and its history by the deepest of bonds.

2. Therefore, this Second Vatican Council intends to communicate to those who are sons of the
Church and invoke the name of Christ, and all of humanity, the role of the Church in the modern

3. This Council can provide no better proof of its solidarity with and love for man and the world
than to discuss the problems that plague her. So, this Sacred Synod offers to mankind the
assistance of the Church in fostering that brotherhood of all men.

Introduction The Situation of Men in the Modern World

4. The carry out this task that Church, scrutinizes in the signs of the times in the light of the
Gospel. The change is spreading rapidly throughout the world, and with this transformation,
serious difficulties in its wake. Never has such an abundance of wealth and yet proportion of
poverty struck mankind. New forms of social and psychological slavery make their appearance.

5. Intellectual formation, the mathematical and natural sciences, and technologies that stemmed
from the science are becoming more and more important. With these new advances there has
risen a new series of problems calling for the of efforts analysis and synthesis.
6. By this very circumstance the traditional local communities experienced more thorough
changes every day. New and more efficient media in social communication are contributing to
the knowledge of events in many men are being introduced to these changes in their manner of

7. Changes in attitudes and values for human structures are frequently called into question
especially among young people. Institutions, laws, and modes of thinking arise, even in the
norms of behavior. These have their impact on religions and woman the arch even a vivid sense
of god there are many others who are growing in the denial of god for religion. As a consequence
many people are shaken.

8. This development, coming so rapidly, begets and intensifies contradictions and balances in the
world. For families in discord, population, economic and social pressures arise. Also, differences
between races, social orders, between wealthy nations and those who are needy become

9. The modern world can be said to be both powerful and week at the same time, due to the
independent and brand new nations seeking an involvement with the affairs of existing nations
and people hounded by hunger calling upon those who are better off.

10. The imbalance in the world is a reflection of the imbalance that man contains within himself.
The church believes that the key to untying this knot is through Jesus Christ.

Part I – The Church and Man’s Calling

11. Faith puts everything into perspective, shining light on man’s vocation, and directing the
mind to solutions that are human. This council wishes to assess those values which mean most to
man and relate them too their divine source. These values are exceedingly good, but are often
kept hidden in man’s heart.

12. Scripture teaches us that man was created in the image of God, is capable of knowing that
Creator, and has been given dominion over earthly creatures for God’s glory. But God did not
make mankind in the solitary way, but created both man and woman as companionship produces
a primary form of communication, and this manifests the social being who must relate to others.

13. Man was created in the state of holiness by God, but man did not glorify God, and as
inclinations towards evil. As a result, all human life displays a dramatic struggle between good
and evil. But the Lord came to heal and strengthen and cast out all bondage that holds him in sin.

14. Although man is made up body and soul, man is one, and is not allowed to despise his body,
and is obliged to use it in good and honorable service as God created it. But man is still
susceptible to rebellious stirrings in his body. But man is correct to regard himself as higher than
other creatures, for it is in the depths of his interior qualities where he enters into discovering his
own heart, discerns his destiny, and is therefore not under any delusion or fantasy in laying forth
the truth in this matter.

15. By his intellect, man surpasses the material universe, and has made leaps and bounds in
technological, artistic, and scientific discoveries and developments. Still, he is always searching
for truth and discovering more questions to be answered, which due to sin, is partially obscured.
This wisdom and seeking of knowledge steeps man in the orientation of love for what is good
and true. This era of man needs this more than any other.

16. It is in his conscience that man discovers a law which he does not impose on himself, but
which holds in obedience nonetheless, to avoid a good and evil, to obey it, and to be judged by it.
Man can also remain ignorant to it, willingly.

17. Only in true freedom can man direct himself towards goodness. Man achieves such a dignity
when he pursues his goal in what is good and perky risk for himself what is appropriate to help
reach that end by God’s grace.

18. Man rightly follows the intuition of his heart when he abhors and repudiates the law in total
disappearance of his own person. Man seeks pleasure which cannot be found in mere matter.
Although death beggars the imagination, the Church holds firm in her teachings that God created
man for a blissful end, far beyond earthly misery. This bodily death will be vanquished by God,
who calls man to join him in the sharing of an endless divine life which was won by Christ when
he rose in victory.

19. The root reason for the dignity humans is in man’s call to communion with God, for man
would not have existed without God’s ever present love. For this reason the topic of atheism
must be dealt with. Those who intentionally shut out God from their hearts and dodge religious
questions are not following the dictates of their own consciences and are not free of blame.

20. Modern atheism takes a systematic approach to the desires of human experience, stretching
them against any dependence on God. Among the modern forms of atheism should not be
overlooked those forms which replaced God with the idea of economic and social emancipation.
This life philosophy is folly and deceptive.

21. The Church has already repudiated and cannot cease to, as firmly as possible, renounce the
poisonous doctrines that contradict reason and dethrone man. Recognition of God is in no way
hostile to man’s dignity, for man was created to be a free number of society, and is called to
communion with God to share in His happiness. The remedy applied to atheism is to seek a
proper presentation of the Church’s teaching as well as the integral life of the members. This is
best done through the brotherly charity of the faithful who are united in spirit. While professing
against atheism, the Church holds strong that believers and non-believers alike ought to work for
the betterment of the world, when which cannot be realized apart from sincere and prudent

22. Only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light. Christ, who
is the image of the invisible God, restores man to divine likeness in his perfection. He is united
with every man in many ways, having worked with human hands, fought with a human mind,
acted with a human choice, and love with a human heart; like us in all things except sin. By
suffering for us He did not only provide an imitation for us to follow, He blazed a trail, which if
we follow, life and death take on the new meaning. This is true not just for Christians but for all
men of good will in whose hearts God works in an unseen way. For in a manner only known to
God, he offers the possibility of being associated with the Paschal mystery. Such is the mystery
of man.
Chapter II – The Community of Mankind

23. The world is growing in independence of one another by way of technological advances. But
man does not reach perfection of this progress except by interpersonal relationships. This
Council will call to mind basic truths and their implications for today.

24. God wills that all people live as a family and treat each other with brotherhood, and are
called to the same goal: Himself. For upon mankind, He inserted likeness between divine persons
and unity for His sons in charity and truth.

25. The progress of the human person and the advance of society hinge on the social nature of
man. Among these, mankind depends on the political and familial communities. This mutual
importance is increasing day by day and, which we call socialization, and are not without its
dangers for human rights. Because these affairs are flawed by the consequences of sin, strenuous
efforts and the assistance of grace are necessary.

26. Everyday human interdependence grows all over the world. The effort for the common good
must take into consideration the general welfare and aspirations of other groups. To all men there
must be made available everything necessary to live a truly human life.

27. Everyone must consider their neighbor as more important than themselves. Whenever is
opposed to life, such as any type of murder, genocide, abortion, euthanasia, or wilful self-
destruction, whatever violates the integrity of the human person, such as mutilation, torments
inflicted on the body, attempts to coerce the will itself; whatever insults human dignity, such as
subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution, the
selling of women and children; as well as disgraceful working conditions, where men are treated
as mere tools for profit, rather than as free and responsible persons; all these things and others of
their like are infamies indeed. They poison human society, but do more harm to those who
practice them with them those who suffer from the injury. Moreover, they are a supreme
dishonor to the Creator.
28. Respect and love should be offered to those who did not think as we do, even in religious
matters, and of this love does not render us indifferent to truth and goodness. This also requires
us to forgive each other.

29. Since all men possess a rational soul and are created in God’s likeness, basic equality must
receive greater recognition. Though it is true, not all are alike in physical, intellectual, and moral
resources. Nonetheless, every sort of discrimination must be eradicated, and institutions must
labor to preserve the dignity and purpose of a man.

30. No one should contain themselves as an individual when it comes to the common good. But
this development cannot occur unless men cultivate moral and social virtues and promote them
and society.

31. For men to discharge the obligations of their conscience they must be carefully educated to a
higher degree of culture, especially youth.

32. So from the beginning of salvation, God chose men not individuals, for a covenant
consummated in Jesus Christ. He founded a community of love after his resurrection, through
His Body which is the Church.

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