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V2 Abhishek “Hh BULKING OF SAND '9\cva0) AIM + te observe bulking 0} Sand jor the given ample 24 Sand and ptot bulking of Sand cure for ct. APPARATUS : Mearuring cyUindey Cbtg ond small) , bowl. TS-CODE REF: IS 2386 (Pant In) = 1963 Cneppirmed 199%) THEORY : cr inchi iy bullerng of Band tndicates an Apporunt wncreane % vokume Adrd due to fotmation of thin layers Of, Waker around sand Particles Adjustment of fine agregate (bulking correction) adjustment OL hire aggragade Csand ) Undicaten appropriate Change in the POPOTKion a, fine Aggregaic in the Concrete , to Compensake its bulking eLeck PRoceDurE : ° take Soo gq sand from the given Aampte ond poured ae meapuning jor Gnd the dnitial volume i% noted . 2 the sand i, emptied to bowk of and 27 of its wt. Of, Sand which i equol Ome 4, woakey thok & Qdded and ativred well . Tha Sand ® poured back into the measuring Jan land the vob- & noted © The procedune i@ continued by adding 2% of, water each time Unite the Volume attains a maximum valite Gnd finally comer back to tts inital volume. Scanned with CamScanner Abhishek “1 [4Icvaor = UWeigh | Volume | Percentonge vee a vie eal of 4, Oe sal ey | VOR | tating sont sand | Coen) OF | NE [On| te 89 (gr) Ai (ce) am) cee) Sy ee 500 250 2 440 40 2H 500 350 4 4az0 \20 34. 2d7- S00 250 6 480 0 aah 500 | 350 % 430 | 120 34-287. 500 250 \o 460 \I0 %\.427- 500 350 12 440 qo LSA. S500 350 \6 4230 30 22-357 S00 350 @ 4©430 | SO 22-357 500 350 20 4\0 60 Va 500 350 22r Bo 30 3-947-| L Scanned with CamScanner ABHISHEK - H INcvao} & The corresponding maading for chang? in vokume Gnd percentage of watter added taken in ortdnede Gnd abscissa respectively toget bulking of Sand Curve. CALCULATIONS Percentage Change 8 volume (Va - Vs) ee Percentage change = 440-350 y gg 350 e258 317 Rest: = 34-147 Max. bulking 0, Sand = Volume o\ Worker # = 0:29 time, Scanned with CamScanner b Name : Date ;| CLI Scanned with CamScanner CV216 Abhishek. H SIEVE ANALYSIS oF Vie FINE AGGREGATES bn AM ; to determine particle sige distrtbution and finow Modulus of the given sample of, fine aggregate by Steve Gancaly 9 , APPARATUS : Steve (ay pen IS 460- 1985), Weighing batane, brush , and vibyator. TS-cODE REF: TS 2386 (Pext]) - 1963 ( seal crmed 1994) THEORy : ° fthenesy modulus i& Qn emperucal factor obtained by Adding the Gmmulative percentage of aggregate setained fh each 9 the Standard alever anc divery the Sum by 100. Smatter Hegre of ftneney Modulus finer the Gqgregate . Steve analysts % Conducted ar gtven in TS 2386 (Dant -I) and fineness moduld & calculated. Finenem modulus = 2 Cumulative percentage by weigh selcuhert 100 © Sok Clawapicaion + the Uniformity co-efficient (Cu) and the Co- ehh of Curvature (Cc) ane the measures of, Soil Gs well of 800 gradation, Jhere co- effictents help to clarsify the S0i2 as well graced or poorly graced one Scanned with CamScanner Abhisheule - ORSERVATIONS : 1Cvao | TRG . ——+ | Wop | Peventage | Curnenulative erconto | SieveSige | ogrdse | ogre ple| ‘porcent ren (7 | raat ig) | eee 62) i" woe 5 | | 44S mm 56 56 | §6 O44 | 2Remm] 88 Bt 14-4 BSE | i Vismm | 934 74 ANS SB-2 | °. | | 6mm | a7 | 342 | QI 19, | (OS mm i i BT tes 999 21 | OAS mm 16 | | V6 94-4 0-6 | O-OFSmm{ 2 oO . a4 6 | ae | LP \ “7 4 o-4 100 | oO \ m tokat Useight 4 Rand = (0004, t TRIAL-2 wo perantaga | Cummulehue [oo oO Sieve sige cggreyate 4 oagreg poaslage ee | rebained | ootainat cr) | © Gr fone (7) | 475mm! 54 sq Sq 449 4 { 236mm) SF | %F 14-6 35.4 : \ABmm | 240 24 46 58.4 | Omer | 340 a4 30 19 | O-3 mm UH AY ; ‘ { 94-4 ones O'S mm 1¢ 3 99-5 | : os i OS rm 2 O.2 99.4 0-3 { Pi ‘an | 3 03 \00 ° ae a airerennmns Scanned with CamScanner Abhishek “H " . Sniformity co-el, Cys Deo 08 aa — So CO- el Ol curvature Ces DE 0-42 Dax Oy OR KOIS © es Cys ie DB for well graded Sard Vs Ce 23 (wet graded) to * lx of Soil the portider are finer thon this size O35 = Zor Of B%L Particles ore finer than this size Deo = Gov O, Sot, the particles are jinen than this Se . ~ TS386-IAO specifications for fine aggregute from tources ten PRE pas DESIGNATION | caaoinezonte-t| GRADINGZONCa) GPADINERONE 3 | GRADING 20Ne 4 ; {0 mn 100 loo 100 loo 445 1m M0 -160 0-100. 0-l00 QS -100 2-26 1m 60-45 45-100 85-100 AS - 100 \ mn 30-40 55-10 AS = 100 % - co 600 micron 15-34 35-54 6 -At 80-160 Oo micvon 8-20 8-30 \2-40 IS-50 150 micron 9-10 o-10 O-10 L o-'s 2 ~ PROCEDURE : © the samphe Shall be brought to Oir - dry condi tions before Weighing and sleving- © this tnay be Acheived either by dayting at ‘oom ten. oT by heating at a temp of 100" 10%. The air dry Rample shall be Weighted And sieved. o Succemively on the appropriate Steves starting with. tre, Las sert Abhishek -H (41Cr20 | Sets, of Bierer, CALCULATION S Arid - 4 finaws mod = % any loo 2 5306 | a > 5.396 tr tol-2 finery mod = 539.6 Too * SSN6 Gig. = 3396 45.396 ' "% _y = $396 Scanned with CamScanner ° Cane shal be taken to ensune that the Sever Ae ean bepore ure. Steving % Crnied out with a net of Sieve on G machine for Mot Leys than ten min. we ahaeing shalt be done with a varied motion and and forwands ; hejt to right ciralan and Gnti clockwise and wcth herquent jarung jung, $0 that the makeriog & kept moving over te steve Sur hace Oy frequently chan ging direction. materials Shalt not be forced Hnough the serve. Light brushing woth a fine camel hairbrush may be Used on the eve to clean the blocked sieve holes. on completion of, the sceveng » the matouel retained on each steve , together with any material cleaned {20m the mesh, Shall weight . RESuct: Finenend moduli of the availabe sample 4 the pie aggregate ig: 5-396 The sieve analysig conducted on the give sampke Shows the trend of grading gone = zon type of pine aggregate = ver Sat. Scanned with CamScanner porcentpoming by Weight (%\—> 2 SIEVE _ANALYSSS Des! DsPie six (rm) Abhishek Hixerman] Iticva0 | on OL Scanned with CamScanner i ichole- 4 BAS Hee aol 00-7, 7 g 8 & Sc PERCENTAGE Passing (72) e 8 6 20" cy 18 Ta! le on. ‘ob SIZE (rem) —> Scanned with CamScanner

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