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CIVIL LAW REVIEW natural and primary right and duty of parents in the

MODULE NO. 2 rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the
development of moral character shall receive the support
Effectivity of Family Code Article 15, 1987 Constitution
August 3 1988
Section 1
MARRIAGE The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation
Marriage in General of the nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity
Dual concept: and actively promote its total development.
As a contract As a social institution
It is a special contract Marriage in this jurisdiction
between a man and a is not a mere contract, but
woman entered into in a social institution in which Section 2
accordance with the law for the State is virtually Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the
the establishment of interested. This interest foundation of the family and shall be protected by the
conjugal and family life proceeds from the State.
constitutional mandate that
the State recognizes the Marriage Distinguished from Ordinary Contract
sanctity of family life and of Marriage Contract Ordinary Contract
affording protection to the 1. Only two persons of 1. May be entered into by
family as a basic opposite sex may enter into any number of persons,
autonomous social a contract of marriage, and whether of the same or
institution. but one such contract may different sex.
exist at the same time.
Constitutional Provision Protecting Marriage and 2. The nature, 2. The parties are free to
Family. consequences and establish such stipulations,
Section 12, Art 2 1987 Constitution incidents of marriage are clauses, terms and
The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall governed by law and not conditions as they may
protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous subject to an agreement deem convenient provided
social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the they are not contrary to
mother and the life of the unborn from conception. The Exception: With respect to law, morals, good customs,

property relations, the public order or public Essential Void
parties may fix the same policy. Formal Void
within the limits provided
under the Family Code. Exception: even if the
3. Cannot be revoked, 3. The parties may, by solemnizing officer has no
dissolved or otherwise mutual agreement, authority, the marriage is valid if
terminated by the parties, terminate an ordinary either or both parties believed in
but only by the sovereign contract. good faith that the SO has the
power of the State. legal authority to do so.
4. Marriage is not a mere contract, but also a social
institution Defect in Consent voidable
Irregularity in Does not affect the validity but
Presumptions favoring marriage: FORMAL party responsible shall be civilly,
1. That if a man and a woman deport themselves as criminally and administratively
husband and wife, they are presumed, in the liable.
absence of counter-presumption or evidence
special to the case, to be in fact married.
2. That the law favors the validity of marriage217 and B. Formal Requisites (Article 3, FC)
the burden of proof to show the nullity of the
marriage rests upon the party seeking its nullify. 1. Authority of the solemnizing officer;

2. A valid marriage license except in the cases provided for

in Chapter 2 of this Title; and

3. A marriage ceremony which takes place with the

appearance of the contracting parties before the
Requisites of Valid Marriage (Arts. 1.34,FC)
solemnizing officer and their personal declaration that
A. Essential Requisites (Article 2) they take each other as husband and wife in the
1. Legal capacity of the contracting parties who must be a presence of not less than two witnesses of legal age
male and a female; and
2. Consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage
officer - means that the parties must have attained the age
ABSENCE requirements and that there should be no legal
impediment to marry each other

"Jennifer" to "Jeff." Biologically, nature endowed
REQUISITES OF LEGAL CAPACITY respondent with a mixed (neither consistently and
To be capacitated to contract marriage, the parties must categorically female nor consistently and categorically
be: male) composition. Respondent has female (XX)
1. a make and a female chromosomes. However, respondent's body system
2. at least 18 years of age naturally produces high levels of male hormones
3. must not be suffering from any legal impediments (androgen). As a result, respondent has ambiguous
mentioned in Article 37 and 38 of the Family Code genitalia and the phenotypic features of a male. But in
respondent's case, he has simply let nature take its
SEXES OF THE PARTIES course and has not taken unnatural steps to arrest or
 Same Sex Marriage is not recognized as valid interfere with what he was born with. And accordingly, he
here in the Philippines, even if the solemnized has already ordered his life to that of a male. In this kind
abroad and valid there as much. It is not of situation, according to the Court, the determining factor
considered as marriage under Philippine laws in his gender classification would be what the individual,
because marriage pertains to a special contract of like respondent, having reached the age of majority, with
a permanent union between a man and a woman good reason her sex.

In Silverio v. Republic, it was held that in this jurisdiction

there is no law legally recognizing sex reassignment and AGE OF THE PARTIES
its effect. Citing the Register Law (Act 3753), the Court  if any party is below 18 years of age, the marriage
held that the sex of a person is determined at birth, done is void even the same is with consent of the
by 'the birth attendant (the physician or midwife) by parents and even if it be solemnized outside the
examining the genitals of the infant. If the determination Philippines and is valid there as such.
of a person's sex made time of his or her birth is not  minimum age of for marriage is reckoned on the
attended by error, the same is immutable and may not be date of the marriage and not on the date of filing of
changed by reason of a sex reassignment surgery the application for a marriage license

Republic of the Philippines v. Jennifer Absence of legal impediments

Cagandahan ,however, the Supreme Court allowed the If the parties are suffering from the impediments
correction of entries in the birth certificate of respondent mentioned in Articles 37 and 38 of the FC, the marriage
to change her sex or gender, from female to male, on the is void, even if the marriage is solemnized outside the
ground of her medical condition known as Congenital Philippines and valid there as such.
Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), and her name from

LEGAL IMPEDIMENTS adopted child and the
 Those marriages falling under: adopter;
Article 37 of the Family Article 38 of the Family
Code Code (7) Between an adopted
child and a legitimate
Marriages between the The following marriages child of the adopter;
following are incestuous shall be void from the
and void from the beginning, beginning for reasons (8) Between adopted
whether relationship of public policy: children of the same
between the parties be adopter; and
legitimate or illegitimate: (1) Between collateral
blood relatives whether (9) Between parties
(1) Between ascendants and legitimate or illegitimate, where one, with the
descendants of any degree; up to the fourth civil intention to marry the
and degree; other, killed that other
person’s spouse, or his
(2) Between brothers and (2) Between step-parents or her own spouse.
sisters, whether of the full or and step-children;
half blood.
(3) Between parents-in- Consent
law and children-in-law;
If there is no consent, no marriage
(4) Between the adopting
parent and the adopted Thus, if the marriage is
child; contracted through mistake
of one contracting party
(5) Between the with respect to the actual
surviving spouse of the physical identity of the
adopting parent and the other, the marriage is void
adopted child; because there is no real
(6) Between the If consent was given by a such consent is defective,
surviving spouse of the party who is at least 18 but thus rendering the marriage

below 21 but without voidable that they comply with all the legal requisites are
parental consent equally valid.
If consent was given by a the same is defective, Love, though the ideal consideration m a marriage
party who was of unsound rendering the marriage contract is not the only valid cause for marriage. Other
mind at the time of the voidable considerations, not precluded by law, may validly support
celebration of the mardage a marriage.'
If consent was given but it voidable because the
was vitiated by fraud, force, consent is defective Valid Marriage License
intimidation or undue
influence effect
If the marriage was
celebrated without a VOID
In Republic v. Albios, where a citizen of the Philippines marriage license
got married to an American citizen solely for the purpose If marriage license was
of acquiring American citizenship in consideration of a spurious or fake
sum of money, it was alleged that the marriage was void If there is mere irregularity The validity of the
because it was one made in jest and consent was in the issuance of the marriage shall not be
therefore lacking. In declaring the marriage to be valid, marriage license affected but the party/ies
the Court ruled that that there is no law that declares responsible for the
a marriage void if it is entered into for purposes other irregularity shall be civilly,
than what the Constitution or law declares, such as criminally or
the acquisition of foreign citizenship. administratively liable .

While the avowed purpose of marriage under Article 1 of In Alcantara v.

the Family Code is for the couple to establish a conjugal Alcantara,the petitioner in
and family life, the possibility that the parties in a that case attempted to
marriage might have no real intention to establish a life demolish the probative
together is, however, insufficient to nullify a marriage value of the marriage
freely entered into in accordance with law, license by claiming that
Thus, marriages entered into for other purposes, neither he nor respondent
limited or otherwise, such as convenience, is a resident of Carmona,
companionship, money, status, and title, provided Cavite where the marriage
license was allegedly

obtained. The Court ruled or municipality marriage is still
that the issuance of a where either valid because
marriage license in a city contracting there is mere
or municipality, not the party habitually irregularity in a
residence of either of the resides. formal requisite
contracting parties, and which does not
issuance of a marriage affect the validity
license despite the 2.If abroad, in the of the marriage.
absence of publication or office of the Marriage license
prior to the completion of consular shall be valid in
the 10day period for officials. any part of the
publication are considered Philippines.
mere irregularities that do
not affect the validity of Noncompliance:
the marriage. Marriage is still
valid in the PH if
 Note that the solemnizing officer does not even the same is valid
have to investigate whether or not the license has in the place
properly been issued by the local civil registrar. where the
 All the solemnizing officer needs to know is that marriage is
the license has been issued by the competent solemnized.
official, and it may be presumed from the issuance Period of Marriage license A marriage
of the license that said official has fulfilled the duty effectivity is valid only for a celebrated after
to ascertain whether the contracting parties had period of 120 the expiry date
fulfilled the requirements of law. days from date of the license is
of issue and is VOID.
COMPLIANCE cancelled at the
Subject Matter Rule Effect of non- expiration of said
compliance period.
Place of 1.If local, in the If obtained Requirement of If any party is If the license is
issuance LCR of the city elsewhere, the PARENTAL below 21, issued

CONSENT parental consent notwithstanding which does not
must be the absence of affect the validity
exhibited to the the parental of the marriage/
LCR consent, the Req.of The certificate of In the absence
marriage is certificate of marriage of such
VOIDABLE marriage counselling is certification, the
because lack of counselling required if any issuance of the
parental party is 25 and license shall be
consent, not below suspended for
because of the 3 months from
irregularity in the the completion
issuance of the of I the
license. publication of
Requirement of Ig any party is If parental the application.
PARENTAL between 21 and advice is not If the license is
ADVICE 25, parental obtained or od issued without
advice is the same is not observing the
required. favorable, the three-month
marriage license suspension
shall be issued period, the
only after 3 marriage is still
months following valid because
the completion this is a mere
of the publication irregularity in a
of the formal requisite
application. If which does not
issued earlier, affect the validity
the marriage is of the marriage
still valid Publication of The application If the license is
because thee is application for for the issuance issued prior to
a mere issuance of of the marriage the completion
irregularity in a license license must be of the period of
formal requisite published for 10 publication, the

consecutive marriage is still that they had
days and the valid because duly received
license shall be this is a mere adequate
issued only after irregularity in a instructions and
the completion formal requisite information in
of the period of which does not responsible
publication affect the validity parenthood,
of the marriage family planning,
Req.of If either or both The absence of breastfeeding
certificate of parties are a cert of legal and infant
legal capacity citizens of a capacity is nutrition.
to contract foreign country, merely an
marriage a certificate to irregularity in Duty of Local Civil Registrar in Case There is
contract complying with Impediment:
marriage must the formal  The local civil registrar is required to issue the
be submitted. requirement of marriage license after the completion of the 10-day
procuring a period of publication, even if any impediment is
marriage license known to him or brought to his attention, unless
which will not the court will order otherwise at the instance of the
affect the validity local civil registrar or that of any interested party.
of marriage.
Req. of No marriage Absence of such Marriages which are exempt from license
certificate of license shall be is merely an requirement:
compliance in issued by the irregularity in Nature of Requisites/ reminders
attending LCR unless the complying with marriages
family planning applicants the formal 1. marriages in 1. Marriage remains valid even if the
seminar. present a requirement of articulo mortis ailing party subsequently survives
Certificate of procuring a 2. In lieu of the license, the solemnizer
compliance marriage license must execute an affidavit stating
issued for free which will not that:
by the local affect the validity a) He performed the marriage
Family planning of the marriage. in articulo mortis and
officer certifying b) he took steps to ascertain

the ages, relationship and communities cultural communities; and
absence of legal b. Marriage must be solemnized in
impediments of the parties. accordance with their customs, rites
The absence of such affidavit is a or practices.
mere irregularity which will not affect
the validity of the marriage. Reminder:
Marriages in Requisite: In case of a marriage between a
remote places The residence of either party is so Muslim and a non-Muslim:
located that there is no means of Article 13(2) of the Code of Muslim
transportation to enable such party to Personal Laws, or
appear personally before the local RD. No. 1083, provides that the
civil registrar. Family Code of the Philippines (in lieu
of the Civil Code of the Philippines)
In lieu of the license, the solemnizer shall apply in case such marriage is
must execute an affidavit stating that: solemnized not in accordance with
a) the residence of either party is Muslim law or the Code of Muslim
so located that there is no Personal Laws.
means of transportation to Since the Family Code applies in this
enable such party to appear situation, the marriage is not exempt
personally before the local civil from the requirement of a marriage
registrar; an license.
b) he took steps to ascertain the Legal Requisites:
ages, relationship and absence ratification of
of legal impediments of the marital a) Man and woman must have been
parties. cohabitation living together as husband and wife
for at least 5 years before the
The absence of such affidavit is a marriage;
mere irregularity which will not affect b)Parties must have no legal
the validity of the marriage. impediment to marry each other
Marriage Requisites: during the 5-year period of
among cohabitation.
Muslims and a. Marriage must be among Muslims
ethnic cultural or among members of ethnic

Procedural requirements: where the only missing factor is the
special contract of marriage to
a) Parties must execute an affidavit validate the union.
stating that they have lived together In other words, the five-year common-
for at least five years and are law cohabitation period, which is
without legal impediment to marry counted back from the date of
each other, although the absence of celebration of marriage, should be a
such affidavit does not affect the period of legal union had it not been
validity of the marriage if the for the absence of marriage.
requisites mentioned above are This five-year period should be the
present; and years immediately before the day of
b) Solemnizing officer must execute a the marriage and it should be a
sworn statement that he had period of cohabitation characterized
ascertained the qualifications of the by exclusivity meaning no third party
parties and that he had found no was involved at any time within the
legal impediment to their marriage five years and continuity that is
unbroken. Otherwise, if that
Reminders: continuous five-year cohabitation is
computed without any distinction as to
1) The person who notarizes the whether the parties were capacitated
contracting parties' affidavit of to marry each other during the entire
cohabitation cannot be the judge who five years, then the law would be
will solemnize the parties' marriage. sanctioning immorality and
As a solemnizing officer, the judge's encouraging parties to have common
only duty involving the affidavit of law relationships and placing them on
cohabitation is to examine whether the same footing with those who lived
the parties have indeed lived together faithfully with their spouse
for at least five years without legal In Republic v. Dayot, the Supreme
impediment to marry. Court ruled that the falsify of an
affidavit of marital cohabitation, where
2) The 5-year period should be the parties have in truth fallen short of
computed on the basis of a the minimum five-year requirement,
cohabitation as "husband and wife” effectively renders the marriage void

ab initio for lack of a marriage Where a judge solemnized
license. (d) judges of the RTCs a marriage outside his
court's jurisdiction, this is a
In De Castro v. Assidao-De Castro, (e) judges of the CTAs mere irregularity in the
the Court further clarified that the formal requisite, which
falsify of the affidavit cannot be (f) judges of the MTCs while it may not affect the
considered as a mere irregularity in validity of the marriage,
the formal requisites of marriage. To may subject the officiating
permit a false affidavit to take the official to administrative
place of a marriage license, the Court liability.
explained in Dayot, is to allow an 2. Priest, rabbi, imam and a) Must be duly authorized
abject circumvention of the law. other religious ministers by his respective church or
sect in writing; b) His
In Santiago v. People,the Court held written authority must be
that the falsify of an affidavit of duly registered with the
cohabitation CANNOT be used as a Civil Registrar General;
defense in the crime of bigamy, for it c) He must act within the
will be the height of absurdity for the limits of such written
Court | to allow the accused to use authority; and
her illegal act to escape criminal d) At least one of the
conviction. contracting parties must
belong to his church or
Authority of Solemnizing Officer sect.
3. Ship captain or airplane a) Marriage must be in
Persons authorized Requisites chief articulo mortis (at the point
1. Members of judiciary a) Must be incumbent of death);
members: and b) Must b) Marriage must be
(a) justices of the SC solemnize the marriage between passengers
within the court's and/or crew members.
(b) justices of the CA jurisdiction.
Note: Such authority may
(c) justices of Marriages outside of court's be exercised not only while
Sandiganbayan jurisdiction: the ship is at sea or the

plane is in flight but also requisite
during stopovers at ports of
call Marriage Ceremony
4. Military commanders of a a) Must be a commissioned  No prescribed form or religious rite for
unit officer, or an officer in the solemnization of marriage is required.
armed forces holding rank
by virtue of a commission  Minimum Requirement:
from the President; 1. There should be personal appearance of
b) Assigned chaplain to his the contracting parties before a solemnizing
unit must be absent; officer; and
c) Marriage must be in 2. Their declaration in the presence of not less
articulo mortis, and than 2 witnesses that they take each other
d) Marriage must be as husband and wife. 
solemnized within the zone 3. Such personal declaration by the parties
of military operations. must be done in the presence of the SO

Note: The contracting Requisites for marriage ceremony to exist

parties need not be
members of the armed requisites consequence
forces. They can be 1. Personal A marriage celebrated through video
civilians. appearance conferencing where either or both
5. Consul-general, consul a) Marriage must be before a parties do not appear personally before
or vice-consul celebrated abroad in the solemnizing the solemnizing officer is not valid if
country where the consul officer celebrated in the Philippines. If
holds office; and celebrated abroad, however, and valid
b) Marriage must be there as such, it shall likewise be
between Filipino citizens considered as valid in the Philippines
6. Mayors Note: Marriages 2. Personal a) A marriage by proxy, if celebrated in
solemnized by a mayor declaration by the Philippines, is not valid.
outside of his territorial the contracting
jurisdiction remain valid parties that However, if celebrated abroad and valid
because this is a mere they are taking there as such, it shall likewise be
irregularity in a formal each other as considered as valid in the Philippines.

husband and c) In Ronulo v. People,a solemnizing
wife b) No prescribed form or religious rite is officer from the Aglipayan Church was
required. charged with violation of Article 352 of
the RPC for allegedly performing an
Hence, failure of SO to ask the parties illegal marriage ceremony because he
WON they take each other as husband solemnized the marriage knowing fully
and wife cannot be regarded a fatal well that the parties did not have
omission if the parties nonetheless marriage license. The accused
signed the marriage contract in the contended that he merely conducted a
presence of the SO. "blessing" and that in order for a
" A word.of mouth of what marriage ceremony to exist, the law
the parties had already stated in writing require the verbal declaration that the
should not be regarded as a fatal defect couple take each other as husband and
3. Such a. No marriage ceremony if what was wife, and a marriage certificate
personal transpired was a mere private act of containing the declaration in writing
declaration by signing a marriage contract w/o the which is duly signed by the contracting
the parties presence of SO.  parties and attested to by the
must be done solemnizing officer. In holding that the
in the Compare with Infante v. Arenas: If the accused indeed performed a marriage
presence of signing of the marriage contract was ceremony, the Court ruled that the law
the done in the presence of the solemnizing sets the minimum requirement
solemnizing officer, there is a marriage ceremony constituting a marriage ceremony:
officer even if the parties did not verbalize their
consent to the marriage. 1. there should be the personal
appearance of the contracting parties
b. What is mandatory is the consent before the solemnizing officer
of the parties be given before a
solemnizing officer. The requirement 2. declaration in the presence of not less
that the same be given in the than 2 witnesses that they take each
presence of at least 2 witnesses of other as husband and wife. 
legal age is merely directory


marriages are considered valid in the Philippines if
Importance of a marriage contract they are valid in the place where they are celebrated
 It is the best documentary evidence of a marriage.  Hence, the following marriages are valid
 Its existence renders unnecessary the
presumption that “a man and a woman deporting 1. Marriages without a marriage license if such is not
themselves as husband and wife have entered into required in the place of celebration. However, if
a lawful contract of marriage. the marriage is celebrated before the Philippine
consular officials pursuant to Article 10 of the FC,
Effect of absence of marriage contract: marriage license is still necessary.
 Its absence is not, however, proof that no marriage
took place because other evidence may be 2. Marriages celebrated by a person who is
presented to prove the fact of marriage. authorized to solemnize marriages in the place of
 Thus, the mere fact that no record of the marriage celebration even if he or she is not deemed
exists in the registry of marriage does not authorized to solemnize marriages under
invalidate said marriage, as long as in the Philippine laws.
celebration thereof, all requisites for its validity are
present. 3. Marriages by proxy, if valid in the place of
 The forwarding of a copy of the marriage celebration.
certificate to the registry of marriage is not one of
said requisites. 4. Marriages through video conferencing, if valid in
the place of celebration.
Other proof of marriage:
1. testimony of a witness to the matrimony; Exceptions: The following marriages are void even if
2. the couple’s public and open cohabitation n/as they are celebrated abroad and considered. valid in
husband and wife after the alleged wedlock; the place of their celebration -
3. the birth and baptismal certificates of children born 1. If a party thereto is below, 18 and he or she is a
during such union; and Filipino citizen
4. mention of such nuptial in subsequent documents 2. If the marriage is bigamous or polygamous.
3. If the marriage is contracted through mistake of
Validity of Marriages Celebrated Abroad one contracting party as to the identity of the other.
4. If one of the parties in a subsequent marriage is
General Rule: For marriages involving Filipino already a party to a prior marriage which has been
citizens celebrated abroad, the rule is that such annulled or judicially declared void but fails to

comply with the requirements of Article 52 of the
5. If one of the parties to such marriage, at the time • Philippine law does not provide for absolute
of its celebration, is psychologically divorce; hence, our courts cannot grant it. A marriage
incapacitated \to comply with the essential marital between two Filipinos cannot be dissolved even by
obligations. divorce obtained abroad, because of Articles 15 and 17
6. If the marriage is incestuous. of the Civil Code
7. If the marriage is void by reason of public policy as • Such divorce between Filipinos is void and
enumerated in Article 38 of the FC ineffectual because it is contrary to our public policy and
8. Same-sex marriage is likewise not recognized as morality
valid in the Philippines. • This rule has remained even under the Family
 It is not even a marriage under Philippine laws Code even if either or both parties are residing abroad
which define marriage as a special contract of
permanent union between a man and woman only. EXCEPTION: In a mixed marriage involving a Filipino
citizen and a foreigner, the Family Code allows the
former to remarry in case the divorce is validly obtained
abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to
Validity of Absolute Divorce


1. A divorce obtained abroad by an alien married to a
Philippine national may be recognized in the
Philippines, provided the decree of divorce is valid
according to the national law of the foreigner
2. The reckoning point is not the citizenship of the
divorcing parties at birth or at the time of marriage,
but their citizenship at the time a valid divorce is
obtained abroad
3. An absolute divorce secured by a Filipino married to
another Filipino is contrary to our concept of public REQUISITES FOR APPLICATION OF ART. 26
policy and morality and shall not be recognized in PARAGRAPH 2
this jurisdiction

REQUISITES REMINDERS conformity to the foreign law
allowing it.
1)     It must be a Reckoning point: Citizenship
case of mixed of the parties at the time a 3)      The divorce a)     If the divorce decree
marriage (one valid divorce is obtained obtained by obtained was a limited
party is abroad capacitating the alien the alien divorce or a mensa et
Filipino and spouse to remarry spouse must thoro; or if the foreign law
the other is   capacitate restricts remarriage even
alien) In case where both parties him or her to after the divorce decree
  were Filipino citizens at the remarry becomes absolute, the
time of the celebration of Filipino spouse is not
marriage, but later on, one of likewise capacitated to
them becomes naturalized as remarry
a foreign citizen and b)    A divorce obtained
thereafter obtains a valid abroad by an alien may be
divorce decree, Article 26 of recognized in our
the FC applies jurisdiction, provided such
decree is valid according
2)      The divorce Pursuant to Republic v. to the national law of the
must be Manalo, foreign divorce foreigner
obtained by decrees obtained to nullify c)     Before the divorce
the alien marriages between a Filipino decree can be recognized
spouse and and an alien citizen may by our courts, the party
not by the already be recognized in this pleading it must prove the
Filipino jurisdiction, regardless of who divorce as a fact and
spouse between the spouses initiated demonstrate its conformity
  the divorce; provided, that the to the foreign law allowing
party petitioning for the it, which must be proved
recognition of such foreign considering that our courts
divorce decree — presumably cannot take judicial notice
the Filipino citizen — must of foreign laws
prove the divorce as a fact d)    The recognition of foreign
and demonstrate its divorce decree may be

• Only the Filipino spouse can invoke the second
made in a Rule 108
paragraph of Article 26 of the Family Code while the
proceeding itself, as the
alien spouse can claim no right under said provision
object of special
• The provision was included in the law to avoid the
proceedings is precisely to
absurd situation where the Filipino spouse remains
establish the status or right
married to the alien spouse who, after obtaining a
of a party or a particular
divorce is no longer married to the Filipino spouse
• The legislative intent is for the benefit of the Filipino
e)     The registration of a
spouse, by clarifying his or her marital status, settling
foreign divorce decree in
the doubts created by the divorce decree
the civil registry without the
• Essentially, the second paragraph of Article 26 of the
requisite judicial
Family Code provided for The Filipino spouse a
recognition is patently void
substantive right to have his or her marriage to the
and cannot produce any
alien spouse considered as dissolved, capacitating
legal effect. The Court
him or her to remarry.
explained that while the
• Thus, if the Filipino spouse invokes the second
law requires the entry of
paragraph of Article 26 of the Family Code, the action
the divorce decree in the
is not limited to the recognition of the foreign divorce
civil registry, the law and
decree. If the court finds that the decree capacitated
the submission of the
the alien spouse to remarry, the courts can declare
decree by themselves do
that the Filipino spouse is likewise capacitated to
not ipso facto authorize the
contract another marriage.
decrees registration. The
• No court in this jurisdiction however can make a
law should be read in
similar declaration for the alien spouse, whose status
relation with the
and legal capacity are generally governed by his
requirement of a judicial
national law
recognition of the foreign
• The unavailability of the second paragraph of Article
judgment before it be
26 to aliens does not necessarily strip the alien spouse
given res judicata effect
of legal interest to petition our courts for the
recognition of his or her foreign divorce decree
• The foreign divorce decree itself after its authenticity
and conformity with the alien’s national law have been
duly proven according to our rules of evidence, serves
as a presumptive evidence of right in his or her favor  



The principle of Article 26 is also applicable to marriage

between a Filipino and a foreign citizen who obtains a
foreign judgment nullifying the marriage on the ground of
Reason: the foreign spouse, after the foreign judgment
nullifying the marriage, is capacitated to remarry under
the laws of his or her country.

If the foreign judgment is not recognized in the

Philippines, the Filipino spouse will be discriminated – the
foreign spouse can remarry while the Filipino spouse
cannot remarry


San Luiz v. San Luis: There is no need to retroactively
apply the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 26
of the Family Code because there is sufficient
jurisprudential basis to apply the rule embodied in the
said law to absolute divorces obtained by the foreign
spouse prior to the effectivity of the Family Code such as
Van Dorn v. Romillo, Jr, Pilapil v. Ibay-Somera and Quita
v. CA


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