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4, APRIL 2001

Linear State-Feedback Control of a Boost Converter

for Large-Signal Stability
Ramón Leyva, Associate Member, IEEE, Luis Martínez-Salamero, Senior Member, IEEE,
Hugo Valderrama-Blavi, Javier Maixé, Associate Member, IEEE, Roberto Giral, Associate Member, IEEE, and
Francisco Guinjoan, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The problem of stabilizing a boost regulator in large-

signal situations using linear control laws is derived by means of
a circuit-oriented procedure. After establishing a large-signal cir-
cuit model for the boost regulator including state-feedback, condi-
tions for passivity in the resulting two-port are studied. As a con-
sequence, a linear control law is derived, thus ensuring regulator
global stability even if the control saturation is taken into account.
Fig. 1. Boost converter.
Subsequently, a linear analysis is performed, in order to design the
desired dynamics and robust behavior of the switching regulator.
The nonlinear analysis shows that only one feedback gain is nec- The converter dynamic behavior can be described by means
essary, provided that the coordinates of the equilibrium point are of linear models if the amplitude of the perturbations is signif-
known. The use of regulator root locus allows to choose the proper icantly smaller than the steady-state value of the state vector.
value of this gain. Simulations and experimental results verify the
analytical predictions. Linear continuous models are very popular among designers be-
cause classical linear-feedback theory can be easily used for sta-
Index Terms—Converters, large-signal stability, passivity.
bility analysis and design of feedback compensation networks.
However, it is well known that the validity of linear models is
I. INTRODUCTION constrained to a small region around the steady-state operation
point. The analysis becomes more difficult beyond that region,
T HE BASIC operation of the feedback loop in a dc-to-dc
switching regulator consists in comparing the output vari-
able with a reference input to generate an error signal, which,
when large-signal behavior is required. This case is particularly
important either when designing a switching converter-based
servosystem using a variable reference or when, in a conven-
after being appropriately filtered and amplified, results in a con-
tional converter, pulsed load operation is required.
tinuous control signal. This signal is eventually transformed by
These drawbacks have prompted some authors to explore
means of a modulator into a discrete variable defining the switch
nonlinear techniques in order to undertake the control loop
duty cycle. The main difficulties in the analysis of switching
synthesis. The use of these techniques is justified by the bilinear
regulators are due to the nonlinear nature of dc-to-dc converter
nature of the converter dynamic behavior and by the limitation
systems. If there are no constraints on amplitude or frequency
of the duty cycle to remain in the [0,1] subinterval. The main
of perturbations in input voltage, load or external reference, we
antecedent can be found in [1], where the large-signal stability
can always simulate the state equations describing the converter
of the switching regulator is analyzed by means of state-plane
dynamic behavior, but this simulation requires a high computa-
trajectories. Large-signal transient response is then studied by
tion time and does not provide enough information to synthesize
means of an average model where no small-signal assumption
the control loop.
is made.
Obtaining the exact analytical solution of the state equations
Although the starting point of [1] is analytical and a signifi-
is also possible, although the resulting formulation cannot be
cant effort is devoted to calculate the equilibrium points for sat-
easily applied. These obstacles have oriented the research in this
urated and unsaturated regions, the resulting model finds its ap-
field toward establishing, with some restrictive hypotheses, con-
plications in numerical simulation, where the particular values
verter models that can be analytically exploited or specifically
of the parameters do not provide sufficient insight into the reg-
oriented to numerical simulation with small computation times.
ulator global stability.
The use of linear control to guarantee global stability in
Manuscript received February 7, 2000; revised November 24, 2000. This switching regulators was proposed in [2] using Lyapunov
work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (Spain),
under Grant CICYT-TAP97-0969-C03-03. This paper was recommended by functions. Similarly, global stability is ensured in [3] through a
Associate Editor G. Chen. Lyapunov-based control design which provides the feedback
R. Leyva, L. Martínez-Salamero, H. Valderrama-Blavi, J. Maixé, and R. Giral gain matrix through an iterative procedure.
are with the Departament d’Enginyeria Electrònica, Elèctrica i Automàtica, Es-
cola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43006 Tar- Boundaries between stable and unstable regions for different
ragona, Spain (e-mail: values of parameters are studied in [4]–[6] through numerical
F. Guinjoan is with the Departament d’Enginyeria, Electrònica Escola simulation. A modified small signal averaged model is used in
Tècnica Superior d’Enginyers de Telecomunicació Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya, Barcelona 08034, Spain. [4] to predict the large signal behavior of the regulator under
Publisher Item Identifier S 1057-7122(01)02871-9. pulsed load operation. Two sets of stability graphs are developed
1057–7122/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE

Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of a boost converter.

in [5] to estimate the values of input voltage and load resistance Considering that the system variables consist of the following
leading to a stable design under large-signal operation. In [6] the two components:
boundaries of the feedback gains defining the region for global
stability are established using a nonlinear discrete model of the
regulator. (5)
Large variations in the parameter of a boost regulator are
shown to produce instabilities in [7] where static and dynamic where and represent the equilibrium values and x and d
bifurcations are analyzed. The aim of this paper is to present are the perturbated values of state and duty cycle.
a new method based on a circuit-oriented approach for large Equation (4) can be written as follows:
signal stability analysis of the boost regulator. Global stability
is analyzed by studying the absorbed power in a two-port
model of the regulator. In Section II the equivalent circuit (6)
of a boost converter is reviewed. Large-signal stability by which results in
means of linear feedback is analyzed in Section III. Simulation
and experimental results are shown in Section IV. Finally, (7)
conclusions are presented in Section V.
Fig. 1 shows a boost converter whose dynamics behavior
during and can be expressed as follows: and


where and matrices A, B, and b are given by



where .
The dynamics of the perturbed system are summarized in the
Equation (1) can be expressed in compact form as follows :
following equations:
or, equivalently as

(3) (10)

where during and during . Equations (9) and (10) can be modeled by means of an equiv-
If the switching frequency is significantly higher than the con- alent circuit as shown in Fig. 2 [8].
verter natural frequencies, this discontinuous model can be ap- The controlled sources in Fig. 2 represent an ideal transformer
proximated by a continuous averaged model, where a new vari- as depicted in Fig. 3. The instantaneous power entering into the
able is introduced. In the [0,1] subinterval is a continuous input port of the transformer due to the bilinear voltage source
function and constitutes the converter duty cycle. is , whereas the output power absorbed by the bilinear
In the boost converter , which leads to current source is the same. Therefore, the power contribution
of both bilinear terms are mutually cancelled and they will not
(4) appear in the analysis of the stored energy in the converter.

Fig. 3. Simplified representation of the circuit of Fig. 2.

Fig. 4. Model of the switching regulator.

Fig. 5. Two-port representation of the switching regulator.

III. LINEAR CONTROL LAWS FOR LARGE-SIGNAL STABILITY In this case, the initial energy in the storing elements
will be also dissipated by the resistive elements of the
A. Linear Control Laws
Considering the control law 3) Case 3.
The power absorbed by the two-port is less than the
(11) power dissipated in the regulator resistive elements
circuit of Fig. 3 will result in the circuit depicted in Fig. 4, where
the bilinear terms have been neglected for the energy analysis. A
subsequent analysis of the controlled sources role in the circuit
of Fig. 4 leads to the circuit depicted in Fig. 5, which can be Let us analyze case 2. In this situation, the control introduces
characterized as a passive two-port assuming and an additional damping to stabilize the converter. The case 2 con-
.Three different cases of stability can be analyzed in Fig. 5. dition can be expressed as
1) Case 1. (Trivial case) (15)
Power absorbed by the two-port is zero

In such a situation, the initial energy in the storing el-

ements will be eventually dissipated by the resistive el-
ements of the circuit and the converter will return to the (16)
equilibrium point. Condition (12) will be only satisfied if
(open-loop behavior) or if (equi- Equivalently,
librium point).
2) Case 2.
The power absorbed by the two-port is less than the
power dissipated by the resistive elements of the control

Since , the previous condition will be satisfied if




which will be fulfilled if

and Fig. 6. Incremental duty cycle shape.


Therefore, the control law


results in large-signal stability since the bilinear term has been

considered in the analysis.

B. Saturation of the Control Signal

Next, derivations will be done in order to guarantee that the
initial stored energy in inductor and capacitor is eventually dis- Fig. 7. Shape of equivalent gain of saturation.
sipated in the circuit, even if the control saturation is taken in
account. are
We can observe that in (20) can be a zero-memory nonlinear
function, as it occurs in saturation. Therefore, expression (21) H
will be rewritten in order to show explicitly the functional nature m
of F
Saturation means that the perturbed duty cycle is bounded
(23) V
as depicted in Fig. 6. which corresponds to an equilibrium point
Since and are constant and and are measured values
of state variables, function describing saturation is illustrated
in Fig. 7 and given by A
Establishment time and robustness of the transient response
are studied. In order to choose a proper value of , we ana-
lyze the root locus. Observe that a linear analysis is performed
once that the large-signal stability has been guaranteed.
The linear analysis does not take into account bilinear terms,
and the saturation effect. Therefore, according to (7), the linear
incremental model of a boost converter will be expressed as
Since the control law is , the corre-
Then, it can be concluded that condition (19) is fulfilled when
sponding loop gain will be given by
saturation occurs, and the circuit-oriented model will tend to
zero incremental energy, i.e., the converter state will tend to the
equilibrium point.


ACSL [9] simulation results and experimental waveforms are
shown in this section. The set of parameters chosen in both cases

Fig. 8. Root locus as function of .

Fig. 10. Inductor current response during start-up for = 10 .

Fig. 9. Capacitor voltage response during start-up for = 10 .

Fig. 11. Capacitor voltage and inductor current start-up waveforms in the
experimental prototype. Scales (5 V/div, 1 ms/div) and (3 A/div, 1 ms/div)
Fig. 8 shows the root locus for values of between respectively.
and . There is a minimum establishment time for
, which corresponds to the gain so that
the two eigenvalues coincide on the real axis. Figs. 9 and 10
are ACSL simulations of start-up response for
for zero initial conditions. Fig. 11 illustrates the corresponding
start-up waveforms in a experimental prototype. Experimental
steady-state waveforms are shown in Fig. 12, whereas details of
the circuit are given in Fig. 13.
Finally, a comparison of the proposed method with the tech-
niques reported in references [1] and [6] is illustrated in Fig. 14
for the converter start-up. The set of converter parameters in the
three cases is the same and was first used by Erickson [1] and
later by Chung [6] in their respective simulations. Observe that
the method proposed in this paper exhibits the softest start-up
because there is no saturation of the control at . In the
three techniques rising and establishment times are similar.

Fig. 12. Capacitor voltage (channel 1 intermediate signal), inductor current
In this paper, large-signal stability of linear control laws for (channel 4 top signal) and duty cycle (channel 3 bottom signal) steady-state
switching regulators have been demonstrated. waveforms in the experimental prototype. Time scale 20 s/div.

Fig. 13. Circuit scheme.

Unlike conventional design methods of switching regu-

lator feedback loops, the technique here reported guarantees
large-signal stability of the switching regulator. In a con-
ventional design, a compensating network is derived using a
linearized model of the converter averaged equations. That
kind of design does not preclude la existence of stability
problems due to the presence of large-signal perturbations of
the state variables as it usually happens during the converter
start-up. In our design, we have first guaranteed large-signal
stability of a linearly controlled switching regulator by means
of a nonlinear analysis. Subsequently, we have designed the
feedback loop using conventional techniques. Observe that no
linearization constrains in the converter equations have been
used in the stability investigation. Also, note that the feedback
loop has been restricted to a linear algebraic combination of the
state variables and therefore no dynamic elements have been
Fig. 14. Comparison of three design methods: Start-up waveforms design The method here reported can be applied in the buck-boost
in [1] K=[-0.8,-0.08], design in [6] K=[-0.8,- 1.5], and design in this paper
max = 1.2 10-3, i = 1.92 A, v = 23.07 V, which implies K=[-0.028, converter. Also, it can be easily applied to a buck converter
-0.0023]. whose dynamics do no have bilinear terms.
The inclusion of a feedback integrative term in the stability
A circuit model of the boost regulator has been analyzed. This analysis is the subject of future research. The extension of the
model describes incremental variable relationships, where the stability analysis to discontinuous conduction mode is also a
incremental energy in the storing elements constitutes the per- matter of further investigation.
turbation energy with respect to the equilibrium point. The anal-
ysis takes into account two bilinear terms, which are mutually REFERENCES
cancelled in the study of the energy balance.
[1] R. W. Erickson, S. Cuk, and R. D. Middlebrook, “Large-signal mod-
A two-port dissipative model is derived by means of circuit eling and analysis of switching regulators,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’82 ,
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sponse. Proc. IEEE PESC’92, pp. 512–518.

[5] J. Calvente, F. Guinjoan, A. Poveda, and L. Martínez, “Computer-aided Hugo Valderrama-Blavi (S’94) received the Inge-
design and graphics applied to the study of stability regions in switching niero de Telecomunicación degree from the Univer-
regulators,” in Proc. ESPC’95, Euro. Space Power Conf., Sept. 1995, sidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain, in 1994.
pp. 341–344. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the
[6] H. Chung and A. Ioinovici, “Design of feedback gain vector of two-state Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, Eléctrica y
basic PWM multifeedback regulators for large-signal stability,” IEEE Automática, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería,
Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 44, pp. 676–683, Aug. 1997. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, where
[7] F. D. Tau and R. S. Ramshaw, “Instabilities of a boost converter system he is working in the field of inverters for PV systems.
under large parameters variations,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 4,
no. 1, pp. 4–27, Mar. 1990.
[8] G. Wester and R. D. Middlebrook, “Low-frequency characterization of
switched dc-dc converters,” IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol.
AES-9, pp. 376–385, May 1973.
[9] MGA Software, “Advanced continuous simulation language,” in ACSL Javier Maixé (S’93–A’00) received the Ingeniero de
Reference Manual, 11.1 ed., 1995. Telecomunicación, and the Ph.D. degrees from the
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain, in 1979
and 2000 respectively.
From 1981 to 1992, he was an Assistant Professor
at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de
Tarragona. Since 1992, he is an Assistant Professor
in the Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica,
Eléctrica y Automática, Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona,
Ramón Leyva (S’95–A’00) received the Ingeniero Spain. His research interests are in the field of power
de Telecomunicación, and the Ph.D. degrees from electronics for automotive applications, resonant converters, and electrical
the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, drives.
Spain, in 1992, and 2000, respectively.
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, Eléctrica y
Automática, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Roberto Giral (S’94–A’00) received the Ingeniero
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, where Técnico de Telecomunicación, the Ingeniero de
he is working in the field of nonlinear control of Telecomunicación, and the Ph.D. degrees from the
power converters. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain, in 1991,
1994, and 1999, respectively.
He is currently an Associate Professor at the
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, Eléctrica y
Automática, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería,
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, where
he is working in the field of power converters.

Luis Martínez-Salamero (M’79–SM’86) received

the Ingeniero de Telecomunicación, and the doc- Francisco Guinjoan (M’92) received the Ingeniero
torate degrees from the Universidad Politécnica de de Telecomunicación, and Doctor Ingeniero degrees
Cataluña, Spain, in 1978, and 1992, respectively. from the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña,
From 1978 to 1992, he taught circuit theory, Barcelona, Spain, in 1984 and 1990, respectively,
analog electronics, and power processing at the and the Docteur es Scienes from Université Paul
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Tele- Sabatier, Toulouse, France, in 1992.
comunicación de Barcelona. During the academic From 1984 to 1995, he taught control theory
year 1992–1993, he was a Visiting Professor at and analog electronics at the Escuela Universitaria
the Center for Solid State Power Conditioning and Politécnica de Vilanova i la Geltrú. He is currently
Control, Departament of Electrical Engineering an Associate Professor with the Departamento
Duke University, Durham, NC. He is currently a Professor at the Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, at the Escuela Técnica
de Ingeniería Electrónica, Eléctrica y Automática, Escuela Técnica Superior de Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de Barcelona, Spain, where he
Ingeniería, Universitat Rovira i Virgili. His research interests are in the field of teaches power electronics. His research interests include power electronics
structure and control of power conditioning systems. modeling, nonlinear circuits analysis, and analog circuit design.

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