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Whatcom Humane Society Events Promotion Project Plan

MGMT 414 Leadership Practicum

By: Annika Noreus
Client: Dana Browne

• Develop and work on a plan to increase awareness of events put on by the
Whatcom Humane Society. Utilize social media platforms and connect with
resources to promote the events in hopes of increased attendance at events and
ultimately increased donations to the organization.

• Animal Trivia Night: February 2
• My Furry Valentine Photo Contest: February 1 – 28
• Birdhouse Auction: Donations until March 10, Auction Held March 21 – 31
• Woof and Whiskers Happy Hour

Promotion Plan
Get the Word Out:
• Ensure information for each event is posted across all current methods of media
• Suggest use of hashtags on social media
o including #whatcomhumanesociety and other generic tags such as
#whatcom #bellingham #humanescoiety #petadoption on all posts will
help more people come across posts and thus build following and
potential attendees
• Reach out to WWU community to promote events to student body

Expand to New Media Platforms

• Post event information under the Events section for the Bellingham Craigslist
• Suggest creating a Twitter Handle for the Whatcom Humane Society
• Consider posting event information on various other online forums to target the
local community (for example: Reddit, community calendars).

Connect with Local Businesses

• Get in contact with businesses that already have partnerships with WHS
o Ask these companies if they are willing to put up a flyer in their place of
o Ask these companies if they are willing to advertise/mention events on
their social media (for example: via Instagram stories)
• Consider contacting other local businesses that might be willing to help get the
word out

Increase Engagement
• Suggest use of Instagram Stories
o This can be used live during events to share memories and highlights from
the events
• Encourage attendees of the events to post on social media and tag
o Particularly target My Furry Valentine Photo Contestants: Have them
share the cute photo of their pets on their Instagram and ask their friends
to vote/donate!
o Specific hashtags can be created for each individual event as well
• Each week I will send a memo to update client and track progress

Tentative Timeline Overview

Week One: 1/25-1/29
• Initial meeting with Dana Browne: 1/25
• Develop contract and official project plan
• Start promotion for the Animal Trivia event
Week Two: 2/1-2/5
• Animal Trivia: 2/2
• Focus on promotion for Furry Valentine
Week Three: 2/8-2/12
• Promotions for Furry Valentine & Birdhouse Action
Week Four: 2/15-2/19
• Continued promotions for events
Week Five: 2/22-2/26
• Final push for Furry Valentine Photo votes
• Promotions for Birdhouse Auction & Wolf and Whiskers Happy Hour
Week Six: 3/1-3/5
• Continued promotions for Birdhouse Auction & Wolf and Whiskers Happy Hour
• Share findings and make suggestions for the future based on what worked well

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