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University of Bohol

University High School 7:30 am Class Schedule Survey

Dr. Cecilio Putong St.,
Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines

In this survey, we are interested in learning more about your thoughts and opinions towards
the school’s schedule of the 1st period class. We aim to further understand how this schedule
affects you on a daily basis.

*This survey will only take 4-5 minutes to complete. Your participation in this research project
is completely voluntary. Any information or responses that are obtained in connection with this
study will remain confidential and anonymous. Data from this research will be kept under lock
and reported only as a collective combined total. No one other than the researchers will know
your individual answers to this questionnaire.
1. Are you:
□ Male □ Female

2. Select your Grade Level:

□ Grade 7 □ Grade 10
□ Grade 8 □ Grade 11
□ Grade 9 □ College

3. Are you in favor of the 7:30 morning class?

□ Yes □ No
*If you answered ‘no’ you may proceed to
the next question, if you answered ‘yes’
proceed to question #5
4. If no, why?
□ You sleep late □ Traffic
□ You live far from school □ You just find it too
5. What do you think is the advantage of having a 7:30 am
class? □ Because of this
□ It trains the students to learn proper time schedule we have two
management breaks
□ You will be sent home early □ Others
6. What do you think is the disadvantage of having a 7:30
am class?
□ In the early morning brains are not fully awake
which may result to difficulty in achieving the tasks
and activities
□ This schedule limits opportunities for after-
school sports or other activities, time to study,
finish homework, and still get to bed at a decent
□ Students who live far from school may have a
hard time getting to school that early
□ This start time does not accommodate the
student’s sleep needs

7. Do you think that waking up early affects the capacity of

students in doing well in school?
□ Yes □ No


Thank you for your participation!

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