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FEMS Microbiology Letters 158 (1998) 61^67

The anaerobic oxidation of hydrazine:

a novel reaction in microbial nitrogen metabolism
Jos Schalk a , Hege Oustad b , J. Gijs Kuenen a , Mike S.M. Jetten a; *
Kluyver Laboratory for Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft, The Netherlands
Technical University of Trondheim, Department for Biotechnology, Trondheim, Norway

Received 14 October 1997; revised 28 October 1997; accepted 28 October 1997


Hydrazine is rarely found as an intermediate in microbial nitrogen conversions. In this study the conversion of hydrazine by
the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) culture, in which hydrazine has been proposed as an intermediate, was
investigated. This study demonstrated the biological nature of hydrazine conversion by the Anammox culture. In batch
cultures with hydrazine it was observed that 3 mol N2 H4 was disproportionated to 4 mol NH‡ 4 and 1 mol N2 . Hydrazine with
nitrite as an electron acceptor showed a conversion of 3 mol N2 H4 and 4 mol NO3 2 to 5 mol N2 , with a specific activity of 5.5
nmol min31 (mg volatile suspended solids)31 . Addition of hydrazine to a biofilm reactor for 80 days showed that it was not
possible to grow Anammox with hydrazine.
ß 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords : Anaerobic ammonium oxidation; Hydrazine; Nitrogen removal ; Nitrite ; Bio¢lm reactor; Nitri¢cation

1. Introduction bic conditions, hydrazine can be converted to N2 via

a two-electron oxidation (N2 H4 CN2 H2 CN2 ) [1,3].
Hydrazine is a hazardous compound, which can In contrast to the numerous chemical reactions,
be readily oxidized. It is used as a rocket fuel, as hydrazine is rarely observed as an intermediate in
an antioxidant or as an intermediate for the produc- microbial nitrogen conversions. Hydrazine is pro-
tion of explosives and pesticides [1]. Hydrazine is a posed to be an enzyme-bound intermediate in the
strong reducing agent, which reacts easily with metal reduction of dinitrogen gas to ammonium by nitro-
ions [2]. In the presence of catalysts like Cu(II) and genase [4]. In Nitrosomonas europaea cells, hydrazine
phosphate ions hydrazine radicals are formed via can be used as an external energy source, e.g. for the
a one-electron oxidation, which ultimately are de novo synthesis of polypeptides [5]. Under anaero-
converted into ammonia and dinitrogen gas bic conditions hydrazine can be used as an electron
(2N2 H4 C2N2 H3 CN4 H6 CN2 +2NH3 . Under aero- donor for the reduction of nitrite to NO and N2 O
[6]. In addition, it was shown that the enzyme hy-
droxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) from N. euro-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 (15) 2781193; Fax: paea was capable of converting hydrazine to dinitro-
+31 (15) 2782355; E-mail: M.Jetten@STM.TUDelft.NL gen gas [7,8]. A di¡erent enzyme system, the R2

0378-1097 / 98 / $19.00 ß 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
PII S 0 3 7 8 - 1 0 9 7 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 5 0 1 - 6

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62 J. Schalk et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 158 (1998) 61^67

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Origin of biomass and cultivation

An Anammox culture, grown in a £uidized bed

reactor on synthetic medium containing 45 mM am-
monium and nitrite, was used for batch culture and
continuous culture experiments. The £uidized bed
Fig. 1. Possible reaction mechanism for anaerobic ammonium
oxidation. Hydrazine (N2 H4 ) is formed by the oxidation of am-
reactor was fed with an anaerobic autotrophic syn-
monium with hydroxylamine. Hydrazine is then oxidized to dini- thetic medium [10]. Before use, the biomass was ho-
trogen generating four reduction equivalents, which can be used mogenized and washed with 20 mM anaerobic
for the reduction of nitrite to hydroxylamine [12]. KHCO3 bu¡er (pH 7.5).
Alcaligenes faecalis TUD (LMD 89.147), an or-
subunit of ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia ganism capable of denitri¢cation and heterotrophic
coli, was shown to catalyze a disproportionation of nitri¢cation, was cultivated in an acetate-limited
hydrazine into dinitrogen gas and ammonium [9]. chemostat at 30³C and pH 8.0 with a dilution rate
Recently a novel process was discovered in which of 0.05 h31 [13]. Saccharomyces cerevisiae T23D was
hydrazine occurred as an intermediate. In this proc- grown aerobically in a glucose-limited chemostat
ess, called anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anam- with a dilution rate of 0.1 h31 at 30³C and pH 5.0
mox), nitrite is reduced to dinitrogen gas with am- [14]. SHARON sludge was obtained from a labora-
monium as the electron donor [10]. Inhibition studies tory-scale-nitrifying reactor fed with synthetic me-
showed that this process had a biological nature [11]. dium [15].
It was possible to enrich the anaerobic ammonium
oxidizing microorganisms in an medium containing 2.2. Anaerobic batch culture experiments
ammonium, nitrite and bicarbonate as the sole car-
bon source. Based on results from 15 N-labelling stud- Anaerobic batch cultures were grown in 50 ml
ies a novel pathway for the Anammox process has serum bottles at 30³C. Each bottle contained 10 ml
been proposed [12]. In this reaction mechanism am- of 20 mM KHCO3 bu¡er (pH 7.5) and approxi-
monium and hydroxylamine are combined to form mately 20 mg volatile suspended solids (VSS) of
hydrazine. Hydrazine itself is then converted to dini- Anammox biomass, except for the incubation with
trogen gas, generating four reduction equivalents. It hydrazine alone, when approximately 75 mg VSS
is postulated that these reduction equivalents are of Anammox was used. The bottles sealed with
used for the reduction of nitrite to hydroxylamine, butyl-rubber stoppers were made anaerobic with
as shown in Fig. 1 [12]. an Argon/CO2 (95/5%) mixture. Hydrazine
Since hydrazine is a strong reductant and was ob- (H4 N2 WH2 SO4 ), ammonium ((NH4 )2 SO4 ), nitrite
served as an intermediate in the Anammox process, (NaNO2 ), and nitrate (NaNO3 ) solutions were sub-
we investigated whether the Anammox culture is sequently added with a syringe. N2 O was added in
able to use hydrazine as a substrate for growth. In the headspace. The initial NH‡ 3
4 , N2 H4 , NO2 , NO3

order to gain more knowledge about the physiology and N2 O concentrations were approximately 3 mM.
of the hydrazine metabolism in Anammox, the re- The pH was adjusted to 7.5 with 1 M Na2 CO3 . Con-
search was focussed on three topics. The ¢rst aim trol experiments without biomass were performed
was to con¢rm that the hydrazine conversions in simultaneously.
Anammox were of a biological nature. The second For the experiments with gamma-irradiated cells,
topic was to investigate the hydrazine conversions by 50 ml serum bottles with Anammox sludge, nitrify-
the Anammox culture in batch experiments with and ing sludge, A. faecalis and S. cerevisiae cells were
without additional electron acceptors. Finally, the exposed to 25 kGy of radiation for 7 h using a
capability of Anammox to grow on hydrazine in Co source (Gammaster, Ede, The Netherlands),
bio¢lm reactors was investigated. before use [11].

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J. Schalk et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 158 (1998) 61^67 63

2.3. Bio¢lm reactors with hydrazine Instruments, Interscience, Breda, The Netherlands)
equipped with a thermal conductivity detector and
2.3.1. Operation of the bio¢lm reactors an electron capture detector [13]. Hydrazine was de-
Two small bio¢lm reactors (height 25 cm, volume termined colorimetrically by means of the method
330 ml) were operated at 30³C for 10 weeks using an described by Watt and Crisp [17]. Dry weight was
anaerobic autotrophic mineral medium [10]. The pH determined as previously described [16].
of the medium was kept constant at pH 7.5 by £ush-
ing continuously with an Argon/CO2 (95/5%) mix-
ture during the experiment [16]. Both reactors were 3. Results
inoculated with approximately 0.25 g VSS of Anam-
mox biomass. To establish a bio¢lm the feed of am- 3.1. Determination of the biological nature of
monium and nitrite was increased in a stepwise man- hydrazine conversion in Anammox
ner from 2 to 10 mM at a £ow rate of 0.16 ml min31 .
After 3 weeks, 1 mM of ammonium was replaced by Batch experiments with active cells and cells inac-
0.1 mM hydrazine in one of the reactors. The hydra- tivated by Q-radiation from four di¡erent microor-
zine was supplied from a separate bottle to avoid ganisms with hydrazine and nitrite as substrates
chemical decomposition. When the hydrazine con- were performed to determine if hydrazine conversion
centration fell below the detection limit (1 WM), the was of a biological nature. No signi¢cant conversion
in£owing concentration was increased stepwise, of hydrazine was observed in three batch experi-
reaching 0.9 mM at day 70. The second bio¢lm re- ments with cells inactivated by Q-radiation. The in-
actor was used as a control, and was fed with 10 mM activated Anammox sludge showed low activity com-
of ammonium and nitrite. pared to active Anammox cells. Active A. faecalis
and S. cerevisiae were also not able to convert hy-
2.3.2. Activity measurements in the bio¢lm reactors drazine and nitrite (Table 1). On the other hand,
To determine the activity of the Anammox bio- Anammox showed high conversion of hydrazine
mass in both reactors, the reactors were run in batch and nitrite, and the nitrifying sludge showed low
mode for 6 h with ammonium and nitrite. The initial conversion of hydrazine and nitrite under anaerobic
concentration of both ammonium and nitrite was conditions. The hydrazine conversion rate of the
6 mM. Samples were collected at appropriate time Anammox culture was approximately 10-fold higher
intervals and analyzed for the di¡erent nitrogen than the nitrifying sludge.
3.2. Anaerobic batch culture experiments with
2.4. Analytical procedures hydrazine

Nitrate, nitrite, hydroxylamine and ammonium Since Anammox showed a high hydrazine conver-
were determined colorimetrically as previously de- sion, the oxidation of hydrazine with and without
scribed [11]. Nitrous oxide and dinitrogen gas forma- nitrite, nitrate and nitrous oxide as electron accept-
tion were quanti¢ed using a GC 8340 model (Fisons ors was investigated in anaerobic batch experiments.

Table 1
Conversion rates (nmol min31 (mg VSS)31 ) of hydrazine and nitrite by active and Q-radiated inactive cells from di¡erent sources in batch
Inactive cells after Q-radiation Active cells
N2 H4 NO3
2 N2 H4 NO3

A. faecalis 6 0.01 6 0.01 6 0.01 6 0.01

S. cerevisiae 6 0.01 6 0.01 6 0.01 6 0.01
Nitrifying sludge 6 0.10 6 0.01 0.47 1.80
Anammox sludge 0.39 0.19 4.23 5.46

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64 J. Schalk et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 158 (1998) 61^67

Fig. 2. The conversion of hydrazine in a batch culture with an Fig. 3. The conversion of hydrazine and nitrite in a batch culture
Anammox culture (closed symbols) and without Anammox (open by the Anammox culture. Symbols : (b) N2 H4 ; (R) NO3 2 ; (F)
symbols). Symbols : (b and a) N2 H4 ; (F and E) NH‡
4. NH‡4.

Each experiment was repeated at least twice. The any compound was observed during such experi-
standard deviation was not more than 25%. When ments.
the culture was provided with hydrazine alone, am-
monium was formed (Fig. 2). The conversion rate 3.3. Bio¢lm reactors with hydrazine
for hydrazine was 1.6 nmol min31 (mg VSS)31 and
for the ammonium formation a rate of 1.8 nmol After the short-term batch experiments, the long-
min31 (mg VSS)31 was calculated. Incubations with term e¡ect of hydrazine on the Anammox culture
hydrazine and nitrite as the electron acceptor showed was studied. For this purpose anaerobic bio¢lm re-
a rapid conversion of both nitrite and hydrazine actors were operated for 80 days with the Anammox
(Fig. 3). When all the nitrite was consumed, hydra- culture. The reactors were ¢rst fed with ammonium
zine was disproportionated into ammonium and di- and nitrite to produce su¤cient biomass as bio¢lm.
nitrogen gas. No hydroxylamine, nitrous oxide or In£owing NH‡ 3
4 and NO2 concentrations were in-
nitrate was detected. The rates of nitrite and hydra- creased from 2 to 10 mM in 20 days. At that time
zine conversion were 4.2 and 5.5 nmol min31 (mg the NH‡ 3
4 and NO2 removal rates of the Anammox
VSS)31 , respectively. Nitrate and nitrous oxide could bio¢lm was 9.0 and 9.5 WM min31 at day 20, respec-
also serve as electron acceptors (not shown). Since it tively (Table 2), leaving some residual ammonium,
was shown that hydrazine reacts easily with metal but no nitrite (Fig. 4). At day 23, 1 mM NH‡ 4 was
ions [2], control experiments without sludge were replaced by 0.1 mM N2 H4 and increased in a step-
performed. No spontaneous chemical conversion of wise manner up to 0.9 mM in 10 days. In the ¢rst 20

Table 2
Anammox activity (WM min31 ) in a bio¢lm reactor, fed with 10 mM NH‡ 3
4 and 10 mM NO2 before and after the addition of N2 H4

Day N2 H4 in (mM) N2 H4 out (mM) Activity (WM min31 )

4 conversion NO3
2 conversion NO3
3 formation

20 0 0 9.0 9.5 1.5

43 0.8 0 N.D. N.D N.D
70 0.9 0.1 6.0 11.0 0.7
80 0.9 0.2 1.2 1.7 ^*
The Anammox activity in the bio¢lm reactors was measured in batch mode for 6 h with ammonium and nitrite. The initial concentration of
both ammonium and nitrite was 6 mM. Hydrazine was added at day 23.
N.D., not determined.
*Below detection limit.

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Fig. 4. The e¡ect of hydrazine on the anaerobic ammonium oxidation in a bio¢lm reactor. The bio¢lm reactor was fed with 10 mM NH‡
and NO3 3
2 . N2 H4 was added at day 23. Symbols : (b) N2 H4 in; (a) N2 H4 out; (O) NO2 out; (E) NH4 out.

days after the hydrazine addition, the bio¢lm was ferent microorganisms with hydrazine and nitrite
able to convert and tolerate increasing amounts of showed that Anammox was able to convert hydra-
hydrazine (100% conversion, Fig. 4). Conversions of zine biologically (Table 1). A. faecalis and S. cerevi-
ammonium and nitrite did not change signi¢cantly. siae did not show any conversion of hydrazine and
From day 45 the hydrazine and ammonium conver- nitrite. The nitrifying sludge, on the other hand,
sion rate decreased. The ammonium removal, which showed some hydrazine conversion. This could be
is correlated to the Anammox activity, dropped to explained by the presence of about 70% of Nitroso-
6.0 WM min31 at day 70, while the nitrite conversion monas bacteria in the nitrifying sludge (Jetten, un-
increased up to 11.0 WM min31 (Table 2). A very published results). Nitrosomonas contains a large
small amount of nitrous oxide was detected. Activity amount of hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO),
measurements at day 80 showed a greatly reduced an enzyme catalyzing the oxidation of hydroxyl-
capacity for both ammonium and nitrite removal. amine to nitrite. This enzyme can also convert hy-
Apparently, in spite of its capability to convert hy- drazine to dinitrogen gas [7,8]. However, the conver-
drazine, the (mixed) Anammox culture cannot be sion rate of hydrazine by the nitrifying sludge was
grown on hydrazine alone. A second attempt to about ten times lower than the rate observed in the
grow Anammox in a bio¢lm reactor on hydrazine Anammox culture (Table 1). A. faecalis, being a het-
also failed. The control reactor, which was fed with erotrophic nitri¢er with HAO activity, seems not
10 mM NH‡ 3
4 and NO2 performed constantly during capable of oxidizing hydrazine, in contrast to the
the whole experiment. autotrophic nitri¢er N. europaea. The low conversion
of hydrazine observed in the batch experiment with
Q-radiated inactive Anammox culture may be caused
4. Discussion by incomplete inactivation of the hydrazine-convert-
ing enzyme, since a small amount of ammonium was
In microbial nitrogen conversions hydrazine is produced. Chemical decomposition of hydrazine was
rarely observed as an intermediate. Previously, batch not observed in the batch experiments [1], because
experiments with Anammox sludge showed that hy- the hydrazine concentration in the batch experiments
drazine accumulated when the culture was fed with with A. faecalis and S. cerevisiae and in the batch
hydroxylamine [12]. However, it was not known if experiments without cells did not decrease (Table 1).
this phenomenon had a biological nature. The ex- The Anammox culture was also capable to convert
periments described in this article with active cells hydrazine in the absence of other electron acceptors
and cells inactivated with Q-radiation from four dif- (Fig. 2). These results con¢rmed observations made

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earlier in our laboratory [12]. According to the con- possible that an enzyme similar to that observed in
version rate of hydrazine and formation rate of am- the R2 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase from E.
monium the following equation could be derived: coli with a dinuclear iron centre is present in Anam-
3N2 H4 +4H‡ C4NH4 ‡ +N2 . The disproportionation mox, or an enzyme similar to that of HAO from N.
of hydrazine to ammonium and dinitrogen was europaea. More studies need to be performed to
also found for the R2 subunit of the enzyme ribonu- solve the mechanism of hydrazine conversion in
cleotide reductase from E. coli [9]. In batch experi- Anammox.
ments with hydrazine and nitrite a diauxic substrate
conversion was observed (Fig. 3). Nitrite was ¢rst
reduced with hydrazine as the electron donor. After References
all the nitrite was converted, disproportionation of
hydrazine to ammonium and dinitrogen was ob- [1] Moliner, A.M. and Street, J.J. (1989) Decomposition of hy-
served, as shown in Fig. 2. According to the conver- drazine in aqueous solutions. J. Environ. Qual. 18, 483^
sion rates of hydrazine and nitrite during the ¢rst 487.
[2] Demadis, K.D., Malinak, S.M. and Coucouvanis, D. (1996)
5 h the following equation could be derived:
Catalytic reduction of hydrazine to ammonia with MoFe3 S4 -
4NO3 ‡
2 ‡ 4H ‡ 3N2 H4 !5N2 ‡ 8H2 O. To resolve polycarboxylate clusters. Possible relevance regarding the
the possible mechanism by which hydrazine is con- function of the molybdenum-coordinated homocitrate in ni-
verted with and without additional electron accept- trogenase. Inorg. Chem. 35, 4038^4046.
ors, 15 N-labelling studies should provide more infor- [3] Sykes, A.G. (1970) Some reactions of ions and molecules of
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This long-term e¡ect was studied with bio¢lm reac- 177, 4974^4979.
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hydrazine it was observed that the Anammox culture in Nitrosomonas europaea by reduction of nitrite. Arch. Mi-
crobiol. 154, 187^191.
was able to convert and tolerate 1 mM hydrazine
[7] Nicholas, D.J.D. and Jones, O.T.G. (1960) Oxidation of hy-
(Fig. 4). The results from the activity measurements droxylamine in cell-free extracts of Nitrosomonas europaea.
(Table 2) showed that the Anammox activity de- Nature 185, 512^514.
creased according to the rate of ammonium removal, [8] Hooper, A.B. and Terry, K.R. (1977) Hydroxylamine oxido-
while the rate of nitrite conversion increased. The reductase from Nitrosomonas: Inactivation by hydrogen per-
oxide. Biochemistry 16, 455^459.
increase in nitrite conversion is probably due to the
[9] Han, J.Y., Swarts, J.C. and Sykes, A.G. (1996) Kinetic studies
increase of denitri¢cation at the expense of decaying on the hydrazine and phenylhydrazine reductions of the Es-
biomass. Since denitri¢cation is a faster process than cherichia coli R2 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase. Inorg.
the Anammox process [18], this will result in a lower Chem. 35, 4629^4634.
Anammox activity, as was observed after 80 days [10] van de Graaf, A.A., de Bruijn, P., Robertson, L.A., Jetten,
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(Table 2 and Fig. 4). Thus it is concluded that in
robic, ammonium-oxidizing micro-organisms in a £uidized
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culture, as was observed for most forms of life [1]. [11] van de Graaf, A.A., Mulder, A., de Bruijn, P., Jetten, M.S.M.,
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enzymes are involved needs to be investigated. It is ized bed reactor. Microbiology 143, 2415^2421.

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