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I, NAMSON AMADU TSAKU hereby declare that this project titled “COMPARATIVE



NASARAWA STATE” is an original work carried out under the supervision of

MallamAbufathaiIdrisUsman for the award of Higher National Diploma in Science Laboratory

Technology (Biochemistry).

----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
TSAKU, NamsonAmadu DATE





NamsonAmaduTsakumeets the regulationsgoverning the ward of Higher National Diploma in

science LaboratoyTechnology (Biochemistry) of the FederalPolytechnicNasarawaisapproved for

its contribution to knowledge and literarypresentation.

…………………………………............... ……………………………………………
MallamAbufathai Idris Usman Date
Project Supervisor

…………………………………............... ……………………………………………
Mallam Al-Hassan Ali Date
HOD SLT Department

…………………………………............... ……………………………………………

ExternalSupervisor Date


This Project workisdedicated to GodAlmighty and to the entireTsakufamily.

It is very pertinent for me to reflect on how much I owe others in the actualization of this project
work. I sincerely desire to acknowledge the assistance, co-operation and encouragement I
received from different individuals during the course of preparing this project.
My foremost gratitude goes to God Almighty who in His infinite mercy has endowed me with the
strength, knowledge and understanding to embark on this project work.
My sincere appreciation goes to my able supervisor, MallamAbulfathiIdrisUsman who
intellectual capacity, constructive criticism and selfless Patience guided me throughout the entire
period of this work.
My deepest appreciation also goes to HOD Mallam Al-Hassan Ali forhis encouragement and
moral support in the actualization of my research work. I wholeheartedly acknowledge the
contributionof my other Lecturers; Mr. Sunday Oketa, MallamZakariAhmadu, Mrs. Sarah
AdeolaOlayioye and other for their effort in imparting knowledge in me and for all their
encouragement and moral support in my academic endeavor.
I wish to acknowledge the effort of my course mates; Mr Albert Joseph Gokuum, Miss
Racheal,Mrs.SalmatAbdulahi, Yusuf OdehMusa, Miss Enne , Miss Grace and Mr. Thomas to
mention but a few , for their tireless encouragement, prayer and support. I say a big thank you. I
remain eternally grateful to entire Tsaku family and other friends for their prayer and tireless
support throughout the years of my academic endeavors.

Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Content vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Abstract x
1.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………….1
1.2.1 Production of Sesame Seed…………………………………………………………....1
1.3.1 Aim………………………………………………………………………………….…2
1.4 Objectives of the Study………………………………………………………………..2
1.5 Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………...2
1.6 Significance of the study………………………………………………………………2
1.7 Scope of the study……………………………………………………………………..2
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………………...3
2.1 Soil and Fertility Requirement of Sesame………………………………………….…..3
2.2 Production……………………………………………………………………………....3
2.3 Growth Conditions……………………………………………………………………..3
2.4 Harvesting and Post Harvesting Handling of Sesame Seed……………………………4
2.5 Nutritional Benefits of Sesame Seed…………………………………………………...5
2.6 Description /Physical Properties of Sesame Seed……………………………………..5
2.7 Utilizations of Sesame Seed……………………………………………………………5

3.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS………………………………………………………6
3.1 Materials………………………………………………………………………………..6
3.2 Methods……………………………………….………………………………………..6
3.2.1 Sample Collection and Preparation…………………………………………………….6
3.2.2 Chemical Analysis……………………………………………………………………...6 Determination of moisture contents using oven method AOAC, (2016)………………6
3.4.2 Determination of Protein………………………………………………………………..7 Digestion procedure………………………………………………………………..........7 Protein distillation procedures……………………………………………………….….7 Titration……………………………………………………………………………….....7
3.4.3 Determination of total ash content……………………………………………………..8
3.4.4 Determination of crude fibre…………………………………………………………...8
3.4.5 Determination of Crude fat……………………………………………………………..9
3.4.6 Carbohydrate content and caloric value………………………………………………...9
3.5 Chemical Analysis……………………………………………………………………....9
3.6 Statistical Analysis……………………………………………………………………...10
4.0 RESULTS……………………………………………………………………………….11
4.1 Discussion……………………………………………………………………………….11

5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION…………………………………….....17
5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………....17
5.2 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………….….17


Table 1: Characteristic of Sesame grown in Nigeria……………………………………………...5

Table 2: Proximate Composition of Sesame Seed (g/100g) for Nasarawa and Lafia Local
Government Area……………………………………………………………………………..….15

Table 3: Mineral Composition of Sesame Seed (mg/100g) for Nasarawa and Lafia Local
Government Area……………………………………………………………………………..….17

Fig. 4.1 Proximate Composition………………………………………………………………13
Fig. 4.2 Mineral Composition…………………………………………………………………16

Sesame plant seed which grows extensively in Nasarawastate of Nigeria is an important and
popular source of edible oil. The seed ranking among the top thirteen oil seeds crops which make
up 90% of the world production of edible oil. Whole sesame seeds were studied for their
proximate and mineral composition using standard methods of analysis of AOAC.
The results of analysis revealed that portion of seed sample contained 6.80% and 6.67% Moisture
Content, 6.57% and 6.66%Ash, 19.03% and 19.05 Crude Protein, 41.42% and 41.50% Crude fat,
4.22% and 4.13% Crude fiber and 21.97% and 22.01% Carbohydrateof whole seed sample
respectively both the seed sample were low in macronutrient minerals but can be good source of
iron and zinc. The seed can be a good source of cemetery protein fiber iron and zinc, apart from
being a good source of edible oil

Sesame (sesame indicate L) also known as Sesamumor Benniseed, belong to the family
Peddiacae, one of the most ancient oil seed crop known to Mankind. Sesame plays an important
role in human nutrition. Most of the seed are used for oil extraction, and edible purpose (El
Khieret al, 2008). Sesame is grow from its plant primarily for oil rich seeds.it is often stated that
it has its origin in Africa and spread early through west Asia, India, china and Japan.

Due to its relatively low productivity, sesame rank nineth among the top thirteen oil seed crops
which make up 90% of the world production of edible oil (Kamal et al 1995).

Sesame indicum is an annual plant which pending on variety varies in height from 0.5m-to 3m. It
has a large tap root and a diverse surface mat of feeder roots, which makes it resistant to drought.
The seeds are very small and have no endosperm. The seed color can be white, grey, brown or
black. The oil extracted from the seeds could be used for cooking, message and health treatment
of the body.

The sesame seed is rich in fat, protein, carbohydrates, fibers and some mineral the oil seed is
renowned for its stability because it strongly resists oxidative rancidity even after long exposure
to air (Global Agric. system, 2010).

1.2 Production of Sesame Seed

Global production of sesame seed is estimated by Food Agricultural Organization at 3.15mn
tones per year (2001) having risen from 1.4mn tones in the early 1960’s. However, only a small
proportion of the global sesame harvest enters international trade. For the most part, the oil is
expressed locally and used locally for cooking or the seeds themselves are eaten, particularly
after being fried.
Sesame is grown in many part of the world on over 5 million acres (20,000km 2). The largest
producers of the crop in 2007 were India, China, Myanmar, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and
Nigeria. Seventy percent of the world’s sesame crops is grown in Asia, with Africa growing 26%
(Hansen, 2011). The largest producers are China and India, each with an annual harvest around
750,000 tonnes followed by Myanmar (425,000 tonnes) and Sudan (300,000 tonnes). These
figures are only rough estimates of the situation as sesame is a small holder crop and much of the
harvest is consumed locally, without record of the internal trade and domestic processing.

Nigeria has great market potentials for sesame seed production for domestic and export markets
noting that the production figures of the commodity has been on a steady increase since 1980,
reaching 67000 MT by 1997 and was estimated to reach 139,000MT by the year 2010, according
to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural resources (Joseph, 2009). This is an
agreement with the 2008 annual report of the Central Bank of Nigeria which states there has
been a rise in production of Sesame seed from 98,000,000 to 152,000,000kg from 2003 to 2007
(CBN, 2009).
Out of the estimated 3.5million hectares of Nigeria’s arable land suitable for the growth of the
Sesame seed, only 300,000 is currently used for the crop. However average yield of the crops is
about 300kg/ha which is 4 times lower than the average yield of other seeds crops e.g.
Groundnut and Soybeans. In major production zones in the Country, it is used in traditional food
recipes and snacks rather than for export purposes (NAERLS, 2010). Nigeria was the largest
supplier to the Japanese market, the world’s largest import market for Sesame (Chemonics,
2002). Thus, the potentials for beniseed production in Nigeria is high since Japan, as well as
Taiwan and Korea, generate global demand and offer opportunity for Nigerian growers. Nigeria
has a 6% share of the $600 million global markets for sesame seed (Nigeria’s Harvest, 2009).
1.3 Aim
To determine the nutritional compositions and mineral composition of sesame sample grown in
Lafia and Nasarawa
1.4 Objectives of the Study
i. Determination of nutritional composition of Sesame grown in Lafia and Nasarawa Local
Government Area in Nasarawa State.
ii. To determine some minerals present in the Sesame
1.5 Statement of the Problem
This research is carried out with the essence of digesting out the fact about the nutritional and
mineral composition of sesame grown in Nasarawa state Lafia local government, Nasarawa state.
Hence, there is need to study them and to assess the differences in their minerals and proximate

1.6 Significance of the study
This study give a clear insight into the level of element and nutritional composition in Nasarawa
and Lafia L.G.A. Nasarawa state.it is important to highlight the fact that each element,
nutritional has a unique function, regardless of its categorization as either macro-micro elements.
The finding of this research will show if the mineral and components present in this sesame are
favorably for consumption or not.
1.7 Scope of the study
This research focuses in the mineral and nutritional composition of sesame grown in Nasarawa
and Lafia Local Government of Nasarawa state

4.1 Soil and Fertility Requirement of Sesame
Sesame is adaptable to many soil types but it thrives best on well-drained, fertile soil of medium
texture and neutral p H (5.4-6.7) Sesame, which has an extensive branched feeder root system,
appears to improve soil structure. Sesame has a low salt tolerance and cannot tolerate wet
condition. Fertilizer requirement of sesame are similar to those of the millet plant: 801b N, 201b
P2O5 and K2O per acre. Other important factors include the need for long periods of sunlight and
is generally a short day plant (there are varieties which are unaffected by the length of the day
(Nature Land, 2002)
4.2 Production
Sesame was widely grown in middle Belt, Northern and Central Nigeria as a minor crop initially
in 1974 when it became a major cash crop in many Northern States e.g. Benue, Kogi, Gombe,
Jigawa, Kano, Nasarawa, Katsina, Plateau, Yobe and Federal Capital Territory (NAERLS,
2010). Sesame is commonly grown by smallholder farmers. The Major producing areas in order
of priority are; Nasarawa, Jigawa and Benue States. Other important area of production are found
in Yobe, Niger, Kano, Katsina, Kogi, Gombe and Plateau states. Harvesting begins in late
December and continues through July. Each producing area has only one season.
There are two types of Sesame produced in Nigera.
1. White/raw = Food-grade used in bakery industry. 98-100% whitest grade seeds
2. Brown/mixed = primarily oil-grade.
The White (Food Grade) seed is grown around the towns of Keffi, Lafia/Markurdi, Doma and in
Nasarawa, Taraba, and Benue States. It is easier to sort and the Fumani/Denin people consume
sesame locally.
The Brown/Mixed grows in the North, in Kano State and in Jigawa State near Hadejia, and
somewhat in the Southern Part of Katsina State. There is some local consumption of the brown
grade, but not much. The brown can be upgraded to food grade through bleaching, (Chemonics,
2002). Several varieties of sesame are cultivated in Nigeria. The basic agronomic characteristics
of some of the varieties are shown in the table below.

Variety Days to Maturity Seed Seed size Oil content Potential Yield
Color (mm) (%) (Kg/ha)
NCRI BEN-01M 102-115 White 3 45 1000
NCRI BEN-01M 102-115 Light 3 45 750
NCRI BEN-01M 125-140 Brown 2 40 600
E-8 90 White 3.6 50 1000
Yandev-55 125 Light 2.5 45 600

Table 2.1: Characteristic of Sesame grown in Nigeria

2.3 Growth Conditions

Sesame has important agricultural attributes: it is adapted to tropical and temperate condition
grows well on stored soil moisture with minimal irrigation or rainfall can produce good yields
under high temperature and its grain has a high value (Bennet, 2011).
Sesame is found growing in most tropical and Southern temperature area of the world (Ghandi,
2009). However, it is now cultivated around the dry tropics between the latitudes of 40 o N and S.
It is scarcely cultivated in the USA or Europe, not only because of climate but also because of
the low returns per unit area. It has been reported to be a typical crop for small farmer in the
developing countries (Benet, 2011)
Sesame needs long periods of sunshine and is generally a short-day plant – whereby varieties
exist which are unaffected by the length of the day (Nature land 2002). Sesame needs a constant
high temperature, the optimum range or growth blossoms and fruit ripeness is 26-30 0C. The
minimum temperature for germination is around 120C, yet even temperature below 180C can
have a negative effect during germination (Nature land, 2002).
2.4 Harvesting and Post Harvesting Handling of Sesame Seed
Sesame seed is harvested when about 50% of capsules turn yellow in color from green. Other
indication of the optimum time for harvesting (physiological ripeness) include; lowest capsules
turning brown and beginning to pop open, stem turning yellow, leaves beginning to fall off, end
of blossoming, leaves turning yellow(Kimbonguilaet al., 2009).
Harvesting should not be delayed in order to prevent seed loss through shattering. The size and
shape of sesame seed (i.e. small and flat) makes it difficult to remove much air through it in
storage bin. Therefore, the seeds need to be harvested as dry as possible and store at 6 percent
moisture or less (Hensen,2011, Nigeria Harvest, 2009, Langham et al, 2008). If the seed is to
moist, it can quickly heat up and become rancid, high levels of humidity can cause sesame to

take moisture again and go moldy; it should therefore only be stored for a short while or in air-
tight containers. Sesame is generally harvested manually by cutting stems with stick, and then
left to dry for the first 2-3 days after cutting in a window(Nature land, 2002). The leaves dry out
quickly there making it easier to bundle them into leaves. Plants are tied with rope into small
bundles or sheaves (diameter of 15cm, bottom 45-80cm and positioned erect on a mat or
tarpavlure for drying to complete. This prevents seed wastage as contamination.
Mechanical harvest is better, as the unripe plants are cut, and then the pre-dried sheaves threshed
out. This reduces the amount of seed lost, and the hay makes better fodder.
After the seed have been harvested and dried, the storage sacks must be checked and free of
insects. Packaged sesame should be stored in a dark place at low temperature (below 18 oC) and
low relative humidity.
2.5 Nutritional Benefits of Sesame Seed.
Sesame seed (Sesame Indicum L.) is an oil seed with a chemical composition of about 50-52%
oil, 17-19% protein and 16-18% carbohydrate (Tunde–Akintunde and Akintunde, 2004). Its seed
contains about 42-54% quality oil, 22-25% protein, 20-25% Carbohydrate and 4-6% ash.
The seed also contained significant amount of important minerals with the potassium
concentration being the highest, followed by phosphorous, magnesium, calcium and sodium
(Loumouamouet al, 2010). For white sesame seed (S, indicum L) from Sudan, oil was 52.24%,
protein 25.97%, fibre 19.35% ash 4.685% (Elkhieret al., 2008).
The predominant mineral composition was calcium followed by potassium, magnesium and
phosphorous. All other elements were present in comparatively low concentration (Elleuchet al.,
2.5.1 Description /Physical Properties of Sesame Seed
The seed characteristics or physical properties of sesame seed vary and this variation may likely
be as a result of variability in genotypic effects (Elkhieret al, 2008). The physical properties i.e.
length ,width, thickness, geometric mean diameter, sphericity and surface area of the two
common local sesame seeds varieties in Nigeria varied from 2.9-3.2mm,1.9-2.1mm,0.85-
0.91mm, 1.59;1.72mm, 0.575-0.58 and 7.05-10.2mm respectively (Tunde–Akintunde and
Akintunde, 2007)
2.6 Utilization of Sesame Seed

Sesame is grown for its seeds and the primary use of the sesame seed is as a source of oil for
cooking. The young leaves may also be eaten in stems and the dried stems may be burnt as fuel
with ash used for local soap making, but such uses are entirely subordinate to seed production.

5.1 Materials
Digital weighing balance, Muffle furnace, Digital weighing balance, Soxhlet apparatus, Hot
plate, Pipette, Beaker, Conical flask, Flame photometer, (AAS) Atomic
5.2 Methods
3.2.1 Sample Collection and Preparation
Sample of dry, white sesame seeds were identified by market women and purchased
fromNasarawa and Lafia market of Nasarawa State.
The sample were packaged in a polythene bag and taken to the analytical laboratory of Nasarawa
State University, Faculty of Agriculture, Agronomy Research laboratory and Food Agricultural
Organization (FAO) Ministry of Agriculture Kaduna, for re-identification, authentication and
analysis. The sesame seeds will be sorted and cleaned from debris and all extraneous. The clean
sesame seeds were then subjected to the following analysis;
3.2.2 Chemical Analysis
The method described in AOAC (2016) will be used to analyze the proximate composition of
sesame seeds for the moisture, ash, fibre, fat, protein while the carbohydrate content will be
calculated by subtracting the sum of the valve of the other nutrient from 100. Determination of moisture contents using oven method (AOAC, 2016):
Platinum PorcelianCrucible were washed, dried in a desiccator and weighed. A measured weight
of each sample (5.0gs) was weighed into the platinum crucible. The dish and the content will be
weighed the sample in the crucible will be dried in the oven at 105 0C for 3 hours until a constant
weight is obtained. It will be cooled in a desiccator and weighed. It will then be returned to the
oven for further drying to obtain a constant weighed at 95-100 0C under pressure not exceeding
100mmHg. Drying, cooling and weighing will be done repeatedly at hourly interval until there
will be no further diminution in the weight (that is, constant weight will be obtained). The weight
of moisture lost will be calculated and expressed as a percentage of the weight of sample
analyzed. It will be expressed as shown below:

Moisture (%)
Moisture Content (%) W2 – W3X 100
W2 – W1 1
W1 = weight of empty moisture crucible
W2 = weight of empty dish + sample before drying
W3 = weight of dish + Sample dried to constant weight
3.4.2 Determination of Protein
This will be done by Kjeldahl Method described by AOAC, (2016). The total nitrogen
determined and multiplied with factor 6.25 to obtain the protein content. Digestion procedure
A sample of 2.0g was mixed with 10ml of concentrated H 2SO4 in digestion (kjeldahl) flask.
Followed by the addition of 1g of copper sulphate and a tablet of selenium catalyst will be added
to it before it will be heated under a fume cupboard with occasional shaking till the solution
assume a green color (at a temperature above 450 oC for about 30 minutes). Cool and wash down
any black particles that will appear at the mouth and neck of the flask with distilled water. Re-
heat gently at first until the green color disappears (the digest) and then allow it to cool.
Transfer the digest into 100ml volumetric flask and then make up to the mark with distilled water
and distil using Markham distillation apparatus. Protein distillation procedures
The Markham distillation apparatus will be streamed for about 15 minutes. Under the condenser,
place a 100ml conical flask containing 10ml of 40% boric acid indicator containing 3 drops of
mixed indicator (bromo cresol green/methyl red).
Pipette 10ml of the digest into the body of the apparatus via the small funnel aperture, was down
with distilled water followed by equal volume of 45% NaOH (10ml) solution in the distillation
apparatus. Steam through for about 5-7 minutes to collect enough ammonium sulphate. The
ammonia that will be generated will be collected in an excess of boric acid which will yield
ammonium borate. Titration
The distillate (ammonium borate) in the receiving flask will be titrated against N/100 (0.01N)
sulphuric acid (at end point, the color will change from green to a deep red). A reagent blank will

also be digested, distilled and titrated. The nitrogen content and hence the protein content was
calculated using the formula below:

1 ml of 1 N H2SO4 = 14 mg

Protein (%) = N2 (%) × 6.25

100 N ×14 Vt
N 2 \{%\}= × × × T.B
W 1000 Va

W = Weight of sample (2.0g)

N = Normality of titrant (0.01 N H2SO4)

Vt = Total digest volume (100ml)

Va = Volume of digest analyzed (10ml)

T = Sample titrate value

B = Blank titre value

3.4.3 Determination of total ash content

This was carried out using the furnaces incineration gravimetric method described by Moronkola
et al. (2011). Weigh accurately 5.0g of the finely grounded sample and measure into a previously
weighed porcelain crucible. The sample will be burnt to ashes in a Muffle furnace at 550 oC for 2
hours until a whitish-grey ash is formed. When it becomes completely ashed, the dish will be
placed in desiccator to cool and re-weighed. The weight loss will be reported as moisture using
the formula below:
W 2 −W 1 100
Ash \{%\}= ×
Weight of Sample 1
W1 = Weight (g) of empty crucible
W2 = Weight of crucible + Ash
3.4.4 Determination of crude fibre
Crude fibre was determined by the method of Moronkola et al (2011). A 5.0g of the powdered
sample will be boiled in 200ml solution of 1.25% H2SO4 for 30 min under reflux. The boiled
sample will be washed in several portions of hot water using a two-fold cloth to trap the particles
and no more acid present in the washings. Transfer the residue to a beaker and boil for 30
minutes with 200ml of the solution containing 1.25g NaOH. After washing in several portion of
hot water, the sample will be allowed to drain dry before being transferred quantitatively to a
weighed crucible where it will be dried in the oven at 105 oC to a constant weight. The crucible
will be ignited in the muffle furnace (400-6000C) and will be ashed for 4 hours. Cool in a
desiccator and re-weigh. The loss in weight after incineration is the fibre content.
% crude fibre = Loss in weight after incineration X 100
3.4.5 Determination of Crude fat
This will be determined using soxhlet fat extraction method described by Moronkola et al (2011).
Two(2) grams of plants sample will be weighed and wrapped in a porous paper (Whitman filter
paper) and put in a thimble. The thimble containing the plant samples will be placed in a soxhlet
reflux flask and mounted into a weighed extraction flask. Fill the boiling flask 300ml of
petroleum ether (boiling point 40-60oC). Plug the extraction thimble lightly with cotton wool.
Assemble the soxhlet apparatus and allow refluxing for six hours. The upper of the reflux flask
will be connected to a water condenser. Remove the thimble with care and collect petroleum
either in the top container of the set-up and drain into a container for re-use. The flask with the
fat will be disconnected and placed in an oven at 105-110 oC for 1 hour. Transfer the flask into a
desiccator and allow to it cool and weigh. The weight of oil (fat) extract will be determined by
difference and calculate the percentage of the weight of sample analyzed thus:

W 2−W 1 100
Fat \{%\}= ×
Weight of Sample 1

W1 = Weight (g) of empty extraction flask
W2 = Weight of flask + oil (fat) extract.
3.4.6 Determination of Total Carbohydrate Content
The total carbohydrate content of the sample was obtained as described by Moronkola et al.,
(2011),where the results from fat, protein, moisture and ash content analyses were sum-up and
the carbohydrate content was calculated as follows; 100% (% moisture+ % protein +% fat + %
3.5 Chemicals Analysis

Potassium and Sodium were determined using modified method of Bonireet al., (1990) by
digesting the ash of the seed with perchloric acid and nitric acid, followed by taking the readings
on digital flame photometer.
Phosphorus was determined by Vanadolmolybdate colorimetric method.
Calcium, Iron, Manganese and Zinc were determined spectrophotometrically using buck 550
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Buck scientific, Norwalk), and then compared their
absorption with absorption of standards of these minerals. Statistical analysis were performed on
the result using paired t-test, and level of significance was set at P<0.05.
3.6 Statistical Analysis
Data collected from Sesame samples were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test for
significant effect of source, period on Sesame quality at 95% confidence limit using the
procedure recommended by steel and Torrie J.H. (1980). When significant differences were
observed, treatment means were separated using the F-LSD.

4.1 Discussion

The moisture content obtained for the whole seed samples were in perfect agreement with the
one in the literature. The very low moisture content of the seed was suggestive of its long shelf
life and keeping quality and this may be an advantage since most spoilage micro-organisms do
not thrive well on food items that are low in moisture contest (Tressleret al, 1980). The values
obtained for crude protein of the two location in this study were slightly lower than the range
stated in the literature by Esmniger, A.H. and Esmniger, M.E.(1994).

This observe variation might have resulted from varietal and geographic difference both location
were moderately high in crude protein compared with other plant seeds and since vegetable and
fruits are the major contributing sources of protein in the developing countries, the level of crude
protein in Sesame seed can qualify it as a good source of plant protein, if bio-available and easily
digestible by the body.
The lipid content (far) of seed samples were within the range stated in the literature. This
observed variation in lipid content might be closely associated with varietal and geographic
differences. The value obtained on this study for lipid content of Sesame seed confirmed the fact
that the seed is very rich in crude lipid.
The significance of crude fibre cannot be overemphasized in human nutrition. High fibre content
have been reported to be beneficial in preventing constipation and diverticulosis, bind to and
remove toxic materials from the body, has high stooling easy and bulky (Mc. Dongalet al., 1996,
Janseh, 2004). It has also been reported that dietary fibre improves glucose tolerance, is
beneficial in treating maturity on set of diabetes, and have health promoting potential (Anderson,
1979; Larrauriet al., 1996).
The ash content of the samples was relatively high and highly comparable with the ones for
Sudanese white and Indian black Sesame seeds (Esmniger, A.H and Esmniger, M.E (1994). The
difference in the ash value of Sesame in Lafia and Nasarawa Local government Area were slight.
The seed was rich in Carbohydrate, though not as high in value as those with lower lipid content
such as Anderson digital.

The result of mineral analysis of Sesame seed is as shown in Table 4.2.
Except iron and zinc content, the values obtained for potassium, calcium and Phosphorus in this
study were lower than the literature value (Obiajunwaet al., 2005); while the value of iron and
zinc were significantly higher. The observed difference in values is believed to be due to varietal
The low sodium content of the seed can be advantage of its usefulness as an additive or
condiment in food preparation. It is high in calcium and phosphorus, and can serve as a good
source of minerals. Due to its relatively high value of Iron, brown Sesame seed can be a good
source of non-sesame iron to its consumers if confirmed to be bio-available. Its zinc level also
can qualify it as a good source of this important mineral for growth and maintenance of good
The seed was low in sodium content, slightly high in potassium and high in calcium, phosphorus
and moderate in iron zinc and manganese.


Table 4.1. Proximate Composition of Sesame Seed (g/100g) For Nasarawa and Lafia Local
Government Area

Parameters (%) Nasarawa Local Government Area Lafia Local Government Area
Moisture Content 6.80 ± 0.20 6.67 ± 0.15
Ash 6.57 ± 0.21 6.66 ± 0.15
Crude Protein 19.03 ± 0.22 19.05 ± 0.24
Crude Fat 41.42 ± 0.08 41.50 ± 0.50
Crude Fibre 4.22 ± 0.07 4.13 ± 0.10
Carbohydrate 21.97 ± 1.00 22.01 ± 1.07




(%) Composition





Moisture Content Ash Crude Protein Ether Extract Crude Fibre NFE


Nasarawa Lafia

Fig. 4.1 Proximate Composition

Table 4.2: Mineral Composition of Sesame Seed (mg/100g) for Nasarawa and Lafia Local
Government Area

Nasarawa Local Government Area Lafia Local Government

Potassium 102.50 ± 0.10 103.30 ± 0.46

Sodium 37.73 ± 0.12 37.57 ± 0.21

Calcium 277.13 ± 0.96 281.03 ± 1.07

Iron 3.76 ± 0.04 3.85 ± 0.03

Phosphorus 161 ± 1.77 160 ± 1.91

Manganese 1.08 ± 0.02 1.04 ± 0.01

Zinc 4.45 ± 0.08 4.30 ± 0.02


Concentration (mg/100g)





Potassium Sodium Calcium Iron Phosphorus Manganese Zinc


Nasarawa Lafia

Fig. 4.2 Mineral Composition



5.1 Conclusion

Whole Sesame seeds were high in Lipids, Protein, Carbohydrate and Mineral content, and can
serve as a good source of these nutrients. Because of its nutritional value, it can be used as food
supplement to complement and improve the nutrient content of other food items, which may be
low in protein and essential minerals.

It can also serve as a food supplement or additive in formulating complementary diets for infants.
However, the bio-availability of the protein, Iron and zinc as well as anti-nutritional factors
levels of the seed need to be investigated to establish its suitability or otherwise as food

5.2 Recommendation

i. Sesame grown in Lafia and Nasarawa Local Government Area is recommended for use since
the Sesame serve as a good source of these nutrients
ii. It’s also recommended as a food supplement or complementary diet for infants.

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