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When the debtorbinds

himselfto pay when his means permit him to do so, the obligation is:

a. Conditional
b. Pure
c. Simple
d. With a Period

2.Contractswhich cannot be sued upon unless ratified, thus it is as if

they haveno effect yet are:

a. Voidable
b. Rescissible
c. Void
d. Unenforceable

3. If the obligation ofthe debtoris "I will pay youmy debt after
Ihave arrived from abroad," this is

a. Unenforceable
b. With a Period
c. Void
d. Conditional

4. When the characters ofthe creditor and the debtor are merged in
one and the same person, there is extinguishment of the obligation by:

a. Compensation
b. Merger of Rights
c. Novation
d. Remission

5. Through insidious words or machinations, A was able to induce B

to enter into a contract which without them B would not have agreed to
it. There is:
a. Undue Influence
b. Fraud
c. Mistake
d. Misrepresentation
6. "A sells to B his lot and housein the city if A decides to transfer
and live in the countryside" is an example of:

a. Mixed
b. Potestative Condition
c. Casual Condition
d. Resolutory Condition

7. It is a mode of extinguishing an obligation when two persons in

their own right are creditors of each other.

a. Confusion
b. Reformation
c. Compensation
d. Novation

8. A contract is in the stage ofconception when:

a. There ismeeting of the minds.

b. Negotiations are in progress.
c. The parties come to an agreement.
d. The contract is perfected.

9. If the obligor binds himself to perform his obligation as soon as

"he shall have obtained a loan" from a certain bank, this obligation is:

a. With a Term
b. Conditional
c. Suspensive
d. Resolutory

10. Contractsentered into in a state of drunkenness or during a hypnotic

spell are:

a. Void
b. Valid
c. Voidable
d. Legal

1. D
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. C

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