MB: Much Differently. On The CBD Side, You Have 1,000 To 1,600 Plants

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MB: Much differently. On the CBD side, you have 1,000 to 1,600 plants
per acre, planted and tended to as separate plants. Traditional hemp,
grown for mass market products such as textiles and bioplastics, has a
planting rate of 400,000 per acre (roughly 100 plants/square meter),
and is drilled in like wheat. It grows tall and you harvest the tops for seed
production and then use the stalk for a number of industrial purposes.


8,000 pounds of hemp seed per acre. When cold-pressed, the 8,000 pounds of hemp seed
yield over 300 gallons of hemp seed oil and a byproduct of 6,000 pounds of high protein
hemp flour. Seed oils are both a food and a biodiesel fuel. Currently, the most productive
seed oil crops are soybeans, sunflower seeds and rape seed or canola. Each of these three
seed oil crops produce between 100 to 120 gallons of oil per acre.


Seeding Rate: 25lbs/acre

Sowing Methods: Direct seed in rows or clones; all females ideal for highest

Fertility: Under investigation

Harvesting: Hand harvest; mechanical equipment under investigation. Harvested

material is the flowers

Curing: Hang dry; Under investigation

Processing: Supercritical CO2, ethanol, butane, olive oil, coconut oil

Processed Product: Cannabinoid extract



 Just over 20% of acreage reported by respondents will be covered by crop

insurance in 2020.
 Average CBD yields were about 1,520 pounds per acre.
 Average CBG yields were about 1,167 pounds per acre.
 Average grain yields were 1,250 pounds per acre.
 Producers plan to test their crops twice for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) averages
in 2020.
 More than 25% of respondents reported having “hot crops” with more than the
federal 0.3% THC limit.
 Producers will plant an estimated 94,259 acres of organic hemp in 2020 versus
an estimated 62,823 acres of non-organic hemp.


Main Findings For a representative farm of 10 acres that obtains 2,500 pounds of dry flower with 6.5%
CBD, as shown in Table 2, this study finds that for 2020 growing season: • The total cost per acre is
$19,289 or $7.72 per pound of dried hemp flower. About twothirds of the total cost per acre ($12,719) is
variable, meaning that it changes with the level of production, and one-third of it ($6,570) is fixed. • At
the prevailing local price of $1.50 and 6.5% CBD, total revenues are $24,375 per acre, leading to $5,086
in profits per acre, or $11,656 per acre net return over variable costs. • Future profitability of CBD hemp
production will on individual technical abilities of farmers (dry flower yield and CBD content of crop) as
well as external market forces, predominately CBD prices.


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