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The rapid development of technology continues to change our lives, our understanding of entertainment and work.

Especially thanks to the presence of the internet, this change has gained a great speed.

So now we have the opportunity to reach almost every person in the world in some way. Thanks to social media and search
engines, we face an incredibly large amount of knowledge. Of course, because the internet is so large, it is also possible to
earn money from this channel.

So how do you make money from the internet? Many people somehow since the internet came into our lives;it continues to
make money from ways like marketing, content marketing and advertising. But before moving on to these methods, we need
to examine the issue a little more. In this article, we will talk about both methods of obtaining passive income thanks to the
Internet and actually doing this job full-time. However, it is worth noting that it is not easy to make money on the internet as
easily as expected. If you dream of becoming rich overnight by earning money from the internet, this article is probably not
for you. In order to make money from the internet, you must make a serious effort and make a sacrifice.

Pain and pleasure

Before we look at ways to make money on the internet, we should mention the concepts of pain and pleasure. Every
decision we make is related to the dilemma between pain and pleasure. We always want to escape from pain and enjoy
more. This is perfectly normal. However, in some cases it may be necessary to suffer, especially to be really successful in
business life.

For example…

Making money on the internet may seem like a pleasant job. Making money online is pleasant and exciting at first. However,
it is not even a job to be damned by looking at the effort put into work when things are not right.

The point here is this: In order to make serious money from the Internet, it is necessary to work hard. In other words, it
means a lot of money, a lot of labor and, if it means, suffering a lot.

People want to earn millions on the Internet with a few days' effort, but this is not at all realistic. In other words, providing
maximum benefit with minimum effort is not a very realistic idea.

What are the best ways to make money on the internet?

You may not have much knowledge to start this business, but it is an indispensable passion and your desire must be. In this
way, it will be easier to learn from your mistakes and learn the truths throughout the process.

Whether on the internet or off the internet today; If you want to be successful, you must produce a value that people can
benefit from. In the beginning, you should show maximum effort for minimum income, for example.Especially, it is much
more obvious for this internet world. Because a certain time is required to gain a certain audience and presence on the
Internet. This time is directly proportional to your efforts.
Successful people are successful because they are able to offer a remarkable service and product. These people think every
detail fine and do not immediately chase money. They know that at the end of success, they brought financial gain.

First of all, there are a few things you should do:

Determine the audience you're addressing and what to do.Identify your strengths. You may not have the degree of
expertise in what you want to do, but you should be ready to train yourself on this.

Open a blog. Your blog is your home in the internet world.Therefore, give importance to the blog and open a custom
name blog instead of a blog with the wordpress or blogspot extension. For example: photoshopdersleri.wordpress, not…

Produce quality content. Quality content means originality. As long as you are authentic and you tell / teach people
new things, you can create a unique audience. It is not possible to make money without an audience.

Create an e-mail list. One of the best ways to make money on the internet is to contact and email people who are likely
to be interested in a topic. Although many people do not claim that e-mail marketing has died, there is still serious
potential in this area.

Do not compromise on your posture. Do not compromise your personality and dignity for the sake of making money.
Once your name is smudged on the Internet, it will not be easy to fix it.Because Google never forgets… Also, it would
be beneficial for you not to get stuck on things like Adsense or advertisement without getting thousands of visitors a

So, in summary, focus on long-term results. You may be depressed by slow progress at first, but accomplishing important
things is not easy in nature. This process can take a lot of time, but never give up and continue producing quality content.

Now we will tell you about short and long term money making methods on the internet. You can identify the ones that suit
you and start preparations. Good luck with!

1. Write and sell e-books.

If you have the ability to write, you can consider writing e-books. The e-book market is a huge area. You can write books on
a technical subject, for example, to compete here. In this method, where you can make money even while you sleep, you
may need to spend a lot of effort while writing the book. You write the book once and start publishing without doing anything
after it is published. However, in the long run, your content must be quality and useful for the purchase of the book.

You can sell your ebook with Amazon Kindle or Apple iTunes Connect programs. It is also very easy to sell e-books here.
Membership fee is very small. To earn money from the e-book business, your cultural capital must be high in order to write
good books rather than financial capital. However, there is a topic that everyone knows very well. You can start writing a
technical work related to your specialty.
2. Buy audiobooks.

Audiobooks have gained popularity in recent times, but are still less known than e-books.

When it comes to technical issues, people want to listen or watch rather than read. However, you can write an e-book and
then Audible's ACX platform to make it an audiobook. Here you can partner with people who want to voice your books, for

3. Write an application.

Yes, coding the application requires technical knowledge. If you are not related to the software, this option may not make
much sense to you. However, writing and selling apps is an extremely good source of passive income.You can reach a
large audience by developing a wonderful application.

If you don't know how to code, there is one more thing you can do about it: You can pay someone else and print an
application. However, you need to find an idea that is likely to be adopted by people.If you make the necessary market
analysis and read the trends well, you can own a popular application and earn money.

4. Subscribe to sites such as Fiverr, Bionluk.

If you have experience in graphic design, accounting, voice over, social media marketing, SEO, you can get freelance jobs
from sites like Fiverr, BiOnluk. You can also increase your wages per job if you show superior success on these platforms
where you earn 5 dollars or 10 liras per job.

Before you become a member of such sites, determine in which areas you can serve and introduce yourself well. Because
as you do good work and get positive reviews, you will have the opportunity to earn more money.

5. You can also subscribe to sites like Upwork, 99Designs.

You can subscribe to Upwork and 99Designs for all kinds of work under the sun. So regardless of your profession, you can
find many jobs that you can do through these sites. Even though 99Designs is only for graphic design, Upwork is open to all

However, as everywhere, starting is difficult here. It is very difficult to get a job here before taking positive assessments in a
competitive environment. However, all you have to do is to examine the profile of the most successful people in your field
and adapt it to you.

6. Build a blog.
One of the most tiring ways to make money online is blogging. It is difficult to create a blog with a tight blogging audience.It
requires intensive work and time. Only after exceeding a certain threshold can progress be made easier.

A blog with a good audience can make thousands of dollars a month. However, obtaining, protecting and creating quality
content is not as easy as it is thought. In any case, blogging is an area worth trying. You can start right now, for example.
After attracting followers to your blog, you can earn ad revenue through Google Adsense.In the beginning, "drips, even if it
doesn't flow."

7. Focus on e-mail marketing.

E-mail marketing is one of the main pillars of internet related business lines and it is very profitable. However, it is necessary
to understand e-mail marketing well. You should make sure that people are members of your e-mail list before marketing
anything. So throwing random emails is useless. It's all about reaching the right people at the right time.For this reason, you
need to make sure that the people you reach are related to the product you are trying to market.

8. Ebay, Gittigidiyor etc. Sell ​over.

Ebay is a shopping site that has been in our lives since the internet started to grow. However, you need to know how to use
this site. There are various subtleties of selling on Ebay. So it's not always easy to get people interested in your auction.

Therefore, investigate the techniques of selling on the sites such as Ebay, Gittigidiyor, N11, and Owner. Analyze the
techniques of successful vendors. Focus on how they sell products, details on the ad, and try to implement them.

9. Rent your home on AirBnB.

You can rent your house or a room through AirBnB. This is one of the simplest ways to make money in the short term.You
can earn thousands of lira per month thanks to the ads you give to AirBnB at the right time. This becomes more evident
especially if you live in a trendy and touristy neighborhood. For example, if you have an apartment in Galata, you can earn
serious money from this business.

Check out AirBnB ads in your city and see the average market. Then, your home location, belongings, transportation etc. set
a price by considering it. The demand for your home will increase as you receive positive evaluations from people staying at
your home.

10. Buy stock photos.

If you are interested in photography, you can sell stock photos. If you are a member of large stock photography sites such as
Shutterstock, iStockPhoto and you analyze the photo acceptance conditions of these sites, the acceptance rate of the
photos you upload will be high. But it is clear that you will need creativity to take good pictures.

Since competition in this area is very strict, you may have difficulty initially, but you can learn a lot from them by reviewing
the photos that have been bought. Stock photography is a very good source of passive income. You can earn years of
income from the photo you upload once. You can find hundreds of highly useful videos on YouTube such as stock
photography, product photography, food photography.

11. Sell via Etsy.

Etsy is a great platform to sell your own products. If you have high skills, you should definitely consider this site.You can sell
almost everything handmade on Etsy. For example, on this platform where thousands of different things such as handmade
bags, wallets, pictures, lace can be sold, Etsy publishes them by making a small cut from your products. In this way, you
avoid the trouble of creating a special website for yourself. You only have to display your products on this site.You can also
review the pages of successful sellers in Etsy and emulate them.

12. Open your virtual store on Shopify.

If you do not want to sell over Etsy, you can open a virtual store through Shopify. All payments are made under the
guarantee of the site in the store you open on Shopify. Since the site advertises itself, you can start selling immediately after
opening the store. Even if you do not start making money immediately, you will have an e-commerce store that works
without any effort. The fact that it is quite plain and useful is an important reason to choose Shopify.

12. Open the Youtube channel.

Opening a Youtube channel is one of the most fashionable ways to make money online. However, we should emphasize
that this is a long term business. If you have a dream to earn thousands of lira overnight, it would be beneficial to turn to
another alternative. However, depending on the concept of your channel and your video upload stability, you can earn
considerable money from this job. For example, the young man who owns the game channel Enes Batur earns nearly $ 750
a day from Youtube. As of April 2017, he has 3.5 million followers.

So when it comes to Youtube, you should find a certain concept and produce content by staying true to this concept. It can
be game videos, it can be math question solution videos, it can be camera introduction, it can be recipe; it can be anything
you can think of. The important thing is that your videos have quality and useful content. Thanks to quality content, your
growth momentum will increase after a certain stage.

13. Sell your course videos on sites like Udemy.

Currently, Udemy seems to be the ideal platform to sell lecture videos. You can prepare and sell course videos on any
subject in Udemy, which is especially suitable for technical training courses. Although it is a great competitive environment,
you can get a good source of passive earnings depending on the quality of your content thanks to Udemy.

14. Become a virtual assistant.

Being a virtual assistant doesn't make you rich, but “I don't have a lot of money on the stamp. I don't want to get stuck in an
office. I work and live everywhere with laptop and wi-fi. ”You can try virtual assistantship if you want and want to do a great
job from the place.

As long as you know programs like MS Office, you can twist this job. All you have to do is follow the instructions given to you
by the person who has rusted you, that is, the assistant. You can devote a lot of time to yourself in this deadline oriented
business. You are free even if you do not earn much. Things like fake co-workers, boss pressure, being late for work, traffic,
and monday syndrome are not in your life as a result.

15. Give virtual lessons.

Would you like to give private lessons to people online? For example, you can give one-to-one lessons to the other person
via Skype. You don't necessarily have to be sitting at the same table to give or take private lessons.Especially virtual lesson
is a very productive field in terms of language teaching.

Of course, this situation is not only limited to languages. You can contact people who want to take courses related to their
field through many private lesson sites.

16. Create content for websites.

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