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O utreach

May | June 2003

TSG Foundation
Practical tools for ethical living • Publishing & Distribution• Spiritual Education

Triangles of Fire - Corresponding Triangles

The Unpublished Archives
By Torkom Saraydarian
The following article, previously unpub- health, happiness, prosperity, and progress.
lished, is a transcription of a lecture given by All depend on the circulation of energy.
Torkom on September 29, 1991. To change square etheric formations in-
The Tibetan Master once said, “All dis- to triangles, the Tibetan Master suggests we
ciples in the world, and those people who build triangles. The first triangles are built
love humanity and this planet, must start by the substance of light. Three people
building triangles of fire.” He explained in unite together and they transmit light to
His many books what these triangles are. each other. What is light? Light is knowl-
Mission The first of these triangles are called the edge. Light is intuition. Light is revelation.
The purpose of TSG Foun- Triangles of Light. The second are called Tri- Light is understanding. Light is certainty,
dation and The Torkom angles of Goodwill or right human relations. clarity. Light is right relations, direct rela-
Saraydarian University (op- The third type are related to Will or politics. tions. All that is built by light people must
erated under the auspices of We are told that disciples all over the world direct to each other. By directing light to
T.S.G. Publishing Founda- are going to build these three types of trian- each other with their thought energy, they
tion, Inc.) is to be a pathway change the pattern of squares into triangles
gles to change human consciousness.
for self-transformation based so that more energy is absorbed from Cos-
on the Core Values and The story behind the triangles is this.
mic space and transmitted to human beings
Higher Principles of the Age- The Master Tibetan says that a great per-
or to other kingdoms on this planet.
less Wisdom. We offer a com- centage of the etheric body of this planet is
plete line of spiritual prod- built of squares. That is why humanity is still The second triangle is goodwill. Three
ucts and services, including a “square” humanity. This must be changed people or three hundred groups of three
intensive spiritual training into triangles. The square formation was for people or a million groups of three people
on site and by correspon- the first solar system. The first solar system will unite and start working for goodwill and
dence. T.S.G. Publishing right human relations. I met a few people in
was built on square patterns.
Foundation, Inc. is a non- Switzerland, in Germany, in Europe, and al-
profit, tax-exempt organiza- The etheric body of this solar system is
so in America who belonged to this second
tion. going to be built of triangles. The next solar
triangle. What do they do? They distribute
Editorial staff system is going to be built of spheres to fa-
money for right human relations and good-
- USA & UK - cilitate the circulation of more energy. You
Gita Saraydarian will, and they create right human relations
have consciousness, you have vitality, and
Vivienne Pierce between groups and families who are in con-
you have energy because the circulation of
Nurhan Thompson flict. Three people go to a house where there
Catriona Nason energies is in good order within your body,
are problems. One talks one way, another a
John Dumigan within your consciousness, within your
© Gita Saraydarian/The group, and within humanity. There is Continued on page 2
Creative Trust
2| Outreach: Triangles of Fire
Triangles of Fire.... Cont. from page 1 tions; third by beauty, which is Divine Communication.
different way, another a different way. From three view- The first triangle deals with light. The second triangle
points they approach the problems and solve the problems. deals with love — expressing, expanding, distributing
love everywhere, toward everything — so that in your
They not only do this physically but also mentally. family, in your community, in your church, in your na-
Let us say that some person is involved in wrong human tion you have light and you have deep love and compas-
relations and he has no goodwill at all. They hold him sion, so that everybody in the world works for light and
mentally in the midst of the triangle. For example, three for love.
people in different locations in their imagination and vi-
sualization send goodwill, the energy of right human re- The third triangles are not easy because they are
lations to each other, and this expands their hearts, their based on communication with God. The third triangles
minds, making them feel that it is better to work for are going to be formed by those human beings who have
right human relations than to disturb right human rela- high consciousness and have a continuity of conscious-
tions. It is better to have goodwill than ill will. Eventual- ness in them. They will be able to pick up the Will of
ly, mentally and spiritually, they affect each other’s think- God, the Purpose of God, the Plan of God and bring these
ing and condition their thinking, and they start thinking to humanity, to their nation, or to the whole planet.
in terms of right human relations. This effect is based on These third triangles are formed by advanced Initi-
the energy of thought. Everything, according to the Age- ates. Whether they are in high or low positions does not
less Wisdom, is built by thought energy. God was think- matter because positions are measured by spiritual posi-
ing and He designed all these things, and all these things tions. One can be a carpenter, but in his heart, in his soul
were built according to the thinking of that Almighty he can be in contact with God, bringing the Will of God
Power. into his consciousness, into his heart and then speaking
The third type of triangle is called a Triangle of Will. about the Will of God for this planet, for this humanity.
What is a Triangle of Will? We are expecting that such a Does God really want us to kill each other? Does God re-
triangle is going to be built by three mighty Presidents ally want us to pollute this planet? Does God really want
or three mighty politicians or three great intellectuals, crime to increase? Does God really want all these di-
lawyers, judges — so that they communicate with each vorces? Does God really want all these crimes that are
other and create a new world diplomacy, so that we have everywhere? He does not. Then why is it going on? It is
a better world to live in, so that we have right human re- because we do not have that lightening rod which will
lations, so that we have goodwill, so that we have light bring the Will of God, explain it to humanity, and im-
and beauty! This is also transformation in subjective lev- press them with the Plan, with the Will, with the Pur-
els — from squares to triangles. pose of God. This third kind of triangle is a very ad-
vanced triangle.
We are told that the Science of the Triangles was giv-
en by Christ in His Ashrams. One of the great Initiates Correspondences of Triangles
says that His Teaching about the Science of Triangles is These triangles have correspondences in the human
collected maybe in ten volumes, yet They do not know body. In the human body these three triangles exist. The
how to pour that information into the minds of the peo- first triangle is called the energy or pranic or vitality tri-
ple because the people can take this information and sci- angle. This is known especially in the study of electron-
ence according to the expansion of their consciousness ics in medicine. Eventually medicine will reveal it. In the
and the purity of their heart. But slowly, slowly this sci- human body there is a triangle that brings energy into
ence is penetrating into the minds of the people, and the human system. Where is that triangle? One part of
here and there you can see things such as the Science of that triangle is the spleen. Another is a little higher. Just
Pyramids, the Science of Triangles, and triangles in as- below the diaphragm is a point that takes in energy - the
tronomy, astrology, even in science. spleen. These two are very important points in your
This third type of triangle is for new world policy. body. A third is between your shoulder blades. If these
What will be the new world policy? The new world pol- three points are really working, you will have good ener-
icy will be organized by clear thinking from the first tri- gy physically, but if one of them is not working, your en-
angle, light; second by goodwill and right human rela-
Continued on page 3
MAY / JUNE 2003 T.S.G. Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Outreach: The Unpublished Archives |3
Triangles of Fire.... Cont. from page 2 consciousness in your colleges and universities, doing
ergy systems are out of balance. These three points are meditation, working hard in scientific fields and other
called the light triangle in your body because, actually, fields. Eventually this triangle, which is built by the
energy is nothing else but light. (See New Dimensions in throat center, pineal gland, and pituitary body, forms a
Healing by Torkom Saraydarian) triangle of relationships. As this triangle is built within
you, you become more inclined to bring right human re-
Light is energy. Light in your mind is energy. Light
lations and goodwill to humanity. Before this triangle is
in your consciousness is energy. Light in the atom is en-
built, no matter who tells you what to do, you are not in-
ergy. When the energy in the atom is released, you can
clined toward right human relations or goodwill. You are
find nothing else but light in the atom. The light is the
always an egotist, vain, and separative, and you try to use
energy. This triangle in your aura absorbs energy from
everything for your own self-interest. When this triangle
space, from the sun especially, and from the stars. The
is built within you, you naturally love people, you natu-
energy turns three times around itself and through the
rally want to help them, you naturally bring people to-
spleen it gets into your blood and you feel the vitality.
gether, and you naturally build triangles so that you help
This pranic triangle within you corresponds to greater
triangles of light.
You remember what Christ said, “If three people are
Actually, everything in the Universe corresponds
united in the world, they can move mountains.” Why
with everything else. I had a friend who was meditating
did He not say five? He said three people. Why three
for three days. When he opened his eyes he told me
people? It is three people because three people are repre-
something so interesting, but he could not understand its
sentatives of the three great forces in the Universe. One
meaning. He said, “Everything in the Universe is noth-
force is called by religious people Father, the second force
ing else but a mirror.” I asked, “What do you mean?” “I
is called Son, and the third force is called Holy Spirit —
do not know,” he said. Now, I could understand the
Power, Love, and Light. If three people are really united
meaning of what he saw. Take holograms, for example.
with this light energy, they can move mountains; they
Everything is reflected in everything. In a cell of your
can change everything in the world. But to find that uni-
body the Universe is in existence. In your eyes the uni-
ty is very difficult. In Nature you can see this principle
versal galaxies exist, like many microfilms. Everything is
very clearly. Even your family is built upon it: father, moth-
a reflection of everything else in the Universe. Our trian-
er, and child. Again it is Trinity. All is built on Trinity.
gle within our body is a reflection of the first triangle.
The third triangle, which corresponds to the trian-
There is another triangle that is very important. If
gle of will, is again in your head. We have vitality, which
you read, for example, many myths, legends, and reli-
is the first triangle, mind is the second triangle, and spir-
gions of the world, you will see that there is a Teaching
it is the third triangle. The spirit triangle is formed by the
of the Trinity: God is Light, God is Love, and God is
throat center, the heart center, and the seven head cen-
Power. It is this God that created the solar system. The
ters. The fact is that as in the human body so also in the
previous solar system was built by light, love, and power,
body of humanity, so in the body of the planet, these
but light was dominating. Our current solar system was
three triangles must be united and fused with each oth-
built by light, love, and power, with love predominating,
er so that the completion of the Divine Plan is achieved.
and a third solar system far in the future will have will
predominating. If you unite these triangles within you, you will be a
Third Degree Initiate, and you will pass through the Ini-
The second triangle within you is built by the pineal
tiation of Transfiguration. The Ageless Wisdom says that
gland, the pituitary body, and the throat center. This is
until the year 2000, humanity must purify itself to such
called the manasic triangle. Manas is mental fire. Be-
a degree that everywhere there is light, which means
tween your first triangle and second triangle there is a
there is truth, there is reality, there is fact. People are not
gap. That gap must be bridged if you want to initiate
cheating each other; people are not exploiting each oth-
yourself into deeper consciousness and become a useful
er. There is light. Imagine if there is light everywhere,
human being.
what a change will happen in this planet — physical
This triangle starts building as you expand your
Continued on page 4
MAY / JUNE 2003 T.S.G. Publishing Foundation, Inc.
4| Outreach:Triangles of Fire
Triangles of Fire.... Cont. from page 3 Great Invocation was given. From the point of Light with-
light, emotional light, mental light, spiritual light. For in the Mind of God, Let light stream forth into the minds of
example, imagine a big factory in which there is light. men. Let Light descend on Earth. What will happen to
The boss and all employees are in the light, in right hu- your politics if light is everywhere? You will not need to
man relations. They really have goodwill and they are re- pay all the taxes you are paying. You will not need to send
ally activated by the spirit of Common Good, the source your children to be killed and to kill people because the
of which is the Will of God. Common Good is the light is there. Light is also righteousness, clear light.
source of God’s Will. You must say the first verse with really good inten-
tion because Christ said, “If you want to pray, close your
The Great Invocation doors and windows and address the Father Who is in
All these things can be done, says the Tibetan Mas- heaven.” You are not going to fluctuate. You are going to
ter, by saying the Great Invocation with deep concentra- say, “Let Light descend on Earth!” What is the earth?
tion every day three to seven times as a prayer. Look how Body is earth. Humanity, the globe is earth. Let light
beautifully it is arranged. The first verse of the Great In- come so that that light reveals everything in man, in hu-
vocation is for the first triangle. From the point of Light manity, in the globe.
within the Mind of God, Let light stream forth into the Sometimes it is awful to be revealed by the light, but
minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. That is the first before you are revealed there is no chance that you can
triangle. What is the first triangle saying? Let the Light progress because darkness never lets you progress. Dark-
in the Mind of God come and descend into the minds of ness always stays only where it is standing, but light al-
people so that they work and live and relate to each oth- ways progresses. You are going to face that light and re-
er within the Mind of God through their own mind il- veal yourself. Every bug hidden within you must come to
luminated by the Light of God. the surface eventuall. You can see this happening in the
When you are saying the Great Invocation, you are governments. Suddenly you see a big man exposed. What
going really to tell God, “From the point of Light with- happened? The light came and hit him and then there is
in the Mind of God, let that light come and descend on no secret. It is out. What will happen if that light hits hu-
me and then descend everywhere and in every human manity? All trash from the sewerage will come out, but it
being.” What will happen if that Divine Light comes is good. It will be cleaned. Then you have a chance to
and descends into the minds of every human being? progress.
Every human being will be a little lamp that radiates the When you are saying the Great Invocation, be care-
Light of God in their families, in their business, in their ful. You are saying, “God, whenever I lied, I cheated peo-
government, in their church, in their group. In all their ple, I did stupid things, crimes, let them come to the sur-
relationships they are not using darkness, but they are us- face.” Can you stand that? That is the effect of the first
ing light. triangle, but when the first triangle is conquered you
You know when your child lies what happens. You have energy. That is the secret. If you are righteous, you
say, “John, come here,” and he does not look at you be- have energy. If you go to the court and you know that
cause there is darkness in him. He did something wrong. you are guilty, believe me if they check your energy it is
Doing something wrong means you are in darkness. By zero because you are licked. But no matter what, even if
doing something in darkness, you are in darkness. Why you know they are going to kill you, if you have right-
do thieves use the darkness to do something wrong? eousness, if you are right, you have no fear. You have en-
Everything you want to do that is not legal, is not right, ergy. You fight for it because you are righteous. Light is
you hide. Hiding is a darkness. Why are you hiding? It is the energy of your physical, emotional, mental, and spir-
because you are afraid of the light. If you are afraid of the itual systems. Stand in light.
light, definitely you are doing something wrong. If you Christ said, “In the light there is no darkness.”
are doing something wrong, you are hurting yourself. Darkness is a symbolic word. Darkness means disease,
Not only are you hurting yourself, you are hurting every crimes, deceit, cheating people, exploiting people, ma-
human being on this planet. nipulating, creating wars and different harmful acts. It is
How beautiful it is to be in the light, to be of the
light, to radiate light. That is why the first verse of the Continued on page 5
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Outreach: The Unpublished Archives |5
Triangles of Fire.... Cont. from page 4 are not growing toward your Archetype. You are not
all darkness. Why is it that a man is stealing two thou- growing. You built the first triangle but you are not
sand dollars when he has another fifty million dollars in building the second triangle.
his pocket. Still he is stealing. Why is that? That is not Human development goes through three triangles,
light. That is darkness. When we say the Great Invoca- and these three triangles must fuse with each other so
tion, Let Light descend on Earth, good and bad, all will be that you reach completion. Completion was demonstrat-
revealed and light will conquer. ed when Christ was transfigured on the mountain with
The second verse goes to the second type of triangle. the three disciples watching Him. What are the three
The second triangle, which corresponds to your mental correspondences of the three disciples? When your soul
triangle, starts from the throat center and involves the reaches transfiguration, your physical body, your emo-
pineal gland and pituitary body. It creates a triangle of tional body, and your mental body will prostrate them-
light there, a magnetic point that absorbs great revela- selves and offer obedience to your soul. All three of these
tions and impressions from the Universe because that tri- triangles of Fire will be used by the Christ within.
angle is built. Your satellite dish is built. That is the dish Let us come to the third triangle. The third triangle
that, for example, gets two hundred stations. The first uses the next two verses. The third verse says: From the
one gets fifty stations. The second gets two hundred sta- Center where the Will of God is known, Let purpose guide
tions. There is another satellite dish that is going to re- the little wills of men — The Purpose which the Masters
ceive millions of stations. know and serve. The fourth verse says: From the center
The second triangle is energized by the second verse. which we call the race of men, Let the Plan of Love and
The interesting thing is that by saying the Great Invoca- Light work out and may it seal the door where evil dwells.
tion with all your concentration, you are energizing three God has a Will and we want that Will to descend and be
kinds of triangles and energizing the triangles within within us so that we live according to what that Will is.
yourself. The second triangle says, From the point of Love Christ knows the purpose. Christ knows the power of
within the Heart of God, Let love stream forth into the will. He brought all His Teaching to show us what the
hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. The second tri- will is. This is what is going to create right relationships
angle is the second person of the Trinity, Christ, the sec- between nations. Nations will be related to each other by
ond power, love, and compassion. By saying the second the Will of God, nothing else — not self-interest but by
verse you are energizing all those people who are working the Will of God. Every time any nation works with self-
with light and love to create right human relations and interest, it prepares its own destruction. The Will of God
goodwill. If you do not have goodwill and right human must be behind everything we do.
relations all over the world, you do not have love and The last verse, Let Light and Love and Power restore
your triangle is not built yet. That is why the second tri- the Plan on Earth, means that all these triangles must fuse
angle is called the Solar Triangle or the Triangle of the with each other and bring about the magnificent level of
Son, which is compassion, which is love, which is total life which humanity should live in. Every time you are
good relations and harmlessness and beauty. Can you going to do the Great Invocation, please know that it is
imagine what would happen to a family devastated with a supreme prayer. You must do it with all your might,
hatred if suddenly love comes and descends in their with all your soul and dedication.
hearts? In many, many governmental offices people are
fighting against each other, are jealous of each other, are Forming Triangles
slandering each other. They do not know their jobs; they How do you form a triangle? Those who want to
do not do their jobs. What will happen if suddenly love build the first triangle are going to find two other people.
comes? Let us say one person in China, one in Russia, and one
Love does something very important. Love makes in America decide upon a time simultaneously to say the
you use your sense of responsibility. If you do not have Great Invocation. They are going to visualize sending the
the sense of responsibility for your wife, your husband, three energies of Light, Love, and Power around the tri-
your children, your friends, your co-workers, your em- angle. This energy circulation will change the energy cir-
ployees, your boss, you do not have love and you are culation of the squares. As you change the squares with-
cheating yourself. If you do not have love, it means you Continued on page 6
MAY / JUNE 2003 T.S.G. Publishing Foundation, Inc.
6| Outreach: Triangles of Fire
Triangles of Fire.... Cont. from page 5 else while he was saying the Great Invocation, raise your
in you into triangles, you come to your senses and be- hand.” Only two people raised their hands. People say it
come more of a human being. like this, “From the point of Light, I fight with my wife,
Let Light stream forth, everything is in darkness.” It does
The same method is used for the second type of tri- not work. Have concentration. That is why Christ gave
angle. For the second triangle you are going to find three us the secret. He said, “Close everything.” This means
people and these three people are going to create other your computer will be totally turned inward. What hap-
threes, other threes, and all these triangle formations are pens then? Look how interesting it is. The God within
going to spread goodwill, right human relations, publish you will answer you. But you cannot come into contact
in magazines, speak about this, speak on television and with that God because your doors and windows are
radio. What will they talk about? They will talk about open, and you listen to motorcycles and bombs and
right human relations, how to create good relations be- everything. You are always scattered. Learn to concen-
tween parents and children, between wife and husband, trate when you are praying, no matter what you pray. If
between neighbors. There is so much to be done. Neigh- you are praying to God, all your prayers are good.
bors are screaming until morning, dancing, crying. The Whether you are this religion, that religion, it does not
others are going to sleep and work. There is nobody who matter. There is only one God. If you are praying to that
comes and says, “Let us take it easy.” Immediately when God, God is within you, and He will listen to you and
the police are gone they start again, because nothing can you will listen to Him. That is the secret. You can say the
be imposed on humanity except you impose right hu- Great Invocation anywhere you want, but can you totally
man relations upon yourself. concentrate? What about if you are saying the Great In-
The third type of triangle is the political triangle. vocation and you accidentally kill three, four people? I am
Politics does not mean to interfere in what your govern- not saying, “Do not say it.” If your wife is driving, “yes.”
ment is doing. That is their business. Let them do it.
They know what they are doing. Political triangles (be- Question: With triangles in foreign countries, where
cause they are formed by human beings identified to- there is so much difference in time, what does one do?
gether) will create one or millions of triangles who will Answer: There is no difference. You can do it. You
bring in and sense the Divine Will and bring that Divine are nine o’clock here, five o’clock there. So what. It is the
Will into their family, nation, and humanity. same time.
If you have worked with the triangles within you Question: If it is not coordinated completely, do
and the triangles within humanity, then there are other you lose a lot of the effect?
triangles to be aware of. I wrote about them in Triangles Answer: It is better to say the Great Invocation than
of Fire. In that book I mention the triangles in Cosmos. to make it impossible with the difference of time. It is
For example, the Great Teacher says there is a triangle of good to say whenever possible, but it is the best if you co-
energy related to our system, and that is the Light trian- ordinate the three points at the same time because of the
gle in the Cosmos of Sirius, the Pleiades, and the Great energy impact. For example, your carburetor and your
Bear. That is only the Light triangle. They do not want thermostat work in the rhythm of time. When you are
us to talk about the next triangles because they are so watering your garden, the meter is timing you. Timing
very powerful. must be here also. Your heart has timing. Your kidneys
Q&A have timing. There is regularity in all of Nature, so if you
can follow a timing, it is better. Every family must start
Question: Can you say the Great Invocation in the car?
the Great Invocation. The book called Triangles of Fire is
Answer: You can say anything in the car if you are there to help you. It explains everything. Start with your
careful and do not have an accident. But, more impor- husband, wife, and child. Start with uncle, aunt, and
tantly, you cannot say the Great Invocation or the Lord’s grandfather. Let us start something so that we help hu-
Prayer mechanically. You are going to concentrate. For manity to come out from darkness.
example, I was in Indiana where three hundred people
were listening to my lecture. We said the Great Invoca-
tion. Then I said, “Whoever did not think of something
Continued on page 7
MAY / JUNE 2003 T.S.G. Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Outreach: The Unpublished Archives |7
Triangles of Fire.... Cont. from page 6 doctor to know that I am sick.” Okay, if the doctor does
Question: Can children say the Great Invocation? not know that you are sick, you may die. Let someone
know you are sick. That is the way. You are going to pay
Answer: Why not? Children are better able to go to your karma and finish.
their Father than elder ones. Christ said something very,
very significant. He said, “The Angels of your babies see We must understand that the Great Invocation
the face of your Father everyday.” This is in the New Tes- builds links:
tament. We raise our children with cursing, killing, dop- 1. It links the fiery triangles in man and brings about a
ing, giving alcohol, leaving them home with bad televi- fusion that integrates the person and makes him a
sion. After they watch all that television, they become whole. It makes him powerful, full of inspiration
contaminated. and radiation. Every integrated and aligned instru-
A few days ago I went to see a movie. My goodness, ment turns into a transmitter of energy.
it was full of children. The movie was drastic, destructive 2. The Great Invocation links the man to three plane-
to the children. Why do you send your children there? It tary centers called:
is crime. It is sex. You should see the little children, eight, Humanity
nine, ten who are looking at the sexual performances. We
left the show and came out with sadness and grief and Hierarchy
depression that our children are contaminated with such Shamballa
movies. Where are you? Start working to clean yourself.
3. The Great Invocation links the fiery triangles of the
Question: What do you visualize with the fourth stanza? person to
Answer: That is the third triangle and the third tri- The Central Spiritual Sun
angle’s duty is to eliminate evil and crime from the plan- The Heart of the Sun
et. That is it. Why do the governments exist? The duty of
the governments and politicians is to eliminate all crime, The Sun
to eliminate all evil everywhere. That is what we are pray- 4. The Great Invocation links the man with the “Point
ing for, “God do something.” If they are not doing it, of Light,” with the “Point of Love,” and with the
you do something. God will say, “What about you? You “Point of the Will of God.”
do something.” I was watching something on television 5. The Great Invocation also makes people understand
the other day that was very beautiful. In one of the little that there is evil in the world that must be
villages of a state they saw that criminals were coming stopped from influencing humanity and human
and killing people, kidnapping little children, stealing destiny.
things. The people came together and said, “Let us do All these things can be gradually accomplished if
something.” That little city is guarded by the population every one who says the Great Invocation realizes that he
every night. They have been six months without crime or she is linking with Cosmic Sources and trying to bring
because they are all awake. Let any criminal enter there Light, Love, and Power — to restore the Plan on Earth.
and they will face them. That is how you can be the own-
er of your rights. You are going to keep your rights and
work for your rights. That is what the triangles are. (For further information about this topic, see Tri-
angles of Fire. See for
Question: When we invoke the Light and all the additional information.
trash, darkness starts to come out, does saying the Great
Invocation continue to clean it? The lecture this article was transcribed from is
available on audio ($8 / £5.99) and video tape
Answer: Of course. When you have dirty blankets, ($20 / £14.50). See our website for details:
smelly blankets, what do you do? You hang them in the
sun so that the light cleans them. You are going to be a
blanket opening to the light and letting the light clean
you. When you become sick, what do you want? You
want to be healed. You do not say, “I do not want the
MAY / JUNE 2003 T.S.G. Publishing Foundation, Inc.

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Outreach is a free bi-monthly publication of TSG Publishing Foundation, Inc. Available online and by mail.

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Ca l e n d a r o f Eve n t s
Cave Creek Schedule: TSG Foundation Sedona Schedule: The Ageless Wisdom Group
• TSU Fourth Quarter Classes: May 6th, 20th, 27th; June (Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebley Hill Road, Se-
dona, AZ. For Full Moon and lecture information call Damon
3rd, 10th, 17th. Tuesdays, 7-8 pm. By registration only.
Catizone: 928-284-3836)
May and June Full Moon Celebrations:
• Sunday, May 18th, Taurus Full Moon, 11:00 am to
• Wesak (Taurus Full Moon) will be celebrated Thursday
12 noon, with Damon Catizone.
May 15th. 7:30-8:45 pm. Lecture, meditation at the exact
time of the full moon, and group communion with Gita • Sunday, June 1st, 11:00 am to 12 noon, Lecture
Saraydarian. See enclosed flyer for conference information with Damon Catizone, topic TBA.
and schedule for Friday evening and Saturday morning. • Sunday, June 15th, Gemini full Moon, 11:00 am to
All welcome. 12 noon, with Damon Catizone.
• Sunday, June 14th, Festival of Goodwill, Gemini Full • Sunday, June 29th, 11:00 am to 12 noon, Lecture
Moon 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Lecture and meditation with Damon Catizone, topic TBA.
with Gita Saraydarian.

TSG Foundation - USA TSG (UK) LTD

Gita Saraydarian Catriona Nason (
28641 N. 63rd Place, Cave Creek, AZ 85331 67 Ormond Crescent, Hampton, Middlesex
email: TW12 2TQ UK
Tel: 480-502-1909 / Tel: 020-8979-8444 /
Free catalog available online and mailed by request.
All quoted materials copyrighted by The Creative Trust, by permission of copyright holder. All Rights Reserved.

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