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Art Jobs

By Ahmad Abulabda
Job Description/ Duties
Picture Framer
Portrait Painter/: creates or designs a picture or the frame that goes with the picture

Film Editor:As a film or video editor, you'll be responsible for assembling recorded raw material into a finished product
that's suitable for broadcasting. The material may include camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special
effects.(Film/video editor job profile | (byTHE HECSU FAMILY)

Photography Lab Technician:Photo lab technicians help process, develop and review film. Skills in both print and digital
photography are needed, so formal coursework may aid a successful photo lab
technician.( Tuition-Free College to the
Education Needed

Picture Framer
Portrait Painter/: non needed

Film Editor: no degree founders needed

Photography Lab Technician:None mandatory; coursework in photography and photo development is available
Work Setting
Picture Framer
Portrait Painter/: will be provided with a work space and allowed to work at home

Film Editor: home

Photography Lab Technician: nowhere in particular ( they do group gatherings)

Picture Framer
Portrait Painter/: an advantage is i shall only need to work 37-40 hours a week

A di advantage is that much skill is needed

Film Editor:adv. Part time

Dis. A lot of work needs to be put in to it

Photography Lab Technician: A disadvantage is the growth: -32.9% for photographic process workers and processing
machine operators
A Advantage is that not much work must be done
Picture Framer
Portrait Painter/: 40,155.27 US Dollar

Film Editor: 33,465.00 US Dollar

Photography Lab Technician:$26,590 for photographic process workers and processing machine operators
Employment Opportunities
Picture Framer
Portrait Painter/: open

Film Editor:open open

Photography Lab Technician: non found

Personal Assessment
Picture Framer
Portrait Painter/: to finish a design

Film Editor:to finish work on own time if done yourself and to be done as soon as you can

Photography Lab Technician: helps artist on designs

Ending Slide/works cited
Picture Framer
Portrait Painter/:

Film Editor:

Photography Lab

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