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SS ‘Objective & Numerical Ans Type Question: Qi Q2z ‘The output expression for the Kamaugh map shown below is, [GATE 2016, TISc Bangalore] BC AA OL 10 of: Jofo[a infaffa (A) A+B (B) 4+& (C44 (D) 4+C ‘The output expression for the Kamaugh map shown below is [GATE 2017, IIT Roorkee] cD AB 00) o1 u 10] 1 Is 0 —l-le e|=|=le ofolo (A) BD+ BCD (B) BD+ AB (© BD+4BC— (D) BD+ABC Consider the following Boolean function with four variables F(w, x, ¥s2)= (1,3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14), ‘The function is [GATE 2007, IT Kanpur] (A)Independent of one variables (B) Independent of two variables (©) Independent of three variables (D) Dependent on all variables Q4 Qs ‘The Boolean expression for the truth table shown below is (A) B(A+C)(4+C) (B) B(A+0)(A+0) © BA+Q +e) (D) BA+O)(A+0) The SOP (sum of products) form of a Boolean functions is (0,1,3,7,11), where inputs are A, B, C, D, (A is MSB, and D is LSB), The equivalent minimized expression of the function is _ (GATE 2014, ITT Kharagpur] (A) (B+C)(4+C)(4+B)(E+D) (B) (B+0)(A+0)(4+0)(E+D) (C) (B+0)(4+0)(4+0)(E+D) (D) (B+C)(A+B)(A+B)(E+D) Scanned with CamScanner Q6 Q7 Qs Qo Q.10 The Boolean function x'y'txy+x'y is equivalent to [GATE 2004, IIT Delhi] (A) x'+y' (B) x+y ()xty" @)x'+y For the Boolean expression f=abe+abe tabe + abe+abe the minimized Product of sum (POS) expression is [GATE 2011, IIT Madras| (A) f=(6+0).(a+0) (B) f=@+c)(a+e) (© f=O+e\a+e) (D) f=e+abe From the table, choose the correct logical expression for Q. [GATE 2000, IT Kharagpur] ofofififiyi 1 elolclo e}-lolo tO] a] ]& | oo] = 1 ofifi oi 1fo]d oft tpi] (A)AB+BC+CA (B)A+B+C (C) AB+BC+CA — (D)AB+BC+CA The simplified SOP (Sum of Product) form of the Boolean expression (P+0+R)(P+0+R)(P+0+R) [GATE 2011, IIT Madras] (A) (P.0+R) ()(P+0R) © (Po+R) (D)(P.Q+R) Consider the following Boolean expression for F:(P, QR, S)=PQ+ PQR+PQRS The minimal sum-of-products form of F is [GATE 2014, IIT Kharagpur] (A)PQ+QR+QS: (B) P+Q+R+S © prO+R+S (D)PR+PRS+P Qu Q.12 Qu3 Qi4 ‘(A,B,C,D)=11M (0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7,911, 12,13,14,15) is a maxterm representation of Boolean function f (4, B, C, D) where A is the MSB and D is the LSB. The equivalent minimized representation of this function is [GATE 2015, IIT Kanpur] (A) (A+6+D)(A+B+D) (B) ACD + ABD (© ACD + ABCD + ABCD (D)(B+E+D)(4+B+C + D\A+B+C+D) The number of min-terms after minimizing the following Boolean expression is [D'+ AB'+ A'C+AC'D+ A'C'D]' [GATE 2015, IIT Kanpur] In the Kamaugh map shown below, X denotes a don’t care term. What is the minimal form of the function represented by the Kamaugh map? [GATE 2008, Se Bangalore] ab >) 00 1 ll 10 o fi ft 1 i— 01} x | x T 10] 1 1 x (A)b.d+ad (8) a.b+b-d+4.b.d Obdsabd (Dyabsbdsad Given the following Kamaugh map, which one of the following represents the minimal Sum - OF- Products of the map? (GATE 2001, IIT Kanpur} SN wfo[x]olx oO x 1 x 1 uu 0 x i 0 wloli tao Scanned with CamScanner { ( ( Qs Adxy +y'z (B) wx’y’ + xy + xz (Ow'x+y'z4xy @)xz+y The minimal product-of-sums function described by the K-map given in figure, is [GATE 2000, IIT Kharagpur] 4B c 00 or iu 10 of 1] if fo 1} o | of} 6 Jo (A) 4c (B) 4+ (C) A+C (D) AC Consider the following minterm expression of, F (P,QRS) = Em (0,2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15) The minterms 2, 7, 8 and 13 are “don’t care’ terms. The minimal sum-of-products form for F is [GATE 2014, IIT Kharagpur] (A) Q5+98 (8) OS+0s (© ORS+ORS+QRS+ORS (D) POS + POS + POS+ POS Digital input signals 4, B, C with A as the ‘MSB and C as the LSB are used to realize the Boolean function F =m, +m, +m, +m,+m,, where m, denotes the i minterm. In addition, F has a don't care for m,.. The simplified expression for F is given by [GATE 2018, ITT Guwahati] (A) 4C+BC+AC (B) A+C (C)C+A (D) AC+BC+AC Given, f (w, x, y, 2) = E,, (0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 10) + 2, (5, 6, 11, 15) Quy Q21 where d represents the don’t-care condition in Kamaugh maps. Which of the following is a minimum product — of — sums (POS) form of fw, x, y, 2)? [GATE 2017, IIT Roorkee] (ayt= (w+z)(e+2) @B)£= Grr z)(x42) (© f= Gv+z)(x+z) (f= (w+2)(E+2z) Let £(wxyz)=> (0.4,5,7,8,9,13,15) Which of the following expressions NOT equivalent to f ? [GATE 2007, IIT Kanpur] (A) xyz! + way! + wy’ tx. (B) wy2'+ wry’ + xz (© wy! + wx'y + xyz + xyz (D) xyz + wry’ + wy The number of product terms in the minimized sum-of-product expression obtained through the following K-map (where, ‘ad’ denotes don’t care states) IGATE 2005, IIT Bombay] ijojo]i O}dlolo ofofali rfofofa (ay2 3 (C4 )5 The function represented by the Kamaugh map given below is [GATE 1998, IIT Delhi] BC A oo Ol 10 ott} ol ola ILit ol] ofa (AB (B)AB+BC+CA (© Bec (D)A.BC Scanned with CamScanner Q.22. Consider the following expressions : Q.25 1.Y¥ = f(A,B,C,D)=3(, 2,4,7,8,11,13,14) 2. Y= f(A,B,C,D)=2(3,5,7,10,11,12,13,14) 3. Y= f(A4,B,C,D) =11(0,3,5,6,9,10,12,15) 4, ¥=S(A,B,C,D)=11(,1,2,4,6,8,9,15) Which of these expressions are equivalents of the expression Y= 4® B@C@D? (A) Land 2 (B) Lana (C)2and 3 () Land 3 A logic circuit implements the Boolean function f=%.y+xYZ . It is found that the input combination x= y=1 can never occur. Taking this into account, a simplified expression for f is given by [GATE 2007, IT Kanpur] (A)F+yz (B) x+z (x+y (D) y+xz The minimal sum-of-products expression for the logic function f represented by the given Karnaugh map is [GATE 2009, IIT Roorkee] 2 RSN 000110 olofirfo}o ofofififa nfrfafr}o w}ofo}i}o (A) QS + PRS + POR+PRS+POR (B) OS + PRS +POR+ PRS +POR (C) PRS +POR+PRS+POR (D) PRS + POR+ PRS + POR Consider the Karnaugh map given below, where X represents “don’t care” and blank represents 0 [GATE 2017, IIT Roorkee] x [oo or mm 10 00 | xl x] ofa % ui 1 a x[x Q.26 Assume for all inputs (a, b, c,d), the respective complements (a,b,¢,4) are also available. The above logic is implemented using 2-input NOR gates only. The minimum number of gates required is Following is the K-map of a Boolean function of five variables P, Q, R, S and X. The minimum —sum-of-product (SOP) expression for the function is IGATE 2016, USe Bangalore] 20 0 R 00 01 11 10 ‘RS oo oO) 11 10 ofofololo oofo[t[i]o afifefola afofololo uf i}oj}ot1 upojolojo wofofololo wfolitifo (A) POSX+POSX +ORSX+ORSX (B) OSX+OSX (© OSxX+OSX (0) OS+O5 Q.27. The K-map for a Boolean function is shown in figure below. The number of essential prime implicants for this function is ar oo oN 10 of 1 fo fafa ol} 0 1 0 0 ll} 0 1 1 0 io} 0 0 1 Q.28 In the sum of products function S(X, ¥, Z)=Em(2, 3, 4,5), the prime implicants are [GATE 2012, IIT Delhi] (A) XY, XY (B) XY, XYZ, xX¥Z (C) XYZ, XYZ, x¥ (D) XYZ, XYZ, XYZ,x7vz Scanned with CamScanner Q.29 Q31 Q.33 Q.34 ‘The total number of prime implicants of the function FO, x ¥, Z)=2(0, 2, 4,5, 6, 10) is : [GATE 2015, 1'T Kanpur] Which are the essential prime implicants of the following Boolean function? L(@,b,)=a'crac +b IGATE 2004, IIT elhi} (A) a'e and act (B) a'c and b'c (©)a'e only (D) ac'and be" Consider the Boolean function, F(W,x,y,2)=wy+xyt ix yz +0F ytxzt Which one of the following is the complete set of essential prime implicants? [GATE 2014, LIT Kharagpur] (A) 9.22.32 (B) w,y,xz (© yxyz (D) y,xz,87 For an n-variable Boolean function, the maximum number of prime implicants is [GATE 2014, IIT Kharagpur] (A) =D @B) 2/2 © 2" 2 By inspecting the Karnaugh map plot of the switching function F (% 4%) = 2 (1,3,6,7) one can say that the redundant prime implicant is Ams Bas Onn O)x Practice (objective & Num Ans) Questions Qu Q2 Q3 Qa Find the minimum product of sums of the following expression f = ABC+ABC. ‘A combination circuit has inputs 4, B and C and its Karnaugh map is given in figure. The output of the circuit is AB c\ 001 10 0 1 1 i. 1 (B) (AB+ AB)C “() ABC ‘What is the equivalent Boolean expression in product-of-Sums form for the Kamasugh map given in fig? (A) (AB+ AB)C (©) 4@B0C AB oN O10 00 1 1 o1 1 1 nfa 1 10 1 1 (A) BD+BD (B) (B+C+D)(B+C+D) (© (B+D)(B+D) (D) (B+D)(B+d) The minimal sum of products form of J = ABCD + ABC + BCD + ABC is (A) AC+BD (B) AC+CD (©) AC+BD (D) 4B+CD The minimized form of the logical expression (ABC +ABC+ABC+ABC) is (A)4C+BC+4B (B) AC+BC+4B (©) AC+BC+4B (0) AC+BC+AB Which of the following _ functions implements the Karnaugh map shown below? Scanned with CamScanner Q7 Qs Qs x wf] ul 00 0 0 1 0 af[x]xli[x Be 1 1 0 wlolifilfo (A) 4B +CD @®) D(C+4) (© AD+AB (D) (C+D)(C+D)(A+B) Which function does NOT implement the Kamaugh map given below? wz>| 00 | 01 | 11 | 10 xy] oo} 0 x 0 0 afolxfafa i 1 L 1 1 io | 0 x 0 0 Awt»y ®)xyt+yw © (wx) (wey)(x+y) (D)None of the above Minimum SOP for f(w, x, ys 2) shown in Kamaugh ~ map below is wx yX_00 01 10 oo fo} ililo oa] x}ofofi n[x]ofofi w{olili|x (Axzty’z (B)x2+2x’ (Ox yr2x (D)None The Kamaugh map for a four variable Boolean function is given below. The correct Boolean sum of product is RS\ 000110 cololololo ofifolofa n}ifofo fr rol of} ijolo Q.10 Qu Quiz Qu3 (8) PORS+Os (D) PORS+O The switching expression corresponding to f (A,B,C, D)= (1, 4, 5,9, HL, 12) is (A) BC'D't A'C'D+ AB'D (B) ABC'+ ACD+B'C'D (©) ACD'+ A'BC'+ AC'D' (D) A'BD+ ACD'+ BCD' Min-term (Sum of products) expression for a Boolean function is given as follows. S(A,B,C) = ¥m(0,1,2,3,5,6) Where A is the MSB and C is the LSB. The minimized expression for the function is (A) PORS+OS (©) POR+QS (A) A+(B®C) (B) (A®B)+C (© A+(BBC) (D) ABC The Boolean expression +ABCD +ABCD+ABCD minimized to D+ABC+ACD D+BCD+ABCD ABCD+BCD+ABCD ()¥=4BCD+BCD+4BCD The minimum sum of products form of the S+PORS +PORS +PORS+PORS is (A)y=PQ+0S — (B) y= PO+ORS (© y=PO+ORS (D) y=O5+POR yz Xx\00 ont. of} 1} ar} alo 1}o]oluato Scanned with CamScanner Qi4 Qis Q.16 Q17 A minimized form of the function F is (A)F=XY+¥Z (B)F=XF+¥z ()F=XY+YZ (D)F=XY+7Z Which of the following circuits is a realization of the above functions F? pb x F Yq z What is the minimal form of the Karnaugh map shown below? Assume that X denotes a don’t care term. ab Xo o_o 00 1 x x 1 or} xX 1 u yo Lt x (Ayba (8) bd +be (© bd+abed (D) bd+be+ed Which of the following logic circuits is a realization of the function F whose Karnaugh map is shown in figure Q18 Q19 (a) D —b- =D D> -D— 2p ©. “D> (Do D- — Ep The total number of prime implicants of the function f (Ww, x, y, 2) = E (0,2, 4, 5, 6, 10) is . Which one of the following gives the simplified sum of products expression for the Boolean function F=m,+m,+m,+m, where, m,, m,,m, and m, are minterms corresponding to the inputs 4, B and C with Aas the MSB and Cas the LSB? (A) 4B + ABC + ABC (B) AC + AB+ ABC (©) AC + AB + ABC (D) ABC + AC + ABC Scanned with CamScanner Q.22 Q.24 Given £6,952) =D ,, (0,1,2,3,7,810) + ¥.6,6,11,15) where d represents the don’t-care condition in Karnaugh maps. Which of the following is a minimum product-of-sums (POS) form of f(W,x,9,2)? (A) f= (H+z)E+z) @) f= (H+2)(x+2) (© f= (w+2\F+2z) (D) f= (w+Z)F +z) The Boolean expression equivalent to ABC+ABC+ABC+ ABC is (A) AC+BC (B) AB+AC (C) AB+BC (D) AC+BC A Boolean function is given by Em(0,1,2,4,5,7), the number essential prime implicants is (A)2 (B)3 4 (D)5 Find the number of Prime implicants and Essential prime implicants in the given K- map. RS PON O10 oa 1) 1 1 nfs 19 1 1 (ays 06 ©60 0)66 The simplified form of SOP form S(PORS) = Xm(0,1,2,3,5,8,10,11,13,15) +d(4,6,7,12,14) is (A) P+O+R+5 (B) P+O+R+S (C) P#Q+R+S (D) P+O+R+S Q.25 What is the minimized expression of given S(A,B,C,D) = Em(0,1,2,3,4,5) +2 d(10,11,12,13,14,15) (A) A+BC (B) A+ BC (©) A(B+C) (D) A(B+C) Q.26 A function is represented by S(A,B,C,D) = Zm(0,2,4,5, 6, 7,8, 10, 13,15) ‘The number of prime implicant and essential prime implicant are respectively (A)4 and3 (B)4 and 4 (C)4and 2 (D)2 and 2 Scanned with CamScanner Answer Keys Seal Objective & Numerical Answer Type Questions 1. B OF D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6 D I A 8. A 9: B 10. A dd. c 12. 1 13. A 4, A 15. A 16. B 17. B 18, A 19. D 20. A 21, c 22. D 23. D 24, D 25: 1 26. B 27. 4 28. A 29. 3 30. A 31. D 32. D 33. B Practice (Objective & Numerical Answer) Questions c * ae ic 3. c 4. B 5. A 6. B ue D 8. B 9. B 10. A i. ic 2. D 1B. A 14, B 15. D 16. B 17, c 18. 3 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. D 24, B 25. c 26. c *L ff =(B+C) (A+B) (A+) Scanned with CamScanner

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