Science 6 Review Term 1 With Answerkeys

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Science 6 Review Term 1
26 Questions

1. Which of the following is the best description of the design


a) making new invention b) designing nanobots

c) a set of step for developing possible d) building highways

2. What is the rst step of design process?

a) develop possible solutions b) identify the problem

c) design and construct prototype d) communicate the result

3. What you must do before you communicate your result?

a) design and construct prototype b) test the prototype

c) evaluate and redesign d) do research

4. In the design process, what is the next step after

developing possible solutions?

a) identify the problem b) do research

c) choose one solution d) est the prototype

5. What are two things to consider when building a prototype?

a) cost and kinds of materials b) cost and time

c) time and preparation d) preparation and design
6. Why do engineers build prototypes of their design

a) To present it to others as nal solution. b) To test the most expensive model

c) To test it to ensure that it works d) To make a new invention.

7. Which ways the design engineers communicate their result?

a) labeled diagrams b) graphic organizers

c) list of materials and tools d) all of the above

8. In what way are robots like human?

a) They are made of the same materials as b) They have emotion like humans.

c) They make movements like humans. d) They have respiratory systems like

9. Who design the rst robotic arm?

a) George Devol b) Joseph Engelberger

c) Steven Jobs d) Bill Gates
10. An arti cial arm that mimics the real human muscular and
skeletal system is called a ... arm

a) synthetic b) prosthetic

c) limb d) mechanical

11. What is nanotechnology based on?

a) Copying the human body. b) Making everything smaller.

c) Moving one atom at a time. d) Making everything slightly bigger than

actual size.

12. Which is a nanobot?

a) b)

c) d)

13. What might nanobots be used for?

a) working in the engine of a car b) constructing buildings

c) investigating squirrel behaviors d) killing cancer cells and removing

cholesterol from the walls of arteries
14. What is adaptation?

a) How species's physical characteristics and b) What happens to a group of living

behaviors change to help them live in their organisms when they have all died out.

c) How organsims change so they can live in d) A change in physical characteristics or

their environment. behaviors so that a living organism can
function better an environment.

15. What is instinct?

a) Instinct is learned behavior. b) Instinct is animals' ability to defense


c) Instinct is the way organism move. d) Instinct is the behaviors that an animal is
born knowing to do

16. What is the reason animals migrate?

a) To nd better place. b) To nd a place with more food

c) To nd better climate. d) All of the above.

17. What is paleontologist?

a) A scientist who studies about rock. b) A scientist who studies about fossil.

c) A scientist who studies to create new d) A scientist who studies about new
technology. medication.
18. What adaptation does the picture show?

a) hibernation b) migrate

c) camou age d) locomotion

19. What will occur when the environment changes and the
organism couldn't adapt?

a) evolution b) isolation

c) survival d) extinction

20. In which geologic time scale were human appeared?

a) Cenozoic Era b) Mesozoic Era

c) Paleozoic Era d) Precambrian

21. Mark all the design process steps.

a) Identify the process. b) Develop possible solutions.

c) Design and construct prototype. d) Test the prototype

e) Communicate the result.

22. How camels adapt to live in the desert?

a) Camels have thick eyebrows to shade the b) They have long eyelashes to keep the sand
camels' eyes from the sunlight. out of the camels' eyes.

c) They travel in group. d) They have hump to stores fat for energy.
e) They camou age to avoid predators and to
catch prey

23. Which animals hibernate?

a) b)

c) d)

24. Mark all behavioral adaptations.

a) Spiders begin life knowing how to spin b) Ducks have webbed feet that enable them
webs and catch prey. to swim.

c) The Artic Terns travel to Artic in summer d) Male frog hibernate in the bottom of the
and to Antarctic in fall. pond.

e) Polar bears has thick fur to live in cold


25. Mark all physical adaptation

a) Geckos' amazing toes help them stick to b) Chipmunks collect and store food so they
any surface. can have it in winter.

c) Polar bears dig den to protect themselves d) Woodpecker has strong and long beak for
from cold wind. drilling holes.

e) Owls have large eyes to help them to

gauge distance for attacking their prey.

26. Mark all the things can fossils tell us?

a) They help scientist discover how b) They tell how species learned to hunt in
environment have change. the past.
c) They show us what extinct organisms d) They show us how plants and animals
looked like. changed over time.

e) They show how modern life develop

Answer Key
1. c 8. c 15. d 22. a,b,d
2. b 9. a 16. d 23. b,c,e
3. b 10. b 17. b 24. a,c,d
4. c 11. b 18. c 25. a,d,e
5. a 12. a 19. d 26. a,c,d
6. c 13. d 20. a
7. d 14. a 21. b,c,d,e

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