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Can money give you happiness? Actually money can’t buy happiness but happiness
depends upon ourselves. So many things depend on money. If you want to get food,
you need money, if you want to have a place to live, you need money, and if you want
to become a professional in some sphere, you also need money to get a good

It is very hard to count everything that people need money for. In addition, it is
impossible to live in the modern world without at least a small sum of money. However,
there are a couple of questions: “Can money buy everything?”, “Can they buy
happiness?” There is no simple answer to this question because different people think
differently. As for me, money doesn’t have a power to buy everything including
happiness, but it can help become one step closer to your dream.
Every person has a dream. Someone wants to travel, other one has a desire to get a
good education and build a successful career, and another individual can desire to have
a good family. In all these situations, money plays an important role. It will be quite
problematic to travel without having at least a few dollars. Of course, there are a lot of
methods to economize when traveling, but it is impossible to do this without money. The
same situation is with a desire to get a good education and build a successful career.
There is no such a thing as completely free education. Someone can say that to have a
happy family is possible without money, but it is not true. Any mother will not be able to
watch how her child is suffering from hunger, just because there is no money to buy
food. Only a fool can state that money is a useless thing that can’t make some person
happy. Everyone will be glad to get a big sum of money and spend it on something
desirable. However, it is necessary to understand that money alone isn’t able to make
any person truly happy. The truth is that happiness is something that can have anyone
and it doesn’t matter what he/she has or doesn’t have. The feeling of happiness fully
depends on a person. It is true that you can be poor, but happy because you have a
family. It is true that you can be homeless, but happy because you are healthy. It is true
that you can be ill but happy because you feel how close people love you. There is a
great number of the situations when it is almost impossible to explain why this person
feels happy, but he/she has a lot of arguments about why they have this feeling. These
arguments can be completely illogical, but they matter to this person. Everyone can
learn how to be happy. It is just necessary to be grateful for every day and for
everything happens. It is very complicated to define happiness, but it is even more
complicated to understand how to be happy all the time and what it is necessary to have
to be happy.

In general, people think that happiness consists of a good family, friends, hobbies,
health, and interesting job that brings a lot of money. Money, as it is, can’t bring
happiness, but it can help gain a goal or make some dream real. This is the reason, why
it is possible to say that money is a part of happiness. For some people it is more
important to have them, for others it is less important. Apart from this, money can be the
reason of unhappiness for some people because, very often, it changes them in a bad
way. Even if money isn’t something that guarantees happiness, it is necessary to live
well. Everything isn’t about money, it’s the little things in life that matter most.

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