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Ans) Step 1. Write the heading. Usually this part consists of bibliographical information about the novel:
title, author’s name, place of publication and date of publication.
Step 2. Write the introductory part. Start your paper with an eye-catching opening sentence that will
attract the reader to your review. Your first sentence can be a quote, anecdote, or just an interesting
statement. In simple words describe what the review will be about. It will be worth mentioning
information about the author and whether this particular novel follows the author’s usual style. If you
feel that you can’t write a good introduction right now, you can write it after you finish the body
paragraphs. It will be easier to write it when you have all points before your eyes.
Step 3. Write the body section. This part of a review is not about plot description. You need to
concentrate on your impressions and point of view. You can choose one of the following approaches in
creating the review: a view from an outside perspective, an analysis without positive or negative
evaluation, and critique. You can analyze the title of the novel, discuss themes and ideas mentioned in
the text, or evaluate the author’s style and composition. Tell about your impressions about the book,
describing in detail the moments that you have enjoyed the most. Discuss positive and negative
moments supporting it with evidence. If appropriate, mention the quality of book design, illustrations,
and print quality.
Step 4. End the review with a short conclusion. Has the author succeeded to convey his messages to the
reader? What thoughts did you have right after reading the novel? Have you learned something new?
To what type of reader would you recommend this novel? Mention that the novel will be appreciated by
those who enjoy reading similar novels. Try to avoid mentioning new information at the end of your
review in order to avoid confusing your readers. As an addition, you can give a rating or stars to show
how much you enjoyed reading the novel.
Step 5. Proofread the text. The first draft of your novel review may not seem ideal, so be ready to revise
the text several times.

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