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Ans) Types of Articles:

“How To” Articles

Easily the most popular and the shortest and easiest to write, the how-to article with its self-help
variant gives instructions for how to do or be something or how to do it better,” writes Hamilton
in Magazine Writing.
Examples of “how to” articles is: “How to Write Magazine Articles That Editors Love to
2. Profile and Interview Articles

This popular type of article describes a contemporary or historical person – but a

profile doesn’t have to be about a human being! Animals, communities, nations,
states, provinces, companies, associations, churches can all be profiled (but not
necessarily interviewed).
Examples of profiles or interview articles are: “The Real Natalie Goldberg and Her
Real Writing Career”

3. Informative or Service Articles

Informative articles are also know as “survey articles.” They often offer
information about a specific field, such as sports medicine, health writing, ocean
currents, politics, etc. Service articles are similar, but often used as shorter fillers.
Service articles offer a few pieces of good advice or tips, but aren’t usually long or
Examples of this type of magazine article include: “How to Write Query Letters
for Magazines”

4. The Alarmer-Exposé
“A Reader’s Digest staple, the alarmer-exposé is designed to alert and move the
reader to action,” writes Hamilton in Magazine Writing. “Well-researched and
heavy with documentation, this type of magazine article takes a stance and adopts
a particular point of view on a timely and often controversial issue. Its purpose is
to expose what’s wrong here.”
Examples of an exposé magazine article are: “Stephen King’s Ghostwriter Reveals
Secret Writing Career”.

5. Human Interest Magazine Articles:

This type of feature article interests the majority of readers of a specific, niched
Usually start with an anecdote
Are often chronologically organized
Examples of human interest magazine articles are: “Anne Lamott Shares Her
Secrets to Success as a Single Mother and Bestselling Author”

6. Essay, Narrative, or Opinion Articles

Usually revolve around an important or timely subject (if they’re to be published in
a newspaper or “serious” magazine)
Are harder to sell if you’re an unknown or unpublished writer
Can be found on blogs all over the internet
Examples of this type of magazine article are: “What I Think of Natalie Goldberg’s
Decision to Retire From Her “.

7. Humor or Satire Articles

Usually have a specific audience, such as the readers of The Onion
Are usually written on spec (that is, you submit the whole article before the editors
or publishers will accept it for publication in the magazine)
Examples of humor or satire articles might include: “Ode to Stephen King’s
Typewriter” or “What Margaret Laurence Ate the Day She Started Writing Articles
for Magazines.”

8. Historical Articles
A historical article describes a moment in time. Or an epoch. Or an era. Or an eon.
Historical articles:
Reveal events of interest to millions (which means at least one of my examples
wouldn’t work as this type of article)
Focus on a single aspect of the subject
Are organized chronologically
Tell readers something new
Go beyond history to make a current connection
Examples of this type of magazine article include: “The Typewriter Mark Twain
First Used”

9. Inspirational Magazine Articles

Describe how to feel good or how to do good things
Can describe how to feel good about yourself – this type of article can work for
anyone from writers to plumbers to pilots
Offer a moral message
Focus on the inspirational point
Examples of different types of inspirational articles for magazines are: “How You
Can Change the World With Your Writing Career”

10. Round-Up Magazine Articles

Gather a collection from many sources
Focus on one theme
Offer quotations, opinions, statistics, research studies, anecdotes, recipes, etc.
The Round-Up was one of my favorite types of magazine articles to write when I
was freelancing. Examples of round up articles are: “12 Fiction Writing Tips From
Authors and Editors” or “1,001 Types of Articles to Write for Magazines.”

11. Research Shorts

Describe current scientific information
Are usually less than 250 words long
Are often written on spec (at least by me)
Are fast, effective ways to earn money as a freelance writer – if you can find the
right markets
Research Shorts for the “Front of the Book” are those little blurbs of scientific
research you see at the beginning of many magazines. Examples of these types of
articles for magazines include: “How Alliteration Affects Your Memory”

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