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What is globalization?

Globalization is a worldwide movement or process of economic development by way of

international trade, communications and integration of governments, cultures and societies
reaching far and deep across global borders.

Is it good, bad or inevitable?

It is most definitely inevitable, not only on the basis that it has actually happened already but
there are several observations that prove that it is also current, and evolving at a rapid pace. For
example, technology has improved significantly over the last couple of decades whereby
communication channels have become much more instant (desktop messaging software, video
conferencing) allowing companies and industries across the globe to make real-time decisions. ,
Against this background, also the deliveringy and access to real time data (global stock exchange
markets) have allowinged an investors in Jamaica to own and acquire stocks in an organization
in the USA, UK or Asia ; all in an effort to safeguard their own futures in line with the rapid
changes and competiveness for economic survival and sustainability.

Notably, while globalization is inevitable, rules and regulations have to be developed and
implemented to guide the process to minimize the ills of globalization, which are also inevitable,
while enhancing the positives.

Which of the three presented theories for the development of globalization do you most
agree with and why?

I agree and support the "World Polity Theory" mainly due to the fact that it is built on the
foundation of the collective views of several key nation-states which in turn develops
frameworks or models by which to operate. In short, I believe it is better to have rules and
regulations that guide this era of globalization so as to reduce the negative impacts that "World-
System Theory" and "World Culture Theory" introduces. By adopting these theoretical but yet
somewhat practical approaches, these authorities are able to construct frameworks or models that
can help to remove and prevent side effects of globalization that has have manifested over the
years such as high percentage exportation of jobs from periphery countries, and the un-checked
inhumane behavior of different countries & their cultures. I also believe that with this kind of
structure periphery countries will have an opportunity to become semi-periphery states and
create a necessary balance globaly.
Version Submitted

What is globalization? 

Globalization is a worldwide movement or process of economic development by way of

international trade, communications and integration of governments, cultures and societies
reaching far and deep across global borders.

Is it good, bad or inevitable?

It is most definitely inevitable, not only on the basis that it has actually happened already but
there are several observations that prove that it is also current, and evolving at a rapid pace. For
example, technology has improved significantly over the last couple of decades whereby
communication channels have become much more instant (desktop messaging software, video
conferencing) allowing companies and industries across the globe to make real-time decisions.
Against this background, the delivery and access to real time data (global stock exchange
markets) have allowed investors in Jamaica to own and acquire stocks in an organization in the
USA, UK or Asia all in an effort to safeguard their own futures in line with the rapid changes
and competitiveness for economic survival and sustainability.Notably, while globalization is
inevitable, rules and regulations have to be developed and implemented to guide the process to
minimize the ills of globalization, which are also inevitable, while enhancing the positives.

Which of the three presented theories for the development of globalization do you most
agree with and why?

I agree with and support the "World Polity Theory" mainly due to the fact that it is built on the
foundation of the collective views of several key nation-states which in turn develops
frameworks or models by which to operate. In short, I believe it is better to have rules and
regulations that guide this era of globalization to reduce the negative impacts that "World-
System Theory" and "World Culture Theory" introduces. By adopting these theoretical but yet
somewhat practical approach, the authorities are able to construct frameworks or models that can
help to remove and prevent side effects of globalization that have manifested over the years such
as the high percentage exportation of jobs from core countries and the un-checked inhumane
behavior of different countries & their cultures. I also believe that with this kind of structure
periphery countries will have the opportunity to become semi-periphery states and create a
necessary balance globally.

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