2.基本句型专题 学生版

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课程编号 02 课型 专题

课题 课前测+五大基本句型+阅读训练


1. 通过课前测回顾上次课掌握程度
2. 掌握五大基本句型及句子基本成分用法
3. 阅读理解能力训练


1. 课前检测
1.The house _______ I would like to buy is not for sale.
2.I still remember the night _______I first came to the house.
3.He gave money to the porter _______ carried his luggage.
4.Is there anything _______ you don’t understand?
5.Do you know anyone _______ wants to buy a second-hand motorbike?
6.This is the school _______I used to study.
7.The thief _______ had robbed the man was caught by the police.
8.He went to the primary school _______ he once studied four years.
9.What’s the address of the factory _______ advertisement we noticed the other day?
10.All _______ glitters is not gold.
11.I saw some trees _______ leaves were black with disease.
12.Is there any reason _______ you should have a holiday?
13.He may be late, in _______ case we ought to wait for him.
14.This is the only thing _______ has ever been built.
15.This is Mr. John for _______ I bought a book yesterday.
16.It was a meeting _______ importance I didn’t realize at the time.
17.I like the way _______ the teacher gives his lessons.
18.The monument was the first place _______ they went to visit while they were in China.
19.I know a forest _______ you can find wild strawberries.
20.This is the stadium _______ he often goes to on Sundays.


① The teacher with two of his students is walking into the classroom.
② There is an old man coming here.
③ The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year.
④ To do today's homework without the teacher's help is very difficult.

(二) 划出下列句中的谓语
① I don't like the picture on the wall.
② The days get longer and longer when summer comes.
③ Do you usually go to school by bus?

④ There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon.
⑤ Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast?
⑥ Tom didn't do his homework yesterday.
⑦ What I want to tell you is this.
⑧ We had better send for a doctor.
⑨ He is interested in music.
⑩ Whom did you give my book to?

(三) 划出下列句中的宾语
① My brother hasn't done his homework.
② People all over the world speak English.
③ You must pay good attention to your pronunciation.
④ How many new words did you learn last class?
⑤ Some of the students in the school want to go swimming, how about you?
⑥ The old man sitting at the gate said he was ill.
⑦ They made him monitor of the class.
⑧ Go across the bridge and you will find the museum on the left.
⑨ You will find it useful after you leave school.
⑩ They didn't know who "Father Christmas" really is.

(四) 划出下列句中的表语
① The old man was feeling very tired.
② Why is he worried about Jim?
③ The leaves have turned yellow.
④ Soon They all became interested in the subject.
⑤ She was the first to learn about it.

(五) 划出下列句中的定语
① They use Mr, Mrs with the family name.
② What is your given name?
③ On the third lap are Class 1 and Class 3.
④ I am afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor.
⑤ The man downstairs was trying to sleep.
⑥ I am waiting for the sound of the other shoe!

(六) 划出下列句中的宾语补足语
① She likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading-room.

② He asked her to take the boy out of school.
③ She found it difficult to do the work.
④ They call me Lily sometimes.
⑤ I saw Mr Wang get on the bus.
⑥ Did you see Li Ming playing football on the playground just now?

(七) 划出下列句中的状语
① There was a big smile on her face.
② Every night he heard the noise upstairs.
③ He began to learn English when he was eleven.
④ The man on the motorbike was travelling too fast.
⑤ With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Li hurried off.
⑥ She loves the library because she loves books.
⑦ I am afraid that if you've lost it, you must pay for it.
⑧ The students followed Uncle Wang to see the other machine.

(八) 划出句中的直接宾语和间接宾语
① Please tell us a story.
② My father bought a new bike for me last week.
③ Mr Li is going to teach us history next term.
④ Here is a pen. Give it to Tom.
⑤ Did he leave any message for me?

1. Our school is not far from my home.  
2. It is a great pleasure to talk with you  
3. All of us considered him honest.     
4. My grandfather bought me a pair of sports shoes. 
5. He broke a piece of glass.          
6. He made it clear that he would leave the city. 
7. ---I love you more than her, child . 
8. Tees turn green when spring comes. 
9. They pushed the door open.         
10. Grandma told me an interesting story last night.  
11. He wrote carefully some letters to his friends.   
12.All the students think highly of his teaching 
13. We need a place twice larger than this one.     

14. He asked us to sing an English song.  
15. Don't get nervous,help yourself to what you like.
16.We will make our school more beautiful. 
17. He didn't come.That is why he didn't know. 
18. She showed us her many of her pictures.     
19. The old man lives a lonely life.  
20. Luckily the 1989 earthquake did not happen in the center of town. 
21. The cars made in Japan are better than those in Germany. 
22. There are so many people in the hall that it's hard for me to find him. 
23. No matter how difficult the task may be, we must fulfil it this month. 
24. Go back where you came from.       
25. We must do whatever the people want us to do. 
26. At last he got home, tired and hungry.      
27. Would you please pass me the cup?  
28 Mary handed her homework to the teacher.   
29. Do you know the latest news about him? 
30. I’ll get my hair cut tomorrow. 


1. Whether we’ll go depend on the weather .
2. People’s standards of living are going up steadily .
3. That was how they were defeated.
4. The nursery takes good care of our children .
5. I’ll return the book to you tomorrow .
6. We are sure that we shall succeed .
7. The woman with a baby in her arms is his other .
8. There are many film that I’d like to see.
9. Have you met the person about whom he was speaking ?
10. I have a lot of work to do .
11. Anyway I won’t stop you from doing it .
12. I said it in fun .
13. We can send a car over to fetch you .
14. She had to work standing up .

15. Seeing this ,some comrades became very worried .
16. Much interested , he agreed to give it a try .
17. The bus arrived ten minutes late .
18. We should serve the people heart and soul.
19. Spring coming on , the tree turned green .
20. Some farmers saw something strange in the sky .
21. We think it necessary that everyone should attend the meeting .
22. It’s strange that she doesn’t come today .
23. It was in the library that I come today .
24. He likes drawing at times when he isn’t working .
25. We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door.

2. 词汇
单词 A 单词复习+单句练习题

中文 单词 词性 音标

1. 优势,优点 advantage n.
2. 增加 addition n. /ə'dɪʃən/

3. 能力,才能 ability n.
4. 负担得起 afford v.
5. 允许 allow v. /ə'laʊ/

6. 达到,获得 achieve v. /ə'tʃiːv/

7. 事故 accident n. /'æksɪdənt/

8. 劝告,建议 advice n.
9. 警报 alarm n.
10. 靠,倚 against prep.
11. 害怕的,担心的 afraid adj.
12. 在……上面 above prep. /ə'bʌv/

13. 活动 activity n. /æk'tɪvɪtɪ/

14. 成人 adult n. /'ædʌlt/

15. 有……年岁的 aged adj.

16. 到国外 abroad adv.
17. 活着的,存在的 alive adj. /ə'laɪv/

18. 女演员 actress n.

19. 接受 accept v. /ək'sept/
20. 广告 advertisement n.
21. 横过,穿过 across prep.
22. 地址 address n. /ə'dres/
23. 目的,目标 aim n./v. /eɪm/
24. 机场 airport n.
25. 沿着,顺着 along adv.
26. 向前,在前 ahead adv.
27. 航线 airline n. /'eəlaɪn/
28. 几乎 almost adv. /'ɔːlməʊst/
29. 实际上,现实地 actually adv.
30. 精确的 accurate adj. /'ækjʊrət/

中文 单词 词性 音标

31. 注意,关心 attention n.

32. 任何地方 anywhere adv.
33. 生气地 angrily adv. /'æŋgrili/

34. 军队 army n.
35. 平均的,普遍的 average adj.
36. 自动的 automatic adj. /ɔːtə'mætɪk/

37. 令人喜悦的 amusing adj. /ə'mjuːzɪŋ/

38. 出席,参加 attend v.

39. 总共,全部地 altogether adv.
40. 申请 apply v. /ə'plaɪ/

41. 令人惊讶的 amazing adj.

42. 助手,助理 assistant n.
43. 吸引人的 attractive adj. /ə'træktɪv/

44. 观众,听众 audience n.

45. 文章 article n. /'ɑːtɪkl/

46. 争吵,争论 argue v.

47. 态度 attitude n.
48. 可用的 available adj. /ə'veɪləbl/

49. 抱负 ambition n. /æm'bɪʃən/

50. 面积,地区 area n.

51. 秋天 autumn n.
52. 娱乐活动 amusement n.
53. 到达 arrive v.
54. 古代的,古老的 ancient adj.

55. 道歉 apologize v. /əˈpɔlədʒaiz/
56. 袭击 attack v. /ə'tæk/
57. 数量 amount n. /ə'maʊnt/
58. 出现 appear v.
59. 艺术家,画家 artist n. /'ɑːtɪst/
60. 安排,布置 arrange v.

Complete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适

1. There are no __________ on the BBC. (advertise)

2. Shall __________your name to the list? (addition)

3. He always takes an __________ part in all the __________. (act)

4. They gave lots of __________to people with HIV and AIDS. (advise)

5. Children are learning __________and subtraction (减法) at school. (add)

6. The woman in white is one of the most famous __________in Europe. (actress)

7. The system has the __________ to run more than one program at the same time. (able)

8. Our __________ in New York deal with all US sales. (agent)

9. We usually go to Yinfa Home for the __________on Friday. (age)

10. His parents won't __________him to stay out late. (allowance)

11. We didn't want to make the final decision unless most of us __________ on it. (agreement)

12. Although the pyramids did not protect the bodies of the kings and queens, they have served to keep

their names and stories __________to this day. (live)

13. She had to steal food just to stay a__________.

14. He started playing the piano at an early a__________.

15. Poor little Snow White walked a__________ in the forest.

16. My father used to travel by a__________ a great deal when he was young.

17. Go straight a __________and take the footbridge at the traffic lights.

18. I got a ladder (梯子 ) from the shed in the garden, and put it a __________the wall.

19. I live near an a__________, and passing planes can be heard day and night.

20. They no longer have to rely on their parents for money a __________the time.

21. I must a______ for calling so late.

22. Did you do a______ special during the weekend?

23. The door bell rings, and Linda gets up to a______ the door.

24. I don't like this room. I'm going to ask for a______.

25. The server is designed to store huge a______ of information.

26. A man suddenly a______ from behind a tree.

27. He has had a lot of students. A______ them are managers, lawyers, doctors and scientists.

28. A______ Brazil is one of the richest countries in the world; much of it has not yet been developed.

1. Have you ______ to meet him? (arrangement)

2. I was pleased to hear that he ______ home safely. (arrival)

3. Breathing is an ______ function of the body. (automatically)

4. The big house with an ______ garden is on sale now. (attraction)

5. These movies were so popular that they ______ many people. (attraction)

6. They divided themselves into two groups: the writers and the ______. (art)

7. Yesterday we had a debate. We ______ about whether we should encourage people to keep pets.


8. When trying to memorize something, you should focus your ______ and concentrate on the most

important things about it. (attend)

9. Disneyland is a famous ______ park in the USA. (amusing)

10. My ______ is to be an architect when I leave school. (ambitious)

11. In the 20th century, there were many ______ inventions. (amaze)

12. If I fail to ______ by 7 0'clock, I will not be coming at all. (disappear)

13. She ______ to her friend for not being able to write to him last month. (apology)

14. The woman walked out of the shop ______ and decided to punish the assistant the next day. (angry)

15. There are no __________ on the BBC. (advertise)

16. Shall __________your name to the list? (addition)

17. He always takes an __________ part in all the __________. (act)

18. They gave lots of __________to people with HIV and AIDS. (advise)

19. Children are learning __________and subtraction (减法) at school. (add)

20. The woman in white is one of the most famous __________in Europe. (actress)

21. The system has the __________ to run more than one program at the same time. (able)

3. 阅读
As prices and building costs keep rising, the “do-it-yourself’(DIY) trend (趋势) in the U.S. continues
to grow.
“We needed furniture (家具) for our living room,” says John Ross, “and we just didn’t have enough
money to buy it. So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs.” John got married six months ago,
and like many young people these days, they are struggling to make a home at a time when the cost of
living is very high. The Rosses took a 2-week course for $280 at a school. Now they build all their furniture
and make repairs around the house.
Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died. He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe
making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for $420. “I was deeply upset about it. Now I’ve
finished a car repair course. I should be able to fix the car by myself.”
John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save
money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “do-it-yourselfer”, you can go to
DIY classes. And for those who don’t have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can
do things yourself.
1. We can learn from the text that many newly married people _______.
A. find it hard to pay for what they need B. have to learn to make their own furniture
C. take DIY courses run by the government D. seldom go to a department store to buy things
2. John and his wife went to evening classes to learn how to _______.
A. run a DIY shop B. make or repair things
C. save time and money D. improve the quality of life
3. When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home, he means Jim _______.
A. makes shoes in his home B. does extra work at night
C. does his own car and home repairs D. keeps house and looks after his children
4. Jim Hatfield decided to become a do-it-yourselfer when _______.
A. his car repairs cost too much B. the car repair class was not helpful
C. he could not possibly do two jobs D. he had to raise the children all by himself
5.What would be the best title for the text?
A. The Joy of DIY B. You Can Do It Too!
C. Welcome to Our DIY Course! D. Ross and Hatfield: Believers in DIY

Margaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night
cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.
She trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became seriously ill. “I would have
liked to go back to it, but the shifts are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off
to school.”
So she worked as a cleaner instead, from 9 p.m. till 6 p.m. five nights a week for just $ 90, before tax
and insurance. “It is better than it was last year, but I still think that people who work ‘unsocial hours’
should get a bit extra.”
The hours she has chosen to work mean that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her
husband. However, she doesn’t think that puts any pressure on their relationship.
Her work isn’t physically very hard, but it’s not exactly pleasant, either. “I do get angry with people
who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs. If they realized people like me have to do it , perhaps
they’d be a bit careful.
The fact that she’s working all night doesn’t worry, Margaret at all. Unlike some dark buildings at
night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three. “Since I’ve got to
be here, I try to enjoy myself -- and I usually do, because of the other girls. We all have a good laugh, so the
time never drags.
Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she
does for a living. “They think you are a cleaner because you don’t know how to read and write,” said
Margret, “I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I’d been doing, but I don’t think
that way any more. I don’t dislike the work though I can’t say I’m mad about it.
1. Margaret quit her job as a nurse because ________.
A. she wanted to earn more money to support her family
B. she had suffered a lot of mental pressure
C. she needed the right time to look after her children
D. she felt tired of taking care of patients
2. Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because ________.
A. they never clean their offices B. they look down upon cleaners
C. they never do their work carefully D. they always make a mess in their offices
3. When at work, Margaret feels ________.
A. light-hearted because of her fellow workers B. happy because the building is fully lit
C. tired because of the heavy workload D. bored because time passed slowly
4. The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaret’s parents would ________.
A. help care for her children B. regret what they had said
C. show sympathy for her D. feel disappointed in her

We are all interested in equality, but while some people try to protect the school and examination
system in the name of equality, others, still in the name of equality, want only to destroy it.

Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must
regularly test its pupils. The standards may be changed -- no examination is perfect -- but to have no tests
or examination would mean the end of equality and of standards. There are groups of people who oppose
this view and who do not believe either in examinations or in any controls in schools or on teachers. This
would mean that everything would depend on luck since every pupil would depend on the
efficiency, the values and the purpose of each teacher.
Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from
families known to them -- a form of favoritism will replace equality at the moment. The bright child from
an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of
certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well-respected school. This defense of
excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a
poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete for employment with
the child from the favored school.
The opponents ( 反 对 者 ) of the examination system suggest that examinations are an evil force
because they show differences between pupils. According to these people, there must be no special,
different, academic class. They have even suggested that there should be no form of difference in sport or
any other area: all jobs or posts should be filled by unsystematic selection. The selection would be made by
people who themselves are probably selected by some computer.
1. The word “favoritism” in paragraph 3 is used to describe the phenomenon that ________.
A. bright children also need certificates to get satisfying jobs.
B. poor children with certificates are favoured in job markets.
C. children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs.
D. children attending ordinary schools achieve great success.
2. What would happen if examinations were taken away according to the author?
A. Schools for bright children would lose their reputation.
B. There would be more opportunities and excellence.
C. Children from poor families would be able to change their schools.
D. Children’s job opportunity would be affected by their school reputation.
3. The opponents of the examination system will agree that ________.
A. jobs should not be assigned by systematic se lection
B. computers should be selected to take over many jobs.
C. special classes are necessary to keep the school standards
D. schools with academic subjects should be done aw ay with
4. The passage mainly focuses on ________.
A. schools and certificates       B. examination and equality
C. opportunity and employment   D. standards and reputation


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