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Various gastrointestinal conditions R. Arnon · S.

Misra Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain

History and complete physical examination  – 

Presence of alarm symptoms and signs 

Yes No

Directed laboratory studies and imaging  Periumbilical abdominal pain

Normal limited screening

Referral and consultation as indicated  No Yes

Functional abdominal pain

Specific directed treatment  Biopsychological treatment - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

Kainan University
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Chronic abdominal pain, defined as long-lasting intermittent or  — In case of alarming symptoms and suspected IBD, direct-

Selected reading
constant abdominal pain, is a common pediatric problem. It is ed imaging studies include upper GI series and small intestinal
usually functional, without objective evidence of an underlying follow-through, US or CT of the abdomen. Chiou E, Nurko S: Management of functional abdominal pain
organic disorder. The exact prevalence of chronic abdominal and irritable bowel syndrome in children and adolescents.
pain in children is not known. It appears to account for 2–4% of — Clinical evaluation: in functional abdominal pain, a lim-

Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010; 4: 293–304.
all pediatric office visits. ited and reasonable screening includes a complete blood cell Di Lorenzo C, Colletti RB, Lehmann HP, Boyle JT, Gerson WT,
count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate or CRP measurement, Hyams JS, Squires RH Jr, Walker LS, Kanda PT: Chronic ab-

— The required duration of symptoms to define chronicity is urinalysis and urine culture. Other biochemical profiles (liver dominal pain in children: a technical report of the American
2 months, and the symptoms should occur at least once a week. and kidney) and diagnostic tests (stool culture and examination Academy of Pediatrics and the North American Society for
for ova and parasites, serology for celiac disease and breath Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. J Pedi-
— Patients with chronic abdominal pain commonly com-

hydrogen testing for sugar malabsorption) can be performed at atr Gastroenterol Nutr 2005; 40: 249–261.
plain of pain in the periumbilical area. the discretion of the clinician, based on the child’s predominant Di Lorenzo C, Colletti RB, Lehmann HP, Boyle JT, Gerson WT,
symptoms and degree of functional impairment and parental Hyams JS, Squires RH Jr, Walker LS, Kanda PT: Chronic ab-
— Constipation can be a cause of chronic periumbilical ab-

anxiety. dominal pain in children: a clinical report of the American
dominal pain. Functional constipation according to the Rome III Academy of Pediatrics and the North American Society for
committee describes all children with a developmental age of at  — Referral to and consultation of a pediatric gastroenterolo-

Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. J Pedi-
least 4 years in whom constipation does not have an organic gist for further evaluation may be indicated. atr Gastroenterol Nutr 2005; 40: 245–248.
etiology and who have insufficient criteria for IBS. Huertas-Ceballos A, Logan S, Bennett C, Macarthur C: Pharma-
 — Specific directed treatment for IBD, celiac disease or

cological interventions for recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) and
— IBS is abdominal discomfort or pain, which improves

PUD may be indicated according to the laboratory, imaging or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in childhood. Cochrane Data-
with defecation and is associated with a change in the frequen- endoscopic and pathological findings. base Syst Rev 2008; 1:CD003017.
cy and form of the stool without evidence of an inflammatory, Rasquin A, Di Lorenzo C, Forbes D, Guiraldes E, Hyams JS,
anatomic, metabolic or neoplastic process that could explain  — A biopsychosocial approach to children with functional

Staiano A, Walker LS: Childhood functional gastrointestinal
these symptoms. abdominal pain is recommended, including cognitive therapy disorders: child/adolescent. Gastroenterology 2006; 130: 1527–
and hypnosis. Reassurance and explanation of possible mecha- 1537.
 — The clinical history in children with chronic abdominal

nisms involving the brain-gut interaction should be given to Shulman RJ, Eakin MN, Jarrett M, Czyzewski DI, Zeltzer LK:
pain should include: family history of abdominal pain, IBS or the child and parents. The possible role of psychosocial factors, Characteristics of pain and stooling in children with recurrent
IBD, dietary history (excessive sugar intake, lactose intolerance) including triggering events, should be explained. It is often abdominal pain. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2007; 44: 203–208.
of the patient and evidence of constipation, diarrhea or growth helpful to summarize the child’s symptoms and explain that, Weydert JA, Ball TM, Davis MF: Systematic review of treat-
failure. although the pain is real, there is most likely no underlying ments for recurrent abdominal pain. Pediatrics 2003; 111:e1–
serious or chronic disease. e11.
 — The physical examination, including rectal examination,

should be complete. A recent Cochrane Database review of the pharmacological in-

terventions for RAP and IBS in childhood revealed only weak
 — Alarm symptoms, signs and features in children and ado-

evidence for the efficacy of any pharmacological agent in chil-
lescents with nonfunctional abdominal pain include: persistent dren with RAP and recommended the use of drugs only in clini-
right upper or right lower quadrant pain, pain that wakes the cal trials.
child from sleep, dysphagia, persistent vomiting, arthritis, peri-
rectal disease, GI blood loss, involuntary weight loss, nocturnal
diarrhea, deceleration of linear growth, unexplained fever or
family history of IBD or celiac disease. - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

Kainan University
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Various gastrointestinal conditions R. Arnon · S. Misra Abdominal pain
Various gastrointestinal conditions A. Lo Vecchio · D. Turck · A. Guarino Acute gastroenteritis

Acute gastroenteritis

Initial assessment Neonates

Exclude etiologies other than intestinal infections
Food poisoning
Surgical conditions
Antibiotic toxicity
Urinary infection

Assessment of dehydration 햳

<5% 5–10% >10%

None/minimal Mild/moderate Severe

Offer ORS ad libitum; encourage normal feeding with no restriction 햴

Reassess dehydration
after 3–4 h

Improved/stable Impaired Hospitalization 햵

• Weigh child and start fluid balance chart

• Assessment of electrolytes, bicarbonate,
urea and creatinine
Consider: blood count, CRP/ESR, stool culture,
parasites, urinalysis and urine culture, blood
gasses analysis 햶

Consider the following in addition to rehydration 햷 Consider family abilities Strongly consider NG tube ORS (preferred) or i.v. fluids
to care for the child - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM


Kainan University
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햲 — Definition: AGE is a decrease in the consistency of stools
쏹 햶 — Laboratory investigations that may help in the manage-
쏹 that in developing countries, zinc supplementation results in a
(loose or liquid) and/or an increase in the frequency of evacua- ment of children hospitalized with AGE include acid-base bal- clinically important reduction in the duration and severity of
tions (typically >3 in 24 h), with or without fever or vomiting. ance and electrolyte. acute diarrhea when given as an adjunct to oral rehydration
Diarrhea typically lasts less than 7 days and no longer than 14 therapy. Zinc may be given in ORS or as such. UNICEF and
days. However, a decrease in stool consistency compared to the 햷 — Therapy in adjunct to ORS may include:
쏹 WHO recommend zinc supplementation (10 mg for children <6
previous pattern is more indicative of diarrhea than the number Probiotics: a wide pattern of bacterial preparation, schedules, months of age and 20 mg in older infants and children for 10–14
of stools, particularly in the first 3 months of life. doses, and conditions have been tested. Data from several meta- days) as a universal treatment for children with diarrhea. Never-
analyses show that the effects of probiotics in acute diarrhea in theless, there is no proven clinical benefit of its use for children
햳 — Hydration assessment: the severity of AGE is reflected by
쏹 children are strain-dependent and highly significant for watery in developed countries. Further evidence is needed to establish
the degree of dehydration. The best measure of dehydration is diarrhea and viral gastroenteritis, more evident when treatment whether zinc supplementation will also be of benefit to all chil-
the percent loss of body weight. In most cases, the pre-illness is initiated early in the course of disease and more evident in dren, malnourished and well-nourished ones alike.
weight is not available, but other criteria can provide an esti- children in developed countries. Lactobacillus-GG (level of evi- In the case of vomiting, consider ondansetron. It may prevent
mate of the degree of dehydration. There is no evidence sup- dence I-A) and Saccharomyces boulardii (level of evidence II-B) the need of hospitalizing children to provide i.v. rehydration. It
porting the use of a scoring system for the management of the are the strains most widely tested and are also the most effec- should not be used routinely for outpatient children as it may
individual child. Steiner’s group systematically reviewed the tive. Lactobacillus-GG is associated with a reduced duration of increase the diarrhea.
precision and accuracy of symptoms and signs for the evalua- diarrhea, particularly that induced by rotavirus, a reduction of
tion of dehydration in young children (from 1 month to 5 years; risk for persistent diarrhea (lasting >7 days) and a short duration
see table). The most useful signs for predicting 5% dehydration of hospitalization. It may not be effective for bacterial diarrhea. Selected reading
or more were an abnormal capillary refill time, abnormal skin Racecadotril (Acetorphan): an antisecretory drug that exerts its
turgor, and abnormal respiratory pattern. Cool extremities, a antidiarrheal effects by inhibiting intestinal enkephalinase, Guarino A, Albano F, Ashkenazi S, et al: ESPGHAN/ESPID
weak pulse, or the absence of tears are also helpful indicators of thereby preventing the breakdown of endogenous opioids (en- Guidelines for the management of acute gastroenteritis in chil-
dehydration. Sunken eyes, dry mucous membranes, an increased kephalins) in the GI tract and reducing the secretion of water dren in Europe. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2008; 46:s1–s22.
heart rate, a sunken fontanelle in young infants, and an overall and electrolytes into the gut. Racecadotril was highly effective Guarino A, Lo Vecchio A, Canani RB: Probiotics as prevention
poor appearance were less helpful in evaluating dehydration. in reducing the volume and frequency of stool output and in and treatment for diarrhea. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2009; 25:
reducing the duration of diarrhea (particularly in children with 18–23.
햴 — Rehydration: oral rehydration is the first-line treatment of
쏹 rotavirus diarrhea). Guarino A, Lo Vecchio A, Pirozzi MR: Clinical role of diosmec-
AGE. Several solutions have been proposed to restore hydra- Smectite: a natural hydrated alumino-magnesium silicate that tite in the management of diarrhea. Expert Opin Drug Metab
tion in children with acute diarrhea worldwide. The classical binds to digestive mucus and has the ability to bind endo- and Toxicol 2009; 5: 433–440.
full-strength WHO-ORS contains 90 mmol/l Na. The so-called exotoxins, bacteria, and rotavirus. It reduces the duration of Harris C, Wilkinson F, Mazza D, et al: Evidence guidelines for
‘reduced osmolarity solution’, which is the current WHO-ORS, diarrhea and is effective in abdominal pain. the management of diarrhea with or without vomiting chil-
contains 75 mmol/l Na+. The so-called ‘hypotonic osmolarity Zinc: since intestinal losses of zinc are considerably increased dren. Aust Fam Physician 2008; 37: 22–29.
solution’ is recommended by ESPGHAN for European children during acute diarrhea, a number of trials evaluated the effect of Steiner MJ, DeWalt DA, Byerley JS: Is this child dehydrated?
with AGE and contains 60 mmol/l Na+. When oral rehydration is zinc supplements on diarrheal diseases. The findings suggest JAMA 2004; 291: 2746–2754.
not successful because of vomiting, enteral rehydration via the
NG route is as effective as i.v. rehydration. Enteral rehydration
is associated with fewer adverse events and a shorter hospital
stay compared with i.v. therapy and is successful in most chil-
dren. Children who take ORS should not be given i.v. fluids.
Table. Assessment of severity of dehydration
햵 — Indications for hospital admission: the recommendations

for hospital admission are based on consensus and include any None or minimal Moderate Severe
of the following conditions:
Normal capillary refill Delayed capillary refill (3 – 4 s) Very delayed capillary refill (>4 s)
• Caregivers cannot provide adequate care at home and/or there
Skin pinch retracts immediately Skin pinch retracts slowly (1 – 2 s) Skin pinch retracts very slowly (>2 s)
are social or logistical concerns Normal respiratory pattern Increased respiratory rate Deep, acidotic breathing
• Newborn age Normal conscious state Restless, irritable Lethargic, unconscious
• Shock Normal drinking Drinks eagerly, increased thirst Unable to drink
5 • Severe dehydration (>9% of body weight) Normal urine output Tachycardia No urine output for >12 h
• Neurological abnormalities (lethargy, seizures, etc.) Deeply sunken eyes
• Intractable or bilious vomiting These signs correspond to These signs correspond to These signs correspond to
• Suspected surgical condition <5% lost body weight 5 – 10% lost body weight >10% lost body weight - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

• ORS treatment failure

Kainan University
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Various gastrointestinal conditions A. Lo Vecchio · D. Turck · A. Guarino Acute gastroenteritis
Various gastrointestinal conditions B. Wershil · F.A. Sylvester Food allergy

Food allergy
Careful history and physical
examination 햳

Adverse reaction to food Respiratory symptoms GI manifestations 햶 Cutaneous manifestations

(nonimmunological) 햴 usually related Immediate or delayed reactions characterized as immediate
to anaphylaxis 햵 Upper or lower tract symptoms or overlap (urticaria/angioedema) or
delayed (eczema) 햷

Diagnostic testing: phase I 햸

CBC with differential, total protein, albumin,
total IgE, sIgE, upper and/or lower endoscopy

Referral to allergist
for skin prick testing 햹

Medical therapy 햺 Dietary therapy

Directed or nondirected
food elimination trial 햻

Diagnostic testing: phase 2 햽 Consider food reintroduction

Oral food challenges (food challenge) 햾 - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

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햲 — Food allergy, also referred to as food hypersensitivity, can be
쏹 food protein-induced enterocolitis having both upper and lower tract children and adolescents, more than 90% of food allergies are caused
seen in up to 6% of children and decreases with age to affect approxi- complaints (overlap symptoms). by 8 foods: cow’s milk, egg, soy, wheat, fish, shellfish, peanuts, and
mately 1–3% of adults in developed countries. The symptoms of food tree nuts. Thus, elimination of these foods (nondirected food elimina-
allergy can be immediate and life-threatening or insidious in nature 햷 — Dermatological manifestations of food allergy include acute ur-
쏹 tion) will effectively treat a large percentage of food-allergic individu-
and are mediated by either IgE-dependent or IgE-independent mecha- ticaria, angioedema, atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema), or allergic con- als, but also creates a significant limitation in lifestyle and, for some,
nisms or in some cases both. Most often, immediate-type hypersensi- tact dermatitis (a form of eczema related to chemical haptens found in quality of life. Alternatively, directed food elimination (positive SPT)
tivity reactions are referred to an allergist, while delayed reactions with certain foods). Patients with persistent eczema despite intense medical has been used to direct dietary therapy. Often, a combination of both
predominant GI symptoms are more commonly seen by the gastroen- therapy or with a history of immediate-type reactions after the inges- approaches can be helpful. However, any food elimination diet should
terologist. Depending on the specific food allergy syndrome, symp- tion of certain foods should be evaluated for food allergy. However, the be done with careful attention to maintain a calorically sufficient and
toms can vary widely, including anorexia, nausea, weight loss (or fail- indiscriminate use of elimination diets in this patient population is not nutritionally balanced diet. In that regard, it is often helpful to have the
ure to gain weight), early satiety, dysphagia, esophageal food impac- recommended as this can lead to nutritional deficiencies and growth input of a trained dietician with pediatric experience.
tion, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea (with or without blood), and retardation.
even constipation. The food allergy syndromes that most often come 햽 — In difficult cases, particular thought to involve delayed-type hy-

to the attention of gastroenterologists are allergic (eosinophilic) procto- 햸 — The initial laboratory evaluation should include CBC with differ-
쏹 persensitivity, oral food challenges for diagnostic purposes are recom-
colitis, protein-induced enterocolitis, EoE, gastritis, and gastroenteritis. ential (as a screen for anemia or peripheral eosinophilia), total protein mended. The double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge is still
and albumin (screen for PLE), and total IgE level (may be elevated in considered the ‘gold standard’ for the diagnosis of food allergy, but
햳 — A careful history and physical examination should be per-
쏹 atopy). The utility of food allergen-specific serum IgE (sIgE) is depen- single-blind, open food challenges can be clinically useful if strict crite-
formed. Attention should be paid to the timing of symptoms with the dent upon the assay system used by laboratory resource and does not ria are met, and are less cumbersome to conduct.
ingestion of suspected food allergens, which may help differentiate im- necessarily indicate clinical allergy, as it may only reflect sensitization.
mediate- from delayed-type reactions. Symptoms can be limited to the However, the greater the level of sIgE, the more predictive it is of an 햾 — The decision to reintroduce foods back into the diet is based on

GI tract or can manifest at extraintestinal sites, most commonly the skin allergic reaction. If the history suggests a possible immediate-type re- several factors, including diagnosis, symptoms experienced (immedi-
and lungs. Approximately 25–33% of patients will have another allergic action, then referral to an allergist for skin prick (puncture) testing may ate or delayed and severity), whether a directed or nondirected elimi-
condition, such as asthma, eczema, or allergic rhinitis. A careful family be warranted. Suspected delayed-type reactions may require upper nation diet was used, and patient preference. When foods are being
history should also be obtained. The physical examination should note and/or lower endoscopy with biopsies to make a tissue diagnosis, reintroduced, it is imperative to limit to one food at a time and allow at
growth parameters, nasal congestion, skin abnormalities (eczema, urti- particularly for protein-induced enteropathy or eosinophilic diseases least 2 weeks to see if symptoms recur. For patients with EoE, repeat
caria, or edema of the lips), or physical findings, such as Darier’s sign of the GI tract. endoscopy and histological evaluation with each food group intro-
urticaria with physical stimuli, wheezing, or guaiac-positive stools. duced are important to assess disease recurrence/activity.
While important, the physical examination is often not diagnostic. 햹 — SPTs and serum-specific IgE levels are 90% sensitive but only

50% specific. A negative SPT (with good control) is good at ruling out Selected reading
햴 — Many adverse reactions to foods and medications are misla-
쏹 IgE-mediated reactions. A positive test will overestimate allergy in 50%
beled as allergies. An adverse reaction to a given food can result from of the time. It is essential to use the history, clinical response, and al- Cox L, Williams B, Sicherer S, Oppenheimer J, Sher L, Hamilton R,
many causes, including lactose intolerance, food contamination or lergy tests together in medical decision-making. Patch testing is avail- Golden D: Pearls and pitfalls of allergy diagnostic testing: report from
food poisoning, and pharmacological reactions to food contents (caf- able at some centers for the evaluation of possible delayed-type reac- the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology/American
feine, monosodium glutamate, and food additives). Food allergy, by tions to food antigens; however, this test has not been standardized Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Specific IgE Test Task
definition, is an immunological reaction to ingested food and repre- nor has any efficacy been demonstrated convincingly; therefore, it is Force. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2008;101:580–592.
sents only a small subset of all adverse reactions to food. currently considered investigational. Currently in draft form for public comment: Guidelines for the Diag-
nosis and Management of Food Allergy.
햵 — From a clinical perspective, suspected food allergies can be di-
쏹 햺 — Medical therapeutic options are also dependent on the preci-
쏹 topics/foodAllergy/clinical/.
vided based on the predominant organ system involved. Food allergies sion of the diagnosis made. This approach can be used in conjunction Koletzko S, Niggemann B, Arato A, Dias JA, Heuschkel R, Husby S,
with respiratory manifestations are usually seen during an anaphylac- with dietary therapy or in lieu of it, depending on patient preference or et al: Diagnostic approach and management of cow’s-milk protein
tic reaction to ingested food and are uncommon, such as isolated up- clinical response to dietary therapy. For patients with EoE, the use of allergy in infants and children: ESPGHAN GI Committee practical
per respiratory symptoms (rhinitis) or lower tract symptoms (asthma). swallowed fluticasone or oral prednisone has demonstrated efficacy. guidelines. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012;55:221–229.
The use of oral steroids can also be useful in patients with eosinophilic Mansueto P, Montalto G, Pacor ML, Esposito-Pellitteri, Ditta V, Lo
햶 — The characterization of GI symptoms with regards to timing and
쏹 gastritis or gastroenteritis. Probiotic therapy has been utilized, and, Bianco C, Leto-Barone SM, DiLorenzo G: Food allergy in gastroenter-
location (upper or lower GI tract) can be useful in directing the diagnos- while theoretically attractive, there is insufficient evidence to recom- ologic diseases: review of literature. World J Gastroenterol 2006;12:
tic evaluation. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions are usually appar- mend its use at the present time. Other approaches, such as immuno- 7744–7752.
7 ent, whereas delayed-type reactions may be difficult to distinguish in therapy (attempting to induce oral tolerance) and biological agents Metcalf DD, Sampson HA, Simon RA: Food Allergy: Adverse Reac-
terms of the relationship between symptoms and the ingestion of food. (anti-IL-5 antibodies), are currently being evaluated in clinical trials. tions to Foods and Food Additives, ed 4. New Jersey, Wiley, 2008.
In this case, a more practical approach is to divide the symptoms into Ramesh S: Food allergy overview in children. Clin Rev Allergy Immu-
upper and lower tract in origin, with EoE and gastritis having predomi- 햻 — The therapy initiated should be derived from an accurate diag-
쏹 nol 2008;34:217–230. - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

nantly upper tract symptoms, allergic (eosinophilic) colitis being lower nosis. Infants with suspected food allergy can be safely placed on hy- Sicherer SH, Sampson HA: Food allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol
tract in nature, and conditions such as eosinophilic gastroenteritis or poallergenic formulas and monitored for clinical response. In older 2006;101:S470–S475.

Kainan University
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Various gastrointestinal conditions B. Wershil · F.A. Sylvester Food allergy
Various gastrointestinal conditions A. Lahad · S. Reif Failure to thrive

Failure to thrive
8 History and physical examination 햳

Primary Secondary

Multidisciplinary team 햴 Treat the disease

Caloric intake 햵 Raise caloric intake if needed

Weight gain Lack of weight gain Weight gain

Laboratory test 햶
CBC, liver function, protein, albumin,
BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, iron, celiac profile,
TSH, HIV, urinalysis, stool culture and stool for fat
and reducing substance

No finding Positive finding

Precise caloric intake for 3–5 days

Treat the problem
and raise caloric intake 햷

Weight gain Lack of weight gain Weight gain - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

Consider hospitalization
Consider NG tube 햸

Kainan University
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햲 — FTT is the failure to gain weight appropriately. FTT is a
쏹 햵 — The initial management of children with FTT is a high ca-
쏹 Selected reading
descriptive term and not a specific diagnosis. There are no con- loric intake. The healthy infant requires an average of 100 kcal/
sensus criteria to define this description, but most authors kg per day, but children with FTT should receive an up to 50% Frank DA, Zeisel SH: Failure to thrive. Pediatr Clin North Am
agree that a weight below the 3rd percentile for age and gender increase in the recommended daily caloric intake (as suggested 1998; 35: 1187–1206.
for two occasion measurements or a decrease of 2 percentile according to the patient’s age and gender). The number of calo- Jaffe AC: Failure to thrive: current clinical concepts. Pediatr
lines using the standard growth chart of the National Center of ries per 100 ml of formula can be increased by adding less wa- Rev 2011; 32: 100–107.
Health Statistic (NCHS) is considered as FTT. In severe cases, ter to the formula or by adding more carbohydrates in the form Kliegman RM, et al: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, ed 18.
linear growth and head circumference may also be affected by of glucose polymers or fat (for example, in the form of MCT or Philadelphia, Saunders, 2007, pp 184–187.
FTT. A wide variety of medical problems and psychosocial corn oil). For young children or older infants, the increase in Maggioni A, Lifshitz F: Nutritional management of failure to
stressors can contribute to FTT. However, the underlying cause the caloric intake can be achieved by using high-caloric food. thrive. Pediatr Clin North Am 1995; 42: 791.
is typically insufficient caloric intake. FTT can cause persistent The child with FTT should be followed up until a weight gain is Perrin E, et al: Criteria for Determining Disability in Infants
short stature and growth abnormalities, secondary immunodefi- demonstrated and sustained. and Children: Failure to Thrive. Evidence Report/Technology
ciencies, impaired neurological functionality and behavioral Assessment No. 72. AHRQ Publication No. 03-E026. Rockville,
problems. 햶 — The laboratory evaluation should be guided by the
쏹 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2003.
patient’s history and physical findings. Evaluations should be Wright CM: Identification and management of failure to thrive:
햳 — The key to the initial evaluation is the careful record of
쏹 carried out after failure to gain weight because a minority of a community perspective. Arch Dis Child 2000; 82: 5–9.
the patient’s history and the patient’s physical examinations. the children with FTT has abnormal laboratory findings. If no Wright CM, et al: Effect of community based management in
History and physical examinations provide valuable clues to the weight gain is achieved despite adequate caloric intake and if failure to thrive: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 1998; 317:
reason leading to FTT: ‘primary’/nonorganic FTT or ‘secondary’/ there is no finding in history or physical examination, then a 571–574.
organic FTT. Most chronic diseases may contribute to FTT. The laboratory evaluation should be made. The evaluation should
patient’s history should include detailed information about the include some of the most common diseases that can cause FTT
patient’s medical history including pregnancy and delivery time, without other noticeable symptoms.
family history, information about dietary and feeding practices
and social details. The physical examination should provide 햷 — Ask the parents to write down the amounts and the types

clues as to the severity of FTT and to any possible organic dis- of food and drinks the child ingests for at least 3 days. Observe
eases that may contribute to FTT. The interaction between the the interaction between the infant and his parents especially
child and his parents should be observed as it may be very sig- during feeding. Watch how the child eats and if there are diffi-
nificant as to the cause of FTT (especially during feeding). culties with different types of food.

햴 — Children with FTT will benefit from a multidisciplinary

쏹 햸 — Hospitalization is very rare, and most of the children will

team that includes, besides the physicians, dietitians, social gain weight as outpatients. In severe cases of FTT or when there
workers, developmental specialists and speech or occupational is a failure to gain weight despite increased caloric intake or
therapists. when there are complications resulting from FTT, hospitaliza-
tion is needed. The approach to a hospitalized child with FTT
should be the same as it is to an outpatient child, but if gain
weight is not achieved, an NG tube should be used. - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

Kainan University
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Various gastrointestinal conditions A. Lahad · S. Reif Failure to thrive
Various gastrointestinal conditions Y. Finkel · A. Guarino Chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea
Stop oral/enteral feeding and observe 햲

Diarrhea persists 햳

No Yes

Osmotic diarrhea Secretory diarrhea

Lymphatic Fat Disaccharide Celiac Inflammation Motility Transport Immune

malformation malabsorption intolerance disease disorder defect deficiency

Biliary or pancreatic A-β-lipo- Disaccharidase Infection

insufficiency proteinemia deficiency Bacterial overgrowth

Primary Secondary Electrolyte Enterocyte Parasites Virus Bacteria

transport defect disease

Sucrase/isomaltase Autoimmune Tufting Metabolic Structural

deficiency enteropathy disease disease disease

CDG type II - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

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Diarrhea means nonformed stool, i.e. stool that adapts its form Table 1. Stepwise diagnostic workup for children with chronic diarrhea
to that of the container it is sampled in. Chronic means persist-
ing for a longer period. Step 1 Intestinal microbiology • Stool cultures
• Microscopy for parasites
햲 — The stepwise diagnostic workup for children with chronic
쏹 • Viruses
• H2 breath test
diarrhea is given in table 1.
Screening test for celiac disease Transglutaminase-2 autoantibodies
햳 — A child with chronic diarrhea should be analyzed and
쏹 Noninvasive tests for: • Intestinal function (including fecal electrolytes, osmotic gap and
treated as follows. α1-antitrypsin)
• Pancreatic function (including fecal fat and fecal elastase)
Firstly: define whether the diarrhea is osmotic or secretory, and
• Intestinal inflammation (including fecal calprotectin and rectal NO
admit the child for a 24-hour intravenous fluid therapy manage- measurement)
ment and nil by mouth. Further, all stool output should be col- • Liver enzymes and serum bile acids
lected and checked for form and measure volume. If diarrhea Tests for food allergy Prick/patch tests
persists during nil by mouth, the child is suffering from secre-
tory diarrhea. This may be due to an inflammatory activity of an Step 2 Intestinal morphology • Duodenal biopsy
endogenous or exogenous cause. It may also appear secondary • Colonic histology
to anatomic, microanatomic or metabolic disorders. If diarrhea • Morphometry
stops during nil by mouth, the cause of diarrhea is most likely to • PAS staining
be osmotic. Osmotic diarrhea is caused by nondigested and/or • Electron microscopy
nonabsorbed macronutrients in the diet, which exert an intralu- Step 3 Special investigations • Intestinal immunohistochemistry
minal osmotic effect and prevent reabsorption of the intestinal • Antienterocyte antibodies
fluid by the small and large intestine. IBS (diarrhea) is regarded • Serum chromogranin and catecholamines
as subdiagnosis of osmotic diarrhea believed to be a result of 75
• SeHCAT measurement
rapid intestinal transit by hitherto unknown mechanism. • Brush-border enzymatic activities
Secondly: perform appropriate tests in sequential order starting • Motility and electrophysiological studies
with a noninvasive test for common disorders first. These tests
should aim at ruling out as well as confirming a suspected diag-
nosis, and the number and costs of the test should ideally meet
the clinical severity of the child’s condition and not be ordered
according to wishes of the physician and/or the caretaker to rule Table 2. Main causes of chronic diarrhea according to the age of onset
out possible causes for the symptoms.
0 – 30 days 1 – 24 months 2 – 18 years
Autoimmune enteropathy Apple juice and pear nectar Apple juice or pear nectar
Selected reading Autoimmune enteropathy Antibiotic-associated C. difficile colitis
Intestinal infection Intestinal infection
Binder HJ: Causes of chronic diarrhea. N Engl J Med 2006; 355:
Congenital SBS Short gut
Thomas PD, Forbes A, Green J, Howdle P, Long R, Playford R, Food allergy Food allergy Lactose intolerance
et al: Guidelines for the investigation of chronic diarrhoea, 2nd Functional diarrhea* IBS**
Celiac disease Celiac disease
edition. Gut 2003; 52(suppl 5):v1–v15.
Zella GC, Israel EJ: Chronic diarrhea in children. Pediatr Rev HD CF
2012; 33: 207–217. Malrotation with partial blockage Postgastroenteritis diarrhea Postgastroenteritis diarrhea
Neonatal lymphangiectasia Tufting enteropathy
Primary bile-salt malabsorption Microvillus inclusion disease
11 Intestinal pseudo-obstruction Intestinal pseudo-obstruction

* Age range 0 – 4 years; ** age range 4 – 18 years. - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

Kainan University
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Various gastrointestinal conditions Y. Finkel · A. Guarino Chronic diarrhea
Various gastrointestinal conditions C.G. Sauer · B.D. Gold Upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Resuscitation and evaluation

Did GI bleed result in significant decrease in hemoglobin or

hemodynamic changes (blood pressure, heart rate, etc.)? 햲

Yes No

PPI therapy (consider sucralfate initially if gastric

disease suspected – not helpful in esophageal bleeding)
Consider octreotide if esophageal varices likely (may not
be helpful in ulcer disease)
Start workup evaluating specifically for liver disease
(AST, ALT, PT, PTT, albumin) to help plan endoscopic
therapy including banding/sclerotherapy
EGD with planned endoscopic therapy available
(banding, injection, coagulation, etc.)

Macroscopic endoscopy findings detected that No lesions present 햴 Esophageal varices present 햵
are likely responsible for upper GI bleed 햳

Endoscopic therapy for ulcers if present Consider VCE for evaluation of possible small Perform endoscopic banding procedure and/or
Use 2 of the following methods: intestinal bleed sclerotherapy
Thermal coagulation (heater or multipolar probes) Consider oral PPI, monitor closely, follow-up Workup for liver disease or other causes of portal
Injection with epinephrine hypertension (i.e. vascular abnormalities)
Endoscopic clipping

Continue PPI Consider small bowel enteroscopy if lesions Follow-up endoscopy with repeat banding Consider oral PPI, monitor closely,
Treat H. pylori if present present on VCE Consider prevention follow-up
Consider serum gastrin level Consider advanced imaging such as MR or CT Consider surgical management Consider EGD
angiography, or RBC scan if bleeding persists - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

(TIPS, shunt, etc.) Differential diagnosis: Mallory-Weiss
tear, esophagitis, gastritis

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Causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in children managed conservatively if there is no significant drop in hemoglobin. bleeding persists, advanced radiographic imaging is suggested and
Understanding the causes of upper GI bleeding in infants, children, and Swallowed blood, esophagitis, gastritis, and Mallory-Weiss tears often could include MR angiography, CT angiography, or RBC scan depend-
adolescents is helpful in dictating the management, which can vary do not cause a significant drop in hemoglobin. However, the latter three ing on the local radiographic expertise. Octreotide may be useful in
from conservative monitoring to advanced endoscopic therapies. The etiologies can, particularly if chronic, cause iron deficiency with or with- pediatric vascular anomalies, which can often be diagnosed with VCE.
following reviews the most common causes as well as the manage- out anemia. If there is a history that may suggest swallowed blood, eval-
ment of upper GI bleeding in the pediatric population. uation for epistaxis or previous surgical site is warranted. Mallory-Weiss 햵 — Endoscopic therapy for variceal bleeding includes sclerotherapy

Swallowed blood, usually from a non-GI source, can often be a cause tears are most often self-limiting and rarely cause a significant drop in and EVL. The use of both medical therapy with octreotide and EVL may
of suspected upper GI bleeding and can occur in any pediatric age hemoglobin or need endoscopic therapy. Mild/moderate esophagitis give superior results for the management of variceal bleeding at least
group. For example, neonates may spit up or vomit blood due to swal- and gastritis may cause upper GI bleeding but can often be controlled in adults. Once endoscopic therapy for varices is performed, repeat
lowing maternal blood from cracked nipples or blood in breast milk with high-dose acid suppression and monitoring, although endoscopy EVL is often necessary and prophylactic medical therapy with beta-
due to a ruptured blood vessel or from delivery. The most common may be helpful to confirm the diagnosis. Sucralfate (carafate) may be blockers should be considered despite a paucity of data in children.
reason for swallowed blood in childhood is epistaxis, which can also helpful initially if the lesions are gastric in their location as it reacts with
be seen at any age but is most common in the school-aged population, acid to form a viscous paste-like substance; however, once acid suppres- Selected reading
i.e. 6- to 12-year-olds. Any recent otolaryngological or maxillofacial sur- sion is initiated, it is unlikely to provide significant benefit.
gery including tonsillectomy or other oropharyngeal surgery may also If there is a significant drop in hemoglobin, further evaluation for the Banares R, Albillos A, Rincon D, Alonso S, Gonzalez M, Ruiz-del-Arbol
result in swallowed blood, and the presentation thereof can be delayed cause of bleeding is warranted and treatment can be initiated during this L, Salcedo M, Molinero LM: Endoscopic treatment versus endoscopic
by as much as 10–14 days. Most importantly, emesis of swallowed evaluation. Most importantly, the evaluation for liver disease with a thor- plus pharmacologic treatment for acute variceal bleeding: a meta-
blood, albeit occasionally appearing large in volume, does not result in ough history, physical examination, and laboratory assessment can sug- analysis. Hepatology 2002;35:609–615.
a decrease in the patient’s hemoglobin level. gest esophageal varices and help plan endoscopic treatment with band- Calvet X, Vergara M, Brullet E, Gisbert JP, Campo R: Addition of a
Esophagitis, gastritis, and PUD can be classified as mucosal abnormali- ing and/or sclerotherapy. Simple blood tests evaluating liver enzymes second endoscopic treatment following epinephrine injection im-
ties of the upper GI tract and can result in both microscopic and macro- (AST/ALT) and liver function (albumin, PT/PTT) can often be most helpful proves outcome in high-risk bleeding ulcers. Gastroenterology 2004;
scopic bleeding. Gastritis and esophagitis will typically result in mini- in determining whether liver disease is likely to play a role. If no liver 126:441–450.
mal, sometimes chronic, bleeding, while PUD (either gastric or duode- disease is present, endoscopy will often identify a lesion and endoscopic D’Amico G, Pagliaro L, Pietrosi G, Tarantino I: Emergency sclerother-
nal ulcers) with erosion into the underlying vessels can result in acute therapy should be planned and available at the time of endoscopy. apy versus vasoactive drugs for bleeding oesophageal varices in cir-
upper GI bleeding with large volumes at times. While bleeding may Initial treatment with pre-endoscopic resuscitation including blood prod- rhotic patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010;3:CD002233.
stop with acid blockade treatment in esophagitis and gastritis, ulcer ucts and medical management is essential, with endoscopic therapy Dorward S, Sreedharan A, Leontiadis GI, Howden CW, Moayyedi P,
disease with vessel involvement often requires endoscopic therapy. planned within 12–24 h. Medical therapy including acid suppression is Forman D: Proton pump inhibitor treatment initiated prior to endo-
A Mallory-Weiss tear of the lower esophagus or proximal stomach re- recommended, and, while there is little data in children, adult studies scopic diagnosis in upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Cochrane Data-
sults from forceful vomiting and can cause a large amount of bleeding. suggest it may reduce the need for endoscopic therapy. Sucralfate may base Syst Rev 2006;4:CD005415.
A hiatal hernia may predispose to a Mallory-Weiss tear, and eating dis- also be helpful in the initial treatment, although once acid suppression Dubois J, Rypens F, Garel L, Yazbeck S, Therasse E, Soulez G: Pediat-
orders are often associated with Mallory-Weiss tears. Bleeding typical- therapy is initiated, there may be little to no benefit. Octreotide, a so- ric gastrointestinal vascular anomalies: imaging and therapeutic is-
ly stops spontaneously, and therapy (epinephrine injection with cauter- matostatin analogue, causes vasoconstriction and is not typically recom- sues. Pediatr Radiol 2007;37:566–574.
ization) is only necessary if bleeding does not stop spontaneously. En- mended for ulcer-related upper GI bleeding. Endoscopic evaluation of- Gotzsche PC, Hrobjartsson A: Somatostatin analogues for acute
doscopy often reveals small lower esophageal lacerations. ten reveals the cause for significant upper GI bleeding. The most com- bleeding oesophageal varices. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008;
Esophageal/gastric varices result from portal hypertension often, but mon causes in children remain esophageal varices and ulcers or other 3:CD000193.
not always, associated with liver disease. Extrahepatic portal obstruc- mucosal abnormalities detected on endoscopy. Kay MH, Wyllie R: Therapeutic endoscopy for nonvariceal gastroin-
tion including portal vein thrombosis may also be a cause of varices testinal bleeding. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2007;45:157–171.
without a history of preexisting liver disease. Varices often result in 햳 — Endoscopic therapy for nonvariceal bleeding can include injec-
쏹 Lau JY, Leung WK, Wu JC, Chan FK, Wong VW, Chiu PW, Lee VW,
significant bleeding, and urgent endoscopic therapy is required. tion, coagulation, and placement of hemostatic clips. Epinephrine is Lee KK, Cheung FK, Siu P, Ng EK, Sung JJ: Omeprazole before en-
Other less common causes of upper GI bleeding in children can include most commonly used for mucosal bleeding stasis and should be inject- doscopy in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. N Engl J Med
erosions due to chronic NSAID administration, Helicobacter pylori infec- ed in four quadrants around the bleeding lesion. Thermal coagulation 2007;356:1631–1640.
tion, foreign body ingestion, caustic substance ingestion, infections, Dieu- can be performed with multipolar probes or heater probes depending Marmo R, Rotondano G, Piscopo R, Bianco MA, D’Angella R, Cipol-
lafoy’s lesions, or small bowel vascular anomalies. Other rare causes of on the availability. Heater probes have the disadvantage of deeper tis- letta L: Dual therapy versus monotherapy in the endoscopic treat-
upper GI bleeding may be congenital malformations such as intestinal sue penetration with a risk of perforation, while multipolar probes have ment of high-risk bleeding ulcers: a meta-analysis of controlled trials.
duplications, gastric or pancreatic heterotopic tissue, and gastrinoma as- limited deep tissue penetration. Hemostatic clips can be placed on ul- Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102:279–289; quiz 469.
sociated with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome or MEN type 1, which leads to cers; however, the size (<2 mm in diameter) and location of the lesion Molleston JP: Variceal bleeding in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol
excessive gastrin/acid production resulting in severe ulceration. as well as the endoscopist’s expertise may limit their use. The combi- Nutr 2003;37:538–545.
13 nation of an endoscopic treatment (coagulation, hemostatic clip) and Singhi S, Jain P, Jayashree M, Lal S: Approach to a child with upper
Management of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in children epinephrine injection is superior to epinephrine injection alone; how- gastrointestinal bleeding. Indian J Pediatr 2013;80:326–333.
With the most common causes of upper GI bleeding in children in ever, endoscopic treatment alone may be sufficient. Villanueva C, Piqueras M, Aracil C, Gomez C, Lopez-Balaguer JM,
mind, management can be initiated with conservative measures in Gonzalez B, Gallego A, Torras X, Soriano G, Sainz S, Benito S, Balan-
many children. 햴 — If no lesions are identified at endoscopy, VCE may be consid-
쏹 zo J: A randomized controlled trial comparing ligation and sclerother- - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

ered and can identify vascular or mucosal lesions throughout the GI apy as emergency endoscopic treatment added to somatostatin in
햲 — Evaluation of hemoglobin and vital signs is essential in upper GI
쏹 tract. If lesions are detected, consideration of small bowel enteroscopy acute variceal bleeding. J Hepatol 2006;45:560–567.
bleeding in children as many conditions that cause bleeding can be to obtain biopsies is suggested. If no lesions are detected on VCE and

Kainan University
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Various gastrointestinal conditions C.G. Sauer · B.D. Gold Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Various gastrointestinal conditions F.A. Sylvester · D. Turck Lower gastrointestinal bleeding

Lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Melena – black tarry stool, usually Hematochezia 햳 – bright red blood per rectum Occult GI bleeding – detected due to iron
indicates upper GI bleeding deficiency anemia and positive fecal blood

Is it blood? Is the patient hemodynamically stable?

No Yes No

Medical history 햴 Stabilize patient, then investigate

Physical examination 햵
Anal and rectal examination

Abnormal Normal

Differential diagnosis and primary investigation by age group 햶

Neonate, 0–1 months Infant, 1 month to 2 years Preschool, 2–5 years Child and adolescent

Anal fissure Hemorrhoids Well appearing Ill child Well appearing Ill child Well appearing Ill child Same as preschool
Very common Uncommon Swallowed NEC – X-ray Allergic colitis – Intussuscep- Infectious Infectious diarrhea – IBD –
in all ages in children maternal Malrotation change formula tion – X-ray, diarrhea – stool culture ileocolonoscopy
blood – Apt test and volvolus – Infectious US, barium stool culture Same as <2 years
Foods and drugs that can cause Coagulopathy – imaging diarrhea – enema Juvenile polyp –
the stool to appear bloody test Hirschsprung stool culture HUS – blood colonoscopy
Antibiotics enterocolitis – Meckel’s diver- and urine testing
Bismuth preparations rectal biopsy ticulum – scan HSP – urine,
Beets Lymphonodular endoscopy
Chocolate hyperplasia – Meckel’s diver-
Gelatin - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

colonoscopy ticulum – scan
Licorice Duplication –
If questionable, test for occult blood imaging

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햲 — LGIB: bleeding distal to the ligament of Treitz.
쏹 햶 — Differential diagnosis of LGIB: the diagnosis can be de-
쏹 Selected reading
rived from an understanding of the mechanism of bleeding, the
햳 — Hematochezia: the passage of bright red blood per rec-
쏹 age of the patient, and the location of the bleeding. Mechanical- Balachandran B, Singhi S: Emergency management of lower
tum. ly, bleeding can be caused by trauma, ischemia, and inflamma- gastrointestinal bleed in children. Indian J Pediatr 2013; 80:
tion (which are all usually painful) or coagulopathy, vascular 219–225.
햴 — Medical history: information should include:
쏹 malformations, and tumors (which are all usually painless). Barnert J, Messmann H: Diagnosis and management of lower
• Family history: allergy, IBD, polyposis syndromes, vascular Therefore, interrogating the patient and family for pain associ- gastrointestinal bleeding. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2009;
malformations, bleeding disorders. ated with bleeding can narrow down the differential diagnosis 6: 637–646.
• Child history: neonatal history of omphalitis, sepsis, umbilical significantly. Certain causes of bleeding are more common in Khurana AK, Saraya A, Jain N, et al: Profile of lower gastroin-
catheterizations – risk factors for portal vein thrombosis lead- infants and young children (e.g. allergic proctocolitis, intussus- testinal bleeding in children from a tropical country. Trop Gas-
ing to portal hypertension. History of abnormal bleeding or ception, Meckel’s diverticulum, vascular malformations) and troenterol 1998; 19: 70–71.
liver disease. Past episodes of GI hemorrhage. Recent use of other causes are more common in older children (IBD, polyps, McCollough M, Sharieff GQ: Abdominal surgical emergencies
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents or any other medica- varices, rectal trauma). Bright red blood is typical of distal co- in infants and young children. Emerg Med Clin North Am
tions. Vascular skin lesions. History of abdominal or perianal lonic bleeding; the blood will be darker the more proximal the 2003; 21: 909–935.
trauma, pain with defecation. Ingestion of red foods or fluids source of bleeding is (although large-volume hemorrhage from Teach SJ, Fleisher GR: Rectal bleeding in the pediatric emer-
that can be confused with blood. the upper digestive tract can look red). The diagnosis of the gency department. Ann Emerg Med 1994; 23: 1252–1258.
• Characteristics of bleeding: duration of bleeding and amount source of bleeding can be confirmed once the patient has been Tuck D, Michaud L: Lower gastrointestinal bleeding; in Klein-
of blood, consistency of stool, color of blood, blood mixed/ hemodynamically stabilized with a combination of colonoscopy, man RE, Goulet O, et al (eds): Pediatric Gastrointestinal Dis-
coating stool/drips, presence of blood in toilet paper but not imaging, and VCE, as necessary. ease, ed 5. Hamilton, Decker, 2008, pp 1309–1319.
in the stool.
• Associated symptoms: abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea,
urgency, tenesmus, weight loss.

햵 — Physical examination: the first step is to insure that the

patient is hemodynamically stable:
• General: weight, height, fever, epistaxis.
• Abdomen: abdominal tenderness or mass, hepatosplenomeg-
aly, ascites, caput medusa.
• Skin: jaundice, bruising, trauma, eczema, purpura,
telangiectasia, hemangioma.
• Rectal examination: exclude anal fissures, check for polyps,
obtain stool, and evaluate for the presence of blood when

15 - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

Kainan University
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Various gastrointestinal conditions F.A. Sylvester · D. Turck Lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Various gastrointestinal conditions P.S. Lemos · B. Wershil Malnutrition


Positive energy balance – Negative energy balance –

obesity undernutrition

Classification 햳

History – detailed dietary evaluation 햴 Assessment – etiology 햵 Physical examination 햶

Decreased intake 햷 Increased losses 햸 Increased needs/poor use 햹

Feeding error, bad habits, food refusal with Vomiting – GERD, gastritis, Helicobacter pylori, Fever, malignancy, CF,
(esophagitis, gastritis, dysphagia, cerebral palsy, food allergies (cow’s milk) hyperthyroidism, and renal,
oro-motor problems, syndromic disorders) or Malabsorption – celiac disease, CF, giardiasis, cardiac, pulmonary, storage, and
without cause (nonorganic; neglect, abuse, duodenitis, hepatic disease metabolic diseases
child-parent interaction problems)

Assessment – laboratory studies 햺

Hospital admission – Ambulatory treatment 햽

nutritional rehabilitation –
enteral feeding + treatment of
underlying cause 햻 - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

Psychosocial approach Underlying cause/nutrition

Kainan University
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햲 — Malnutrition is an abnormality in food intake that can lead
쏹 햵 — A general assessment of the child is essential for deter-
쏹 햻 — Hospital admission – in the case of severe malnutrition, it

to varying pathologic states; its clinical features are a result of an mining the cause of malnutrition, and thus how to approach the serves two purposes: first to slowly restart a nutritional inter-
imbalance of essential nutrients, calories, and/or energy. Accord- issue: 60% of cases have some form of environmental depriva- ventional program in order to avoid potentially serious refeed-
ing to thermodynamic laws, total energy expenditure (including tion, approximately 20% are organic in nature, and no cause is ing electrolyte complications, and second to evaluate the causes
basal metabolic rate, physical activity, thermic effect of feeding, found in 20%. Often, there is no simple way to discern among of malnutrition in a controlled setting. It is important to appreci-
and growth) must be in balance with total energy intake. Energy these possibilities, so it is useful to approach the assessment of ate that the lack of a natural environment might complicate the
needs change during the course of life, with growing infants and the etiology in physiologic terms, using the concept of the body assessment of the child-family interaction.
children having greater energy requirements than adults. How- as a furnace. The causes of undernutrition can then be divided
ever, at any point in time, if there is negative energy balance, into footnotes 6–8. 햽 — Ambulatory treatment – close follow-up – remember that

undernutrition occurs. Likewise, consistent positive energy bal- very often nonorganic and organic causes of malnutrition coex-
ance will lead to excessive weight gain and obesity. 햶 — On physical examination, the general appearance and
쏹 ist and both must be addressed. Establish routines for daily life
activity/interactions of the child may give an idea of whether events, not only for meal times. Increase caloric concentration
햳 — In general, the most used and practical markers of under-
쏹 there is an organic cause for malnutrition or not. It is important of the meals the child is having and avoid juices and nibbling.
nutrition are weight less than the 3rd percentile or weight less to assess the cognitive abilities and neurodevelopment stage. Consider caloric and vitamin supplements.
than 2 SD for the percentile of the height. Malnutrition was first Careful attention should be given to the child’s interaction with
defined in terms of a deficit in weight for a child’s age. Howev- parents and others as indirect signs of neglect can manifest as a
er, height for age and weight for height are often more useful lack of parental interest in the child, no affection, or no visual Selected reading
tools for assessing acute and chronic malnutrition. For example, contact. Look for signs of abuse, such as scars, ecchymoses, or
a low weight for height is seen in acute malnutrition, whereas in hematomas. It is important to take notice of dysmorphic facies, Ahmed T, Ali M, Ullah MM, et al: Reduced mortality among
chronic undernutrition there are frequently no clinical signs oth- mouth breathing, increased thyroid size, wheezing, heart mur- severely malnourished children with diarrhoea through the
er than low height and weight for age. Children who are over murs, increased liver or spleen, abdominal distension, or abnor- use of a standardized management protocol. Lancet 1999; 353:
90% of their expected weight for height and less than 90% of malities in the neurological examination. Nutritional assess- 1919–1922.
their expected height for age are termed nutritional dwarfs be- ment should be performed by the same trained examiner on Berhamn RE, Kliegman R, Jenson HB (eds): Nelson Textbook
cause their height has been stunted but their weight is appropri- every single visit and always under the same conditions with of Pediatrics, ed 17. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2004.
ate for their height. In developed countries, stunting is unusual height, weight, weight for height, or BMI plotted as appropriate. Figueira F, Alves J, Bacelar C: Desnutrição energético-proteica;
and one can use different classifications, the most common be- Skinfold thickness is important especially in children with neu- in: Manual de Diagnostico Diferencial em Pediatria, ed 2. Rio
ing weight for height until 2 years of age and BMI after 2 years rological conditions due to the difficulty in assessing length, de Janiero, Guanabara Koogan, 2005.
of age. In developing countries, extremes of undernutrition oc- weight, or BMI. If possible, observe a meal with the child and its Fuchs G, Ahmed T, Araya M, Baker S, Croft N, Weaver L: Mal-
cur that are not normally seen in developed countries. Maras- parents. nutrition: Working Group report of the second World Congress
mus is seen after severe nutritional deprivation, primarily of cal- of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. J
ories, and is characterized by growth retardation and wasting of 햷 — Decreased intake as in feeding errors, bad habits, food
쏹 Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2004; 39(suppl 2):S670–S677.
muscle and subcutaneous fat. In kwashiorkor, deficiency in pro- refusal with organic cause (esophagitis, gastritis, dysphagia, Gomez F, Galvan RR, Cravioto J, Frenk S: Malnutrition in in-
tein intake exceeds that of calories, and thus edema accompa- cerebral palsy, oro-motor problems, syndromic disorders), or fancy and childhood, with special reference to kwashiorkor.
nies muscle wasting, so that weight alone may underestimate without cause (nonorganic): neglect, abuse, child-parent inter- Adv Pediatr 1955; 7: 131–169.
the degree of malnutrition. action problems. Hendricks K, Duggan C: Nutritional assessment: clinical evalu-
ation; in Becker BC (ed): Manual of Pediatric Nutrition, ed 4.
햴 — A detailed medical and dietary history is an essential com-
쏹 햸 — Increased losses as in vomiting and/or diarrhea (GERD,
쏹 Morrison’s Health Care, 2005.
ponent of the diagnosis and assessment of malnutrition yet is gastritis, Helicobacter pylori, food allergies (cow’s milk)) and in Management of Severe Malnutrition: A Manual for Physicians
often neglected or incomplete. It should include reliable obser- malabsorptive diseases (most commonly, celiac disease, CF, and Other Senior Health Workers. Geneva, World Health Orga-
vations of the child’s activity level, social interactions, and sleep giardiasis, duodenitis, hepatic disease). nization, 1999.
pattern. The number and types of infections should be noted. A McLean DS, Read WWC: Weight/length classification of nutri-
family history with consideration of parental weight and height 햹 — Increased energy expenditure/poor use as in fever, malig-
쏹 tion status. Lancet 1975; 2: 219–221.
may provide insight into genetic issues. A personal medical his- nancy, CF, hyperthyroidism, renal disease, cardiac disease, pul- Ramos R: History and dietary intake; in Koletzko B (ed): Pediat-
tory can reveal organic pathology, perinatal events, and diges- monary disease, storage disease, metabolic disease. Even with ric Nutrition in Practice. Basel, Karger, 2008.
tive system problems. Additionally, psychosocial features might organic causes, there is sometimes an overlap in terms of phys- Waterlow JC: Classification and definition of protein calorie
give clues to possible causes of malnutrition, such as an abusive iopathology: for instance in CF, there might be anorexia of malnutrition. BMJ 1972; 3: 565–567.
17 or neglectful environment. Diet evaluation as a separate compo- chronic disease, malabsorption, and increased energy expendi-
nent of the history is critical. Inquire about attitude and knowl- ture due to the work of breathing.
edge as well as the amounts, types, and frequencies of food be-
ing provided. Ask specifically about types and qualities of liquid 햺 — Assessment and evaluation – the findings on history, - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

intake. Dietary recall alone may be inaccurate or misleading, so dietary evaluation, and physical examination should direct the
obtaining a food record (1–3 days) is also important. laboratory testing to avoid excessive or inappropriate testing.

Kainan University
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Various gastrointestinal conditions P.S. Lemos · B. Wershil Malnutrition
Various gastrointestinal conditions A.S. Day · N.L. Jones Perianal disease

Perianal disease
18 Perianal symptoms 햲

Full medical history

Physical examination

Redness Pain Mass Itching Other causes

of perianal
symptoms 햳

Swab of redness Fissure

for M/C/S present

Satellite Circumferential Typical 햴 Atypical 햵

lesions redness

Fungal Streptococcal Excoriation 햸 Consider Consider Perianal Pin Hemorrhoids

infection 햶 infection 햷 constipation 햹 trauma, CD 햺 abscess worms Prolapse
Solitary rectal ulcer
Other infections such
as warts or molluscum
Benign 햻 Consider CD 햺 contagiosum

Topical Oral Surgical management: Consider further investigations - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

antifungal penicillin incision and drainage (see Crohn’s disease algorithm, p. 62) for possible CD

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햲 — Perianal symptoms are used to describe any symptom
쏹 햸 — Excoriation can be due to frequent watery motions or to
쏹 Selected reading
around the anus. These include itching, redness, pain, fissure, specific conditions such as lactase deficiency (where motions
perianal abscess, fistula, hemorrhoids or rectal prolapse. are acidic). It is important to exclude local infection. Treat un- Ezer SS, et al: Perianal abscess and fistula-in-ano in children:
derlying reason for loose stools (if possible). Protect the peri- aetiology, management and outcome. J Paediatr Child Health
햳 — Refer to other causes of perianal problems given in the
쏹 anal skin (barrier creams) and allow for adequate drying of the 2010; 46: 92–95.
algorithm. skin. Festen C, van Harten H: Perianal abscess and fistula-in-ano in
infants. J Pediatr Surg 1998; 33: 711–713.
햴 — Typical perianal fissures in the midline: 90% at 6 o’clock.
쏹 햹 — Functional constipation in children is often associated
쏹 Kokx NP, Comstock JA, Facklam RR: Streptococcal perianal
These may be associated with skin tags. with pain and/or anxiety leading to withholding of stool. Peri- disease in children. Pediatrics 1987; 80: 659–663.
anal fissure can be consequent to the passage of hard stool ini- Poenaru D, Yazbeck SV: Anal fistula in infants: etiology, fea-
햵 — Atypical tags may occur outside the midline, at any posi-
쏹 tially or subsequently. Consider local topical therapy (such as tures, management. J Pediatr Surg 1993; 28: 1194–1195.
tion. preparation containing local anesthetic and/or steroid) in con- Serour F, Gorenstein A: Characteristics of perianal abscess
junction with oral stool-softening therapy. and fistula-in-ano in healthy children. World J Surg 2006; 30:
햶 — Fungal infection of the perianal region occurs often in
쏹 467–472.
conjunction with the perineum and should be considered in in- 햺 — CD may involve the perianal region in 10–15% of individ-
쏹 Stermer E, Sukhotnic I, Shaoul R: Pruritus ani: an approach to
fancy. Satellite lesions may be present. Swab for microbiologi- uals with CD. This can occur as the presenting feature or devel- an itching condition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2009; 48:
cal confirmation of fungal infection and treat with topical anti- op subsequently. Manifestations include atypical fissures, large/ 513–516.
fungals. multiple skin tags, fistulae and/or perianal abscess formation.

햷 — Perianal streptococcal infection is common and often not

쏹 햻 — Perianal abscesses can occur in the absence of any un-

considered. The typical appearance is circumferential redness derlying condition such as CD.
around the anus. Swab for confirmation and treat with oral pen-

19 - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

Kainan University
Downloaded by:
Various gastrointestinal conditions A.S. Day · N.L. Jones Perianal disease
Various gastrointestinal conditions I. Rosen · R. Shaoul Gastrointestinal foreign bodies

Gastrointestinal foreign bodies

20 Ingested foreign body in a child

History 햲, radiological studies 햳


Stomach/duodenum 햴 Esophagus/pharynx Distal to


Esophagus 햸 Pharynx

Asymptomatic Symp- Upper third Lower

tomatic esophagus

<2.5 cm diameter >2.5 cm Narcotic Peritonitis/ >24 h 햹 <24 h

<6 cm length diameter packets 햵 obstruction
Round/not sharp >6 cm length
Sharp object
Regular diet magnets 햶 Admission Food Coin 햺 Sharp Drooling/
Check stool Polyethylene impaction object/ distress
X-ray every week glycol battery 햻

>4 weeks <4 weeks Asymp- Symp-

tomatic tomatic

Proximal Distal to
to pylorus pylorus

At the Object - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

same place is out
>1 week

Kainan University
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Endoscopic Follow-up Surgery Endoscopic If not out Surgery Immediate Removal Trial of 1 mg Wait Immediate Immediate Immediate Conservative
removal removal sponta- removal glucagon 12–24 h removal removal removal follow-up,
(consider neously, involve
overtube) 햷 surgery surgeons

Magill Magill forceps

forceps Bougienage C/I Foley catheter
Rigid More than one Foley Magnet suction
endoscopy coin/object catheter C/I Direct laryngoscopy
Known esophageal Esophageal Rigid esophagoscopy
abnormality edema
Respiratory distress Tracheal Flexible
Endoscopy Unstable patient compression endoscopy

햲 — History
쏹 햴쏹
쏹 햵쏹
햶쏹햷 — A foreign body in the stomach or duodenum Selected reading
• What (which object, how many objects, size, shape, radio- should be treated according to the object’s type (special consid-
opaque)? eration for narcotic packets, batteries, and magnets), diameter, Ayantunde AA, Oke T: A review of gastrointestinal foreign
• Radiolucent (fish/chicken bones, wood, plastic, most glass, length and whether the object is sharp or not. For sharp objects, bodies. Int J Clin Pract 2006; 60: 735–739.
thin metal objects). removal with an overtube should be considered. There is indica- Betalli P, Rossi A, Bini M, Bacis G, Borrelli O, Cutrone C, et al:
• When? Who witnessed? tion for urgent retrieval of multiple magnets when localized in Update on management of caustic and foreign body ingestion
• Complaints (when started, progression, drooling, vomiting, the stomach. Close clinical follow-up if they have passed the in children. Diagn Ther Endosc 2009; 2009: 969868.
cough, dysphagia, dyspnea, dysphonia, pain in neck/chest/ pylorus and immediate surgical approach if the patient be- Hussain SZ, Bousvaros A, Gilger M, Mamula P, Gupta S,
abdomen). comes symptomatic are needed. Kramer R, et al: Management of ingested magnets in children.
• Signs (fever, desaturation). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012; 55: 239–242.
• Specific questions about past GI surgeries, congenital abnor- 햸쏹
쏹 햹쏹
햺쏹햻 — In general, no foreign body should remain in the Ikenberry SO, Jue TL, Anderson MA, Appalaneni V, Banerjee
malities. esophagus for more than 24 h. Immediate interventions should S, Ben-Menachem T, et al: Management of ingested foreign
• When there is food impaction, investigate whether there is a be made according to the location of the foreign body (upper bodies and food impactions. Gastrointest Endosc 2011; 73:
known esophageal pathology (stricture/past surgery). third), length of time since ingestion, type of foreign body (more 1085–1091.
• If not, search for motility problems, neuromuscular disease, than one coin, sharp objects, batteries) and if the patient is Uyemura MC: Foreign body ingestion in children. Am Fam
achalasia, scleroderma, EoE, severe infections, GERD. symptomatic. Endoscopic removal is also indicated for asymp- Physician 2005; 72: 287–291.
tomatic patients, especially if they present with other pathologi- Waltzman ML: Management of esophageal coins. Curr Opin
햳 — Radiological studies
쏹 cal conditions such as CD or past surgical interventions, which Pediatr 2006; 18: 571–574.
• X-ray: A-P and lateral. could limit foreign body progression through the digestive tract.
• Barium swallow (gastrographin when perforation suspected).
• CT (regularly not needed).

21 - 1/29/2015 7:20:12 PM

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Various gastrointestinal conditions I. Rosen · R. Shaoul Gastrointestinal foreign bodies

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