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Instructing Solicitor To High Court of Australia Fears For His

Safety ..
mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOC.ROCKS/Important Legal

Subject: Instructing Solicitor To High Court Of Australia Fears For His Safety In Matter Involving
Israeli State From: Brendon O'Connell < Date: 7/16/2017 10:10 AM To:

I hope you find this email chain of interest.

The instructing solicitor is the highly respected Mr Kevin Foley. I have his concerns on video
from a Skype conference call. Queens Council Mr Anthony Morris has expressed an interest in
taking on the case. There is no money. There is NO LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT. It is clear the office of
the Minister for foreign affairs has been stating their is an ongoing court matter and her office cannot be
involved. This is a patent lie and she knows this. There is NO ONGOING LEGAL MATTER.
There are merely attempts to get to the high court and secure funding. They know this.

I have tried repeatedly to get a SINGLE acknowledgement from both Minister Julie Bishops
electorate office and ministerial offices as to my predicament that requires her personal, urgent

I have recordings of call's to her office which I will publish shortly.

I get no auto reply nor send receipt acknowledgement.

I have to ring her office to find out the email has been received. I have never, in three
years, received a SINGLE reply from the Office of foreign affairs from three letters and 7
emails. Not

My case is well known to the Australian political class. Whereby, for the first time in
Australian legal and political history, a foreign state directly, and very publicly, directly
interfered in a major high profile criminal trial. It was in fact an "international incident".

I have re-published a video whereby I ring the electorate office of Julie Bishop and
speak politely to "Tess". I ask why it is I have received no correspondence from her
office. I was raided and charged with, "making a private telephone call public."



Arrested By Counter Terrorism Officers For Recording Call To
Foreign Office
Brendon O'Connell

+ Share
... More CNZI

It appears the power of the Israeli state is total.

This email has been sent to all state and federal Australian MP's as well as media outlets. Also,
New Zealand MP's who have repeatedly acknowledged my emails and wished me good luck.


I would ask that you please assist me in forcing the Foreign Minister to arrange a meeting with DFAT
representatives in Malaysia to address directly my concerns. My mental state is deteriorating. This is
quite deliberate on the part of the Minister and other officials. IGNORE - DELAY - ISOLATE -

It is clear the Minister is using the excuse that there is an ongoing court matter and her office
cannot make public statements nor communicate with me. This is a "lie". There are ZERO
ongoing court matters. I am desperately trying to organise a High Court appeal.
Instructing solicitor Kevin Foley has expressed - on camera - that he fears for his
safety from the Israeli state. Mr Anthony Morris Q.C has expressed an interest in the case
but no lawyers have been engaged - ever. The office of Foreign Minister Julie Bishop have had
three years to sort this out - they do nothing but lie and obfuscate. They are embarrassed,
they should be.

The next correspondence to the Minister Of Foreign Affairs - Julie Bishop - will be from Mr Kevin
Foley asking Minister Julie Bishop if she can assure the safety of a legal team taking a high
profile matter to the High Court of Australia. That matter will involve the discussion of the Israeli
states direct interference in a soverign nations legal and political system


Brendon O'Connell

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Instructing Solicitor To High Court of Australia Fears
For His Safety ..
Legal Matters?...

-------- Forwarded Message Subject:Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia

Date:Fri, 14 Jul 2017 10:17:57 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell
To:Julie. CC:Kevin Foley
Richard Foley <>,, Tim Clarke

Dear Minister,

I have emailed your office since 2014 at least 7 times, directly, and never
received a response. Ever. I have written three times. No response, ever.

I have rung three times now since 2014. The latest call to "Leon", on 7
July, 2017 where he stated to me the matter was being passed "up
the chain" - paraphrasing. I have recorded that call for the protection of
my own lawful interests and the public interest.

In this current video available on You Tube I discuss my mental state, anxiety and fears for my safety. I
discuss the endless delays and avoidance of your office in addressing my concerns with specific regards
the direct interference of the Israeli state in the high profile legal matters I was
involved in. Suffice to say, what occurred was an unprecedented international
incident and criminal contempt of court.

Arrested By Counter Terrorism Officers For Recording Call To Foreign Office CNZI

I believe your office are deliberately delaying ANY official response to me until the start of legal matters to
the high court of Australia. Once begun, you will state that you cannot comment on matters that are
"sub judice" - before the courts. I am wondering if any of you have an honest
bone in your body or are you only capable of deflection and political self
interest? I remind you Minister Bishop, that you are the direct "employee" of the
Australian people and your role is to watch over the specific sovereign interests of the
Commonwealth of Australia which includes directly confronting any other nation state that
attempts to interfere in Australia's sovereign institutions. The Israeli state sought to directly intimidate the
state of Western Australia by it's massive show of force on August 8, 2010 which involved Israeli state
representatives including Ambassador Yuvel Rotem, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and
Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith. I will not go into the details of the event as they are
explained in the links below, but, it was without doubt the greatest criminal contempt of court case and international
incident in Australia's history - without question.

The fact that 135 local and federal members of the Australian parliament gave written support
for the event and 35 appeared in person further complicates matters.
I also note the incredible amount of co-operation between Australia and the racist apartheid state of
Israel. A state where the top religious leaders, heads of government departments and secular academics
routinely call for the deliberate targetting of Muslim men, women and children in accord with Jewish
religious texts. Those same texts state directly, page after page, that "Jews" are divine beings with a
"human soul" while all "non-Jews" are "animals". Their own top religious leaders regularly
demean woman, gays and blacks. But the Australian government appears desperate to do
business with this odious creature from some three thousand year old dark past?

I will remind you also Minister that I have completed detailed documents on the Israeli
states spying and domination of the high technology world; It's clear involvement in
terrorist attacks (including 9-11); and its blatant theft of U.S tax payer funded technology which it
then passes on to Russia, China and India. This was so concerning to representatives of the Australian
intelligence and policing networks I was invited out for lunch with then head of West Australian counter
terrorism Inspector Barry Shelton. It is noteworthy that your fellow West Australian state politician - Joe
Francis - invited me for "beers" with he
and ex special forces commander Jame
McMahon to discuss the gross corruption present in Western Australia. He was
then threatened not long after - such is the corruption of WA police and prison
officers who many in Western Australia put down to the high levels of South African Jews who have
settled in Western Australia and the large numbers of ex South African special forces (kill squads - killing
blacks) and intelligence people. The close ties between South Africa and Israel
are legendary. Perhaps this explains the callous disregard police and prison
officers in Western Australia have of being caught in grossly corrupt activities?

I would also remind you of your close friendship with Australian media magnate Kerry Stokes.
Mr Stokes, just after I was released from prison, crowed loudly of his
purchase of The Rothschild family Bible. The Rothschild dynasty is the most
powerful Jewish banking dynasty in history. Streets and buildings are
named after the Rothschilds and they were instrumental in the setting up of the
racist apartheid state of Israel. I believe these "contacts" and social networks of yourself make
you incapable of any honest dealings with myself and these matters of incredible public
interest. I describe your friend Kerry Stokes and his purchase of the Rothschild family
bible here - buys-

It is clear you have been stating over and over to concerned parties that there is an ongoing court
matter and you cannot make public comment. This is a lie - and you know it is a lie. There has
prevented at every turn from
never been an ongoing court case. I have been harassed and
pursuing a court case and you know this. You and your office have been dealing with
an incredible amount of dishonesty and lack of good faith.
wonder if your own staff, who may have a vested interest in keeping my case out of the
public and political eye, have been acting corruptly by keeping my concerns
from you? Do you think this is possible?

I look forward to a face to face meeting with representatives of DFAT in Malaysia to be told in no
uncertain terms that my bank accounts and ability to survive away from

corrupt Australia will be maintained. It is clear to me that the Liberal party of Australia


WITH is deepening ties with the racist apartheid state of Israel and opening up Australia to
the Israeli high technology sector which was set up under the Talpiot Program. A
method to infiltrate a foreign nations core infrastructure and gain leverage over that
country in the realm of 'real politic', to further that aims and means of the most vile nation on
earth - founded on principals of racial and religious supremacism so utterly gross and out of step with the
rest of the world it is testimony to the Israeli states power that nation states such as Australia
utterly terrified and incapable of criticizing the Israeli state. This is the situation I
currently face in my 8 year battle to expose Israel and Jewish Zionist Power for
what it is - a 5000 year old anachronistic dark age alleged religion (really a political program) of
racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing. Here is a video I have completed on the obvious theft of US
high technology by Israel and it's high
technology sector being dominated by Russian
Jews. Many of whom are not even Jewish by any standard measure.

Russia And Israel Control Trump - Theft of US High Technology,

Passed Onto Russia

Minister, I hope you realise the gravity of the situation and it is clear to you I have
operated in good faith and used all of the usual methods of conversing with government
agencies to untie this incredible knot
of political and legal intrigue that has
unfolded. You should be very careful in taking the advice of advisers
who have a vested interest in maintaining my current status of simple
"mentally ill extremist". There has not been a single ounce of honest reporting of
my case since the reporting by former editor of WA Newspaper Paul Murray on the
ridiculous nature of my jailing in January of 2011. I have attached those articles.

I look forward to a speedy and honest reply. My mental state is one of anxiety and anguish. It should be
apparent from my video's I cannot continue this debacle which is the making of YOUR department who
has refused time and again to engage with me.

Brendon O'Connell

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Instructing Solicitor To High Court of Australia Fears For His
Safety ..
mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOC.ROCKS/Important Legal

-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject:Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia

Date:Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:51:40 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <>


Name: Brendon Lee O'CONNELL (Australian citizen) D.O.B: 27th October 1970 Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Mobile: +60 10 422 8077 - Signal encrypted app available Email: Email 2: (attached to phone for faster reply)

1. With regards upcoming High Court appeal that involves the direct interference of the
Israeli state in my 2011 trial. 2. My case is well known to the office of the department of
foreign affairs. 3. The court process will officially begin at the end of this month. 4. Solicitor
is Mr Kevin Foley and Barrister Mr Anthony Morris S.C - letter of engagement to be signed. 5. A
blog post explains what has gone on including the extraordinary international incident
whereby the Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Israeli deputy foreign minister, Australian
foreign minister and 135 local and federal members of parliament came out directly
against me in an August 8, 2010 Friends Of Israel rally organised by Jewish community
leader Steve
Lieblich. -
politician.html 6. A high court synopsis and sentencing submissions give a full run
down on the last eight years -
documents.html 7. This video explains the corruption and direct threats to my safety and that
of my family - Y - it also explains the 30 minute
phone call I had with then Minister Joe Francis whereby he explained he was more
scared of his own prison officers than he was of the bikies after he stopped their drugs
getting into the jail. Below is an email acknowledgement from Senior Prosecutor David
Thiering that the call took place. I did not talk about the weather with then Minister Joe
Francis. We talked about how corrupt the state of Western Australia was.

Re: Sentencing Submissions

• Simon Freitag
27/07/2016 4:2 last email for today - DPP accepts that the phone call was
Simon Freitag
27/07/2016 1:4
→ Forward
From Simon Freitag Subject last email for today - DPP accepts that the phone
call was received.
To Me <boc@bocrocks>

I have now had a reply from Mr Thiering which includes the following:

I accept the offender received such a call as it is noted contemporaneously on his site
and referred to in his emails.

Simon Freitag Barrister Albert Wolff Chambers Level 7 33 Barrack St PERTH WA

6000 Phone: (08) 9218 9200 Fax: (08) 9218 9300 Mobile: Liability limited by a
Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation

8. In this video - - I recorded ringing the electorate office

of Minister Julie Bishop (September 2014) asking for an explanation of why I had
received no
correspondence from her office despite repeated emails and letters. I was arrested and
charged for this video; making a private telephone call public. As I left the country
before the completion of the legal process I was found guilty of the charge. Legal advice
to me stated I would easily beat the charge under public interest and personal lawful

Due to the extreme nature of the events, it is clear to me that the office of Foreign
Affairs owes myself, and the Australian people, a forthright explanation as to how it is a
foreign nation was able to so blatantly interfere in the West Australian legal process? There is
no incident anywhere on the planet, at any time, that matches such a blatant disregard for
another countries sovereignty and sanctity of the legal process. It was clear that this was
an event designed to intimidate the West Australian establishment after Inspector Barry
Shelton emailed me, "We all respect your work," and invited me out for a coffee to
discuss Israeli spying in Australia and elsewhere. This video discusses the exact nature
of my allegations against the Israeli state -

This blog posts also goes into detail -

I would like a discussion between both myself, my lawyers and DFAT, as to how
the Australian legal process in the upcoming High Court appeal will be protected
from the incredibly powerful Israel and Jewish Lobby?

I would also like some assurances that the incredibly corrupt West Australian police and prison
officers - and their close links with powerful organized crime figures - will be investigated by the
relevant authorities and my immediate family and friends protected to the greatest
degree possible.

If I am treated honestly and with integrity, I will operate with the utmost
discreteness one can, knowing how many departments outside of Australian
authorities have already read this email. You may, when lawyers are officially
engaged, operate directly with my legal representatives if you feel the inherent nature of
certain matters requires it. But I require two things. These are not negotiable as they go to
the very heart of the sovereignty of Australia -

1. The public rebuking and acknowledgement that the Israeli state directly interfered in my trial
in 2010 in the biggest criminal contempt of court case in Australia's history. This will be
complicated as a large segment of the my own countries state and federal political
establishment took part in it - fawning at the feet of the Israeli state. 2. A full and very
public parliamentary inquiry into what has gone on these last eight years, and still

Looking forward to your reply.

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Instructing Solicitor To High Court of Australia
Fears For His Safety ..
t Legal Matters?...


Brendon Lee O'Connell


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Instructing Solicitor To High Court Of Australia Fears For His
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mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOC.ROCKS/Important Legal


Have we become so politically
High price to pay in defence of
free speech

ake sense of this.
Someone reacts to words said in a Perth nightclub and slashes
the offender's face open with a broken glass. Court penalty: 18 months jail.
Another person reacts to words said outside a South Perth supermarket and gives the offender a
nasty racist spray, which he later posts triumphantly on the internet. Court penalty: three
years jail.
Is that balanced justice?
It's an unfortunate consequence of defending the principles of free speech that you
sometimes end up appearing to be in the corner of people with whom you disagree violently
— and disrespect even more.
That's pretty much the case with Brendan Lee O'Connell, who this week became the first person to be jailed
under WA's racial vilification laws.
O'Connell seems to be an unpleasant prat with some extreme political views and very poor
judgment in not getting a good lawyer who could have provided' a sane legal defence rather than
the ravings he offered on his own account.
But that doesn't mean he should be behind bars.
And it certainly doesn't mean he should get a sentence so out of
kilter with that regularly handed down by WA courts for crimes of extreme personal violence.
As editor of this newspaper in the 1990s, I opposed the institution of these laws, fearing
that in an increasingly politically correct society they would end up being misused. I got pretty
tough treatment by the Jewish lobby at that time and expect nothing different for this effort.
The day that I feared arrived on Monday when Justice John Wisbey sentenced O'Connell harshly
after a jury found him guilty on six of seven charges of racial vilification.
Justice Wisbey, labelling O'Connell an "intelligent man with an irrational hatred of
Jewish people", said the only appropriate form of punishment would be an immediate term of "severe"
imprisonment and, strangely, that he was sending a message to people who might
share the convicted man's views.
I hope they're trembling in their boots in Tehran, Cairo, Riyadh, Amman, Khartoum, Damascus,
Tripoli, Sanaa, Baghdad, Beirut, Kabul, Islamabad, not to mention Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, or anywhere
else in the Middle East and Muslim world where O'Connell's views are mainstream for tens of millions of
Not right, just unexceptional.
O'Connell is a member of a group called Friends of Palestine which decided to hold a protest
outside a South Perth supermarket in 2009 against the sale of Israeli oranges.
Pathetic, provocative and

- Paul Murray_2.jpg
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Instructing Solicitor To High Court of Australia Fears
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Legal Matters?...

ect that we can't separate racism

from stupidity?
Victim: Stanley Keyser faced offensive words.
Guilty: Brendan O'Connell gets three years jail
ultimately meaningless - but completely within his democratic rights.
- Stanley Keyser, a member of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students, attended
the demonstration with a friend,
Timothy Peach, to observe and hand out leaflets supporting their side of the argument.
It's also their democratic right to engage in a political discourse, which is what they did by
entering the fray.
Mr Peach, 19, told the court he was "angry", "confused" and "offended” by
O'Connell when he started to film the two Jewish men and argue with them about
their religion.
What should a Jew expect at an anti-Israel protest? -
It's obvious that what was happening was essentially political in nature, even though it
came to be poisoned by racism.
Legitimate political discourse should be protected by a number of High Court rulings, but
unfortunately O'Connell doesn't appear to have had the wit to use them in his own
rambling defence.
Some of the reporting of this
case highlights the extreme sensitivity in the community to issues of race, merely
reflected - if not magnified - by the media.
"A Perth man who posted a video online showing him arguing with a Jewish man and
calling him a 'racist, homicidal maniac has been found guilty of racial hatred," was the first
paragraph in the AAP report of the judgment.
So is it now racist to call someone a racist? Or is it racist to call someone a homicidal maniac? Or
is it only racist to call a Jew a racist'homicidal maniac?
Surely not. Have we become so instinctively PC that we no longer distinguish between
what is racist and what is just stupid?
This newspaper reported that the offending words by O'Connell to Mr Keyser were that Judaism was
a "religion of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing". Later, he filmed himself at
the Perth Bell Tower calling Judaism a "death cult" before posting the video online.
When I debated this issue on air with Steve Lieblich, the director of public affairs for the
Community Council of WA, he said O'Connell should have drawn a distinction between the
Jewish religion and the state of Israel.
Frankly, that's a line many opponents of Israel are unwilling to make. In fact, it's a distinction
that Israel itself doesn't appear to concede.
Mr Lieblich refused to accept that O'Connell's protest was political or that the sentence was out
of kilter with those for extreme personal violence handed down by WA courts.
"I think it was a victory for decency and against bigotry and prejudice," Mr
Lieblich said.
So does all criticism of Israel inexorably find its way to being racist unless those who
disagree with it watch every word they utter? Must opponents meticulously pull apart the
threads of religion and politics when arguing about Israel?
And is that the real game here - silencing dissent against Israel and not protecting Jews
from a legacy of verbal vilification?
Paul Murray presents the morning LADE program on 882 6PR
from 8.30am weekdays.

- Attachments:

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