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Leo Man Secrets —
How to Text a Leo Man

So, you’ve met a hot Leo man and you’d like to get to
know him better. The most likely scenario is that you’ve
met him online. Lots of people do it, and online dating is
much, much more common than it once was.

How often can you keep this going via social media or the
dating site before you’re ready to take that next step? How
to get his number and eventually meet him in person? This
is a bit nerve-wracking and it can be scary, but Leo men
can certainly take the edge off once things get going.

On the other hand, maybe you didn’t fall under the modern
day influence, and you’ve met this guy in person. You’ve
exchanged your numbers and now what? 

It really is better to get to know him a bit before you start
dating in person. This is for a few reasons, but mostly
because Leo men are a unique type of people and you
must be 100 percent sure that he is the right guy for you.

Leo men enjoy getting to know you for a while, and they
love the hunt. Waiting a little while before you meet in

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person is actually a great thing because you’ll spend days
(or nights) chatting and getting to know each other better.
But, you don’t want to wait too long, either. These men
might think they’re being rejected, and you must know that
Leo men hate when they are not best in everything. So
they might move on to other possibilities easily if they see
that you’re a tough one.

Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as you may think. Here’s the

thing, though, if you two have been talking for a few days
pretty consistently, you’re on the right track. I will help you
learn how to make things evolve into something more than
just chatting.

Leo men tend to be full of themselves

One thing Leo men are notorious for is seeming
uninterested in you and full of themselves. Sometimes, on
the flip side, they seem to be straight overbearing in their

It’s a very hard thing to deal with, especially when you’re

just starting to talk to him, because how on earth do you
know when to take the next step? Try to keep things pretty
casual for a bit, fish out some responses. You might try
sending him messages like:

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• Where do you like to go out with your friends?
• Did you go out for a movie recently?
• What kind of movies do you like?
• What do you think about online dating? (if that’s how
you met)
• What are your dating experiences like?

Odds are, if you do that, he may ask you the same, and
this is a great time to say something like how meeting him
this way is great and you’d like to meet him in person

Now, if you’re going at things the right way, you could
possibly coax him to ask you to meet in person. As long as
you are sincere and honest, while at the same time
making a good impression, you’re going to find that he
responds pretty well. In fact, he may be miles ahead of
you, and you know what? Let him take the lead.

Don’t make things up or try to make yourself sound better

than you are. Nothing gets a Leo man’s attention like a bit
of honesty blended with vulnerability. The fact of the
matter is if you are successful, and the odds are pretty
good that you will be, if he finds out later on that you
exaggerated or even lied, second chances are slim. 

Leo men LOVE when women are more direct 

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If you’re feeling pretty brave, and honestly, there’s no
reason you shouldn’t, just take the direct approach and
ask him out. He may even be hinting at it as you talk. The
fantastic thing about doing it this way is that you don’t
have the awkwardness you might have in person. And,
well, for those of you who have met in person, we will get
to that in a moment, too.

While it may be pretty hard to wait for a response from

him, it’s a lot harder than waiting around to get things
moving. If you adopt a polite approach and you’re sort of
chill about it all, the truth is, he won’t be upset. Matter of
fact, with a Leo man, he’s likely to be incredibly flattered. 

There are very few things more attractive to a Leo man
than a woman who truly knows what she wants, who is
feminine and flirty, maybe occasionally being over the top.
Your wit will impress him and he will enjoy your flirting- it
will likely flatter him a great deal. And while full nudes are,
indeed, out, a little teaser every once in a while can really
whet his appetite.

You’ve just met a hot Leo man in person and you’ve
exchanged number. So, how to go ahead and ask him

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So, you’re flirting, you’re having a good time and you want
to go on a date. Now, either you’re talking online- or
you’ve met in person. Either way, these things will work. If
it’s in person, flirt for a few days or so, get to talking, and
then, do something subtly steamy to ask him out. There’s
nothing more swoon-worthy to a Leo man than a woman
who coyly flirts with him. 

If you’ve just met him in person and would like to
exchange numbers, there’s one move that can make him
feel like you really are into him without question, if you can
play it right. If you can’t, you may want to just skip it,
because you’ll end up looking like a creep. Getting ahold
of his phone and just putting your number in there is
incredibly cute to Leo men, but not if you do it without him
knowing you did.

This works really well if you have him showing you a video
or something, and you ask for a closer look. That’s when
you’d put your number in, but only in a situation like that.
It’s pretty ballsy, but, it’s also something that when done
right really lights the bulb over his head. While it’s true that
they like the thrill of the chase, they also appreciate a
good razzle.

Of course, if you don’t have a chance to get ahold of his
phone, there are other ways to do this one. Ask him to

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hand you something- a pen, or something. Walk away if
you can, write your number down and then give it to him
when you give him whatever it was you asked for, back. 

You thought the getting the number part was intimidating-
but, now you’ve come to the point where you have to send
that first text, or respond to his. Now, you realize that there
is something just a bit harder than that. What do you say?
How do you text him without coming across as needy-
while at the same time making it clear you’re into him?

Don’t be afraid

The big thing here is, all those rules about who should text
first and how long you should wait, they’re outdated and
silly. Nobody really believes in those, anymore- least of all
the men! Of course, you will not always be starting the
conversation: so, don’t worry about that. However, it does
not hurt to let him know you’re into at least having a
conversation right away. 

Though it can be a little difficult to figure out how to start
things off- don’t hit him with that boring old “What’s up?”
because what you want to do is to get things started off
with a bang, of sorts. For a Leo man, you making that very
first move actually helps things a great deal- remember,
he’s a hunter looking for a cue to chase! 

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Let’s start with some wonderful openers

" Remember something he said before? Shoot him a

text talking about how you were thinking about it. Ask
a question about something he’s said.
" Shoot him a joking text, make it flirty. You might try
sending him a joke question and after he responds-
he gets the punchline.
" If the two of you have had some weird conversations-
you might also try just asking a really random
question. Look up some trivia, if you need to. It’s
goofy- but sometimes goofy fits the bill just fine.
" You could just go all out and be really forward- ask
him if he’d like to go out sometime in a couple of
days. Be specific- something like “Would you like to
go out for coffee on Friday?”

Just remember, whatever it is you say, you honestly have

nothing to worry about at this point. Just have some fun
with it. When you’re a bit more confident about things, it
definitely shows.

Leo men hate the fuss, so try to keep things light and

Sometimes, we get very caught up- and that’s terribly easy

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to do with a Leo man. They can often be so intense, it
almost just happens. All those amazing conversations
online or his genuine sweetness when he’s around- it can
be hard to resist. But you should. The thing is, while you
want to hit him up, and you want to make yourself clear:
you also do not want to seem too eager here because
many people see it as a red flag.

It’s really important not to bombard a guy with texts- but

it’s incredibly important not to do it at this juncture. If he
isn’t answering, just leave it be. Double texting is the kiss
of death- and what’s worse is, if you get into that habit, the
only one he’ll ever answer will be the very last one. Not
exactly the most fun, if you ask me. It also seems very
desperate and this just isn’t the best way to start things off. 

This doesn’t mean, however, you’ll have to wait forever for
him to return your text. Though there are a lot of things out
there talking about how to text, and why, and when- even
mine: there’s no right or wrong answer.

Still, if you are interested in a great way to keep the pace

slow, and to keep things interesting- there have actually
been studies that show usually, waiting an hour to three is
the way to go. Of course, if you’re having an ongoing
conversation, you don’t have to wait- but, if you haven’t
heard from him in a while, just a couple of hours will do

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Try not to be annoying 

Emoticons are useful- but, if you end up sending a full line
of them: you are doing it wrong. That’s not the way to go at
all. It’s annoying and it doesn’t foster actual conversation.
If after this, you kind of start to look at your texts,
questioning whether or not you’re overdoing it: you
probably are.

Leo men prefer people who are well spoken, and they
respond very well to that- even in text. While multiple
exclamation marks may seem like a great way to show
how excited you are: to him, it just looks like he’s texting a
little kid. This is not what you want. 

Just remember, when you are flirting with him via text, less
is always going to be more. Sweet little texts letting him
know you’re thinking of him, those are wonderful. Asking
him about his day, that’s also a great one. Letting him
know you had a good time is, well, a good one if you’ve
been out or you had a long conversation you enjoyed. 

Another good rule of thumb is to pay attention to how he’s
texting and mirror it. The thing is, yes, using emojis is a
good thing, here and there- but, just keep those to a

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minimum and you will do just fine. 

Don’t talk more about yourself than he does about


Now, being able to get the chemistry going via text isn’t
really as difficult as people make it out to be- especially
with a Leo man. Once you get into a good flirty
conversation, you will discover it tends to flow nicely.

Asking him questions about himself is a wonderful way to

keep him talking- if you catch yourself talking about
yourself a bit more than he is talking about himself,
change it up. It’s not likely, but it can happen sometimes.
Ask him what about you? Or things like that. This also
gives you plenty of wonderful opportunities to get to know

Don’t get upset if he’s not texting you back quickly, either.
Men are usually not quite as adept at doing more than one
thing at once the way that we are and in order to get
along, interesting conversation going: it may be a good
idea to make those a phone call. 

Closing a conversation 

Though you may be hesitant to do so, at some point,

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you’ve got to close the conversation. Though it can be
difficult to do that, one-word answers from him tend to
mean it’s time. You’re both being polite and that’s a good
sign- but, it’s also a sign that it is time to take control of
things. Besides, this is the perfect chance to get him to
that point where he’s wanting more- and thinking about
you when you’re not there. 

What is actually a pretty good idea, is maybe closing on a
plan for a date or a meetup. Whatever you do- the best
thing is to leave things open so he’ll be inclined to text you
first, the next time. Let him know why you’ve got to go, talk
about being happy to chat with him. If he responds to this-
don’t respond. Just let him think of you and go on about
your business. 

Overthinking it is a bad idea 

Men are notorious for one-word answers and there are
very few answers to a text worse than “K”. That’s one I just
avoid altogether when talking to people in text, in general.
With a Leo man- if you respond with one-word answers, if
you respond with the dreaded “K”, he will worry and brood
over what you actually meant, even if you meant nothing
by it at all.

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Sometimes, it can be tempting to use that to your
advantage- but, don’t. This isn’t a place you want your Leo
man’s head going. 

On that same note, though, if he responds like this- he
likely doesn’t mean anything by it at all. It’s weird, you’d
think he’d know when it comes a time that he gets that
from you: but for some reason, they just don’t think that

Don’t over think this one at all. It’s one of those things that
all men do- and Leo men are not immune to the quick text
like that, just not thinking. The same holds true for when
he doesn’t respond- odds are good if things were going
well, he wasn’t thinking. Don’t spend time staring at your
phone wondering what you did wrong and don’t start
freaking out to the point you send him a bunch of texts. 

There are all sorts of reasons men will usually have for
why they didn’t text back- and usually, not a single one of
them is a bad thing. They just do not think the same way,
even that Leo man. As attentive as he is, even he is prone
to the occasional boneheaded man move.

And when he does respond- even though he may worry if

he were to get one, often, he may respond with a one or
two-word answer. Again, it doesn’t mean anything if he

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does this, particularly if the conversations have been going
great anyway. 

Do yourself a huge favor and start to recognize that, your
Leo man probably won’t see things the same way that you
do. Don’t read so much into the texts he sends or when he
doesn’t for a while. It’s very hard to understand things that
happen in the text- and often, things come across a lot
differently than we intend them to, and he’s not different. 

Don’t forget to enjoy that texting phase of your

Even if you two are just texting each other for now, it is
very important for you to enjoy and have fun. Don’t forget
to be yourself and leave the stress behind. Stop
overthinking and don’t bust your head about what you
should write him next. If you’ve already written him a
message, then don’t stress all the time if you should’ve
written him something different.

This is another way to flirt and have fun with your potential
boyfriend. Stop playing mind games with him because it
will lead you nowhere. If the two of you click, and if you
show him the real you, then your relationship will evolve
past this texting phase really fast. Soon enough, you will
find him in your arms.

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The deeper we go through this Leo Man Secrets series,
the closer you become to mastering this relationship by
understanding your man and learning how he thinks,
communicates and loves.

No relationship is perfect, but the more you

understand about him, the stronger your relationship
will be.

If you’re wondering what you can do to make him feel

special or show him you care, please be sure to check out
25 Surprises To Delight Your Leo Man. In this next
bonus book, you’ll find a well-crafted list of ideas sure to
really tug at his heartstrings and show him how you feel.
I wish you all the very best in life and love! Now, get out
there and get the conversation going with your Leo man!

May the stars be on your side,
Anna Kovach
P.S. Hey, don't forget. If you're still confused about his text
messages and what they mean, or if you’re just stumped
on how to effectively communicate with your Leo man, I
can always help you out by analyzing them for you (Who
knows, maybe he's not the best guy for you after all!)
As my “VIP member” you can get in touch via

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