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Vocabulary Quiz

1 There are many       for kids   

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including a zoo and a museum.

2 It is difficult to get your       in   

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this city, so please carry a map at all times.

3 The       will try to sell you their   

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homemade jewellery and housewares.

4 You will find a free shuttle          

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with your airline ticket.

5 In order to appreciate the          

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of the building, you really need to get off the

bus and get closer to it.

6 We're going to be driving by farmland for the   

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next ten minutes or so, so

just       and relax until we're
closer to the city.

7 As you can see, the damage caused by the   

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recent hurricane is very      .

8 We do not       smoking on the bus   

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at any time.

9 The       north tower is the only   

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part of the castle that has been changed since

the early 1900's.

1 We are coming up to the waterfall I mentioned

0 earlier, which in my opinion is the
most       part of this tour.

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