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1. What is MORALITY? and how it is different from ETHICS?

- Ethics leans towards decisions based upon individual character, and the more subjective
understanding of right and wrong by individuals meanwhile morals emphasize the societal
norms about right and wrong. So likely, ethics is a more individual assessment of values as
relatively good or bad, while morality is a more intersubjective community assessment of what
is good, right or just for all.

 2. What makes a Moral Person? and Immoral Person?

- A moral person is one who is concerned to understand and determine what is right and what is wrong,
out of a desire to act rightly and to avoid, or redress wrongdoing. While an immoral person is
someone who conscientiously goes against accepted morals, the proper ideas and beliefs about how to
behave in a way that is considered right and good by the majority of people
Rules are important as citizens have to live their lives in a happy but safe state. It also ensures to maintain
civil behavior, be organized, more harmony in the community.

1. moral issue 2. moral judgment 3. moral decision and moral dilemma.

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