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Target words













Rethinking City Spaces

the number of things or people that a container or space can hold

the ability to understand or to do something

connected with the people who live in a country

connected with the state rather than with religion or with the armed forces
an official group of people who have been given responsibility to control
something, or to find out about something, usually for the government

an amount of money that is paid to somebody for selling goods and which
increases with the amount of goods that are sold
an amount of money that is charged by a bank, etc. for providing a particular

a formal request to somebody to design or make a piece of work such as a

building or a painting

to officially ask somebody to write, make or create something or to do a task for


a difference between two or more people or things that you can see clearly
when they are compared or put close together; the fact of comparing two or
more things in order to show the differences between them

to compare two things in order to show the differences between them

to show a clear difference when close together or when compared

a standard or principle by which something is judged, or with the help of which
a decision is made
very different from each other and of various kinds

to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of


happening at the end of a period of time or of a process

happening at the end of a period of time or of a process

that you cannot avoid or prevent

to buy property, shares in a company, etc. in the hope of making a profit

to spend money on something in order to make it better or more successful

to separate somebody/something physically or socially from other people or


to separate a part of a situation, problem, idea, etc. so that you can see what it is
and deal with it separately

to separate a single substance, cell, etc. from others so that you can study it

to stop something from being done or used especially by law

to make something impossible to do

to make secret plans to do something that will help yourself and possibly harm
to think or form an opinion about something

large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed

having a particular meaning

Vietnamese meanings
sức chứa
khả năng tạo ra, trải qua,
hiểu, học
công dân, dân
dân dụng, dân sự
hội đồng
ủy ban
tiền hoa hồng

nhiệm vụ
phận sự
đặt làm, đặt mua

sự tương phản, sự trái


làm tương phản, làm trái

tương phản nhau, trái
ngược hẳn
tiêu chuẩn

linh tinh
làm tăng, nâng cao, đề
cao, làm nổi bật
kết quả cuối cùng là
sau rốt
không thể tránh được,
chắc chắn xảy ra

đầu tư

cô lập
cách ly

tách ra
phân lập
ngăn cấm
ngăn chặn

âm mưu; mưu đồ

quan trọng, đáng kể

có ý nghĩa
đầy ý nghĩa

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