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Notes: Materials and dictionaries of all kinds are NOT allowed.
Students write their answers on the answer sheet.
SECTION 1 Listen and underline the word or phrase you hear in each sentence. Write
your answers on the answer sheet. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
The first has been done for you as an example. (1.6 points/ 8 answers) (0,2
points/ each)
1. The band / The brand isn’t very popular
On the recording you hear “The brand”, so on the answer sheet write __The brand__.
2. Just across / cross the road.

3. The cat was following its tail / trail.

4. Before that I had tried / had to ride a motorbike.

5. It’s Michael’s twin / Michael’s to win.

6. He fell into a deeper sleep / a deep sleep

7. I thought it was a terrible slight (insult)/ a terrible sight.

8. Just below / blow your nose.

9. This one is a pear / spare

(Source: Pronunciation in Use –Advanced Level)

SECTION 2 Listen and fill in the blanks. You will listen to the recording TWICE. The
first has been done for you as an example. (2.1 points/ 14 words) (0.15
points/ each word)
1. The herb is used for__medicinal___ purpose, although it isn’t usually thought of as a
From what you hear on the recording, the gaps can be filled with “going to bed” and
“doorbell”, so on the answer sheet write __medicinal__ and __medicine___.

1. The journey was a _____disaster_______; in fact, the whole vacation was

2. The decision was an ____outrage________ - quite _____outrageous__________. I was
3. _____Regardless_________ of his mistakes, the president continues to be held in high
4. Workers in the steel _____industry__________ are generally skilled and
5. The Democrat’s lead is now eight ___percentage___________points, and has risen three
_____percent_________ in the last week.
6. Her ______mysterious___________ disappearance was never explained, and her
whereabouts remain a __mystery_______________ until today.
7. The region is mainly ______agricultural_________ land and most people here still work
in _______agriculture________.
(Source: Pronunciation in Use –Advanced Level)

SECTION 3 Form minimal pairs by changing the sound of the underlined part in each
of the given words. The first has been done for you as an example. (1.5
(Answers can surely be varied)
Source: Ship or Sheep – intermediate level; Pronunciation in Use – intermediate level)

0. Write ___ride____ peek ___pick____

1. Bought Beat, bit, bat 6. warm Worm
2. bowl Bill, ball, bell 7. shot Sheet, shirt
3. Shop Top, hop 8. june Moon, soon
4. Wash Watch, what 9. came Cake, cage
5. Sad Mad, fad 10. heart Hot, heat, hit

SECTION 4 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. The first
has been done for you as an example. (1.5 points)

Source: Ship or Sheep – intermediate level; Pronunciation in Use – intermediate level, Test
your Pronunciation
0. A Pain B Plait C Stain D Slain
1. A space B Change C Plate D Square
2. A Rain B Said C Fail D Train
3. A Fool B Good C look D Put
4. A make B Leak C break D Steak
5. A watch B catch C match D Land
6. A shops B Digs C jobs D Codes
7. A church B Choir C cheap D Chart
8. A thank B thread C think D These
9. A Give B Five C strive D Hive
10 A Ouch B mouth C sound D cough
SECTION 5 Choose the word with correct stress. The first has been done for you as an
example. (1.5 points)
Source: Ship or Sheep – intermediate level; Pronunciation in Use – intermediate level)
0. A Isolation B iSOlation C Isolation D isolation
1. A PHOtographer B phoTOgrapher C photoGRApher D photographer
2. A LEgality B LeGAlity C LegaLIty D LegaliTY
3. A UNfurnished B unFURnished C unfurNISHED D O
4. A MAthematician B maTHEmatician C matheMAtician D mathemaTIcian
5. A CAsualty B CaSUalty C CasuALty D casualTY
6. A MAthematics B maTHEmatics C matheMAtics D mathemaTICS
7. A Economical B eCOnomical C ecoNOMical D econoMIcal
8. A SOciology B soCIology C SociOlogy D socioLOgy
9. A PERsonalize B perSONalize C personalize D personaLIZE
10. A BEneficial B beNEficial C BeneFIcial D benefiCIAL

SECTION 6 Write complete sentences based on the transcription. The first has been
done for you as an example. (2 points)
0. ɪt wəz ˈverɪ leɪt// jet ðə ˈlɪtl ˈmɜ:meɪd kəd nɒt teɪk ◡ər◡aɪz frəm ðə ʃɪp// ɔ: frəm ðə ˈbju:tɪfl
It was very late; yet the little mermaid could not take her eyes from the ship, or from the
beautiful prince.

1. | ə maʊs wəz ˈhævɪŋ ə ˈveri bæd ˈtaɪm ||ʃi kəd faɪnd nəʊ fuːd əˈt ɔːl |

A mouse was having a very bad time. She could find no food at all

2. |ət lɑːst ðə maʊs faʊnd ə ˈbɑːskɪt | fʊl əv kɔːn |

At last the mouse found a basket full of corn

3. |ðə wəz ə smɔːl həʊl ɪn ðə ˈbɑːskɪt | ənd ʃi krept ɪn | ʃi kəd dʒəst ˈɡet

θruː ðə həʊl|

There was a small hole in the basket, and she crept in. She could just get through the hole.

4. | ðen ʃi bɪˈɡæn tu iːt ðə kɔːn |

Then she began to eat the corn

5. ˈbiːɪŋ ˈveri ˈhʌŋɡri | ʃi eɪt ə ˈɡreɪt diːl | ənd went ɒn ˈiːtɪŋ ənd ˈiːtɪŋ |

Being very hungry, she ate a great deal and went on eating and eating.

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