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Our Five Learning Goals

In addition to discipline-specific knowledge, we have established five learning goals

for undergraduate and graduate degree programs in business.

Our graduating students should have the ability to be ethical decision-makers.
Students should learn to recognize ethical dilemmas, to distinguish between ethical
and legal considerations, and to identify the ethical pros and cons of alternatives
related to making a decision.

Global/Multicultural Perspective
Our graduating students should have a global perspective. Students should recognize
and effectively address important international and multicultural issues that arise in
readings or class discussion. When faced with a business problem in a case or class
example, students should propose solutions that consider global dimensions or
multicultural perspectives, as appropriate.

Communication Skills
Our graduating students should be effective communicators—in writing and in
speaking. Students should make minimal errors in grammar, syntax, and punctuation.
Sources of information should be properly documented. Content of a written
document or oral presentation should be clearly organized and adequately reflect the
topic at hand. All communication should be presented in a professional manner.

Critical-Thinking Skills
Our graduating students should be critical thinkers who are able to draw meaning
from information. They should analyze and, if appropriate, question the available
data and information. Issues related to critical thinking can be quantitative or
qualitative, but must require students to do more than simply understand or
memorize course material. Examples of critical thinking include uncovering the
important issues embedded in a case study, identifying problems by sifting through
data, or questioning a theory or proposed solution to a problem.

Graduating students should have demonstrated their understanding of leadership skills
and leader characteristics. They should also think through dilemmas facing leaders as
depicted in classroom examples or case studies. They should demonstrate leadership
behavior in team assignments.


Primary Focus of Learning Goals

Become ethical decision-makers.

Learning Objectives
Our graduating seniors should:

1. Recognize basic ethical dilemmas

2. Distinguish between ethical and legal considerations in a business

Identify and explain the pros and cons of alternative decisions using various ethical
Global/Multicultural Perspective

Primary Focus of Learning Goals

Acquire a global and multicultural perspective.

Learning Objectives
Our graduating seniors should:

1. Recognize important international and multicultural business issues

2. Explain the implications of global issues related to specific business scenarios
3. Explain the implications of multicultural issues related to specific business
4. Propose solutions that consider the global or multicultural dimensions

Communication Skills

Primary Focus of Learning Goals

Excel in oral and written communication skills.

Learning Objectives
1. Effectively communicate when writing, speaking and giving oral presentations
2. Correctly utilize grammar, syntax, and punctuation
3. Properly document sources of information
4. Clearly organize the content of written documents and oral presentations
5. Convey ideas and information in a coherent and professional manner, utilizing
technology, as appropriate

Critical Thinking Skills

Primary Focus of Learning Goals

Cogently analyze quantitative and qualitative data and information.

Learning Objectives
Our graduating seniors should:

1. Be able to identify assumptions, reasons and claims, and to examine how they
interact in the formation of arguments. Students will be able to gather and interpret
information from charts, graphs, diagrams, spoken language and documents and by
utilizing their analysis skills form be able to articulate well-reasoned arguments.
Students will identify the elements of a situation and determine how they interact.
2. Be able to draw logically valid conclusions from reasoning and evidence.
Students will be able to use inference skills to evaluate hypotheses and make
3. Be able to assess the credibility of sources of information and the claims they
make. They also will be able to determine the strengths and/or weaknesses of
4. Be able to make logical decisions in precisely defined contexts where rules,
operating conditions, policies, principles, procedures and terminology completely
determine the outcome. Students will be aware that their conclusions depend on
assumptions and that assumptions might be incorrect.
5. Be able to draw inferences from observations, case studies or statistical
analyses, or from judgments or analogies or hypotheticals. Students will be
aware that conclusions reached might not apply in other situations.
6. Be comfortable with mathematics up to the level of calculus and be able to
apply their knowledge to situations that require the interpretation or evaluation
of numerical information.


Primary Focus of Learning Goals

Demonstrate a strong understanding of leader behaviors and characteristics.

Learning Objectives
Our graduating seniors should:

1. Recognize leader traits, behaviors, and styles

2. Identify and describe challenges and issues leaders face
3. Evaluate and analyze how leadership behaviors and characteristics affect
employees, businesses, situations and outcomes

Discipline-Specific Knowledge

Learning Objectives

 Understand the concept of time value of money and the related tools of present
value and internal rate of return, and how these tools are used for capital budgeting
and investment analysis.

 Understand marketing terminology and concepts.

 Understand how marketing creates value and contributes to organizational
 Understand the role of cultural, ethical, economic, legal, social and
technological factors on marketing strategy.


 Understand core business knowledge and be able to apply this knowledge to

business problems.

In addition to the business core learning goals and objectives, the management program
will allow graduates to:

 Use appropriate integrative frameworks to identify company-wide problems and discern

between their causes and symptoms; use those frameworks to create solutions to problems
and think through their strategic implications including projects, contingency plans and the
creation of business unit plans. 
 Enact strategy, including management of contingencies, emergent strategies and other
modifications to existing plans.     
 Effectively plan, prepare and execute negotiations; use various processes and tools for
bargaining, negotiating and resolving disputes; know the principles of effective negotiation
and have practiced negotiation skills in a number of in-class and personal settings.     
 Apply human resource principles and law to effectively recruit, select, train and retain
employees; conduct job analyses and apply performance appraisal, compensation, career
training and development tools; use quantitative and qualitative research methods to evaluate
human resource initiatives and solve problems; have well-developed performance
management skills; particular emphasis will be given to the application of these objectives
within the context of teams and project-based work groups.  
 Identify, assess and develop appropriate responses to operational/implementation risks.    
 Identify, plan, budget and initiate projects and monitor project performance.     
 Develop a supply/distribution environmental assessment and a supply chain strategic
plan; conduct supplier/customer evaluation; manage inventory, pricing, capacity and order
fulfillment processes in the supply chain and understand the impact of supply chain decisions
on profitability, assets and sustainability. 
 Lead, facilitate and contribute to effective work groups and teams; manage dispersed
work groups (virtual teams).
 Create a shared vision and mobilize energy toward goal achievement; manage
organizational change and communication; overcome resistance to change
 Recognize diversity and its layers; identify barriers and challenges to managing diversity and be
able to implement best practices; understand the difference between affirmative action and
diversity management; manage the effects of diversity in small groups.     

Goal 1: Students will be effective communicators.

 Students will write effectively.

 Students will speak effectively.

Goal 2: Students will have effective team skills.

 Students will demonstrate characteristics that contribute to effective teams.

Goal 3: Students will acquire global business understanding.

 Students will recognize implications of salient environmental differences for conducting

global business.
 Students will recognize cultural implications for conducting business globally.

Goal 4: Students will understand information technology systems.

 Students will have information technology knowledge.

 Students will apply information technology in business.

Goal 5: Students will understand ethical business practices.

 Students will be able to define ethics.

 Students will be able to recognize an ethical dilemma.
 Students will be able to describe a framework for resolving an ethical dilemma.
 Students will be able to define sustainability.
Goal 6: Students will have common business knowledge. 

 Students will demonstrate ability to identify, define, and interpret essential concepts and
principles in Accountancy, Management, Finance and Marketing.

Goal 7: Students will be critical thinkers. 

Students will identify and evaluate evidence to draw conclusions.

 Identify and describe the problem or idea

 Collect, organize, and evaluate evidence
 Conduct quantitative and/or qualitative analysis
 Construct conclusions and implications and solutions

Learning Goal 1: Critical & Creative Thinking

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Business from the Farmer School of
Business at Miami University will deploy the concepts and skills necessary to analyze
and evaluate information and to make informed, creative decisions in complex, data
rich, ambiguous environments.

 Learning Objective 1: Students will render data into useful information for
problem solving.
 Learning Objective 2: Students will develop creative solutions to business
 Learning Objective 3: Students will be able to adapt their thinking appropriately
for various contexts.

Learning Goal 2: Technology

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Business from the Farmer School of
Business at Miami University will be able to use data rich analytical techniques,
technological tools, and computational thinking.

 Learning Objective 1: Students will apply computational thinking to business

problems and draw relevant conclusions/insights.
 Learning Objective 2: Students will apply appropriate technological tools in
support of business decision-making.
Learning Goal 3: Communication & Collaboration

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Business from the Farmer School of
Business at Miami University will be skilled communicators who adapt to changing
purposes, audiences, and contexts, work well in teams, and use multiple media to
communicate in digital, global networks.

 Learning Objective 1: Students will produce professional communications that

are effective for audience, purpose, context, and media.
 Learning Objective 2: Students will use appropriate technologies for the design,
development, and delivery of communications.
 Learning Objective 3: Students will engage others (e.g., colleagues,
collaborators, audiences, communities) to foster productive professional
communications and interactions.

Learning Goal 4: Globalization and Diversity

Students will be prepared to function effectively in a competitive business environment

because of their awareness and understanding of diversity and its implications for doing
business, and their ability to develop solutions to business opportunities and challenges
in a global environment.

 Learning Objective 1: Students will diagnose the extent to which diversity and
culture have an impact on business operations and decisions.
 Learning Objective 2: Students will adapt their analyses of business opportunities
and challenges to incorporate a global perspective.

Learning Goal 5: Ethics

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Business from the Farmer School of
Business at Miami University will deploy the concepts and skills necessary to make
ethical decisions in complex, ambiguous environments.

 Learning Objective 1: Students will recognize ethical issues in business

 Learning Objective 2: Students will apply ethical frameworks to business
 Learning Objective 3: Students will describe the ethical consequences of
decision alternatives.

This page contains the Program Competencies, Goals and Objectives for the
Business Core, applicable to Accounting, Economic Consulting,
Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Business, Management, and
Marketing majors.

 Program Competencies represent the overarching skills, capabilities, and

knowledge students are to acquire at the completion of the program
 Program Goals represent our conceptual definition of what we want our
students to be or to have at the completion of the program.
 Program Learning Objectives represent our operational description of what we
want our students to do as evidence of goal attainment.

Competency 1: Business
Communication Skills
Program Goal
Students will deliver effective written and oral business communications.

Program Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

1. Prepare a written business report that is clear, logical, concise, grammatically

correct, and clear to the target audience.

2. Present an oral argument that is logical, compelling, and clear to the target
Competency 2: Corporate Social
Responsibility Awareness
Program Goal
Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize the underlying ethical,
legal and sustainability implications inherent in business situations and apply
that knowledge to make responsible decisions.

Program Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

1. Recognize the ethical dilemmas in a business situation and recommend

courses of actions to address the issues.

2. Identify legal issues in a business situation and evaluate the interrelationship

between regulatory requirements and strategic decision making.

3. Recognize the environmental and social impacts of business decisions and

recommend appropriate sustainable practices.

Competency 3: Diversity Awareness

Program Goal
Students will exhibit an understanding of the value of various forms of
diversity in the business environment.

Program Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

1. Recognize how demographic and personality differences affect the business


2. Identify ways to incorporate diversity as a value-added component for

business success.
Competency 4: Global Orientation
Program Goal
Students will understand the complexities of the cultural, economic,
regulatory, and social environments as they impact business in a global

Program Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

1. Identify the challenges of operating in a global environment

2. Exhibit knowledge of the major cultural, economic, social, and legal

environment faced by multinational organizations

3. Demonstrate appropriate responses to cultural differences in a global


Competency 5: Decision Making Skills

Program Goal
Students will have the skills and abilities to make sound business decisions.

Program Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

1. Employ technology to efficiently address business problems.

2. Utilize appropriate quantitative techniques to analyze business issues.

3. Demonstrate reflective, strategic, and analytical skills in making business


Competency 6: Functional Business

Program Goal
Students will have an understanding of functional business knowledge.

Learning Objectives Students will be able Obje

Competency Program Learning Goal to: Sign

1. Prepare a written business report

that is clear, logical, concise,
grammatically correct, and clear to 1. B
the target audience. 323

Students will deliver 2. Present an oral argument that is logical, 2. BU

Communication effective written and oral compelling, and clear to the target audience. BUS
Skills business communications.

1. Recognize the ethical dilemmas

in a business situation and
recommend courses of actions to
address the issues.
2. Identify legal issues in a business situation
and evaluate the interrelationship between
regulatory requirements and strategic
Students will demonstrate
the ability to recognize the decision making. 1. B
underlying ethical, legal and 323
sustainability implications 3. Recognize the environmental and social
inherent in business 2. BU
situations and apply that impacts of business decisions and
Corporate Social
Responsibility knowledge to make recommend appropriate sustainable practices. 3. BU
Awareness responsible decisions.

1. Recognize how demographic and

personality differences affect the
business environment.
Students will exhibit an
understanding of the value 2. Identify ways to incorporate diversity as a 1. M
Diversity of various forms of diversity value-added component for business success. 2. M
Awareness in the business environment.
Global Orientation Students will understand the 1. Identify the challenges of 1. M
complexities of the cultural, operating in a global environment 2. BU
economic, regulatory, and 2. Exhibit knowledge of the major cultural,
social environments as they 111
impact business in a global economic, social, and legal environment
economy. faced by multinational organizations 3. M
Learning Objectives Students will be able Obje
Competency Program Learning Goal to: Sign

3. Demonstrate appropriate responses to

cultural differences in a global economy

1. Employ technology to efficiently

address business problems.
2. Utilize appropriate quantitative techniques 1. B
to analyze business issues. 2. BU
3. Demonstrate reflective, strategic, and

Students will have the skills analytical skills in making business 3. M

Decision-Making and abilities to make sound decisions. 343,
Skills business decisions.

1. Demonstrate working knowledge

of the core concepts with each of
the foundational business
Functional Students will have an disciplines; accounting, business
Business understanding of functional law, economics, finance, marketing,
Knowledge business knowledge. management and operations.

Program Learning Objective

Students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate working knowledge of the core concepts with each of the

foundational business disciplines; accounting, business law, economics,
finance, marketing, management and operations.

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