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1 The main global contributing factors to greenhouse-gas emissions are

a) Electricity production and transportation
b) Industrial processes
c) Agricultural processes
d) Agriculture and transportation

Q. 2 One of the following is the first major environmental protection act to be promulgated in India?
a) Environmental Act
b) Air act
c) Water act
d) none of the above

Q. 3 ____ is a problem not associated with population growth.

a) Food and energy storages
b) Environmental pollution
c) Increased resource consumption
d) none of the above

Q. 4 The term "environment pollutant" has been defined in the Act includes:
a) Solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in concentration that is injurious to the environment.
b) Hazardous substances that are responsible for pollution.
c) Takes into account air, water and noise pollution.
d) All of the above.

Q. 5 What is environment audit?

a) An idea to check and take necessary action against erring industries and erring officers.
b) A check on the accounts of the companies involved in environment pollution.
c) A check on environmental pollutants and the measure on extent of damage caused.
d) All of the above.

Q. 6 The Environment Protection Act is under which of the categories of legislation?

a) Welfare legislation
b) Penal legislation
c) Remedial legislation
d) None of the above.

In M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, the Supreme Court held that the directions given by the Environment
Q. 7 Pollution (Prevention and control) Authority Constituted under Section 3, EP Act are….
a) Binding only to the extent that it conforms with Act.
b) Final and binding on all persons and organizations concerned and ate bound to follow the same.
c) Non binding where reasons are given for justification of the Act.
d) Non appealable and binding in nature.

Q. 8 What is the objective of the Environment Protection Act 1986?

a) To implement decisions taken at the UN Conferences on Human Environment in Stockholm, 1972
b) To take appropriate steps in protection and improvement of human environment.
c) To prevent hazards to human being, living creatures, plans and property.
d) All of the above

Section 7 of the EP Act directs that persons carrying on any industry shall not discharge any
Q. 9 environmental pollutants in excess of standards prescribed by
c) State Government
d) Central Government.

Section 7 of the EP Act is significant provision that provides for an offence committed by any
Q. 10 department of government wherein:
a) Government is excused from liability as the government itself frames the Act.
b) Head of department shall be deemed guilty and is liable.
c) The department officials responsible for contravention will be held liable.
d) No liability since the Act falls within the sovereign function of the State.

Q. 11 Which section defines "Environment" under the Act?

a) Section 2(a)
b) Section 2(b)
c) Section 2(c)
d) Section 2 (d)

Article 21, 47, 48-A and 51-A(g) that provide that the State must protect and improve the
environment and safeguard forest and wildlife incorporating which of the following principles
Q. 12 of Environmental law?
a) Polluters pays principle
b) Precautionary principle
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above

Q. 13 When did the Central Pollution Control Board established?

a) 1972
b) 1974
c) 1978
d) 1982
Q. 14 Who appoints the chairman of the Central Pollution Control Board?
a) Central Government
b) State Government
c) Governor of the State
d) President of India

Q. 15 Which one of the following is the apex organization in the country in the field of pollution control?
a) Water Pollution Control Board
b) State Pollution Control Board
c) Central Pollution Control Board
d) Air pollution Control Board

Q. 16 How many officials can be nominated to the Central Pollution Control Board by the Central Government?
a) Five
b) Ten
c) Fifteen
d) Twenty Five

Q. 17 In State Pollution Control Boards, how many constitutions of committees can constitute?
a) One
b) Ten
c) Not constitute any committees
d) As many committees as necessary

The Central Pollution Control Board plays an important role in abatement and control of pollution
Q. 18 in the country.
a) Yes
b) No
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above

Q. 19 Where is the head office of the Central Pollution Control Board?

a) Mumbai
b) Raipur
c) Mysore
d) New Delhi

Q. 20 Which is the first country to pass the amendment in the parliament to safeguard the environment?
a) Brazil
b) Denmark
c) China
d) India

Q. 21 When did the air pollution on earth happened first time?

a) When humans started using tools
b) When humans started using firewood
c) When humans started using clothes
d) When humans started using wheels

Q. 22 What is the main cause of increase in air pollution in the 20th century?
a) Development of the transport system
b) Development of infrastructures
c) Development of electricity
d) Development of water resources

Q. 23 Natural causes also results in air pollution.

a) Yes
b) No
c) Neither A or B
d) Both A and B

Q. 24 How does asthma cause to human beings?

a) Because of excessive diet
b) Because of water pollution
c) Because of air pollution
d) Because of soil pollution

Q. 25 Water that has been exposed to a substance other than water Is called as_____________
a) Water purification
b) Water strength
c) Water contamination
d) Water desolation

Q. 26 Which convention adopted for the protection of ozone layer?

a) Vienna Convention
b) Basel Convention
c) Montreal Protocol
d) Stockholm Convention

Which is the most recent pronouncement of the government’s commitment to improving

Q. 27 environmental conditions?
a) National Environmental Policy
b) National Water Policy
c) Environment Act
d) Air Policy

Q. 28 What is Environmental Compliance?

a) Conforming to government laws
b) Conforming to constitutional laws
c) Conforming to environmental laws
d) Conforming to tribal laws

One of the main objectives of the Central Pollution Control Board is to coordinate the activities of
Q. 29 State Pollution Control Boards and resolve the disputes among them.
c) both
d) None of the above

Which is the central government nodal agency responsible for planning, promotion and coordination
Q. 30 of all environmental activities?
a) The Central Pollution Control Boards
b) Municipal Corporation
c) State Pollution Control Boards
d) Ministry of Environment and Forests

Q. 31 Which of the following helped in the saving of trees?

a) Pouring of water
b) Developing of chemical manuals
c) Use of modern agriculture
d) Development of iron and steel

Q. 32 Why lead harmful for children?

a) Because it don’t give any nutritional values
b) Because it cause indigestion
c) Because it interferes with development of the nervous system
d) Because children become addict to this

Q. 33 Industrialization causing urbanization.

c) Both
d) None of the above
Q. 34 What is the main cause of industrial pollution?
a) Lack of polices to control pollution
b) Use of modern technologies
c) Planned industrial growth
d) Efficient waste disposal

Q. 35 What is the term used for the use of resources for industrialization?
a) Pollution
b) Urbanization
c) Extraction
d) Waste material

Q. 36 What is the main reason for ozone depletion?

a) Releasing of oxygen
b) Releasing of chemicals
c) Releasing of CFCs
d) Releasing of nitrogen

Q. 37 Which of the following component is more dangerous to ozone layer?

a) CFCs
b) Nitrogen
c) Halons
d) Sulphur

Q. 38 What is the main reason for skin cancer?

a) Due to mutation
b) Due to unhealthy lifestyle
c) Due to alcohol consumption
d) Due to UV radiations

Q. 39 National Air Quality Monitoring Program (NAMP) is formed to monitor the air quality.
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above

Q. 40 How agricultural management helps in the control of water pollution?

a) By giving an idea about the use of land management
b) By increase the water intake
c) By using poor soil which consumes less water
d) By encouraging farmers to use more chemicals

Q. 41 How much percentage of pollution accounts by sewage and municipal effluents?

a) 25
b) 50
c) 75
d) 100

Q. 42 When India did launched the Ganga Action plan (GAP)?

a) In 1983
b) In 1984
c) In 1985
d) In 1986

Q. 43 What is the full form of NRCP?

a) National Railway Corporation Pipeline
b) National Rivers Cleaning Phase
c) National Roads Cleaning Phase
d) National River Conservation Plan

Q. 44 To which of the following subjects ‘Repair, Renovation and Restoration’ (RRR) comes under?
a) Buildings
b) Soil structures
c) Water bodies
d) Forests

Q. 45 Which is the Longest River in India?

a) Ganges
b) Indus
c) Brahmaputra
d) Godavari

Q. 46 Leakage of oil from underground tanks can pollute groundwater.


How to minimize the pollution of water pollution due organic chemicals that release to
Q. 47 water bodies?
a) To remove all the aquatic organisms from the water
b) To purify water manually after released to the water bodies
c) Purify the water before enter the water directly from industries
d) Leave the water bodies without using it

Q. 48 What is the main reason for thermal pollution?

a) Increase in the temperature of the ecosystem
b) Increase in the chemical contains in water
c) Hot water released by power plants and industries
d) Pollution causing by vehicles

Q. 49 What is smog?
a) Mixture of smoke and particulates
b) Mixture of smoke and oxygen
c) Mixture of smoke and fog
d) Mixture of soot and fog

Q. 50 Natural causes also results in air pollution.


Q. 51 The collection of the same species within an area is called a population.


Q. 52 The study of living organisms with the environment is known as ____________

a) Ecosystem
b) Environment
c) Community
d) Ecology

Q. 53 Cosmic rays, such as gamma rays are a source of

a) Soil Pollution
b) Noise Pollution
c) Thermal Pollution
d) Radiation pollution

Q. 54 Which of the following facts are incorrect?

a) Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth’s climate system
b) The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon
c) Ozone is harmless to breathe
d) Organic food is dangerous to health

Q. 55 The provisions of environmental protection in the constitution were made under:

a) Article 5-A
b) Article 21-B
c) Article 27-B (h)
d) Article 48-A and Article 51-A (g)

Q. 56 The world as World Environmental day is celebrated on:

a) Dec-01
b) Jun-05
c) Jul-05
d) Aug-05

Q. 57 What is noise?
a) Desirable sound
b) Desirable and unwanted sound
c) Undesirable and unwanted sound
d) Undesirable and wanted sound

Q. 58 Which pollution cause hearing loss in organisms?

a) Air pollution
b) Noise pollution
c) Water pollution
d) Soil pollution

Q. 59 In which unit sound is measured?

a) Kilometer
b) Pascal
c) Kilogram
d) Decibel

Q. 60 All sound is noise.

c) both
d) none of the above
Q. 61 What is called for a temporary hearing loss?
a) Temporary ear pain
b) Temporary hearing problem
c) Temporary threshold shift
d) Temporary hearing shift

Q. 62 Wildlife faces more problems than humans due to noise pollution, because animals dependent on___________
a) Noise
b) Sound
c) Actions
d) Behavior

Q. 63 Which is the best way to control noise pollution among the four fundamental ways?
a) Reduce noise at the source
b) Block the path of noise
c) Increase the path length
d) Protect the recipient

Q. 74 Which community of Rajasthan Have religious belief for conservation of forest and wildlife?
a) Haddi
b) Bishnoi
c) Rajput
d) Thakur

Which one of the following movement was carried out for the conservation of forests and the
Q. 75 environment?
a) Forest movement
b) Ganaga Action Plan
c) Tehri Andolan
d) Chipko Andolan

Q. 76 Which of the following is the most important human activity leading to the extinction of wildlife?
a) Afforestation
b) Controlling of pollution level
c) Destruction of the natural habitats
d) Stop hunting animals

Q. 77 How can we preserve viable material of endangered species?

a) By mutation
b) By cloning
c) By gene bank
d) By gene pool

Q. 78 Which year Wildlife Protection Act was implemented in India?

a) 1970
b) 1971
c) 1972
d) 1973

Q. 79 What is called for a scheme to protect and conserve bio-diversity?

a) Biosphere
b) Bio-reserve
c) Biotechnology
d) Bio-ecology

Q. 80 The Indian government is undertaking many efforts for conservation of its wildlife.
c) none of the above
d) both A and B

Q. 81 When did Indian Forest Act established?

a) 1911
b) 1914
c) 1925
d) 1927

Q. 82 What is the full form of PIL?

a) Private Interest Litigation
b) Public Interest Limited
c) Public Interest Litigation
d) Public Initiative Litigation

Q. 83 Who adopted the technique of public interest litigation for the cause of environmental protection in many cases
a) Indian Parliament
b) Indian Army
c) Indian Civil Services
d) Indian judiciary

Q. 84 What is the result of PIL that is applied in Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra vs. State of U.P?
a) The Supreme Court prohibited the continuance of mining operations
b) The Supreme Court withheld the judgment to 2020
c) The Supreme Court asked the opinion of Central Government
d) The Supreme Court allows continuance of mining operations

Q. 85 What is called for the collection of rainwater for use?

a) Rain collection
b) Rainwater harvesting
c) Rain digging
d) Rain water pumping

Q. 86 Which one of the following is the major environmental issue?

a) Use of resources
b) Use of economy
c) Education
d) Employment

Q. 87 Which one of the following cause acid rain?

a) Water pollution
b) Soil pollution
c) Air pollution
d) Noise Pollution

Q. 88 What is the result of acid rain when it falls into water bodies?
a) The water becomes acidic
b) The water becomes pure
c) The water increase its nutrients value
d) The water increase its leve

Q. 89 Acid rain does not cause any environmental damages.

c) both a and b
d) none of the above

Q. 90 The Taj Mahal in India is affected by____________________

a) Fog
b) Acid rain
c) Water pollution
d) Soil Pollution

Q. 91 When do greenhouse gases cause global warming?

a) When their concentration is enhanced
b) When their concentration is decreased
c) When there are no greenhouse gases
d) When greenhouse gas released in balance way

Q. 92 Which of the following result obtain due to cutting down of trees?

a) Providing more fresh oxygen
b) Providing more pure water
c) Cause greenhouse effect
d) Cause increase in the rain

Q. 93 Who measures the global warming rate?

a) Astrologers
b) Physicist
c) Philosopher
d) Climatologist

Q. 94 Which one of the following is the effect of global warming?

a) Maintaining sea level
b) Proper rainfall
c) Desertification
d) Afforestation

Q. 95 Which one of the following is a result of climate change?

a) Adequate rainfall
b) Pure air
c) Deficiency of freshwater
d) Less soil pollution

Q. 96 Where was the first use of nuclear bombs which cause death to the millions of lives?
a) Karachi
b) Melbourne and Sydney
c) Hiroshima and Nagasaki
d) Tokyo

Q. 97 What is the main purpose of nuclear energy?

a) To kill the enemy nation
b) To waste the excessive energy
c) To use it as an alternate source of energy
d) To cause mutation for people who are working

Q. 98 Which is the main source of nuclear radiations?

a) Nuclear power plant
b) Sunlight
c) Atmospheric air
d) Volcanoes

Q. 99 How can we achieve the prevention of environmental degradation?

a) By relying on the government to do all the jobs
b) By killing all animals in the forest
c) By creating public awareness among people about the importance of environment
d) By causing more and more pollution

Q. 100 Which one of the following cause harm to human health?

a) Organic farming
b) Using of pesticides
c) Using solar vehicles
d) Protecting forests

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