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Archie Coupar Unit 13 17/02/2020

Centre name: The Henley College

Centre number: 62441



In creative media over the last 12 units I have been able to greatly develop my
knowledge and skill involving lming, research, editing whilst developing myself
and the way I perceive media. This has enabled me to greatly improve my practical
skills, I.e setting up the camera, using di erent lighting to set the scene, and
understanding colours, all of this helping me to improve the overall quality of the
productions that I create, up to the nest of details. It has allowed me to
understand the subtle di erences in what makes a good production and what
makes a production bad. I have manage to improve the way I plan produce my
production with di erent skills like productions schedules, test shoots and
organising the shoot weeks before I actually plan to make it, this factor has
enabled me to massively improve the quality of my productions and has reduce
the amount of failed shoots and equipment failures that I have had. By creating a
short lm, I want to make something that capture the audiences attention, not just
through the cinematography but the writing and the actor also, learning from my
past short lms/factual programmes having a good actor/presenter is essential to
making a believable and convincing production, and keeping the audience
engaged in what you are showing them on screen.

Project concept:

My aim for this project it to create a compelling and interesting production that is
visually engaging. For my project I would like to lm the process of making an
electric guitar, using di erent camera angles narration and other di erent skills to
make it into a story, depicting the peaks and troughs as I go along. I want to use
my research to nd the correct target audience, that will best suit my productions. I
will create surveys to help me do this, and to also further my idea generations and
help me create the best possible production even if it mean changing my
production idea completely. For my production I will need one possibly two
cameras, with plenty of spare batteries, to make sure I have all the charge that I
need. I will also at least one studio quality light. I don’t think I will need actors of
spare crew for my production, as I would like to be rather self pro cient. I will be
able to shoot at my own home so I won’t need to rely on anyone else for location
permission and time restriction I can just set up my cameras and start lming.


To evaluate my production I will be using, written weekly blogs, which I will do at

the end of each working week. This will enable me to re ect on what I have
created for my production as I progress each week, and will allow me to improve
Archie Coupar Unit 13 17/02/2020
on sections that it think need improving, it will also allow me improve on what I
have already completed and nish up things that I have missed during my spare
time. This will allow me to make sure my work is at the highest of standards.
Re ecting on the work that I have completed will make sure that I’am prepared for
any mishaps that I could have whilst creating my production. I will also use clips
that didn’t go well when lming my production to improve any further sconce that I
lm, and will include these in my weekly blogs.

Proposal: Section Two

I will be creating my production for a client. Who would like to use my production
to show o his project for his product design course.

The Client:
Name of Client: Albert Hannsel
Company name: N/A
Client Occupation: Student
How I Found them: We have been friends for many years
and got to talking about our current
projects and He said that he was
making this product for guitar pick-ups,
I said that I wanted to make a guitar for
my project and o ered to use his
product in the video and show it o .
What they want me to produce:

There Deadline:

Any speci c rules / requests:

Archie Coupar Unit 13 17/02/2020

Proposal (3rd section):

What is the message of your production and what are the social

The message of my production is, to appreciate what you have and what you can
do with what you have. Buying a guitar is expensive in these days, so why not try
and make your own for cheaper. You can buy all of the same parts third party that
you could from the dealer in a built guitar, for much less than the dealer would
charge you. The problem is that guitar is hard to build, so this is going to take

Who is it aimed at?:

My production is aimed at guitar players, wood workers and lovers alike. I want
more people to be able to appreciate the beauty of a guitar and the craftsman ship
that goes into making something like this.

Why does your production matter? Why should it be made?:

My production matters because, I want people to understand the attachment
guitarist create with their guitars, the things that they like and dislike. My
production should be made as it is a great opportunity for people who make guitar
components to show o their production, out of the box, and how well the just


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