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2 2 2 3

3 1 2 1 ,

in the form p 6 + q 3 + r 2 , where the integers p, q and r are to be found.

(Total 4 marks)

2. Find the value of


(a) 81 2 ,

(b) 81 4 ,

(c) 81 4 .
(Total 4 marks)

3. Giving your answers in the form a + b2, where a and b are rational numbers, find

(a) (3 – 8)2,

(b) 4 8 .
(Total 6 marks)

4. Solve the equation 21 – x = 4x.

(Total 3 marks)

Write down the value of 16 .

5. (a)

 32
(b) Find the value of 16 .
(Total 3 marks)

Write down the value of 8 .

6. (a)

Find the value of 8 .

Holland Park School 1

(Total 3 marks)

7. (a) Expand and simplify (4 + √3)(4 – √3).


(b) Express 4   3 in the form a + b√3, where a and b are integers.
(Total 4 marks)

8. (a) Write 45 in the form a5, where is an integer.


2(3   5)
(b) Express (3   5) in the form b + c5, where b and c are integers.
(Total 6 marks)

9. (a) Express √108 in the form a√3, where a is an integer.


(b) Express (2 – √3)2 in the form b + c√3, where b and c are integers to be found.
(Total 4 marks)

10. Simplify (3 + √5)(3 – √5).

(Total 2 marks)

Find the value of 8 .

11. (a)

15x 3
(b) Simplify 3 x
(Total 4 marks)

Write down the value of 16 .

12. (a)

Holland Park School 2

12 4
(b) Simplify (16x ) .
(Total 3 marks)

13. Simplify

5 3
2 3 ,

giving your answer in the form a+b√3, where a and b are integers.
(Total 4 marks)

Holland Park School 3

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