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The Teacher as a Curricularist Survey Tool

Name of Teacher: Mary Jane R. Garcia

School: Kaila Elementary School Grade Level Assignment: Grade1

No. of Years Teaching: 2 YEARS Degree Graduated: BEEd

Check YES or NO that will correspond to your self-assessment. Then rank the items

which you answered YES. Which activity do you do most of the time? What activity do you do

least of the time?

Ranking As a school teacher, YES NO

1 I master the subject matter that I have to teach. /

2 I implement what I have planned for my teaching. /

4 I monitor and assess if my students are learning. /

5 I modify my activity to suit my learners in my /


7 I lead in the implementation of a new curriculum in /

my school.

6 I write instructional material based on the /

recommended school curriculum.

3 I look for the other ways of doing to improve teaching /

and learning in my classroom.

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