Btech 7 Sem Fundamentals of Data Communication 051702 2018

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| Code : 051702 B-Tech 7th Semester Exam., 2018 FUNDAMENTALS OF DATA COMMUNICATION Time : 3 hours Pull Marks : 70 Instructions: (9 AW questions carry equal marks (8) There are NE questions in this paper (i) Attempt FIVE questions in all pee (2) Question No.1 is compulsory AL Answer any YY Seven ofthe following : A, Diferentiate between guide ded media unguided media, and A iy ate te wes tte nwt pi AY What is exe? Now dos re ray ier trom 259 19 Why in mulipesing 9 cost eterince Define channe capac ‘W) Wat isa outer PY Why i it useful to he possible path through Bair of stations? ve more than one 8 network for each, AKo/231 (Tum Over ) bitp:/ oo seyrgnoge sass ‘ (2) (List and briefly define the ATM service catepories, AY What is parity bit? 2. What is the bandwidth of a signal that can be decomposed into five sine waves with frequencies ‘at 0 Hz, 20 He, SO Hz, 100 He and 200 2? Alt peak amplitudes are the same. Draw the bandwidth, hitp:/ 3. Which of the three multiplexing techniques is common for fiber-optic links? Explain the reason. 4, What is the difference between omnidirectional waves and unidirectional waves? How does sky propagation diflr from line-of-sight propagation? (XC compara coat es avd new Soe te che ston What are the two approaches to packet witching? Compare space-division and time- division awitches. 7yhaauming, even parity, find the parity bit for each 77” of the following de @ yoo1011 0001 100 ‘iy 1000000 fy) rion ‘Ako/231 { Continued btp:/ too seyrgnye snc woo megane N.. ‘ 3) What is the difference between Dykatin lgonthm and the Dellman Ford algonthm? Explain with examples How does ATM diftr from frame relay? What are the relauve advantages and disadvantages of ATM compared to frame relay? py www ‘Whatsapp @ 9300930012 ‘Your old paper & get 10 spe a Be ake 10-20 ek, Pvtm oF Goose Pay 3 btp:/ dn oo seyrgnye sy

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