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How To Generate
$100,000 - $500,000+ A
Year Using Nothing More
Than A Telephone
By Dan Lok
Dan Lok Desmond Soon
The King of High- Executive
One Call Closer Ticket Sales Director
My mentee Sid made $2,000
in one hour.
Danny Made $1.25 Million
From What I Taught Her!
Results Are Not Typical
The average person who attends training like this never
take any action on they want learn… and therefore get
ZERO results.
I am not making any claims or implications that you will
duplicate my results or achieve any results whatever.
I don’t believe in get rich quick program - only in smart
work, adding value and building a real and professional
Your results in life are up to you, agreed?
Why Are You Here And
What Exactly You Want
To Get From Today’s
The King of High-Ticket Sales
Dan Lok
Over 8 Figures of High-Ticket Sales

Founder of High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program. (Now with

students in over 100+ countries)

My High Ticket Closers™ currently do high-ticket telephone sales for

some of the biggest names in the industry and some of the biggest
companies in the world.

I live, sleep, eat and breath High-Ticket Sales.

Unlike other fake experts, I simply refuse to teach stuff I haven’t done. I
don’t teach stuff that I read from a book somewhere.


My videos and articles
have been viewed more
than 100 million+ times
across all of my social
media platforms.
Over 590,000+ Subscribers On YouTube
And Growing Rapidly Every Day
1.4 Million+ Followers On Facebook
I have done a lot of things

I have also done a lot of

things WRONG
Today, I’m going to spend 2
hours walking you through
7 Powerful Secrets and
show you how to make
millions using nothing more
than a telephone.

In life, you don’t get what

you want, you get what
you close.
Everything you ever want in life, other
people already have them! They’re
outside of your COMFORT ZONE!

Money, contacts, status, resources,

romance, happiness, fulfillment, you
name it!

All you need to do is

CLOSE them!
If you’re not making the income you want,
it’s because you can’t CLOSE.

If you’re single, it’s because you can’t


If your kids don’t listen to you nor respect

you, it’s because you can’t CLOSE.

If you’re not getting what you want in life,

it’s because you can’t CLOSE.

• Your parents never taught you.

• The school system never taught


• And you don’t know what you don’t

In Life… Nothing Happens
Until A Sale Is Made.

NOTHING holds you back

in life more than the lack
of ability to CLOSE.
You can call it
whatever you want.

I call it CLOSING.
The ONLY asset I had - White Ford
Escort Sedan with 150,000 miles on it
What transformed my life?

All because I’ve dedicated

my life to being a
High-Ticket Closer!
Imagine how much further you
would be in life and how much
more money you would have
made IF you have the ABILITY
to Close Anyone, Anytime,
Anywhere with ABSOLUTE
Confidence and Certainty…

3 Ways You Can Make

Money With Your Closing
#1 - Closing As An
Companies are constantly looking for
experienced closers and happy to compensate
you for your closing skill

Salary + bonus structure

Salary + commission

Purely commission based

#2 - Closing For Yourself
If you could double your closing ratio, how much
more money would you make?

If you could double your price, how much more

money would you make?

If you could cut down your closing time by half,

how many more sales would you make?

If you could get rid of CLIENTS from hell, how

much happier would you be?
In Business…

Size Matters

Want To Add An Extra Million Dollars To
Your Bottom Line This Year?

$25 program X 40,000 customers = $1,000,000

$50 program X 20,000 customers = $1,000,000
$100 program X 10,000 customers = $1,000,000
$1,000 program X 1,000 customers = $1,000,000
$10,000 program X 100 customers = $1,000,000
#3 - Closing For Companies
And Entrepreneurs
Let’s run some numbers.

Your client has a $5,000 high-ticket offer.

Your commission is 10% = $500.

Your Closing Ratio (Using my proven methology)

is 20%.

You talk to 5 qualified prospects a day. (All the

leads are provided to you)
#3 - Closing For Companies
And Entrepreneurs
ONE sale a day = $500.

You only work 4 days a week = $2,000 / week! (You

take 3 days off and do whatever you want)

That’s $8,000 / month with no business expense


Here’s the best part: You’ve just made your client

$80,000 in sales! Is the client happy? Is he going to
keep you around? You BET!
#3 - Closing For Companies
And Entrepreneurs
Hers’s what gets very exciting.

Your client has a $10,000 high-ticket offer. (Kayvon

is now actually selling $17K offers)

Your commission is 15% = $1,500.

Your Closing Ratio (as you get better) is 25%.

You talk to 8 qualified prospects a day. (All the

leads are provided to you)
#3 - Closing For Companies
And Entrepreneurs
TWO sales a day = $3,000.

You work 5 days a week = $15,000 /week! (You’re

aggressive and you don’t mind to hustle)

That’s $60,000 / month or $720,000 a year!

What’s your cost of running the business? ZERO.

What’s your risk? ZERO.

Can you see how this is possible? How would that

kind of money change your life?

Throw All Traditional Old

School Sales Techniques
Out The Window
“But Dan, I don’t want
to be a sleazy, slimy
“People hate to be sold,
but they love to buy.”
What does a typical
salesperson sound like?
What Typical Sales
People Do
• Overly excited
• Pretentious bonding
• Ask for the sale 3 to 5 sales
• Overly rely on a script and end up
sounding like a robot
• Always bring literature
• Try to please and chase the prospect
You don’t act, talk and
behave like any salesperson
your prospect has EVER
talked to.

The Harder You Qualify

The Easier It Is To Close

The Less You Talk

The More You Sell
3 Reasons To Ask Questions

1. Ask questions is the best way to

qualify prospects.

2. Asking questions involve the prospect

in the selling process.

3. Questions can help you discover the

prospect’s real needs
“Whoever asks the
questions control the
sales conversation.”
“Hey, let’s do lunch.”
“Send me a proposal.”
“I need to think about it.”
High-Ticket Closing is
all about asking the
right prospects, the
right questions, at the
right time
Different Types of Questions

• Open ended questions

• Closed ended questions
• Ignorant questions
• Multiple Choice questions
• Redirection questions
• Answer a question with a question
• Reverse psychology questions
The 3 most powerful
words in closing

“I don’t know.”

Don’t Use A Script

“It’s like going into a fight
with a pre-determined
plan what your opponent
is going to do.”
The Art of Tonality

“What can I do for you?”


Money Doesn’t Buy Skill

Skill Always Buys Money
“I am rich not because
of my money. I am rich
because of my skills.”
Poor people want to
have money without
skills. That’s why they
struggle their whole
Kayvon's Story ~ Before
Completely lost as a
internet wannabe trying
to “figure it out”.

He was $120K in debt

and sinking fast

Lost all direction, lost all

hope, and he was about
to FAIL, I mean fail HARD!
Kayvon's Story - Before
He has tried affiliate marketing… drop shipping…

He has tried 7 different MLMs…

He has tried being a coach, or consultant…

He has tried writing a book and got scammed $10K

He has tried joining different masterminds, or bought

every program he could find.

Until he met me - Dan Lok.

The Turning Point - Mentored By Dan
How He Went From A Struggling
Wannabe Entrepreneur To Selling
$145,709 In His First 29 Days
He went from losing $25K/month to
earning $25K/month
He now works with the world’s best
industry experts
He works his own hours and have
experts begging him to close for them
This month alone, he’s now earning
$40K working 25 - 30 hours a week
He’s working from ANYWHERE he
wants in the world
I Want You To Be Our
Next Success Story
My Big Problem
Dozens of requests EACH week
for High Ticket Closers
I Have 2 Options
1.Start taking on these clients, building
infrastructure, renting a big office (sales
floor), hiring lots of employees
2.Certify a small group of people I can
trust and make them a High-Ticket
Closer™, give them these contracts,
and get a small piece of the action
Apply To Be A Certified
High-Ticket Closer Now
• In the next 60 days, I am going to certify a small
group of people in High-Ticket Closers™
Certification Program.

• I am going to take you under my wings and show you

the fastest path to 6-figures as a High-Ticket Closer™

• I will be personally working with a group of SERIOUS

PLAYERS and transform them into High-Ticket
Limited Time Only
High-Ticket Closers™ Certification Program

• 7 LIVE CLASSES with me, walking you through my complete

High-Ticket Closers course curriculum, step by step.

• Q & A time at the end of each class on which I’ll be

answering your questions, LIVE! (Priceless)


help you follow along so you can TAKE ACTION and

• Recordings of all lessons, so you can watch them over and

over on your computer, iPad or Smart Phone.
Currently, entrepreneurs pay
me $10,000 an hour for my time
You Get A Chance To Close
Sales For Me And My
Network of Millionaire
Apply To Be A Certified
High-Ticket Closer Now
This is NOT some B.S. online training program with
a bunch of stupid videos.

This is a LIVE mentorship program.

This is an opportunity for you to be MENTORED by

me personally and work with me side by side.

I have ready-to-go contracts for my best students.

This Is NOT For Everyone
This is for serious people who’ve been following my
work for a period of time which means you’ve watched
at least some of my YouTube videos and read my books.

This is NOT for you if you’re scared to talk to people on

the phone. (If your confidence is that low, then you really
need this program)

This is NOT for you if you’re not coachable. I ONLY

$70,000 of Value If You
Were An Outsider…

When You Take Action

Right Now During The
Telephone Millions Training
Not $70,000
Not $50,000
Not $25,000
Not $10,000
Not $5,000
Total Value: $70,000.00

Your Investment is ONLY:


You could even take advantage of

the 3 easy instalment option
I Only Teach This Course
LIVE A Few Times A Year

Go to:
Your Success Is Our
“Hey Dan! Being a High-Ticket
FOREVER! I left my job and now
makes $10K a month from home! And I
just bought a new car!”
But Wait, For The Players Who “Get it” And Take
Action Now

Bonus #1 - You’ll Get My 6 Step To 6 Figures

System ($1,995.00 Value)
Bonus #2 - Recordings of
Actual Role Plays & Sales

($5,000.00 Value)
Bonus #3 - Lifetime Access to
A Private FB Group With
Latest High-Ticket Sales Gigs

(Value: Priceless)
Total Value: $77,000+

Apply To Be A Certified
High-Ticket Closer Now

Go to:
“Dan, I am completely broke.
Can you train me now and I
pay you back later?”
Now You Have A Choice
Life Stays The Same
You can either take the information I have given you
and forget all about and STAY STUCK where you are.

• Keep chasing the next shiny object…

• Buying the next course…
• Reading those stupid ebooks…
• Going to another seminar…
• Attending the next webinar…
• Wasting your life…
• Hoping someday your life will be different…
Life Will Never Be The Same
• What if you join an entirely new industry that’s on the
boom in sales and no one knows about it?

• What if you can sell service that needs to sold that pays
$1,000 ~ $2,000 or so commission per sale?

• What if I told you warm, inbound leads would be

provided? You’ll only need to close 5 ~ 10 sales (a couple
per week) to make 6-figures a year.

• What if I told you there’s virtually ZERO competition?

• What if there was no experience or credibility required?

Life Will Never Be The Same
• What if you could also do this and work from anywhere
in the world. No office or sales floor needed.

• What if there was also ZERO paperwork to be filled out?

• What if you could be your own BOSS, work your own

hours and make as much money as you want?

• What if you could make big money, even if you start out
doing it on the side?

• What if you get to work alongside with me, Kayvon

and my team?
Apply To Be A Certified
High-Ticket Closer Now

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