Separated by The Trump Administration

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The Biden administration's task force for reuniting migrant families 

by the Trump administration will give separated families the option to be
reunified in the U.S. or their countries of origin, Homeland Security Secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas said Monday.

Mayorkas said in a White House briefing that the separation of thousands of

migrant families during the Trump administration was "the most powerful
and heartbreaking example of the cruelty that preceded this administration."

1. Президент Обама энергично защищал свое наследие, одновременно

делая оптимистичные заявления о будущем Америки.
2. Любой, кто утверждает, что экономика Америки находится в упадке,
торгует фикцией, сказал г-н Обама законодателям.
3. Это обращение запомнится не своими политическими предписаниями,
а оптимистичной оценкой того, насколько лучше Америка сегодня.
4. В следующем году г-н Обама заявил, что хочет решить проблему
растущей волны злоупотребления отпускаемыми по рецепту
5. Наша общественная жизнь увядает когда только самые крайние голоса
получают все внимание сказал г н Обама.

Close the Guantanamo Bay prison, achieve meaningful criminal justice reform,
address rising tide of prescription drug abuse, authorize the use of military force
against IS, lift the embargo on Cuba.
Barack Obama’s legacy, tone of current presidential race, lawmakers in
Washington, policy prescriptions, address will be remembered for smth, becoming
mired in foreign conflicts, to tackle income inequality, rising tide of drug abuse.

To interrupt
Visit is arranged
Make an account of the visit
To cover a wide range of issues
In the framework of the talks

Taiwanese Prime Minister’s visit to Hong Kong was interrupted by the COVID-19,
agency reports. Firstly, the visit was arranged on 24th of November. In Hong Kong
governmental statement also was stated presence of China. But in the end,
Taiwanese accepted the invitation and China rejected it. No comments were given.
In the framework of the talks talks were to cover a wide range of issues from trade
to security spheres. The visit was postponed and no one made an account of the

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