Англ 05.03

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Головкин Владимир

1. I felt somebody touch me lightly on the shoulder. 2. He heard someone call
his name. 3. They heard the woman utter a little exclamation. 4. I should like
to see him say it to my face. 5. I expect you to join our excursion. 6. We had
not expected her to reply, but she did. 7. We knew him to be a clever man. 8.
I don’t like you to repeat this nonsense. 9. I hate people to speak so
cynically. 10. We expect everybody to be ready by seven. 11. They showed
themselves even more narrow-minded than we had expected them to be. 12.
We did not expect him to return so soon. 13. He hated people to argue about
1. He heard someone calling his name. 2. Mother wanted me to water the
houseplants. 3. I saw her get off the tram and cross the street. 4. I didn’t
expect my sister to get a bad mark. 5. I know your friend to be a professional
football player. 6. I want this rule to be learnt. 7. I heard someone knock at
the door. 8. When will you have your watch repaired? 9. I know your
brother to be ill. 10. Mother made me go to the country. 11. His parents
didn’t expect him to go to university after school. 12. I shall make him bring
the book tomorrow. 13. I expect him to ring me up. 14. We wanted them to
achieve success. 15. We wouldn’t like our teacher to think we were late on
purpose. 16. He hated people to laugh loudly. 17. I saw the kids feeding the
ducks in our park. 18. They didn’t see him arrive.

1. For how long has war in Yemen lasted?

2. What did World Food Programme chief David Beasley say?
3. What led to the war?
4. How much financial support did Yemen receive from UN?
5. What has Joe Biden’s administration done recently?

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