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Islami Bank International School & College

Online Year Final Examination 2020

Subject: Bangladesh and Global Studies (BGS)
Class: Std-VII
Time: 2:30 Hours Full Marks: 75
1. Answer the following questions (any-2). 6  2 = 12
a) What is meant by united front? Write the main features of 21 manifesto of the united front.
b) When and where did Bangabandhu propose the six points demand? Write down the six
points demand.
c) What kind of influence does religion have in our life and culture?
2. Answer the following questions (any-1). 61=6
a) Write down the importance of export and import in the economy of Bangladesh. Make the
list of export and import goods of Bangladesh.
b) Write down the importance of different types of Industry in the economy of Bangladesh.
3. Answer the following questions (any-1). 61=6
a) Write down the causes and effects of dowry.
b) What is meant by election? How many types of election are there? What are they?
Describe them.
Section- (Geography)
4. Answer the following questions (any- 1). 61=6
a) Write down the effect of climate on the socio – economic sector of Bangladesh.
b) What measures can be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change?

5. Fill in the blanks (only answer): 1×6=6

a) The Bangalees shed blood but saved the __________ of their mother tongue.
b) Fertilizer industries are the example of __________ industries.
c) The government has established some export processing zones in order to attract ________
d) The elaboration WTO is _______.
e) __________ is the kind of violent and speedy windstorm.
f) There are ________ seats in our Jatiyo Sangsad.

6. Write down true or false (only answer): 1×6=6

a) Poverty is thought to be the main cause of dowry.
b) The term child refers to a girl under 17 and a boy under 21.
c) 1n 1954 election the United Front achieved a landslide victory with 236 out of 300.
d) There are total of 10 metropolitan cities in Bangladesh.
e) Mount Everest is situated on the China – Japan border.
f) Silk and Ceramic are the example of large industry.

7. Answer the following questions in short. 4 × 4 = 16

a) Explain the influence of language over our culture.
b) What do you know about Agartala case?
c) What is kalbaisakhi? Explain.
d) Write down the act against dowry.

8. Read the following stem and answer the questions:

Mohan, a boy of cox’s bazar was at home and he was listening to a radio. He along with her
family members were worried to hear the latest weather warning on the radio and started for
the shelter.
a) What kind of weather warning did Mohan hear on the radio?
b) In which region Bangladesh is situated?
c) What is cyclone? Explain.

9. Choose the correct answer and write it in copy: 1 × 10 = 10

i. When was the law against dowry amended?
a) 1986 b) 1980 c) 1989
ii. How many types of election are there?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 4
iii. Who declared martial law in Pakistan in 1958?
a) Iskandar Mirza b) Ayub Khan c) T.K Khan
iv. How many people were accused in the Agartola case?
a) 35 b) 36 c) 30
v. What kind of problem is dowry in Bangladesh?
a) social b) familial c) both of them
vi.What was the symbol of united front?
a) pen b) payer c) boat
vii. What is the climate of Bangladesh?
a) tropical monsoon b) desert c) both of them
viii. Kuching is the main sea port of __
a) Korea b) Malaysia c) India
ix. Which country is the largest buyer of commodities including garments of Bangladesh?
a) France b) USA c) UK
x. How many reserved seats for women are there in Jatiyo Sangsad of Bangladesh?
a) 20 b) 30 c) 50

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