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Wings ERP evaluation

Feedback form
Dear Sir/Madam,

We thank you for your valuable time and interest in Wings.We kindly request you to provide us with your precious feedback.

The feedback provided will be treated as confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than improving Wings
products and services.

Thanks & regards

Wings on Demand Team

1. How did you hear about Wings?

 Internet Search
 Friends / Colleagues
 Consultant
 Newspaper advertisement
 We am existing customers of Wings
 Others please specify.

2. Which industry does your organization belong to?

 Trading
 Retailing
 Manufacturing
 Education
 Services
 Distribution
 Others

3. What is your organisation’s most important goal in implementing ERP?

 Transform the way organization operates.
 Modernize IT environment in the Organization.
 Replace ageing legacy system.
 Efficiency ( Ex: Reduce Cost , improve speed of transactions / processes)
 Provide better management tools ( Decision Making , Planning)
 Improve customer satisfaction.
 Enhance regulatory compliance. Example Taxation Laws, Employee welfare laws
 Other please specify.
4. Is your organization currently using ERP? (If your organization is not using any ERP please skip Q.No.5 to
Q.No.9 and jump to Q.No.10 )
 Yes
 No

Existing ERP info

5. Please name the ERP currently used by your organization.

6. What was your involvement in existing ERP’s implementation?

 I was project sponsor / co-sponsor
 I was Project Leader
 I was part of Management Team
 I server as a functional or technical specialist
 I was partially involved
 Others
 I was not involved

7. Why did your organization choose the ERP, which it did?

 Price
 Vendors reputation
 Vendors ability to provide solution to our industry
 Product features and functionality best fit our organization.
 Previous association with the vendor
 Advice from our peers
 Advice from our consultants
 Others

8. Has the ERP currently implemented in your organization met the goals selected in Q.No. 3 above.
 Totally
 Partially
 Not at all

9. If your response to Q.No. 8 is “Partially” or “Not at All”. Please specify the reasons.

Wings ERP
10. Does Wings ERP cover all the Departments, functions and Processes for which you wish to implement
 Yes
 Partially
 No
11. If your response to Q.No.10 is “Partially” or “No”. Please specify the departments, functions and
processes which in your view are not covered by Wings ERP.

12. Does Wings ERP’s transactions capture all the data required by your organisation?

 Yes
 Partially
 No
13. If your response to Q.No. 12 is “Partially” or “No”. Please specify the reasons.

14. Does Wings ERP’s reports meet your information needs. If not please specify the additional information
 Yes
 Partially
 No

15. If your response to Q.No. 14 is “Partially” or “No”. Please specify the reasons.

16. Was Wings ERP easy to evaluate?

 Very easy
 Easy
 Difficult
 Very difficult

17. If your response to Q.No. 16 is “Difficult” or “Very difficult’. Please specify the reasons.

18. Was the assistance provided by helpdesk during evaluation timely and sufficient?
 Yes
 Partially
 No
19. If your response to Q.No. 18 is “Partially” or “No”. Please specify the reasons.

20. Which model of ERP you wish to implement for your organization?

 SaaS
 On-Premise

21. How many locations does your organization operate from?

 Single
 2–5
 6-10
 11-25
 More than 25

22. What form of training would you prefer?

 Online
 On-Premise

23. What form of support would you prefer?

 Online
 On-site

24. When do you plan to complete implementation and go live with new ERP
 Within next 3 months
 Between 3 to 6 months
 Between 6 to 12 months
 Not sure

25. Do you wish to have demonstration of the Wings ERP?

Demonstration will help you discover features and functionality of Wings ERP, which you might have
missed out during evaluation.

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