History of International Relations Tema 1

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Introducción. ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Unidad 1: ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Unidad 2: ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Unidad 3: ................................................................................................................................................... 7

Read chapters: 3, 4 7, 9 and 15 Diplomacy.

Text Analysis.x1

Unidad 1: History of International Relations 1648 – 1805

European countries have been dominating other and imposing economic, political, social,
culture, linguistic, systems… over the world. A critical moment in the History of Europe:
Peace of Westphalia 1648.

History of Spain:

Bourbons started ruled in Spain with the Utrecht treaty 1700.

The Utrecht Treaty is the peace after the war when the bourbons started to rule in.

Before the Bourbons?

The Habsburgs: Spanish Habsburgs

European Habsburgs

They started rule in 1516.

Before the Habsburgs?

The house of Trastámara.

Catholic Monarchs of Spain: Isabella and Ferdinand (king Aragon)

Joanna of Castile (Juana la loca)

Strategy of Trastámaras:

Build a strong Kingdom in the south of Europe that dominates it.

→ Joanna marries Felipe (Habsburgs)

In this period Habsburg Family is a very powerful family in the central part of Europe.
Nowadays: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands…

Joanna + Felipe ➔ Powerful Kingdom

Children: Charles V and Ferdinand.
Create Powerful Empire → Charles the 1st: Founder Spanish Kingdom.
Charles de V is the first Habsburg rule in Spain. Spanish Kingdom unlimited powerful.

End of Spanish Kingdom: Peace of Westphalia.

Peace of Westphalia:

End of the 30 years war. (1618-1648).

Origin of the international system.

30 years war:
This war was a war political authority.
Not exactly religious wars Protestantism and Christian Catholics.
Example: France Christian Catholic → fight with other Christian Catholics.
War for power political power. (who will rule in Europe?)

End of the war:

Spain lost 30 Years War.

Spain goes down and France and UK grow up.
France and UK expand internationally in the next years and fight one each other.

Result peace of Westphalia:

First time: European countries agree the territorial limits.

1648 Westphalia: New International order.

• Respect for territorial limits

• National Sovereignty / equality among States
• Non-interference in internal affairs
• Pact Sun Servanda
• Political-Diplomatic negotiation
• Collective security NATO (guarantee)
• Just cause.

The Peace of Westphalia legitimated the right of sovereigns to govern their peoples free of outside
interference, whether any such external claim to interfere was based on political, legal or religious

Sovereignty, as a concept, formed the cornerstone of the edifice of international relations that 1648
raised up.

Sovereignty was the crucial element in the peace treaties of Westphalia, the international agreements
that were intended to end a great war and to promote a coming peace. The treaties of Westphalia
enthroned and sanctified sovereigns, gave them powers domestically and independence externally.

Westphalian sovereignty is the principle of international law that each nation-state has sovereignty
over its territory and domestic affairs, to the exclusion of all external powers, on the principle of non-
interference in another country's domestic affairs, and that each state (no matter how large or small)
is equal in international law.

The Eighteen Century:

Elsewhere in Europe enlightened despots like Frederick the Great of Prussia responded to the growing
restlessness of their subjects by reorganizing government and improving living conditions. Frederick's
court even became one of the leading cultural and intellectual centers of the time; C. P. E. Bach
directed the music there and Voltaire spent two years as Frederick's guest.

The Habsburgs stop rule in Spain. And the other dynasties in Europe started fight for who was going to
be the next king in Spain. New War.

War of the Spanish Succession 1701- 171 4

End of this war Treaty of Utrecht.


Text Identification

What is this? The treaty of Utrecht.

For what? To put end to The War of Spanish succession.
Actors? Spain and Britain. Philip V
Typo of text? Public (has been created by a public figure in his public charge).
In this Treaty they are representing them states.
Legal and Political text (article and create obligations, legally attach).
Primary or Secondary source? Primary source (no one writing about the treaty, it is the treaty).

Main ideas

Main ideas? No aggression pact.

Spain & France (Never unified and can’t access to the crown of France any Bourbon).
Strategic place (Gibraltar).
Territorial concession, gains.


Spain consolidation 1492 → Columbus, discover and colonize.

Granada conquer.
Christian kingdom.
Spanish Empire (Juana).

Charles I and Philip II → 1520

Empire Issues 1550 → Protestants

France vs Spanish Empire (Territory, France sandwich).

30 Years War 1618 – 1648 → End with Peace of Westphalia.

End idea of Spanish Empire.


The War of Spanish Succession and Treaty of Utrecht.


English Enlightenment, Transformation.

USA 1776 → France and Spain involved in the American revolution.

Result of European fights → Consolidation.2

Lost of Cuba Philippines 1898 → Real end Spanish empire.

Napoleon years → Trafalgar destroy power royal nearby.

The British won.

Trafalgar → British keeping control.

Unidad 2:

Unidad 3:

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