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Introduction to Digital

650344 Digital Electronics
Mones Omari
Department of Communications and Electronics Engineering
Philadelphia University
• RTL: resistor-transistor logic
• DTL: diode-transistor logic
• TTL: transistor-transistor logic
• ECL: emitter-coupled logic
• CMOS: complementary MOS

650344 Digital Electronics Introduction to Digital Electronics 2

Ideal Logic Gates
• The inputs and outputs consist of either
a 0 (logic low) or 1 (logic high)
• The basic digital building block is the
• VTC: voltage transfer characteristic curve
where VH is logic high level and VL is logic
low level

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Inverter circuits

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Voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) curve

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Voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) curve

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Noise Margins
• NML is the noise margin associated with the
low input level

• NMH is the noise margin associated with the

high input level

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Example 1

NMH = 3.6 V – 2 V = 1.6 V

NML = 0.8 V – 0.4 V = 0.4 V

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Dynamic Response of Logic Gates
Rise time and fall time

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Dynamic Response of Logic Gates
Propagation delay

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Example 2

V10% = -2.6 + 0.1 (-0.6 –(-2.6)) = – 2.4 V

V90% = -2.6 + 0.9 (-0.6 –(-2.6)) = – 0.8 V
V50% = (-0.6 +(-2.6))/2 = -1.6 V
tf = 105 ns – 100 ns = 5 ns
tr = 153 ns – 150 ns = 3 ns

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Review of Boolean Algebra

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Review of Boolean Algebra

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Boolean Identities

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Example 3
Reduce the following Boolean expression:

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Example 3
Reduce the following Boolean expression:
Using Karnauph maps (SOP)


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Example 4
Reduce the following Boolean expression:

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Example 4
Reduce the following Boolean expression:

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