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Date of start of diagnosis in the village: 7 Agustus 2020

Date of start of diagnosis in the village: 7 Agustus 2020

Date of returning of the diagnostic file to LIFE:

Name of the village and the country concerned by the diagnostic: Loomota Tasea Hamlet, Bonetasea Village


1.1. Name, first name Salomon Nahak

1.2. Contact : phone number and email address 0813 1729 3277

1.3. Function Hamlet Chief

1.4. Name of the local association Perkumpulan Masyarakat Penanganan Bencana Nusa Tenggara Timur (PMPB – NTT)

1.5. Name of the agent association of the Kristian Nggelan

1.6. Personal opinion ☐ V Favorable opinion, urgent need identified
☐ Negative opinion, why:

GPS : Longitude 124.868947 Latitude -9.669156

2.1. Number of inhabitants of the villaje 297 head of household
1.127 people, 517 woman and 610 man
2.2. Potential number of beneficiaries in 54 head of household
neighboring villages/households 212 people, 115 woman and 97 man

2.3. Number of wells with pumps operating in the 6 units private property
2.4. Number of traditional wells operating in the 4 sumur permanen yang terdiri dari 1 unit sumur permanen umum dan 3 unit sumur permanen
village pribadi
1 sumur darurat
2.5. What are the main income-generating ☐ V Agriculture
activities in the village? * ☐ V Breeding
☐ Local craft
☐ Other:

3.1. Does the request come from a local authority? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
3.2. If yes, from what authority does the request ☐ V Traditional authorities
come from?* ☐ V Political authorities
☐ Other:
3.3. How are local or national authorities involved The village government will support this activity by encouraging the community to work
in the project? together and be self-supporting

3.4 Are there any similar water access projects in Not yet
place or underway in the region ? If so, which
one(s)? By whom are they carried out?
3.5. Have the authorities already been contacted ☐ V No
by other organizations regarding the construction of ☐ Yes, specify:
a well?
3.6. Are the local partners or LIFE in direct contact ☐ V Yes, and they have the support of local authorities
with the authorities? ☐ Yes, but local authorities do not wish to be actively involved in the
implementation of the project
☐ No, local authorities have not yet been contacted
3.7. What is the position and the level of ☐ V Women were consulted and were able to express their views on the
participation of women in water access decisions? management of a possible project
☐ Women were interviewed but were unable to comment on the management of
a potential project
☐ Women were not consulted, it is mainly men who are in charge of the decision

3.8. Any conflicts of interest or internal problems in ☐ V No

the village? If so, which ones? ☐ Yes, specify:
4.1. Is there a clinic in the village? ☐ V Yes
☐ No, specify where the population is being treated :
4.2. Are there recurrent diseases related to water or the presence of ☐ No
parasites in the water? (e.g., diarrhea, bilharziose, amoeba, cholera, ☐ V Yes, specify which ones: diare
4.3. Are there other recurrent diseases? (e.g., hepatitis, dengue, ☐ V No
malaria, etc.) ☐ Yes, specify which ones:
4.4. Is there stagnant waters in the village? ☐ Yes
☐ V No
4.5. Are there circulating waters (rivers, waterfalls, etc.) near the ☐ Yes
village? ☐ V No
4.6.a. Are there public latrines in the village? ☐ Yes
☐ V No
4.6.b. If yes, what is the system used? ☐ Manual drain system
☐ Flush latrine system
☐ Dry toilets
☐ Other:
4.7. Are they used by the population? ☐ Yes, daily
☐ Yes, sometimes
☐ No, explain why:

4.8. Where are they located? ☐ In the village, in a central place (school, places of worship,
☐ Outside the village
☐ Other:
4.9. Is someone maintaining them? ☐ Yes, by a local association
☐ Yes, by a trained person
☐ No
4.10. Is open-air defecation a common practice in the village? ☐ V Yes
☐ No

5.1. Is water accessible throughout the year? ☐ V Water from current wells dries up in the dry season
☐ Water is available in any season
5.2. Is access to water a source of tension in the village? ☐ Yes, there have already been village rivalries for access to
☐ V No, there is no obvious tensions around access to
5.3. What is the quality of the water currently consumed? * ☐ V Correct water quality
☐ Diseases likely due to water consumption
☐ The water consumed has a cloudy color
☐ The water consumed has a bad taste
☐ The water consumed has a bad smell
☐ Presence of parasites in water
☐ Other:
5.4. What are the average distances travelled by the population to ☐ Distance travelled is not a problem
the nearest water point? ☐ V Less than 30 minutes (berjarak sekitar 10 – 300
☐ More than 30 minutes
☐ More than one hour
5.5. How does the population get to the water point? * ☐ V By foot
☐ With a motorized transport
☐ Other:
5.6. Who is assigned to this task? ☐ Mostly women
☐ Mostly children
☐ V Everybody is affect to the task
5.7. Are the sources of access to water sufficient for all the ☐ Yes, there are enough wells for the whole village
inhabitants of the village? ☐ V No, the number of wells is insufficient for the needs
of the whole village
5.8. What are the sources of water access currently? * ☐ V Wells / Boreholds
☐ V Traditional wells (without pump)
☐ Backwater
☐ River
☐ Rain water
☐ Other:
5.9. Does the population commit to provide free labour for the ☐ V Yes, some people are voluntary
project? Number: 25 people
☐ No
5.10. Does the population commit to provide free materials for the ☐ Yes, the population can provide :
realization of the work? Gravel
V Water
V Other: work equipment
☐ La population ne souhaite pas contribuer
5.11. Does the population agree to participate in the cost of water? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
5.12. Have suitable areas in terms of groundwater presence already ☐ V Yes, by a local agent (dowser)
been identified? ☐ Yes, by another organization
☐ No


6.1. Who is in charge of the existing water supplies? (name, Salomon Nahak, Hamlet Chief, contact number 0813 1729 3277
function, contact details)
6.2. Who helped finance and build the existing water supplies? And Satu unit sumur bantuan dari PNPM Mandiri
for what amount?
6.3.What year(s) do the existing supplies date from? 2016
6.4.a. Why does the current pump/ traditional well no longer work? ☐ The inhabitants have not so far contacted a technician for
* the repairs
☐ A technician came but the repair was too expensive
☐ The well has already been repaired by a technician but the
damage has reappeared
☐ The well has already been repaired by someone from the
village but the damage has reappeared
6.4.b. Why were the necessary procedures for his maintenance not ☐ Local people has no contact
taken? * ☐ Inhabitants do not want to contribute to share the repair
☐ Inhabitants do not have the necessary funds to pay a
6.4.c. Was there an estimation cost of repairing the failed well(s)? ☐ Yes, amount of repairs:
☐ V No


LIFE attaches great importance to the co-management of the project and the assimilation of the work, for this we propose the
establishment of a management committee (WMC).
7.1 Do you agree with the creation of a Water Management ☐ V Yes
Committee (WMC)? ☐ No
7.2 Are there water supplies in the village with management ☐ V Yes
committees that raise funds? ☐ No
7.3 Are there people in the village able to maintain the pump? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
7.4 Is this person willing to move to the nearest city and/or have ☐ Yes
needed equipments brought in if needed? ☐ V No
7.5 If this is not the case, are there people interested in being ☐ V Yes
trained by the provider at the time of installation to maintain the ☐ No
pumping device?
7.6 Which means of fundraising and treasury management seem ☐ By monthly/annual dues calculated and collected in advance
best suited locally? by the WMC
☐ By payment directly after that the person has extracted the
water (well managed by one or more fountains(s) appointed by
the community leader)
☐ V Other: if there is damage to the pump, then the
hamlet head collects contributions from residents for

8.1 Inhabitants comments The well is important to make, because:
- Air bersih sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat untuk konsumsi, mandi, cuci,
untuk ternak, dll, sedangkan sumur umum di dusun hanya ada 1 unit. Ini
menyebabkan masyarakat sering mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses air
bersih dan terpaksa harus mengambil air ke desa tetangga
- No wells survived the dry season

Date of start of diagnosis in the village: 7 Agustus 2020

Date of returning of the diagnostic file to LIFE:

Name of the village and the country concerned by the diagnostic: Dara Hamlet, Bonetasea Village


1.1. Name, first name Maria Hoar Bria
1.2. Contact : phone number and email address 0823 3816 7022

1.3. Function Hamlet Chief

1.4. Name of the local association Perkumpulan Masyarakat Penanganan Bencana Nusa Tenggara Timur (PMPB – NTT)

1.5. Name of the agent association of the Kristian Nggelan

1.6. Personal opinion ☐ V Favorable opinion, urgent need identified
☐ Negative opinion, why:

GPS : Longitude 124.867220 Latitude -9.670948

2.1. Number of inhabitants of the villaje 297 head of household
1.127 people, 517 woman and 610 man
2.2. Potential number of beneficiaries in 56 head of household
neighboring villages/households 229 people, 115 woman and 114 man

2.3. Number of wells with pumps operating in the 3 units private property
2.4. Number of traditional wells operating in the 3 sumur permanen yang terdiri dari 1 unit sumur permanen umum dan 2 unit sumur permanen
village pribadi
1 sumur darurat
2.5. What are the main income-generating ☐ V Agriculture
activities in the village? * ☐ Breeding
☐ Local craft
☐ Other:

3.1. Does the request come from a local authority? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
3.2. If yes, from what authority does the request ☐ V Traditional authorities
come from?* ☐ V Political authorities
☐ Other:
3.3. How are local or national authorities involved The village government will support this activity by encouraging the community to work
in the project? together and be self-supporting

3.4 Are there any similar water access projects in Not yet
place or underway in the region ? If so, which
one(s)? By whom are they carried out?
3.5. Have the authorities already been contacted ☐ V No
by other organizations regarding the construction of ☐ Yes, specify:
a well?
3.6. Are the local partners or LIFE in direct contact ☐ V Yes, and they have the support of local authorities
with the authorities? ☐ Yes, but local authorities do not wish to be actively involved in the
implementation of the project
☐ No, local authorities have not yet been contacted
3.7. What is the position and the level of ☐ V Women were consulted and were able to express their views on the
participation of women in water access decisions? management of a possible project
☐ Women were interviewed but were unable to comment on the management of
a potential project
☐ Women were not consulted, it is mainly men who are in charge of the decision

3.8. Any conflicts of interest or internal problems in ☐ V No

the village? If so, which ones? ☐ Yes, specify:


4.1. Is there a clinic in the village? ☐ V Yes
☐ No, specify where the population is being treated :
4.2. Are there recurrent diseases related to water or the presence of ☐ V No
parasites in the water? (e.g., diarrhea, bilharziose, amoeba, cholera, ☐ Yes, specify which ones:
4.3. Are there other recurrent diseases? (e.g., hepatitis, dengue, ☐ V No
malaria, etc.) ☐ Yes, specify which ones:
4.4. Is there stagnant waters in the village? ☐ Yes
☐ V No
4.5. Are there circulating waters (rivers, waterfalls, etc.) near the ☐ Yes
village? ☐ V No
4.6.a. Are there public latrines in the village? ☐ Yes
☐ V No
4.6.b. If yes, what is the system used? ☐ Manual drain system
☐ Flush latrine system
☐ Dry toilets
☐ Other:
4.7. Are they used by the population? ☐ Yes, daily
☐ Yes, sometimes
☐ No, explain why:

4.8. Where are they located? ☐ In the village, in a central place (school, places of worship,
☐ Outside the village
☐ Other:
4.9. Is someone maintaining them? ☐ Yes, by a local association
☐ Yes, by a trained person
☐ No
4.10. Is open-air defecation a common practice in the village? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
5.1. Is water accessible throughout the year? ☐ V Water from current wells dries up in the dry season
☐ Water is available in any season
5.2. Is access to water a source of tension in the village? ☐ Yes, there have already been village rivalries for access to
☐ V No, there is no obvious tensions around access to
5.3. What is the quality of the water currently consumed? * ☐ V Correct water quality
☐ Diseases likely due to water consumption
☐ The water consumed has a cloudy color
☐ The water consumed has a bad taste
☐ The water consumed has a bad smell
☐ Presence of parasites in water
☐ Other:
5.4. What are the average distances travelled by the population to ☐ Distance travelled is not a problem
the nearest water point? ☐ V Less than 30 minutes (berjarak sekitar 10 – 200
☐ More than 30 minutes
☐ More than one hour
5.5. How does the population get to the water point? * ☐ V By foot
☐ With a motorized transport
☐ Other:
5.6. Who is assigned to this task? ☐ Mostly women
☐ Mostly children
☐ V Everybody is affect to the task
5.7. Are the sources of access to water sufficient for all the ☐ Yes, there are enough wells for the whole village
inhabitants of the village? ☐ V No, the number of wells is insufficient for the needs
of the whole village
5.8. What are the sources of water access currently? * ☐ V Wells / Boreholds
☐ V Traditional wells (without pump)
☐ Backwater
☐ River
☐ Rain water
☐ Other:
5.9. Does the population commit to provide free labour for the ☐ V Yes, some people are voluntary
project? Number: 20 people
☐ No
5.10. Does the population commit to provide free materials for the ☐ Yes, the population can provide :
realization of the work? Gravel
V Water
V Other: work equipment
☐ La population ne souhaite pas contribuer
5.11. Does the population agree to participate in the cost of water? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
5.12. Have suitable areas in terms of groundwater presence already ☐ V Yes, by a local agent (dowser)
been identified? ☐ Yes, by another organization
☐ No


6.1. Who is in charge of the existing water supplies? (name, Maria Hoar Bria, Hamlet Chief, contact number 0823 3816 7022
function, contact details)
6.2. Who helped finance and build the existing water supplies? And Satu unit sumur bantuan dari PNPM Mandiri
for what amount?
6.3.What year(s) do the existing supplies date from? 2011

6.4.a. Why does the current pump/ traditional well no longer work? ☐ The inhabitants have not so far contacted a technician for
* the repairs
☐ A technician came but the repair was too expensive
☐ The well has already been repaired by a technician but the
damage has reappeared
☐ V The well has already been repaired by someone
from the village but the damage has reappeared
6.4.b. Why were the necessary procedures for his maintenance not ☐ Local people has no contact
taken? * ☐ Inhabitants do not want to contribute to share the repair
☐ Inhabitants do not have the necessary funds to pay a
6.4.c. Was there an estimation cost of repairing the failed well(s)? ☐ Yes, amount of repairs:
☐ V No


LIFE attaches great importance to the co-management of the project and the assimilation of the work, for this we propose the
establishment of a management committee (WMC).
7.1 Do you agree with the creation of a Water Management ☐ V Yes
Committee (WMC)? ☐ No
7.2 Are there water supplies in the village with management ☐ V Yes
committees that raise funds? ☐ No
7.3 Are there people in the village able to maintain the pump? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
7.4 Is this person willing to move to the nearest city and/or have ☐ Yes
needed equipments brought in if needed? ☐ V No
7.5 If this is not the case, are there people interested in being ☐ V Yes
trained by the provider at the time of installation to maintain the ☐ No
pumping device?
7.6 Which means of fundraising and treasury management seem ☐ By monthly/annual dues calculated and collected in advance
best suited locally? by the WMC
☐ By payment directly after that the person has extracted the
water (well managed by one or more fountains(s) appointed by
the community leader)
☐ V Other: if there is damage to the pump, then the
hamlet head collects contributions from residents for

8.1 Inhabitants comments The well is important to make, because:
- Sumur umum yang ada hanya satu unit yang dalam keadaan rusak, sudah diperbaiki
beberapa kali tapi masalah masih terus muncul
- Jumlah penduduk yang besar sedangkan sumur yang ada sangat sedikit
- no wells survived the dry season
Date of start of diagnosis in the village: 7 Agustus 2020

Date of returning of the diagnostic file to LIFE:

Name of the village and the country concerned by the diagnostic: Kotabone Hamlet, Bonetasea Village


1.1. Name, first name Yuliana Hoar

1.2. Contact : phone number and email address 0821 4511 9835

1.3. Function Hamlet Chief

1.4. Name of the local association Perkumpulan Masyarakat Penanganan Bencana Nusa Tenggara Timur (PMPB – NTT)

1.5. Name of the agent association of the Kristian Nggelan

1.6. Personal opinion ☐ V Favorable opinion, urgent need identified
☐ Negative opinion, why:

GPS : Longitude 124.868947 Latitude -9.669156

2.1. Number of inhabitants of the villaje 297 head of household
1.127 people, 517 woman and 610 man
2.2. Potential number of beneficiaries in 75 head of household
neighboring villages/households 300 people, 135 woman and 165 man

2.3. Number of wells with pumps operating in the 0

2.4. Number of traditional wells operating in the 4 sumur permanen yang terdiri dari 1 unit sumur permanen umum dan 3 unit sumur permanen
village pribadi

2.5. What are the main income-generating ☐ V Agriculture

activities in the village? * ☐ V Breeding
☐ Local craft
☐ Other:

3.1. Does the request come from a local authority? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
3.2. If yes, from what authority does the request ☐ V Traditional authorities
come from?* ☐ V Political authorities
☐ Other:
3.3. How are local or national authorities involved The village government will support this activity by encouraging the community to work
in the project? together and be self-supporting
3.4 Are there any similar water access projects in Not yet
place or underway in the region ? If so, which
one(s)? By whom are they carried out?
3.5. Have the authorities already been contacted ☐ V No
by other organizations regarding the construction of ☐ Yes, specify:
a well?
3.6. Are the local partners or LIFE in direct contact ☐ V Yes, and they have the support of local authorities
with the authorities? ☐ Yes, but local authorities do not wish to be actively involved in the
implementation of the project
☐ No, local authorities have not yet been contacted
3.7. What is the position and the level of ☐ V Women were consulted and were able to express their views on the
participation of women in water access decisions? management of a possible project
☐ Women were interviewed but were unable to comment on the management of
a potential project
☐ Women were not consulted, it is mainly men who are in charge of the decision

3.8. Any conflicts of interest or internal problems in ☐ V No

the village? If so, which ones? ☐ Yes, specify:


4.1. Is there a clinic in the village? ☐ V Yes
☐ No, specify where the population is being treated :
4.2. Are there recurrent diseases related to water or the presence of ☐ No
parasites in the water? (e.g., diarrhea, bilharziose, amoeba, cholera, ☐ V Yes, specify which ones: diare
4.3. Are there other recurrent diseases? (e.g., hepatitis, dengue, ☐ V No
malaria, etc.) ☐ Yes, specify which ones:
4.4. Is there stagnant waters in the village? ☐ Yes
☐ V No
4.5. Are there circulating waters (rivers, waterfalls, etc.) near the ☐ Yes
village? ☐ V No
4.6.a. Are there public latrines in the village? ☐ Yes
☐ V No
4.6.b. If yes, what is the system used? ☐ Manual drain system
☐ Flush latrine system
☐ Dry toilets
☐ Other:
4.7. Are they used by the population? ☐ Yes, daily
☐ Yes, sometimes
☐ No, explain why:

4.8. Where are they located? ☐ In the village, in a central place (school, places of worship,
☐ Outside the village
☐ Other:
4.9. Is someone maintaining them? ☐ Yes, by a local association
☐ Yes, by a trained person
☐ No
4.10. Is open-air defecation a common practice in the village? ☐ V Yes
☐ No

5.1. Is water accessible throughout the year? ☐ V Water from current wells dries up in the dry season
☐ Water is available in any season
5.2. Is access to water a source of tension in the village? ☐ Yes, there have already been village rivalries for access to
☐ V No, there is no obvious tensions around access to
5.3. What is the quality of the water currently consumed? * ☐ V Correct water quality
☐ Diseases likely due to water consumption
☐ The water consumed has a cloudy color
☐ The water consumed has a bad taste
☐ The water consumed has a bad smell
☐ Presence of parasites in water
☐ Other:
5.4. What are the average distances travelled by the population to ☐ Distance travelled is not a problem
the nearest water point? ☐ V Less than 30 minutes (berjarak sekitar 10 – 300
☐ More than 30 minutes
☐ More than one hour
5.5. How does the population get to the water point? * ☐ V By foot
☐ With a motorized transport
☐ Other:
5.6. Who is assigned to this task? ☐ Mostly women
☐ Mostly children
☐ V Everybody is affect to the task
5.7. Are the sources of access to water sufficient for all the ☐ Yes, there are enough wells for the whole village
inhabitants of the village? ☐ V No, the number of wells is insufficient for the needs
of the whole village
5.8. What are the sources of water access currently? * ☐ Wells / Boreholds
☐ V Traditional wells (without pump)
☐ Backwater
☐ River
☐ Rain water
☐ Other:
5.9. Does the population commit to provide free labour for the ☐ V Yes, some people are voluntary
project? Number: 25 people
☐ No
5.10. Does the population commit to provide free materials for the ☐ Yes, the population can provide :
realization of the work? Gravel
V Water
V Other: work equipment
☐ La population ne souhaite pas contribuer
5.11. Does the population agree to participate in the cost of water? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
5.12. Have suitable areas in terms of groundwater presence already ☐ V Yes, by a local agent (dowser)
been identified? ☐ Yes, by another organization
☐ No


6.1. Who is in charge of the existing water supplies? (name, Yuliana Hoar, Hamlet Chief, contact number 0821 4511 9835
function, contact details)
6.2. Who helped finance and build the existing water supplies? And Satu unit sumur bantuan dari PNPM Mandiri
for what amount?
6.3.What year(s) do the existing supplies date from? 2011
6.4.a. Why does the current pump/ traditional well no longer work? ☐ The inhabitants have not so far contacted a technician for
* the repairs
☐ A technician came but the repair was too expensive
☐ The well has already been repaired by a technician but the
damage has reappeared
☐ The well has already been repaired by someone from the
village but the damage has reappeared
6.4.b. Why were the necessary procedures for his maintenance not ☐ Local people has no contact
taken? * ☐ Inhabitants do not want to contribute to share the repair
☐ Inhabitants do not have the necessary funds to pay a
6.4.c. Was there an estimation cost of repairing the failed well(s)? ☐ Yes, amount of repairs:
☐ V No


LIFE attaches great importance to the co-management of the project and the assimilation of the work, for this we propose the
establishment of a management committee (WMC).
7.1 Do you agree with the creation of a Water Management ☐ V Yes
Committee (WMC)? ☐ No
7.2 Are there water supplies in the village with management ☐ V Yes
committees that raise funds? ☐ No
7.3 Are there people in the village able to maintain the pump? ☐ V Yes
☐ No
7.4 Is this person willing to move to the nearest city and/or have ☐ Yes
needed equipments brought in if needed? ☐ V No
7.5 If this is not the case, are there people interested in being ☐ V Yes
trained by the provider at the time of installation to maintain the ☐ No
pumping device?
7.6 Which means of fundraising and treasury management seem ☐ By monthly/annual dues calculated and collected in advance
best suited locally? by the WMC
☐ By payment directly after that the person has extracted the
water (well managed by one or more fountains(s) appointed by
the community leader)
☐ V Other: if there is damage to the pump, then the
hamlet head collects contributions from residents for

8.1 Inhabitants comments The well is important to make, because:
- Air bersih sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat untuk konsumsi, mandi, cuci,
untuk ternak, dll, sedangkan sumur umum di dusun hanya ada 1 unit. Ini
menyebabkan masyarakat sering mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses air
bersih dan terpaksa harus mengambil air ke desa tetangga
- No wells survived the dry season

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